chapter 5

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At the north wind headquarters, the penguins are at the north winds office.

Classified: All right, tiny penguins, the best way for the North Wind to protect helpless animals like yourselves is to bring Dr. Brine to justice. Now, you were inside his sub, so I need to know everything you know.

But the penguins were destracted by the blue spinny chairs there were on, and they pull the chairs high up and lift there flippers up.

The 5 penguins: Hey!

Classified: Just tell me everything you know.

Skipper: All right. Numero uno:

And the penguins pulls down the chairs, to sent them down.

Skipper: Never trust a Dutchman in a tulip fight.

Classified: Tulip fight...

Classified writing the list of what skipper said in his note pad.

Skipper: Canada is secretly training an army of Sasquatch.

Classified: Sasquatch...

Skipper: Hot dogs are, in fact, only 17 percent actual dog.

And that when classified stops writing.

Classified: Not "everything" everything. Just... everything regarding your abduction by Dr. Octavius Brine.

Classified shows skipper the board of dave .a.k.a. Dr. Octavius brine.

Skipper: Oh, why didn't you say so?

Classified: What?

Skipper: My team has uncovered that Dr. Octavius Brine is actually an individual known as Derek.

Then Kowalski whispered to skipper, for the correct name.

Kowalski: Dave.

Skipper: As Dave the octopus.

Then the seal comes in, to the convention.

Short fuse: An octopus? No. Dr. Brine is not an octopus. He is...

Classified: An octopus. Precisely. That's exactly what our intel indicated.

Classified deleted the sheep photo off the board and switch on his watch and whispered.

Classified: Release the sheep.

While they were talking about something else, hope decided that she wants to look around the north winds headquarters, so she decided to ask her dad.

Hope: um dad?

Private: yeah?

Hope: well I was wondering, if I could... look around the headquarters?

Private looked at hope that he is unsure that the others will like that.

Private: I'm not sure that the others will like that, I'm mean they got cameras all around headquarters.

Hope: don't worry I got it all covered, I'm still going to look around this place while i shapeshife into someone they think they know.

Private: NO!

When private yelled, private looked at the others that they are staring at them with confused. Private gave them a nervous smile.

Private: can you excuse us for a moment please?, Thank you.

Private grabs hope and drags her off her seat and went to the other side of the wall in the office, to speak with her.

Private: hope, you can't do that.

Penguin of Madagascar the movie. ocWhere stories live. Discover now