didn't come back

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Darting his eyes under his lids, type woke up to pat the bed looking for tharn. Not feeling anything he leaned his body up to look about.
Turning to his back from his stomach, type brought up his watch to see it was 630am.
Flopping his arm to the side, he looked to the ceiling shaking his head.
"Yourll come back mmm hmmm."
Taking a deep breathe in, he threw the blankets off to shuffle off the bed, feeling a bit of pain in his lower back.
Up, he went to his clothes putting them on slowly to part from His house feeling like a complete fool.
To types apartment, he went straight to his bathroom to take off his clothes, submerging himself inside a bathtub.
Leaning his head a bit up, type eyed the wall.
"Why would he leave in the middle of the night and then not come back?"
Type took a deep breathe in.
He gritted his teeth.
"Could he have left too?"
Sighing heavily, he placed his head under the water in frustration.
The next week, type got a burner cell to conduct his business and kept his actual phone off.
He was a bit mad at mr. Xiao at the moment.
Throughout the week, he was overally busy with a client.
Every now and then though he would look at his phone thinking about turning it on just to throw it to the wall.
He missed mr. Xiao but type was sick and tired of feeling this emotion jealousy and missing him like crazy.
Type didn't know why mr.xiao drove him this nuts but he did.
He also wanted to take a breather just to focus on work even though he had to drink a bit more just to go to sleep. Without mr. Xiao, type found it rather difficult to stay asleep without being close to his boyfriend.
Alcohol however, was strong enough to get him to a sleep phase, well at Least enough for him to sleep a few hours.
By Sunday, type was at a hotel, taking photos in the lobby of a high profile politician in a awkward position. He was meeting with someone he shouldn't be with, a senator who scammed a lot of people.
To the wall, type lifted his head a bit, to see mr. Xiao walk past not even giving type a sideway glance, with a few work colleges.
Narrowing his eyes, type had taken enough pictures. He was still angery at mr. Xiao and did not want to be seen by him.
Placing his camera in his bag, type turned to go to the bathroom near by. Unforententally, he had to relieve himself.
Once done, he went to the sink too wash his hands and face.
His ears then picked up when he heard behind him the door locked.
Grabbing a piece of paper he dried his face to then feel arms wrap themselves around his body.
Dried, he pulled it down to see mr. Xiao in the mirror.
Type gave a pained expression.
Mr. Xiao breathed in heavily.
"Don't look at me like that type. Why has your phone been off?"
Type scoffed to throw the paper towel. To the trash.
"You.....lied. You never came back."
Mr. Xiao lightly chuckled.
Taking a hand back, he grabbed his phone to place it in front.of types face to open his gallery.
Type looked at the time and the pictures of mr. Xiao at his office at different time points.
His eye brows furrowed.
Mr. Xiao placed the phone in his back pocket to then wrap his arm back around giving type a squeeze.
His eyes darted, peering done.
"Then.....why didn't you come back."
Mr. Xiao smiled.
"I did. At 8. You weren't there, then when i tried to call you, i.couldn't reach you."
Type signed heavily.
"I....don't have a leg to stand on do i?"
Mr. Xiao made a face.
"You do have a right to be mad. It took me longer then expected. I thought though you were tracking my car."
Type took a deep breathe in to turn in his embrace to bring up his arms to wrap them around mr. Xiaos neck. There eyes darted.
"I....took that off 2 weeks prior. I'm.... Trusting you a bit."
Mr. Xiao opened his eyes wide with surprise.
Smiling he leaned his face a bit closer.
"Can....you come to my place tonight or can i go to yours?"
Types eyes darted.
"Mmm i have work to do today. Can you come at 8 tonight?"
Mr. Xiao nodded.
"I promise."
Types eyes narrowed has mr. Xiao leaned his chin up to give type a very sensual kiss.
Parting, there heads turned to the door hearing a knock. They both looked to another and chuckled a bit.
"Ill see you tonight at 8."
Taking his arms back, mr. Xiao parted to go to the stall.
Taking a deep breathe, type left.
At his place, he got all his work done, turned his phone on, to sit at his desk, looking to the clock on it, growing in frustration.
It was now 9pm.
Shaking his head, type was getting sick and tired of mr. Xiaos promises. They never came true.
Sighing, he slammed his lap top down to get up going to the kitchen to eye the freezer.
Should.....i drink myself under the table? I don't have to meet with this client til Tuesday.
Peering his eyes to the side, type heard a knock.
Stepping a few feet from.the front of his door, he looked to it, arms folded across his chest, with narrowed eyes.
"Type.....please open the door."
Type took a deep breathe in.
Should i let him in or not?
Sighing, type stepped forward to open the door to see a apologetic mr. Xiao.
Turning type walked to his kitchen to get a glass of water.
Mr. Xiao closed and locked the door.
To the open door frame, he looked to the side of type who was downing a glass of water.
Placing it to the sink, he turned his body to eye mr. Xiao without an expression.
"I'm sorry type."
Peering his eyes down, he saw mr. Xiao was keeping an arm back.
"What are you hiding?"
Mr. Xiao smiled.
Bringing it about it was an expensive camera.
Types eyes widen.to step to mr. Xiao to keep his eyes too it.
"What....is this for?"
He peered his eyes up.
"An apology. Not just for this time but the others."
Type looked back down to retrieve the camera looking at it. This made him feel a bit emotional. No.one had given him anything since his father when he was 10.
Peering his eyes up, he placed the Camera to the kitchen table.
Mr. Xiao made a sullen face.
"You...don't like it. I'm so...."
His eyes widen has type stepped forward to wrap his arms about to give mr. Xiao a very deep tongue filled kiss.
Mr. Xiao brought up his arms to wrap them about.
They weaved and woved there heads back and forth, breathing heavily into it.
Type then Brought down a hand to untie his tie.
Parting, there eyes darted.
"I think it's time to retire to the bedroom where i can bring out not mr. Xiao but tharn."
Tharn smiled wide, raising an eye brow.
He brought up a hand to run.his thumb along types bottom lip, type followed the action looking to tharn in lust.
"I....won't be able to hold back "
Type raised an eye brow to lean his face closer, eyes darted up and down.
"Mmm not asking you too. I like when my man is deep inside of me."
Tharn lips parted.
"You are being too god damn sexy right now type."
He smiled.
Leaning his head up, they locked in a deep kiss.

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