Chapter 31

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( mutant private is green instead of pink. This draw is not mine. )

( meanwhile with Dave )

Dr. Octavius Brine/Dave: Are you ready?!

New Yorkers: Yeah!

Dr. Octavius Brine/Dave: Yay...! [ Dave slides down the ramp and went in the crowd. ] Your new... and improved... penguins!

The doors open, releasing green steam while the crowd cheers, then suddenly stopped when they saw all penguins are mutant. They stayed silents until Dave spoke.

Dr. Octavius Brine/Dave: Oh, the people love you. Just go give them a hug.

The mutant penguins open there arms out to give the humans a hug, but the humans started to run and away from them. The humans had to climb on trees, stand on benches, chased, and climb on lamp post.

Dr. Octavius Brine/Dave: [ on the lamp post. ] Oh, no. What's happening? Nobody likes you anymore? Well, the fun and games are just beginning. Watch this, penguins. Somebody call... the exterminators!

The humans grabs there phones out and called exterminators. They quickly arrived and spray painted the logo of a bug to a penguin.

Dave: And when the exterminators take you away, you never come back.

Dave knocks on the door. The exterminators started taking the penguins or sucking them in there carts.

( meanwhile )

Hope ran to the open door, and gasp in horror, seeing the mutant penguins from her own eyes being taken by exterminators.

Hope: Oh, dear. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. What do I do? What do I do?

The door suddenly shuts.

Hope: Goodness!

Hope turns around and notice three octopuses coming towards her.

Hope: Come on, then. You wanna go? You want some argy-bargy? AAAAHHH!!!

Hope ran towards the octopuses, but decided turns right, leaving the octopuses confuse and wondered where she had gone. Suddenly, hope was driving dave's Ray. .

Hope: Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!

She smash the door open and made it outside.

Dr. Octavius Brine/Dave: Uh-oh. Missed one. What a wonderful day in the park.

After Dave went past the bin, Hope came out from her hiding place, then spotted private.

Hope: Dad!

Private slice the toy penguin from the toy stand and jumped out and spotted a cat to chase after. Hope shapeshifte into an owl to follow private that lead her to the News van.

Hope: dad!

Hope opens the door and saw private with a cat in his mouth.

Hope: [ gasp ] Don't eat that!

private ate the cat.

Hope: [ gasp ] [ walking to private. ] Dad, listen. It's me, [ shapeshifte back to herself ] Hope. I've got a plan, but I need your help. I need my Daddy.

( start playing this song. )

Private then has a vision where he's in a train cart with baby hope, making private gasp in confusion as the memories of hope comes in. The memory shows private took baby hope in. Another memory show baby hope having her bath time with private while giggling. Another memory shows 4 month hope singing. Another memory of 5 year old hope sitting on the floor alone with a sad face when private comes in and comforts her. The memories has finished and went back to his old self.

Penguin of Madagascar the movie. ocWhere stories live. Discover now