Chapter 16

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The north wind are on the boat on the roof. The others are sitting at the back while classified and hope are sitting at the front, looking at the view.

Eva, corporal, short fuse: Pssst!

Classified turns around and looks at his team.

Short fuse: [ whisper ] make a move.

Classified: [ Whisper ] what, no.

Classified turns back round and looks at hope, enjoying the view. Classified heart races

Classified: * wow, she looks beautiful in the sunrise. *

Classified shakes it off and decided to slide closer to her.

Eva: There he goes! That's our boy!

Classified reached his arm out as he was about to wrap hope in his arm. But it wasn't long when hope looks at classified, and classified quickly pulls his arm away.

Classified: Ooh! Is it hot out here? I-I mean it is a nice weather we are having?

Hope: Oh. Yeah. It is nice.

Tod: Yeah! That's your boy, alright.

Short fuse: Okay, so he needs a little help. Well, come on. Let's give him some. Set the mood.

Bendy: Alright, look. I'm on it. I know how to set the mood. Check it out!

Bendy: Get it-get it-get it
get it-get it-get it girl!
Get-ge-get-ge-get it girl!
Take her, take her to the flow!

Show her, show her
how you roll! Drop it!
Drop it! Drop it low!
Drop it, d-drop it low!

Eva: Woah, woah, woah! What kind of mood is that?

Tod: Bendy, Bendy, a little too aggressive. Not hatin' on your creativity, but I think I got this one. Follow my lead. [ Whistling melody ]

Bendy plays the strings from the boat to make a tune.

Corporal: Now, that's more like it.

Short fuse: ah, I love the sound of love.

Nico: Wasn't really thinking
wasn't looking
wasn't searching for an answer.
In the moonlight.
When I saw your face.

Hope: Wow. What a beautiful sunrise.

Classified: Yeah.

Short fuse: Pssst! Boss, behind you. [ classified turns to short fuse. ] Just tell her, "You have beautiful eyes".

Classified: Okay? [ classified turns to hope. ] I have beautiful eyes.

Hope: Aah... yeah. Okay, Sure. Yours are beautiful- nice! [ blush ] I meant nice. They're nice.

Classified blushed and then heard a sound from his team.

Corporal: No! Her eyes! Her eyes!

Classified: Oh, right! [ turns to hope.] Your eyes. Your eyes are great. Not mine. I mean, you know, mine are okay. But yours, I-I bet you can see right through them.

Eva: [ whisper ] Sir, just tell her how you feel.

Classified: tell her how I feel?

Eva: [ whisper ] yes! Just confess to hope your feelings!

Classified: [ turns to Hope.] Hope?

Hope: Yeah?

Classified: theirs something I want to tell you. I... I... [suddenly chokes on a floating leaf. ]

Hope: Oh, how sweet. You're getting choked up. Oh! Oh! You're choking! Uh, okay! All right! [she shapeshiftes to classifieds hight and starts giving him the heimlich maneuver] Come on, Class, you got to move with me. Stay with me, Class.

While Hope is saving classified, the others sat there and watch them.

Corporal: Yep, that's our boy.

Tod: (Descending whistle) (Imitates explosion)

While hope is giving classified the Heimlich maneuver, classified is no longer choking.

Hope: oh my God! Are you okay?!?

Hope grabs classified face to check on him.

Classified: [ huffing and puffing ] i-I'm fine...

Hope sigh in Relief and let's go of Classified face and smiled. Hope then felt something on her fin. She looks down and saw classified hand is onto of hopes fin. Classified stared at hope, making his heart racing all lovey and butterflies in his stomach.

Hope: w-what, what's wrong?

Classified: oh! [ chuckle ] nothing. It's just that...have I ever told you that you look beautiful in the sunrise? * what did I just say? And why do I have this strange feeling again? *

Hope blushed by his comment.

Hope: [ blush ] well, thank you... I think your beautiful in the sunrise too.

Hope kissed classifieds cheek. They then gazed into each other's eyes and slowly leans in.

Eva: [ whisper] they're doing it! They are going to kiss!

Short fuse: [ whisper ] I need my camera!

Corporal: this is so beautiful...

As classified and Hope was about to kiss, bendy screamed.


Hope and classified stopped, and there eyes went wide.

Tod: dude!

Bendy: oh, sorry! Please, continue.

Classified and hope looked at there lips, nearly and almost kissed.

Classified: Oh, Um...I-I-I um

Hope: it's okay, class.

They both notice that classified has wrapped his arm around her waist. He let's go quickly and looks away.

Hope: um, we should-

Classified: yeah...

Hope gets up and was about to walk off.

Classified: Hope.

Hope: yeah.

Classified stood up and walks to hope, placing his hand on hopes right cheek and kissed hopes left cheek. Making Hope lovely dovey.

Classified: that's for saving my team and I back there.

Hope: n-no problem.

When they got out of the boat, classified couldn't stop thinking about him and Hope was about to kiss.

Classified: * what has gotten into me? First I was about to kiss hope, then I kissed her on her cheek. WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME!?!Am love with hope? *

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