Chapter 30

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The north wind found a small submarine and driving back to the north wind headquarters. Classified was driving while the other are sitting at the back, looking sad and guilty for leaving hope and the penguins in the submarine.

Short fuse: do you think we made a right choice by leaving hope and the penguins while getting our equipment?

Classified: if we want to stop Dave, we have to get everything together.

Eva: but sir, is it necessary to get our weapon? We can do it without them.

Classified: while there's a whole army of octopi and take us down in one second. No.

The team looks away from classified, then Eva had enough.

Eva: I think we should go back.

Classified: [ surprise ] what?!

Corporal: Hope can't do it on her own.

Short fuse: she needs our help!

Classified: but we don't have our equipment!

Eva: equipment or not, we should never leave our friend behind while the penguins our in danger. Please. If you truly love her...turn this ship around...

Classified didn't reply but stayed silent while driving, earning a disappointment from his team.

Eva: [ disappointment ] wow...For our whole lives we thought you were a fearless leader that never runs away because of the fear of failing. I guess we were wrong...

They stayed silents. Classified thought about what the team had said.

Classified: * but sir, is it necessary to get our weapon? We can do it without them.* * Hope can't do it on her own. * [ frown with guilt ] * equipment or not, we should never leave our friend behind while the penguins our in danger. * * do you think we made a right choice by leaving hope and the penguins while getting our equipment? * * wow...For our whole lives we thought you were a fearless leader that never runs away because of the fear of failing. I guess we were wrong... * * they're right...I am afraid of failing and running away. *

Classified let out a sad sigh. Then...he remembered what hope said.

Classified: * You are classified, the leader of your team and the man of... awesomeness. So your saying that you are afraid of failing? Then show that fear who's the boss. Fail or not, you and your team are the toughest animals I ever met. And no matter what... you will always have hope in you. * * hope's right. I need to show this fear who's boss. The penguins need us, Hope need my team, and me. Because I'm Agent Classified, leader of this team. *

Eva: [ sad ] we're almost to headquarters, sir. We will be getting our equipment ready.

Classified snaps out of his thought and turns around, leaving his team confuse and shock.

Eva: sir-

Classified: guys, your right! I was running away by the fear of failing. But now, not this time! We are going back, and help hope to save the penguins and stop Dave. Because we are the north wind. And Hope needs us because...

Eva: you love her?

Classified:...yes, I do.

Eva: [ smile] then we're help you on the way.

Short fuse: you can count on us, classified!

Classified: please, call me Patrick. It's my real name.

The team were shock that classified/ Patrick revealed is real name to his team.

Short fuse: your real name is Patrick?

Classified: yeah, and hope knows too.

Eva: I think I prefer classified.

Short fuse: yeah, sorry boss.

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