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"Klaus, you just said goodbye to her."-DC
"I told you I haven't talked to her."-K
"Is you're old age getting to your head?"-DC
Davina crossed her arms and stood infront of him. Klaus looked at her annoyed and turned around to leave the room.
"I'm going to find Camille."-K

Klaus vamped to Cami's house but found it empty. He then called her but it went straight to voicemail. He left a message.
"Camille, I need to know that you're okay."-K
The message ended and he went back to the Compound.

'The Mikaelson Compound'

Klaus entered the building and stood still facing a blonde vampire that he used to be so fascinated with. He was close friends with her but he no longer had feelings for her. He looked at her and sighed.
"Caroline, I'm not in the mood for company."-K
"Sorry you're having a bad day but I need to find Cami."-CF
"I've been searching for her and Lilly."-K
"What happened?"-CF
"I'm not sure."-K
Caroline was worried and saw the anger in Klaus' eyes.
"I'll call her."-CF
"I've alrea..."-K
"Let me help."-CF
Klaus sighed as she took out her phone and began dialing Cami's number.
Klaus began listening in.
"Leave a message at the beep."-C
Caroline sighed and looked back at Klaus.
"We need to find her."-K
Davina came in and rolled her eyes at both of them.

"Stop panicking!"-DC
"Davina, nice to see you again."-CF
Klaus could see that Caroline didn't mean a word she said to her. Caroline had gotten into an argument with Davina a few months ago and they still hadn't forgave eachother.
"You too."-DC
Davina smiled at her sarcastically and then turned back at Klaus.
"Klaus is having a bit of a memory issue. He was talking to her about half an hour ago."-DC
Caroline looked at her confused and then turned to Klaus.
"Seriously?! You made me panic for nothing!"-CF
"I told you that I didn't talk to her!"-K
Klaus eyes flashed but he took a deep breath as he heard Hope's voice.
Before Klaus could ask any questions, Hope hugged him. She then moved back.
"Shouldn't you be at school?"-K
"Please can I stay? Just for awhile?"-H
"If you're mother agrees."-K
Caroline smiled as she listened to Klaus being a father. Hope sighed and turned around to see her mother.
"Hope, care to explain why you're here and not in school doing your exams?"-HM
"The exams have been postponed."-CF
"Caroline, always a pleasure."-HM
Hayley had taken Davina's side in the argument but didn't hate Caroline as much as Davina.
Kol let out a small chuckle from behind.
"Hello girls, playing nice I see."-KM
"Uncle Kol?"-H
Kol's attention was immediately drawn to Hope.
"My favourite niece, you're more beautiful in person."-KM
Hope smiled and gave him a quick hug.
"Favourite? I'm your only niece."-H
"That's why you're my favourite."-KM
Kol smiled at her and then was interrupted by Caroline.
"Kol nice to see you."-CF
Kol smiled sarcastically.
"Are we all just telling lies now?"-KM
"Well they're are kids here."-CF
"Don't worry I know how much you guys hate eachother."-H
"Hate is a strong word."-CF
Caroline looked at Kol.
"Not strong enough."-KM
Caroline rolled her eyes and looked back to where Klaus was standing earlier but he had left.
"Where'd he go?"-CF
"To meet our darling sister- Freya."-KM

"Freya, find her."-K
"Have you tried calling her?"-F
"Ofcourse I have or I wouldn't be asking you!"-K
"Okay I'll find her."-F
Freya quickly started the spell but it didn't work.
"She's above water."-F
Klaus took a deep breath and called Cami again.
This time Cami answered with a rushed voice.
"Klaus, I'm really busy I need to go."-C
"Wait, thank god you're okay. I thought something bad had happened to you."-K
"What do you mean? I told you where I was going."-C
"No you didn't."-K
"Yes I did."-C
Klaus overheard some background chatter that made him curious of her whereabouts.
"Where are you headed?"-K
"I'm about to go on a plane with Lilly. To go to Florida. I told you this earlier."-C
"That wasn't me."-K
"Klaus I can't deal with this right now. I already have alot on my mind."-C
"Ofcourse love. Have a great time."-K
The phone call ended and Klaus sighed in relief. Davina walked in and looked at Klaus.
"You were just being paranoid."-DC
"I'm telling you I did not talk to her!"-K
Klaus vamped up to her and pinned her to the wall by her throat. He then turned around when he heard the sound of Hayley's voice.
"Klaus! Stop it!"-HM
He ignored her and turned his head back to Davina, tightening his grip. He was then pushed onto the floor by Freya.
"Niklaus! Please, these are our guests."-EM
Klaus stood up from the floor and looked at his brother who was standing infront of Caroline.
"Our guests should be more polite to their hosts."-K
He turned to Davina who was gasping for air. She turned to the door and left.
"Klaus, what happened?"-CF
Caroline took a step forward away from Elijah.
"Camille's alright."-K
"Then why did you.."-CF
They all turned to Hope who had just entered.
"Where's Davina going?"-H
"She has something to do."-HM
Hayley walked up to her daughter and led her out the room.
"What's the racket about?!"-R
She saw everyone surrounding Klaus and sighed.
"Nik, what did you do?"-R
"Ugh. You brought Caroline."-R
"You know I'm right here."-CF
"And I frankly don't care."-R
"You two can argue later. We have more important things to do."-K
Klaus pushed past the two and left the room. Caroline and Rebekah looked at eachother.
"Pretty hair."-R
"If you were a mop."-R
Caroline rolled her eyes as she watched Rebekah follow her brother.
"Elijah, what's going on?"-CF
"Niklaus seems to be stressed about a situation I have yet to know about."-EM
Caroline looked confused and walked in the same direction Klaus was headed in.

'The plane'
"Cami what happened?"-L
"What do you mean?"-C
"Who called you?"-L
"A friend of Aiden's."-C
Lilly grabbed the drink that was on the small table.
"Is he okay?"-L
"He's okay but Stacey... she's missing."-C
Lilly sat up straight in her chair and turned her head so she was fully facing Cami.
"Did someone take her?"-L
"I'm not sure but I'm going to find out."-C
"We...we are going to find out."-L
"I'm not putting you in more danger."-C
"Then why did you bring me?"-L
"It's safer than being in New Orleans with whoever did that to you."-C
"But I want to help."-L
"You're only 15."-C
"And I live with teenagers that have basically saved the world countless times."-L
"They're adults."-C
"How about Jeremy?"-L
"He was sent away to stay safe."-C
"Didn't he also kill Kol?"-L
"Lilly, this isn't a debate. You're not going to help."-C
"I said no."-C
Lilly sighed in defeat and sat back in her seat while choosing a movie to watch.

'New Orleans'
"Klaus! Where are you going?"-HM
Hayley came down from Hope's room.
"Cami's apartment."-K
"I need to figure out who hurt Lilly."-K
"Someone hurt Lilly?"-HM
The confusion in her voice faded and was replaced with anger.
"Someone had stabbed her in the stomach and I will find out who did it."-K
"Then let us help."-R
Rebekah came from behind and looked at her brother.
"All of us."-CF
Rebekah rolled her eyes but didn't say anything.
"Fine, get Freya."-K
Freya and Elijah walked up to them.
"Davina wasn't able to do a locator spell on a dagger I handed her earlier. Perhaps, you could try."-K
"Yeah, okay, where is it?"-F
"On the table."-K
Freya nodded as she made her way back to the room.
They all waited for her to come back with results.

10 minutes had passed, and Freya had finally managed to get a location.
Klaus walked up to her and everyone followed.
"I couldn't get an exact location but I got close enough."-F
"They're on the other side of the river near where Cami used to live."-F
Klaus looked at everyone and began walking to the gate but stopped once he realised no one was following.
"What is it?"-K
"Can't you handle them on your own?"-CF
"I thought you wanted to help."-K
"Just yank their heart out of their chest."-KM
Kol walked in.
"What's so hard about that?"-KM
"Nik are you scared?"-R
Klaus stepped towards Rebekah.
"I'm Klaus Mikaelson. I don't get scared."-K
Klaus turned around and within seconds, vanished.
"Was that a good idea? Letting him go like that?"-CF
"He won't do anything irrational."-EM
"How do you know?"-CF
"He's changed."-EM
Caroline smiled as she thought back to how much he cared about his family.

Klaus banged on the door and when he got no response, he kicked it open.
Klaus was thrown to the floor. He immediately stood up and straightened his shirt.
"A rogue witch. Your death will be much more enjoyable."-K
"A rogue witch? No, I am very much in control."
A man with long wavy brown hair appeared infront of Klaus. He wore a long jacket and had pale skin that complemented his green eyes.
"Who might you be?"-K
The man ignored the question and stepped closer to Klaus.
"The Klaus Mikaelson. So this is the legend I've heard so much about."
The man inspected him.
"I'm also the last man you'll see before you meet your fate."-K
Klaus vamped towards him, aiming for his heart but the man simply took a step to the side and didn't seem afraid.
"I'm honestly a bit disappointed. I thought you'd be more... ruthless."
"You haven't seen a fraction of my power."-K
Klaus was annoyed by the man.
"I'd love to see."
Klaus chuckled as his eyes slowly turned from blue to gold and the veins under them began to show.
"It's your death."-K
Klaus vamped towards him again but he effortlessly moved away while showing not a glimpse of fear. Klaus was shocked at his reactions but didn't want to show it.
"You never answered my question."-K
"Why would you need to know?"
"I like to know the name of my victims before they meet they're death."-K
"Alexander. Alexander Dereas."-AD
(AD is for Alexander)
"Well, Alex, tell me. Why did you hurt a little girl?"-K
"My name is Alexander. Alex is a name for a young boy not a warrior like me."-AD
Klaus ignored his complaint and once again asked him.
"Why would you hurt a young girl?"-K
"Because I can. With my power, there's nothing I can't do. You of all people should understand."-AD
"Your power is nothing compared to mine."-K
Klaus stepped closer to him but he didn't flinch.
"You're right. I'm stronger."-AD

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