Chapter 18

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( meanwhile with the north wind. )

They followed the two birds, leading them to the sunrise woods. While they are walking, Eva was on corporal shoulder when she notice hope all lovey dovey. Eva smirked and jumped off corporal shoulder and walked with hope.

Eva: so, I guess classified kissed your cheek.

Hope: WHAT?!? N-No, h-h-he-

Eva gave hope a ' just admit ' look. Hope groan in defeat.

Eva: I told you, hope. You and the boss are a good match.

Hope: look, class and I are just friends, and a kiss on a cheek, is a thank you.

Eva: never been kissed.

Hope stopped walking in shock.

Eva: on the lips.

Hope: [ hope turned to around to Eva. ] okay. I never been kissed. Only on cheeks, but not on the lips. And Yes, Rico did kissed me on the lips but that's a family thing. I never have my first kiss.

Eva: well...[ Eva wrapped her wing around hope. ] it's okay. Because your first kiss will be complete with someone.

Hope: really, who?

Eva: someone you really like that wants to kiss you.

Hope started to blush and her heart starting pounding by thinking about classified. Hope gave Eva a glare.

Hope: Eva, don't tell anyone about this!

Eva: I won't.......GUYS! GUESS WHAT-

Hope: EVA!!!!

Eva starts running and laugh while Hope is chasing her. They went pass the others, looking at hope and Eva with confusion.

Hope: Eva, if you ever tell everyone that I haven't my first kiss, I will turn you into ice!

Eva gave out a smirk which made Hope confused.

Hope: what? Why are you giving me that look-

Eva: turn around.

Hope turned around and Hope gasp in horror. Noticing the others were shocked.

Hope: uuuuuuummmmmmm! Hi, guys! Me and Eva were just...joking, yeah, joking!

Tod: they know.

Hope: wait, they know!?

Short fuse: yeah, Tod told us that you never had your first kissed 4 minutes ago. Don't worry, your not the only one. I haven't, Doug hasn't, Brad hasn't. And beside, I know who wants to kiss you.

Classified: really-

Short fuse: classified.

Classified and Hope: WHAT!?!

Tod: oh come on~

Short fuse: yeah, we know you want to kiss hope for ages.

Hope: really!

Classified: [ laugh nervously and whisper to his team. ] shut up!

Bendy: hey, look! That the place We told you about, Come on.

They made it to abandoned place that is a abandoned amusement park that has been empty for years. They went in and everything was shut down. Broken rollacoster, ripped fabric tent.

Eva: this place is spooky.

Hope: what happened here?

Bendy: we're almost there you guys.

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