You Mean The World To Me

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Sorry for this, but I had just realised that when I had originally posted this chapter, almost nothing linked up to my previous chapters. I'm sorry it took me this long to notice and I'm guessing you guys were confused too so I hope this edited chapter makes things alot easier to understand. Again, I apologise and I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Cami had just woken up after an hour of sleep and she couldn't stop thinking of everything she had done. She was the reason many people had to mourn the loss of their loved ones. She didn't know how Klaus could live with the fact that he had murdered thousands of innocent people and to be honest she didn't want to think about it either so instead she thought about the promise she had made.

She got up from her bed, careful not to wake Lilly who had slept with her so that Aiden could sleep in her room.
She tiptoed out the room and closed the door. She looked in the fridge and forgot that she didn't have blood bags. She was about to head out but when she heard a knock at her door.

She expected Klaus to be at the door but she also didn't expect him to knock.
She opened the door and froze when she saw Louis. Everything that had happened on the plane flooded back to her. She remembered how he had stopped her from saving Stacey. How he had blindly obeyed everything that his 'master' said.

Her thoughts were interrupted by his deep voice.
"Camille, I have something for you."-LM
She didn't know what to say but then realised that Louis didn't know that she had turned it on and neither did Edmund who was still locked away in the Mikaelson's dungeon.
"Ugh, Louis. It's too early, just give me whatever you have."-C
Cami acted as if she still had her humanity off.

"I have a couple of blood bags for you."-LM
Cami forced a fake chuckle.
"You brought me blood bags. Why would I drink from them when I can just rip out someone's throat?"-C
"Because I need your help."-LM
Cami was slightly curious but played it off like she couldn't care less.
"I don't care about what you need especially if it's me."-C

Louis began listening to something and looked at Cami curiously.
"Who's in here?"-LM
"That girl that I used to love. You know the whiny one who used to be kept in the basement. She came out of nowhere and decided to make herself at home. I don't remember her being so annoying."-C
"Kids, they're all so whiny."-LM
"You don't have to convince me. Lilly is a nightmare. I can't believe I used to love her like a daughter."-C

Cami didn't mean a word that came out of her mouth but Lilly didn't know that and she was watching from Cami's bedroom door. Lilly slipped back into her room and woke up Aiden without telling him anything. She gestured for him to put his shoes on and then dragged him out the room. She walked up to the door and watched as Louis spotted her.

"Looks like the nightmare heard everything."-LM
Cami turned around and her jaw dropped in shock but she had to keep up with the charade.
"Like I care, she knows exactly how I feel about her useless existence."-C

Lilly stopped tears from streaming down and instead grabbed her coat. She took Aiden's hand who had been watching Cami in shock, trying to figure out if this was some plan or not. Before Lilly left the house, she pushed into Cami resulting in a smile from Louis.

"Excuse you. Where are you both going?"-C
Cami acted like she didn't care but she had to know where Lilly and Aiden were going so early in the morning.
"Away from you."-L
Her words hurt Cami but she knew that if she didn't pull off the act, Lilly would be the one getting hurt just like Stacey.
"Leave then, see if I care."-C
Lilly left the apartment and made her way to the only place she could call home now- The Mikaelson Compound.

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