found the truth

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Has type went inside his home slash office, he placed his bag to the side, then took off his shoes, head hung.
To the bathroom, he hopped into the shower.
Letting the warmth wash through him, thoughts swirled.
He didn't know who to really believe. What mr. Xiao said seemed more plausible. The 3 weeks he had been following him, the two never met. If they were dating wouldn't they have at least met up once?
This was starting to seem has if he was hired by a jilted ex lover. Most likely, what mr. Xiao said probably really happened. Wonder why the client said they dated for 3 years and not 3 months.
Was he lying on the spot?
Type leaned his head up to let the water hit his face.
In this line of business this client has not been the only jilted lover he had come across.
Remembering that day, the client did ask what type was going to do.
Then something clicked. The client wanted the photos, maybe to dis criminate mr. Xiao or maybe try to bring him back into a relationship.
Type leaned his head to the side.
He scoffed.
Type didn't like to be used, but at Least he was going to get paid by the deciver.
After a few more days, he texted mr. Daqui to come to the office.
Has they shook hands, mr. Daqui sat looking hopful and type had his body leaned against his desk.with the folder under his arm.
Daqui eyed the folder.
"So....did you get the pictures?"
Type nodded.
Opening it he showed the pictures but kept them in his hands.
Daqui eyed them with a grimance.
"Can't believe he's cheating on me."
Type raised an eye brow.
Really, going to continue with the lie.
Daqui tried to grab the pictures but type took them away to place them back in the folder.
The clients eyes widen.
"You still owe me 500."
He nodded.
Grabbing his check book he wrote another.
Handing it too type he stood hand out for the folder.
Type put the check in his pocket and stepped back eyeing the hand.
The client eyes darted.
"Um the photos."
Type shook his head.
"No....i told you, since mr. Xiao is a high profile case i keep them."
The client gritted his teeth.
"So.....i paid you 1,000 for what? To just look at a few photos of him cheating?"
Type nodded.
"You knew that."
The client stepped forward, type stepped back.
"Before you try and do any thing stupid mr. Daqui. I Have deeply researched you and i know how too financially bitch slap you for your decit. If i were you id leave."
"You two may have dated but it was a year ago....wasent it?"
Daqui lips parted, eyes widen.
Type scoffed.
"I had a little conversation with your ex. He broke up with you and you just won't leave him alone. Using me to get photos so you can ruin him because he broke up with you is not what i do. Your nothing but a jilted lover. Now get the hell out of my office!"
Daqui made a mad face.
"He is nothing but a playboy. Tharn used me then threw me away like nothing! Wouldn't even sleep with me! I need those pictures."
Type shook his head.
He rounded his desk to open his lap top placing a index finger to a button, he eyed the client.
"If you don't leave now, has i press this button, you will be ruined. Don't test me."
Daqui scoffed.
"This is such bullshit!"
Turning he left.
Type looked to the computer.
Breathing in deep, he closed the laptop.
Stepping to the side, he crouched down to open a floor board. Then he placed the folder inside. He had to keep them if mr. Xiao decided to make an appearance.
Straightening up, he would have to keep tabs on daqui for awhile but it was all part of the job.
Yawning, type headed for his bed after he locked and triple locked his door.
In bed, he laid on his side, looking at his window, not being able too sleep.
Listening to the silence, it started to get too type. After everything, he was thinking of having a one night stand.
He wished too vent his frustrations. Type hadent for 6 months.
Taking a deep breathe, it was only 7.
Dressed, type went to a bar next to a hotel, so it would be easier to accomplish.
Taking a sip of his drink, there weren't that many people. Manily women. Type tried once but it didn't work. He shivered at the thought.
Friday should have more people here.
He shrugged and asked for another.
Has he drank, a chair pulled out right next too him.
Type smirked just too grimance when he gave a glance.
He signed heavily. Type saw very familiar veiny hands.
God damn it! Why is he here!

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