I'm not who you think i am!

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Type had his head leaned up, moaning, his arms were to the sides, hands gripping the bed sheet.
"Mmmm mr. Xiao.....you.....said you wouldnt....touch me....aaah."
Mr. Xiao leaned up to move his face over types to dart his eyes. Type had his eyes closed moaning.
"I think you need to look down kia."
Opening his eyes, type leaned his head down to see mr. Xiao rubbing a red rose up and down his length.
Type then looked up, there eyes darted.
Mr. Xiao smiled to then run the rose from his length to his torso, up to his lips, to move it side to side.
Type moved his head with the action, eyes glued to mr. Xiao.
"You may have told me not to touch what is mine but you never said anything about my mouth being wrapped around, type rentuno."
Types eyes widen, mr. Xiao leaned back to go down.
"Aaaah! I'm not type rentuno!"
Type then jolted awake, sitting up, to breathe heavily.
Shakily, he brought down his hands from mid air, to place them behind to dart his eyes in un familiarity territory, then his mind came back.
He brought up one hand to his forehead to take calming breathes.
"Just....a dream type.....just a dream. He does not know who you are."
Type then flopped back, to take a deep breathe, staring to his ceiling.
It had been a complete month, now it was turning to the second. Type had zeroed in on 5 employees who could have taken the money, however it still did not seem possible.
There was something he was missing but he was not putting it together yet.
Sighing, he looked to the side to see it was 6am and he couldn't go back to sleep.
Up, he went to his bathroom to relieve himself and brush his teeth.
Turning, he went to his kitchen to start in on breakfest.
Keeping his eyes down, he was making scrambled eggs, then a long lost memory came into his head.
It was 5 months into dating and at mr. Xiao's house he was behind type, hugging him tight has he made them food.
Type took in a deep breathe to turn off the burner to plate.
Sitting down, he leaned his body back into the chair, head hung, looking to the food, gritting his teeth.
Why do i have to keep thinking of him! It was a year ago and never even made it to a year. You both have done so much ugly things to one another.
Type signed, to pick up his fork to start picking at his food.
This is for the best. Find out who stole the money, then he should leave to his other business back home.
You......and him.....need to move on from one another. He doesent even know it's you. Tells you All what you need to know about him.
You were not special to him, even if you two were each others first, does not mean shit.
Type gritted his teeth.
Leaning forward he started to eat his food.
After, the day progressed to where type stayed on his computer going over the financials of the 5, by the company and out of it. No one seemed to be spending large amounts.
Eyes darted, he leaned up to look at the back of his front door, someone was knocking.
Sighing, type went quickly to the bathroom to place in his contacts and hide the case.
To the door, he opened to widen his eyes.
Mr. Xiao stood before him with a smile.
"May i come in?"
Type took a deep breathe in.
"How.....do you know where i live?"
"Your paperwork mr. Lamon. Its been a few weeks, i would like to see who you think could have taken the money."
Type signed to open the door wider.
After the incident, type stayed away from mr. Xiao.
He stepped in to look around.
Type closed the door to walk around eyeing mr. Xiao.
"Would you like. something to drink?"
Mr. Xiao rose an eye brow.
"Whiskey if you have it."
Type shook his head.
"I don't drink alcohol."
Mr. Xiaos eyes narrowed.
"Mmm, i have water or juice."
"Water then."
He nodded to part to the kitchen.
Mr. Xiao followed suite to open the Freezer, type turned to eye him.
"What are you doing?"
Mr. Xiao looked to sign.
Reaching in, he grabbed a few ice cubes to place them in.his cup.
Type nodded to hand it to him.
Mr. Xiao chugged the water down.
Type gulped.
Shaking his head, he went around to go to his desk.
Mr. Xiao, lowered his head to turn looking to types retreating back to raise an eye brow.
Shrugging, he placed the cup to the sink.
Walking to him, he grabbed a chair to pull it next to him.
Type turned his head to see mr. Xiao looking forward, he followed his gaze.
"Mmmm see you smoke."
Types eyes widen to the ashtray to shake his head.
"I.... do not. It is for my clients."
Then He turned to his laptop.
"These are the ones i believe have taken your money."
Mr. Xiao turned his head to look over the profiles, sitting a little too close for his comfort.
"Mmm mr. Xiao....um.....can you move away a bit."
Mr. Xiao turned his head to eye type.
"I don't like men this close to me after they......."
Type gave a fake shiver.
Mr. Xiao then leaned back to look at his face.
"Have....you really never been with a guy?"
Type shook his head, eyes darting to the profiles.
"No. Had a girl the other night. She moaned very loudly and sweetly."
Type gave a genuine smile, but he had to think of one time with mr. Xiao. Type gritted his teeth. He was hard.
Mr. Xiao looked him up and down.
"Mmm, mr. Lamon....you really look like my ex. His name was type.....rentuno."
Type stopped to freeze. He looked to mr. Xiao.
"Well.....I'm not. My name is kia lamon. Other then meeting you a month ago. I have no clue who you are. I am also not into guys."
Mr. Xiao leaned his head back, to look at him with narrowed eyes.
"Mmm you have very beautiful blue eyes mr. Lamon."
Types eye brows furrowed, then he rolled his eyes.
Turning he went back to work.
Mr. Xiao brought up his hand to tuck some of types hair behind his ear.
Type quivered a bit.
"Ummm, mr. Xiao......keep your hands to yourself."
Mr. Xiao brought it to the desk.
"Are you seeing anyone right now mr. Lamon?"
Type took.in a deep breathe.
"None of your business."
"Mmm rather you had a girl previously or not i can help you with your stress."
Type gritted his teeth.
"Mr. Xiao.....I'm not gay. So stop!"
He scoffed.
"I'm sure your curious. I can help you."
Type turned his head to look at him, with a serious expression.
"Why are you trying so hard for this? I'm not gay. Or......do you do this to every guy you work with?"
Type raised an eye brow.
"Just trying to help."
"Mmmm I'm good."
Mr. Xiao started to take his eyes down to.eye his crouch.
"Are you sure? Been a year since I've been with anyone. You might enjoy it."
Type narrowed his eyes.
Why are you pushing for this? Something felt off about this.
"Let me say this one last time.....i.....am....not....gay!"
Mr. Xiao peered his eyes up.
"How do you know?"
Concentrating and hard, type unbutton to unzip to grab mr. Xiaos hand to place it in his boxers for him to feel his now limp member.
Mr. Xiao widen his eyes.
Type looked to him with a serious expression.
"I know."
There eyes darted for type to take his hand out to then stand to re zip and re button. To his door he opened it wide.
"Now if you please..... get the hell out of my place!"
Mr. Xiao took in a deep breathe to leave in haste.
Type slammed the door to lock, palms face down to his door, peering his eyes down, gritting his teeth.
He was hard.
God fucking damn it! Let this be the last of it!

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