keeping up the charade

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A week passed and type concluded that mr. Xiao did not know who he was and most likely forgot all about him.
To the office, type looked over the files and other things to check off the ones he didn't believe would steal.the money to one's he thought might have.
Mr. Xiao had been very helpful on that Monday, he even came to help a bit too get type to understand who these people were to help type better understand which one could have taken it.
So far he didn't have any real leads, but he kept at it. 145,000 baht was indeed missing.
Looking over the paperwork, he peered his eyes up to see mr. Xiao come in with two cups of coffee.
Gritting his teeth, type had to use the rougher voice.
Mr. Xiao sat next to him to place right near the cup.
Type eyed it then peered his eyes down.
Mr. Xiao sipped at his coffee to then place it down, putting his elbow on the desk, he placed his head in his hand to look at type (aka kia)
Moments passed in silence, type was slightly shaking being this close to mr. Xiao, but he didn't let it show.
"Mmm You know that coffee is for you?"
Type nodded.
"Thank you, I'm fine."
His eyes narrowed.
"Are you Any closer to finding the missing money?"
"I....have a few leads, but nothing concrete."
Something seemed off. None of these people seemed to have taken the money but who did?
His eyes darted looking over 2 profiles simultaneously trying to distract himself.
Mr. Xiao eyed him up and down.
"I'm old are you?"
"What does it matter?"
Mr. Xiao shrugged.
Type signed getting distracted.
Mr. Xiao raised an eye brow.
"You....don't look 26."
Type gritted his teeth. In truth he was 23 but couldn't let mr. Xiao know, could have him connecting the dots.
Sighing, he placed his hand to his back pocket to get out his drivers license to hand it to mr. Xiao.
He grabbed it too, examine with a sign.
"Guess you are 26."
Type took it back to place it in.his wallet to put it back in his back pocket.
He then starred to the profiles.
" Xiao, there really isn't anything for you to help me with here. You should take off....its 930pm."
Mr. Xiao raised an eye brow.
"I....don't have a life beyond work. Had someone a year ago break my heart. Work is my life now. I am here to be of service to you."
Types lips parted. He played coy.
"Mmm. She sounds like a real bitch"
Mr. Xiao rolled his eyes to move his chair a bit closer to type.
"Well, mr. Lamon...."
Types eye darted, to lean his body slightly away.
"It was a man. Someone.....i fell deeply in love with and i know they loved me."
Type gritted his teeth.
"Mmm.....wouldn't know. I'm....not into guys."
Mr. Xiaos eyes narrowed to move a bit more to him.
Type flexed his jaw.
"Mr. Xiao being this close is highly inappropriate, can you back off."
Mr.xiao stopped inches from his face.
"Mmm you remind me of him. Are you really not into guys?"
Type leaned his head up, looking to the closed doors.
"No.....only been with women."
Type made a low and silent gagging sound.
"Mmm really? Then why are you hard?"
Type turned his head to eye mr. Xiao with an eye brow raised.
"I am not."
Concentrating and hard, type made it go away with the most disgusting thing he could think.of.
Mr. Xiao smirked to move his hand to his crotch, eyes widen to look down.
He was right.
Mr. Xiao moved his hand back, to look at type in dis believe.
"Mmm are not."
"I....May remind you of them but i am not. I do feel sorry for you that they.broke your heart but i am straight. If you wish for my to find your missing money, do not touch me inappropriately again mr. Xiao."
Type then stood up to grab the profiles.
Then he went around the desk, to eye the locked door.
Mr. Xiao stood.
Type gritted his teeth.
He brought up his hand to unlock to turn his head.
"I do apologize for inappropriate touching. Will not happen again."
Type nodded.
Type took a step to accidently stop.
"Mr. Rentuno?"
His eyes widen.
Gulping he thought of a convincing lie. Has to why he stopped at that name.
Turning his head he eyed mr. Xiao.who was smiling.
"Who.....did you call me by? Lamon.... who is mr. Rentuno?"
The smile dissipated to turn into a scowl.
He took in a deep breathe.
" You can....leave."
Type turned to quickly leave.
Tharn sat down to grab the un drinken cup to throw it to the wall shattering it. He didn't get any of kia's dna.
To his place, type submerged himself into his bathtub to sign.
"God fucking damn it!"
I need to hurry up and find however took that money and get him to leave. that was too close. I hope what i told him made mr. Xiao not think i am type rentuno.
He took a deep breathe in, bringing up his hand he placed it on his heart.
It ached for mr. Xiao's touch and his pain.
After this, he'll go back home and we both will move on.
Closing his eyes, he couldn't help but remember what he felt when mr. Xiao was close to him, he could feel his heat emitting off, his smell.
Type then started to let a hand drift down to wrap it around his erection to stroke.
He leaned his head back to Moan.
"Mmm tharn......."
Cumming, type brought up his seed to look at it signing deeply.
"Just....a....little while longer....He..... Does not know its you...."
Standing, he washed his seed off to then let the water run out.
To his bed, he laid to his side, to look up. Mr. Xiao's Camera was on his side table.
Type signed closing his eyes to then go into the fetal position.
Get him to leave......move on......never fall in love again......
Type then fell to sleep with tears flowing down his face.

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