family drama

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3 weeks have passed for type and tharn since type talked to rae. They were getting along pretty well. Type set up his agency and had a few clients. He still didn't work with cheaters.
The two though the first week didn't work and just stayed in bed. Tharn was making sure type didn't cut his hair, tharn really liked the length, also they talked a lot of things through.
Type now had no lingering doubts about them and even though he was pissed at himself for what he left behind, and how he made tharn feel, he was working at it.
Everyday he made sure to make food for tharn, pleased him every day and helped him with whatever he wanted. Type also never slept in the guest room but in tharns bed, there bed.
At his computer, that sunday was not a good day.
Tharn heard his Brother was going to there parents with his new boyfriend and he wanted to see him with type.
The night before, the two talked for hours About this, type still didn't really wish to go. He hadent made things right with tharns parents yet or his brother and yet he was just going to go over there.
Type was very nervous and anxious.
To his computer type, went into work for his client to take his mind off of things before he was forced to go to the parents.
Coming out of the shower, tharn had a towel wrapped around his mid section, towel to his hair to dry.
Seeing type at his desk, tharn dropped the towel to the bed to then walk to type to wrap his arms around.
Type smiled.
"Found anything yet?"
"Mmm yes."
"Didn't take you long."
Type chuckled.
"Who do you think your talking to here tharn?"
Tharn took his arms back to place them under types neck to tilt his head up. There eyes darted.
"You are very intelligent my love."
Type nodded.
"Of course."
Tharn then leaned down to place his lips onto types.
He then brought a hand up to wrap it around tharns neck to push him down further to his lips.
Tharn then took a hand to move it down his chest to then try to go lower.
Type then parted them to stand to turn to tharn to wrap his arms around his neck to push him to the edge of the bed, he then got on him, the two kissed passionetly.
Tharn placed his hands to his waist to fully reciprocate.
Parting, type looked down to him.
There eyes darted.
"If......i give myself to you tharn.....then could we stay home?"
Tharn signed.
" trying to use your body against me?"
"Yes. having....doubts about this tharn. Think we should go just you and me before..."
"Type......i need to see my brother. Heard he has a new boyfriend. I....need to be there for him. Now i would choose you over him but...."
Type brought up his hand to cover tharns mouth.
" you won't. I know you love me but he is your brother....and...."
Type raised his eye brow.
"Your.....trying to trick me to go.... aren't you tharn?"
Tharn brought up a hand to remove types.
"Not entirely...."
Type signed to get off.
"Get dressed."
He then departed to go to the car.
Tharn had to take a few deep breathes. He was hard.
Dressed, tharn met type to the car, to drive them off.
Type thought out loud.
"Tharn....what if they are mad at me? Pissed even? I did.....break your heart.  Also your brother......he can not be entirely over it yet. I remember what you told me, on how you were, when i....."
Type hung his head.
" all will work out. They will see how much i love you, the rest will just fall away."
Tharn took his hand to types to hold.
They both looked to another for a moment before tharn went back to looking at the road.
"Together in this?"
Type smiled to take a deep breathe.
"Mmm together in this."
To the house they parked.
Type squeezed his hand.
" Will be okay. I am here."
There eyes darted.
He leaned over to bring up his other hand to he's face to then place his lips onto his. There eyes darted.
"I love you tharn. I.....owe you..."
Tharn let go of his hand to take both of his to either side of his face to place his forehead onto his.
"You owe me nothing but you. I want nothing more then your love and true self. Also.....dont cut your hair."
Type chuckled.
"Mmm maybe."
He took a deep breathe in.
"Let's go...."
Out the two walked hand in hand to the house.
The maid opened and directed them to the living room.
To it, the two hesitated in the door way, looking to yeo and rae who sat on the couch looking to them.
The mother and father stood up to look at tharn confused.
"Tharn......why are you here with him?"
Type gritted his teeth to look down.
When he looked about, yeo then looked to him in anger and so did the father. Rae looked to them surprised. He didn't know they were together.
Tharn took a deep breathe in to pull type along. He stood mere inches in front of his mother and father.
There eyes all.darted between another, type kept his head hung.
Yeo then stood up to grab rae by the hand to have them move away.
Tharn looked to his parents then to his brother With Rae to look back to his parents to let go of types hand to pull him to his body.
Type looked up to set he's eyes to tharn.
" and rae.....Type and i are back together and we live with one another."
Types body shivered. To then look down again.
His parents eyes widen then they all looked to yeo.
"You are a god damn fool tharn to let that piece of shit back into your life! Do you not remember the pain, the hurt he caused?"
Type gritted his teeth.
Tharn raised an eye brow.
"Mmm i could say the same to boyfriend rae....didn't he break your heart?" He looked to rae.
He's eyes widen.
Yeo pulled him behind his back.
"Do not talk to my fiancee in such a manner you....."
Type then pulled tharn behind him.
He gulped.
"Yeo......any anger you it towards me. It is all my stupidity......because of me you had to break up with rae....because of me you had to see your brother suffer in pain."
Type looked to tharns parents.
"I'm so sorry......really sorry...."
He looked to yeo tears started to go down his cheeks.
"I'm so very....."
Types head went to the side.
Yeo punched type.
Before tharn could punch yeo,there mother got in between them, eyes darted back and forth.
"Now you two! What has gotten into you?"
Tharn and type were turned, he had his hands to either side of his face. There eyes darted, tharn was rubbing where yeo hit.
"Are you okay?"
Type nodded.
There mother signed.
"That's it! All of you sit on the couch!"
Tharn looked to her.
His mother turned to eye tharn.
There father moved to have them all sit on the long couch.
It sat yeo, rae, type then tharn.
They all looked up to her.
Type rubbed his face.
"Now......explian! Tharn? How are you two back together? How do you know of your brothers fiancee name? Yeo why did you punch type? Also how are you two engaged when i am now just meeting him? Yeo and tharn, you have a lot of explaining to do."
They both signed.
Type cleared his throat.
"Well.......i am the main cause to all of this......let me be the one to explain."

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