Sibling Squabble

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This chapter isn't going to be as interesting or good as the others, seeing as it's more of a filler chapter.

Cami had just finished getting rid of the body with Enzo and was now throwing away some things while Enzo helped.
Cami picked up the broken wooden leg of a table and threw it outside.
"Are you sure this is what you want?"-EN
"You're going to have to specify."-C
"With Klaus."-EN
"I do want to be with Klaus."-C
"Have you thought it through? How will it be like every day?"-EN

"Of course I have Enzo, all I think about is him. I know that he's dangerous, I know he's killed people, and I know he can be ruthless. That is all I think about day and night, but what do you expect me to do? Because no matter how hard I fight it, the good overpowers the bad and I know how completely idiotic that sounds seeing as I'm talking about a thousand year old vampire/werewolf hybrid who's killed hundreds and thousands of people but I know that he's better then what people make him out to be. I see a man who shows compassion and love to his family and those whom he cares about."-C
"Okay, I take that back. You have thought about it."-EN
Cami chuckled.
"It's the therapist side of me."-C
Enzo smiled and was about to speak but was interrupted by a ding coming from Cami's phone.
"Excuse me."-C
She read the message that was from Lilly.
"Okay, I should probably get going now. See you later, Enzo."-C
"See you later, darling."-EN

Cami got her things and rushed over to the Mikaelsons. When she entered, Klaus was already waiting for her. She smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck. Klaus lightly squeezed back before Cami pulled away.
"Where's Lil?"-C
Lilly gave her a small smile and rushed towards her, leaving Aiden.
"Did you get your things?"-C
"I've got a backpack ready."-L
"Okay, we'll leave in a minute, and during the drive, do you care to explain what the hell a truth sphere is?"-C
"Of course."-L
Cami smiled.
"Hey, I'm going to go say hi to Davina. Stay here with Klaus."-C
Lilly nodded, and Cami went over to her long-time best friend, Davina.
She gave her a tight squeeze.
"Hi Cami."-DC
"Hi, how are you?"-C
"Great, Kol gets on my nerves quite a bit but still good."-DC
"Davina, I know how you feel about Kol. You suck at hiding it."-C
"I don't know what you mean."-DC
"I'm a therapist. It's my job to analyse people, and I can clearly see how you feel about Kol."-C
Rebekah walked up to them.
"Hey, who knows, maybe we'll all be sister in laws one day."-R
"I hope that doesn't happen, though."-R
"I'll be stuck with you two idiots."-R
Cami scoffed and walked away, not wanting to start an argument with Rebekah. She immediately searched for Klaus' face in the crowd, and when she found him, she quickly made her way over.

"I'm sorry Klaus, but your sister's a bit of a bitch."-C
"It's as though she invented the term."-K
They both laughed until Rebekah walked over to them, making Cami roll her eyes. Cami muttered something under her breath.
"Bonding over your mutual loathing of me? Wow, that's a new low for you, Cami, but as for my dear brother, I wouldn't expect anything less."-R
"You know me so well sister but mark my words, if anything happens to Cami or Lilly I'll have you know that I can be just as much of a bitch as you."-K
"Playing nice I see. Niklaus, Rebekah."-EM
Elijah nodded to them both. He then turned to the young blonde vampire.
"Camille, always a pleasure."-EM
"You too, Elijah."-C
Cami smiled at him and got one in return.

"Forgive me, brother, but what are you doing up here?"-K
"The eldest Salvatore wanted to have a go at torturing our family punching bag, and I let him have his way, although I'm sure he has an alternative agenda."-EM
"It's his coping mechanism."-C
The three Mikaelsons turned to her, waiting for her to explain.
"Well, he's going through some heartbreak right now. Caroline texted me earlier about how excited she was that Stefan and Elena had gotten through their differences. Torturing someone is probably his way to let out some steam."-C

"Oh come one, anyone could figure that out."-R
"But you didn't, did you?"-C
"Why must you torture me with your whiny voice that I so very luckily get to listen to for about an hour long drive?"-R
"I've seriously had enough of you."-C
Cami walked away from the sibling trio. Rebekah shrugged.
"Guess she couldn't handle the truth."-R
She was also about to walk away before Klaus called her back.

"Rebekah, if you so much as utter one more horrible word about my girlfriend, then I'll give you an early visit to the coffin downstairs with your name on."-K
Kol and Freya came over, hearing the sibling squabble that was going on.
"Oh brother, again with the dagger threats? Do you have nothing else to torture us with?"-KM
"Matter of fact I do, I could stick papa tunde's blade so far up your..."-K

"Klaus! Don't finish that sentence. Honestly, what is with you three? I can't imagine how you spent 1000 years together."-F
"See big sister, the thing is we didn't spend 1000 years together because Nik here decided to shove a dagger into us and kept it there for a couple centuries or so. But if by together you mean wheeling us around in a brown box, then you are correct."-KM
"Come on, that brown box was the most interesting thing to happen in your thousand years of existence."-K

"Niklaus, I suggest you stop speaking now."-EM
"No, no, let him speak. He's not wrong. It was my lifelong dream to be put to sleep in a small confined space for centuries without any outside communication."-KM
Everyone turned to Elijah.
"That is enough from all of you. Freya go tend to whatever spells may be needed, Rebekah you get yourself ready for the drive and if you say anything about Cami I assure you, Klaus isn't the only person you'll have to worry about."-EM
Freya and Rebekah both left the other brothers.

Elijah pointed to his younger brothers.
"And as for you two, go make yourself useful elsewhere, preferably far from each other."-EM
"I don't like getting told what to do, Elijah."-K
"Just do as I say."-EM
They both reluctantly left the eldest Mikaelson sibling.
Hayley made her way to Elijah.
"Babysitting, huh?"-HM
"You would think a thousand years would be enough to mature oneself, but that doesn't seem to be the case, does it?"-EM
Hayley chuckled.
"Not in this household."-HM
They both laughed, enjoying eachothers company.

Cami was talking to Davina about Kol, knowing damn well that Davina liked him even though she would never admit it.
"Davina, it's okay to accept the fact that you do."-C
"Do what?"-KM
Kol walked up to the two gorgeous girls.
"Kol, hey. We were just talking about you."-C
Cami smiled at him.
"All good things, I hope."-KM
"Actually, yeah, I was just about to tell Davina about that date you were planning on taking her on."-C
"You know, to that opera house?"-C
Cami knew that Davina had a thing for classical music, and she also knew about the little run-ins Davina had with "Kaleb."
"Oh, how could I forget?"-KM
"Well, I'll leave you two to it."-C
Cami walked away, smiling.

"There was no date was there?"-DC
"No, but it doesn't mean I wouldn't love to take you on one."-KM
Davina scoffed and began to walk away, but Kol lightly pulled her back.
"Come on, one chance?"-KM
Davina shook her head and smiled.
"Okay, one chance."-DC
"You won't regret it."-KM
"Hope so."-DC
Davina then walked away too leaving a happy Kol.

Cami and Lilly made their way to the car that already had Rebekah waiting in. The blonde original was sitting in the passenger seat, indicating that Cami would be the one driving. Without any complaints, Cami sat down and started the car with Lilly in the back.

Klaus was talking to his old friend Stefan while the others went over the plan once more.
"So, you and Cami seem good."-SS
"We are, I could say the same about you and the doppelganger."-K
"Well, it looks like we both got the girl."-SS
"That we did."-K
They both smiled as Klaus patted Stefan's shoulder, leading him to the others.
"You guys besties again?"-CF
"Friends, yes."-K
"Got it."-CF
The group gathered around a table in the middle of the room.

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