moving forward

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To the hotel, type went to his suitcase retrieving something. Tharn was to the door to close then turned to take off his tie, looking down to the ground.
Type straightened up, to take a deep breathe.
"Mmm tharn?"
Lifting his head he went right to type, to stand behind him.
" still love me.....want to be with me after......everything with.....her?"
Tharn playfully scoffed.
"After everything we have been would really ask that of me?"
Type smiled.
He turned, hands behind his back, looking to tharn in a serious manner.
"Truth.......this is not how i saw things going. I am happy she is at peace and pregnant. I am happy......i got to get my resolve......this could have gone a different way and i did think you would leave me because of it."
Tharn signed.
" know i wouldn't...."
Type smiled wide to bring up his hand to grab tharns to turn it palm up placing a black box in his hand.
Tharn looked to it Then to type.
Type motioned with his head for tharn to get down.
Slowly, keeping eye contact, tharn went to his knee.
"Mmm ask me again mr. Xian....."
Type raised an eye brow.
Tharn smiled wide to open the box.
"Type..... Rentuno.....will you do me the honor of becoming my husband."
Type shook his head.
"Mmm no."
Tharns face fell, eyes widen.
"Well, there are two conditions.....we move from that sickling huge house to somewhere more less extravagant also you can never cheat on me."
Tharn rolled his eyes.
"Type you know i wouldn't...."
"Mm also....can't say yes to a empty box...."
Tharn looked to him confused then got up to turn the box around to eye it.
Then he looked to type who wore a huge goofy smile. Taking his hand from his back, he moved his left finger showing off the ring.  Tharn smiled to drop the box to then wrap his arms around his body to pull him in.
Type wrapped his arms around. There eyes darted.
" that a yes?"
Type then took a hand back to sleek his long hair back.
"Mmm.....can i become a xian?"
Tharn made a playful pouty face.
"I was hoping to become a rentuno.....but I'm flexible...."
Type smiled, tharn then leaned his head down to give type a deep passionate kiss to push him with his body to the bed.
After a passionate round, tharn laid to his back with type on him, his arm wrapped around type, holding him close, one hand to his head to stroke.
Type smiled wide.
"Mmm will i ever get used to that huge cock of yours.....think you did break my hip..." He laughed.
Tharn.smiled to share in that laugh.
" still haven't given me an answer...."
Type looked up to take a deep breathe.
"You still don't know?"
"Mmm i wish to hear it."
"Yes tharn......its a yes...."
Tharn smiled wide to lean down to place his lips to types.
2 months later
Yeo sat at a coffee shop waiting for rae, his eyes widen when type came to sit. He signed.
"Damn it rae! Why are you here?"
Type looked yeo up and down.
"Well your fiance helped me to talk to you. This is enough yeo. You are too be married in 5 months.....haven't received an invite yet."
Yeo turned his head to look at the side.
"You two will not get one....."
"Are you really going to act like that? Especially to your brother in law?"
Yeo turned to look to type with narrowed eyes.
"Just because you married my brother does not mean you are my family."
Types eyes narrowed.
After tharn re proposed, the two took off a month to go to a court house and get married, neither wanted a big wedding, they just wanted to be with one another.
"Actually it does. Your brother misses you are going to invite him to your wedding."
Yeo raised an eye brow.
" threating me?"
Type signed to lean back.
"No.....I'm.not. you were there to pick up tharn when i left, well now I'm there for him has you left. When he dreams, i can hear the pain and suffering he is feeling over you yeo. Your brother is in discourt. The first time was my fault this is yours. Invite him to your wedding.....stop being childish. I know for the rest of my life i have to make it up to tharn for leaving him.....i will do it because i love my husband deeply. So please yeo.....stop this."
Type stood to then leave.
Yeo took a deep breathe in, keeping his eyes to the empty seat to then get up to go home.
Inside, he went to the kitchen, to lean in the doorway looking rae over.
He was chopping vegetables, dancing a bit.
Yeo smiled.
Stepping to him, he wrapped his arms about placing his head to his shoulder.
"Mmm yeo?"
"You were suppose to meet me at the coffee shop.....not him rae...."
He signed.
"I know but he said it was urgent. Rather you like it or not im marrying into this family and he is in it."
Quickly, yeo turned rae around making him hop up, to take him to the side of the cutting board.
Rae wrapped his arms around, his eyes widen.
There eyes darted.
"Why would i not be happy your marrying into my family? Your about to become a wuix."
Rae raised an eye brow.
"Thought we were going to have both of them? Be a taminda and a wuix?"
Yeo raised an eye brow to bring a hand up to place it under rae's chin to move it up.
"I'm thinking just a wuix.....making you fully mine."
Rae smiled.
They then leaned together to place there lips upon one another's going into a fantastic round.
To the floor, rae was to his side looking to yeo who was to his Back kissing and sucking raes fingers.
"So.....I'm going to become a wuix?"
Yeo nodded to peer his eyes to the side.
"Mmm....yes. I want to be fully mine. With my name."
Moving he hovered over rae to place his hands to either side of his head.
Yeo moved down to kiss his neck.
Rae moved to the side to moan.
"Mmm yeo....."
"Rae? Do....we have enough room for 2 more guests at our wedding?"
Rae turned his head, to have yeo lean his up.
"I.....think you know why."
Rae smiled wide, to untwist his hands to push yeo down to straddle.
"There's my big boy...."
Yeo leaned up to kiss raes chest.
Rae wrapped his arms around his neck looking down.
"I love you rae......i will never let you go again....I'm an idiot for ever letting you go."
Rae moved his hands to his neck to make yeo look up.
"Yes you this just means, never leave me again.....keep coming home every night, going to a club with me every weekend to watch me and keep saying those 3 words."
Yeo smiled wide.
"You really are something else rae......i love you my heart."
Rae smiled.
"I love you too my almost husband."
He leaned down to start to kiss.
"We....still need to move though yeo..."
Rae said between kisses.
Yeo then moved him to his back to thrust and hard into him.
Rae lifted his head back to moan, while yeo leaned his head down to kiss raes neck leaving hickeys.
"We will move....when you stop sub letting your place.....I'm never...aaah! Letting you go! You....don't need that....mmmm place!"
Rae lightly chuckled.
"Okay....aaaah okay!"
Yeo smiled to then lean his head up to give rae a deep kiss.
5 months later, yeo and rae were too the aisle getting married. Yeo looked over to see on his side tharn and type, holding hands and smiling.
Rae then hit yeo in the arm playfully.
He looked back to smile.
"You may kiss the bride my love..."
Yeo nodded to bring up his hand to pull raes face to his for a kiss.
Parting rae smiled wide.
Everyone stood, clapping.
Looking to tharn, type took out his napkin to turn tharn to wipe away he's tears.
He smiled.
"You are such a thoughtful wifey...."
Type rolled his eyes.
"Just because you are the top does not mean your the husband and I'm the wife."
Tharn chuckled.
" cook and also...."
Tharn went to types ear making him blush, to pull back.
There eyes darted.
"Mmmm i....guess i am the wife..."
Tharn nodded to grab his hand.
"I love you type xian."
Type smiled.
"I love you tharn xian.....can i cut my hair now?"
They then walked behind some people to go out.
Tharn chuckled.
"You can cut your hair when you stop checking up on me."
"Mmm no....have to make sure My man stays faithful."
They then both went hand in.hand to the reception.
The next 5 year's the couple's lived in bliss and harmony. Rae eventually left the club scene to be a stay at home parent to his and yeo's baby. Type and tharn allowed there relationship to be out in the open, business was not affected by it. Type eventually received tharns parents blessings and saw his baby sister from time to time. Type and his mother, were on good terms.
Type kept tracking devices on tharn, and tharn was able to have type keep his hair long.
They moved to a smaller house, both shared the bills.
Neither wanted kids, they just wanted each other til there last breathe.
Tharn and yeo saw each other a lot, yeo still didn't like type but made do that he wasent going to leave.
On rae's 30 birthday, they all were invited to a large park, everyone came. Type sat at a table, watching, rae and tharn playing with little mo.
Yeo looked to type, to then sit down, looking his brother and husband over.
"You.....should go and play with your nephew has well type...."
Types eyes Widen to look at yeo. He never let type anywhere near his son, til now.
Tears started to well up in his eyes, yeo kept looking forward to then sip at his drink, his eyes widen.
Tharn straightened up to look over, his eyes widen has well, rae held onto mo to then look to tharn then to yeo with type hugging onto him.
Rae brought up a hand to yell too them.
"Type! That's my husband let go or ill go to yours!"
Type chuckled to lean back. Yeo and type looked too another.
"Thank you yeo.....for finally accepting me into your family...."
Up, he went to give tharn a kiss then held out his hands for mo, explaining to rae what that was all about.
Rae handed mo to type, type him and tharn to turn taking him to the toys.
Rae walked to yeo holding out a hand.
"Come on......let's have some love."
Yeo placed his drink down to Get up, holding  raes hand. There eyes darted.
"I love you rae.....i love you and mo so much...."
Rae nodded.
He turned to pull yeo along.
They all played intermittently with mo, looking to each other with a smile. Rae and yeo were in a close embrace and tharn and type were holding hands.

The end

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