I Don't Love You Anymore

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Klaus and Cami both exchanged looks, Cami's eyes were filled with hope while Klaus was sceptic. Cami spoke, her voice joyful.
"How do you know?"-C

"There's no death certificate. No trace of any death, and we know that as a vampire, Jay could have easily compelled them to forget, but there should be some missing pieces. But the fact that there are none makes everything more suspicious. There are no reasonable answers except for the fact that your daughter never even died in the first place."-RL

A smile appeared on her face, Klaus heart melted at the sight, but he couldn't help but ask for more details because he didn't want Cami to get her hopes up for nothing.
"So that's your proof? Lack of missing pieces? You're going to have to give us something better than that to make us believe you."-K

"I can help with that. Ria, I'll call you back."-C
Cami's eyes sparkled with determination, a determination Klaus recognized too well.

Klaus raised his eyebrows, a flicker of fear in his eyes as he waited for Cami to elaborate on her intentions. Their gazes locked, and Cami, despite the gravity of the situation, managed to offer him a reassuring smile.

"I talked to Will earlier. He said that if magic took my memories, magic could bring them back."-C
She revealed, the weight of her decision evident in her words.

"Are you sure that's what you want?"-K
Klaus questioned her, a mixture of concern and uncertainty in his voice.

"Yes, I'm sure. This is my daughter, Klaus. I want to know her, and I need to find her."-C
Cami's response was resolute, her maternal instincts taking precedence.

"Okay, but let's just wait. Let's deal with the Dereas witches first. Then, we can deal with getting your memories back."-K

"Are you telling me to wait? I'm not waiting."-C
Cami declared firmly, her determination unwavering.

"It's only a few days. The Dereas witches will be dead, and then everyone can help with your situation."-K
Klaus attempted to reason, trying to appeal to her sense of practicality.

"I don't think you get it, Klaus. This is my daughter, my child, my blood. I'm not going to wait just because you don't want to put your little death plan on pause."-C
Cami's frustration began to surface.

"My little death plan? They killed you and your cousin. They stabbed Lilly in the stomach. They came after my daughter, and I will kill them if it's the last thing I do."-K
Klaus defended his perspective, the pain of their shared past evident in his words.

"Klaus, I just found out that my daughter might be alive, and I'm going to search for her, so revenge isn't really on my calendar right now."-C
Cami's emotions were raw, a mix of hope and desperation.

"I'll help you search for her, but it'd be much easier and safer if we kill the witches first. Try and see my side here, Camille."-K
Klaus urged, his concern for her safety at the forefront.

"It's Cami, not Camille, and you need to try and see my side. This is my daughter! What don't you get?"-C Cami's frustration escalated, the distance between their perspectives widening.

"What I don't get is why you can't wait!"-K
Klaus's voice held a hint of frustration, his inability to make her see his viewpoint becoming apparent.

"Why can't you? Hm? Your plan could easily be put on hold. You have them both being tortured in your basement. They can't do anything!"-C
Cami's voice rose, the urgency in her words palpable.

"Until they can. There's only a matter of time until they think of a spell and release themselves and come after our family all over again."-K
Klaus argued, his concern for their safety underlying his stance.

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