stay away from me

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A week passed and rae was in a tail spin. He found out why yeo really broke up with him, but it spoke volumes to what kind of man he really was. It told rae, that he could not really have ever been in real love with him because who would do that. Break up with your boyfriend just because your brothers boyfriend broke up with him.
That new little fact pissed rae off. For that week he went to clubs evey night, partied hard and drank heavily to get very handsy with people. Veri and him became inseparable by that. Veri would not allow anything happen to rae, not after all he did for him. His girlfriend was a bit peeved off by this, a drunk 24 year old coming to there house every night but she also liked rae, mostly when he was sober.
By Sunday, he cleaned up his act, feeling horriable about the way he was being. Veri made it clear to rae that it was understandable, but rae still didn't like the person he was becoming.
On Monday, he woke to his place, to take a warm shower. new....push that prick from your mind. You will never see him again.
Out, he dressed to part, today was nothing but a delivery day. All day long he went places delivery a multitude of things.
After lunch, he went to the office to pick up a large beautiful blue long stemmed roses. These were his favorites. To the counter he looked up to his boss.
"Where are these being delivered too?"
"Some financial building up town. Here is the address."
Nodding rae took the bouquet and the address to part.
He didn't really pay attention to where he was going.
To the office, he parked his bike to the side, kept head hung, carrying the large bouquet in to go to the 27th floor.
After the elevator stopped, he went out still clueless, he looked around, then to the piece of paper. Something seemed off about it and oddly familiar.
To the end of the hall, he opened the door, head hung, to go in, taking a few steps his eyes widen to stop.
This was yeo's work address.
Rae started to breathe hard. Hearing steps before him, rae slowly peered his eyes up to look at yeo.
There eyes darted.
Damn it!
Rae flexed his jaw, to be fully professional.
"Thailand's delivery service for mr. Wuix."
He held the bouque out.
He took another step forward.
Another step.
"Are for..."
Another step to stand right in front of rae looking down.
Rae breathed erratically, his heart thumped loudly against his chest, he gulped.
Yeo then brought up a hand to his cheek. There eyes kept darting.
"I.....miss you Rae. Please......come back to..."
Rae then stepped back to throw the bouquet down to make yeo take a step back.
Looking up, he looked to him in anger.
"Go to hell mr. Wuix! I don't want anything else to do with you. I can't believe you broke my heart because type broke your brothers! What kind of man are you to do something like that! No wait! You are not a man but a fucking little boy!"
Yeo's lips parted.
Rae scoffed.
"Type. Least he has the balls to tell me the truth, well semi. I do believe you never loved me mr. Wuix! You never said it nor introduced me to your parents.....i was nothing but my body to you, but you know what. I've come to know my worth."
Rae stepped back.
"I may be just a delivery boy and you are a financial giant but you know what.....i am so much better then you. Now for the last time. Leave me alone! I want nothing to do with you!"
Yeo peered his eyes too the flower to let the tears fall has rae turned to leave slamming the door.
To his bike, rae breathed heavily, his chin quivered.
Taking his phone from his back pocket he called his boss to take the rest of the day off.
To his place, rae sat to the floor, staring at the wall, with a cup of vodka to his hand, swirling it about.
He didn't take one sip, rae was dazed and in shock.
Turning his head he heard a knock on his door.
Sighing, he got up to place the cup to the table to then answer.
Peering his eyes up, they widen to furrow his eye brows in anger and distain.
"What the hell! Mr. Wuix why are you here!"
Yeo stood before rae eyes darted.
Silence stayed between them.
Rae signed.
"Go away mr. Wuix!"
Yeo then looked about to see a cup to his table seeing some kind of liquid in it.
Rae's eyes darted confused on what yeo was looking at.
"Mr. Wuix what the..."
His eyes widen.
Yeo brought up a hand to place to raes cheek.
He gulped.
"'ve been being a bad boy and drinking without me promised you wouldn't......think....that deserves a punishment...."
Rae's lips parted, a far off memory painfully resurfaced. Tears started to come down.
Yeo looked to rae who had a daze face to bring up his other hand to point his thumbs up to whip away the tears.
"Rae....please don't..."
Coming back, rae brought up his hands to yeos chest to push him away.
"Don't you fucking touch me! Go away! I want nothing to do with you!"
Rae stood there stunned.
"No! Really! Go away!"
Rae started to hit yeo, he then took control.
Grabbing rae by the wrists, he pushed him back, kicking the door shut to keep pushing.
Rae fought back.
"Damn it! Let go! Get out of my house! Fucking let go!"
To raes bedroom yeo pushed him to the bed just for him to get back up again.
"Damn it you fucking prick! Get out! Stop it!"
Yeo took of his tie quickly to wrap it around rae's wrists to then push him back to the bed to hover, rae thrashed around.
"Damn it stop it! I don't want this! Fucking stop! I don't want you to touch me!"
Yeo kept planting kisses on rae's neck, one hand held his combined wrists over his head to take his other hand to unbutton to unzip.
Raes eyes opened wide.
"No! Don't you dare! Dont you dare touch me!"
Yeo then took that hand up to wrap it around rae's neck to make him look at him. He shivered. Tears were coming down yeo's face.
He never ever cried in front of rae.
Rae stopped moving, his face fell.
"Rae.....i know you have a boyfriend, i know i broke up with you moronically, but i love you Rae! I'm so sorry! Please forgive me.....i love you.....truly i..."
Rae moved his combine hands from yeo to place them over his head to start kissing him like mad, he couldn't help it.
Rapidly, yeo took down his hands to take of raes pants and boxers to then take down his own.
Parting from there kiss for a moment, yeo spat in his hand to lather his cock to then plant his mouth back onto raes. He then connected them for rae to twist one hand up to grip his hair. It had been a year and 3 months since he had yeo inside of him. It hurt a bit.
Yeo thrusted hard.
"I love you Rae! I'm an idiot! I love you!"
He said between kisses.
Rae didn't say a word but let the tears fall.

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