broke my rule

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Groaning a bit, types eyes drifted under his lids trying to wake.
Sitting up, slowly, his eyes opened wide, then he sat too his side. When he sat on his butt there was a jolt of pain that went up his spin.
Body quivering a bit.
He closed his eyes, brought up a hand to his forehead. The room spun a bit.
Taking a deep.breathe, he was trying to remember the night before.
Seeing mr. Xiao cross his mind. He groaned.
"God.....damn it....what did you do!"
Then his eyes slightly opened, darting a bit. They narrowed. His mind started too work and in over time.
Type was very good at remembering details even if he was under the influence.
He chuckled a scoff.
Type now knew why he felt so relaxed and why he allowed this to happen.
For only a moment, when he had come back up from retrieving his phone, he saw that mr. Xiao had moved the cup accidently when he dropped something in.
Type shook his head. Can't believe someone high profile has him could do that.
Well, it's over and done with.
Getting off the bed slowly and carefully.
He headed too the shower. Standing there, when he tried to clean back there it was very sore and he felt cum had come out.
Types eyes widen. Didn't....He wear a condom?
Then he remembered a bit of conversation of mr. Xiao telling type why should he if he could take his...
Squeezing his eyes, he just wanted to wash away all of this.
Cleaned, he got out, legs wobbled a bit but he could walk.
Dressed, he went to the table to grab his wallet and keys.
Peering his eyes down, he picked up a note.
Type: this is my number. Would love to break your ass again. I'll be awaiting your call.
Tharn xiao
Types eyes narrowed.
No fucking way!
Crumbling the paper he threw it in the trash bin. This was a bit weird. Kind of reminded him of his first time. He was drunk, barely knew the other, in constant pain after and they left a number.
Type rolled his eyes. Didn't call them, won't call you.
Turning, type wobbled home.
Took him a bit, but inside, the pain was over whelming.
Locking the door, he put his things on the table and went straight to his bathroom for asprin and too draw a both too soak in.
Submerged, he placed a towel over his eyes.
Why didn't you just get up when he sat down? Why did you entertain him? Why did you allow this you fucking moron! He is tharn xiao, high profile, a day trader and a play boy. Do you not remember how many men he had! 6.....and you allowed him inside you. Type grimanced. Well, didn't really allow it. He also didn't sleep with them.What did he put in your drink? You could still mentally consent, just felt very relaxed. His eyes darted under his lids.
Mmm maybe it was a muscle relaxant?
He shook his head slightly.
Maybe now he will leave you alone. He knows your a man of your word. hoping this is the end of it.
A month later
Type stayed in his office slash apartment.
He only took clients he could use a computer for. Type was a bit unwilling to leave. He didn't know if he would meet up with mr. Xiao again. Mr. Xiao didn't know types last name or where he actually lived.
However, he knew the region, type also didn't know if mr. Daqui would tell mr. Xiao where he lived. Highly doubt it.
From research, type found out mr. Daqui had moved and kind of far. Guess whatever mr. Xiao had on him made him scared.
Completing his work, type sat in his chair looking forward.
He still could not believe a month ago He broke his rule. Do not sleep with people you follow.
Well, looking back if mr.xiao didn't drug you, it would not have occured.
Type made a face.
In truth, he couldn't really say it would or wouldn't have happened.
He shook his Head.
Your an idiot. The sex might have been incredible however, you should be happy you didn't get caught into something. Type kept a low profile because he did not want to be found out. Hopefully mr. Xiao didn't have anyone follow them. Type had deeply researched all the private investigators in his area and nothing. Had too hack a bit but still nothing.
Type took a deep breathe in.
Just stop thinking about it. It's over and done with. Probably been with other men by now.
Weirdly, that made types heart ache.
Signing heavily, he got up to retrieve the pictures. Displaying them on his desk he looked them over.
Do not feel anything for this fucking asshole! He is nothing but a play boy.
Examining the pictures, the feeling of likeness drifted away.
He stood up.
Good. Darting his eyes, he gathered them to place back in the floor.
Going to his bedroom, he changed his clothes.
No more being recluse. Go out and have a one night stand. Forget mr. Xiao, you don't even really know him.
Changing, type went too a bar he never frequent, to change things up a bit.
At the bar, he drank, with eyes darting. There was this one guy, who kept looking at him.
Am i being followed?
Before he could investigate further a man sat next too him. Type looked him over. He seemed to be younger then him and cute.
They striked up a conversation.
Finding out he was bi and over the age 18 they left to get in a taxi to go to a hotel.
On the edge, they both sat turned to one another, kissing, with there shirts open. Type had his hands to either side of the boys head,however oddly he was not getting into it. Trying harder, the boy then placed his hands too types pants too try and unbutton. There heads whip away parting, too look at the door. Someone had knocked. Looking to one another the boy gulped.
" expecting anyone? I....don't do 3 somes."
Type took his hands down and rolled his eyes.
"Neither do i....let me see who this is."
The boy breathed out a bit relieved, he then placed his hands behind to watch type get up to head to the door.
Opening his eyes wide.
"What....are you doing here?"
Mr. Xiao raised an eye brow.
Looking around, he saw a boy looking at him from the bed With widen eyes. He shook his head. Buttoning his shirt he was not going to be part of a lovers quarrel.
Sighing, he got up to stand next to type. There eyes darted.
"Your a prick! If you already have a boyfriend don't pick up others!"
Types lips parted.
The boy, then walked around mr. Xiao, type stepped too the hall.
"Wait! He's not my...."
Mr. Xiao then grabbed types wrist pulling him back into the room.

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