Flipped The Switch

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"Bloody hell."-K
Klaus watched his sister and Caroline dancing with Cami. He fought away a smile as he saw Cami smiling and laughing while drinking from one of his oldest bottles of wine.
Cami got up on the table and began dancing while everyone around her cheered.
"Yes, Cami!"-CF
"Whoa, you've got moves!"-R
Cami smiled as she continued to dance and jump. She then spotted Bonnie and quickly got off the table.

"Bonnie! What a nice surprise. Looking good, surprisingly."-C
"What's that supposed to mean?"-BB
"It means what I said. Come on, Bon, I thought you were smarter then that."-C
"Is that seriously what you came here for? To insult me?"-BB
"No, I came to say hi. The insult came once I saw what you were wearing. I just feel that as a therapist, I should be honest to people."-C
"As a therapist or as a no humanity vampire?"-BB
"Both, I guess."-C
Cami winked at her before grabbing another drink.

She began looking around and spotted Klaus through the crowd and made her way over to him.
"Klaus! Good to see you! How's the neck?"-C
"Better. What have you done here?"-K
"What does it look like? It's a party!"-C
Cami took another sip of the bottle she was holding. She stroked Klaus' hair.
"Wow, you look hotter then I remember. And your hair is so soft."-C
Cami leaned in to kiss him but Klaus stopped her.

"Ugh, what's your problem?"-C
"You're drunk."-K
"What's your point? Anyway, I look amazing, don't I?"-C
Klaus smiled and admired her clothes.
"You look stunning like always."-K
"I know I do."-C
Cami smiled joyfully like a child and Klaus couldn't help but smile either as a small chuckle came out of his mouth.

Cami then spotted Enzo and made her way to him. She immediately went in for a kiss which Enzo returned.
"A bit straight forward, don't you think?"-EN
"Do you want me to stop?"-C
Cami kissed him again.
Enzo kissed her more passionately this time while moving his hand lower down her thigh.
Before they could finish, Enzo had been pulled off Cami and was now facing the angry amber eyes of Klaus.

"Why are you always ruining the fun? Thank god I broke up with you. You're all fight and no fun. Can't believe I was in love with you."-C
Klaus left Enzo and turned to Cami.
"You don't mean that. It's your humanity.. it's making you say things."-K
"Yeah the truth. Now go away, you're always ruining everything. And it was you who said "what makes you happy makes me want to keep you so." I'll be happy if you leave."-C

Cami did a bad impression of Klaus.
"I want to be the one who makes you happy."-K
"You will be the one making me happy, by leaving. There's the door."-C

"You can't tell me to leave my house."-K
"I can and I will."-C
"I'm not leaving you."-K
"Aww what a romantic. Now leave before I make this party into a blood bath."-C
"I'm not going anywhere."-K

Cami smiled and walked up to a random vampire.
"Hi, cutie."-C
She ripped the vampire's heart out and smiled as she dropped it to the ground.
Cami looked down at the heart before going up to another vampire. This time female.

"Hi there, I need some relationship advice if you don't mind."-C
"Yeah sure."
"So it's that guy over there."-C
Cami pointed to Klaus.
"Wait, that's Klaus Mika.."
Cami ripped her heart out too. She licked the blood off her fingers.
Klaus stared at her in shock, barely recognising the woman infront of him.
"What have you done?"-K
"Oh come on, if you didn't like it, you would have stopped me."-C

Rebekah spotted the two and quickly walked towards them. She quickly assumed Cami had done something.
"Cami, shut up and go get me a drink."-R
Cami went towards a vampire who was serving the wine.
"Why is she listening to you?"-K
Rebekah ignored him and looked at the hearts on the ground.
"Did she kill those baby vamps?"-R

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