starting anew

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A year later
After, type parted, he moved far away this time, 300 miles away. With hacker friends help and other private investigators, he was able to make a whole new persona.
He was no longer type rentuno but kia lamon.
Type also, became quite slender, grew his hair out and used contacts to change his eyes color to blue. Even though he didn't like them, he wore suits.
Within the year, he locked himself away at first in his new place, making sure mr. Xiao was leaving him be. Also he was erasing everything about himself, to truly start anew.
He did not want his past to find him, also type did not want mr. Xiao to find him. Type left all that behind.
Really researching into it, he found out mr. Xiao was right.
The woman was raped, with mr. Xiao's help they filed a police report but just has he said, those pictures broke up the marriage.
The husband didn't.believe her, once he got those pictures he divorced her living his ex with nothing.
That was another reason type left. It made him remember what he did to his parents. The guilt consumed him.
Moving far away, he lived on his income for a bit, keeping himself locked up. After 4 months of this, he started a new business has a private investigator but he would not deal with cheating lovers. Instead he went after other types of people, trying to do good and to redeem himself.
By the end of the year, he kept to himself only making tight connections and not allowing his business to be found out.
It was a lot of hiding, but type made due.
Outside at an eatary, he sat with a man, enjoying there lunch.
"I have no clue why you keep only eating salads kia."
He looked up to smirk.
"Keep my figure."
Type patted his belly.
The man laughed.
"You are rather thin. I think you should eat.more."
He shrugged.
"I'm fine."
Bringing his watch up he raised his eye brows.
"Mmm you need to hurry huri. I have a new client i need to meet with today."
He nodded to scarf down his food.
Both up, type paid then they parted to his place.
They both walked and huri looked to type has he held out a hand for a taxi for him. He looked him over.
"You and i have become some what friends haven't we?"
He nodded.
"Well, you know im going into a facial recognition firm in the cia and i look to yours quite often."
The taxi then pulled up type looked to huri.
"What are you hiding?"
Type took a deep breathe in.
"Nothing of importance."
He opened the door to Give huri a smile.
In, the two looked to another.
"Tell your boyfriend i did not mean to keep you....okay."
Huri brows furrowed.
"I wish you would let me hook you up with someone kia. It'll help you relax. I can see stress all over your face."
Type chuckled.
"I'll get a massage. I dont want to be in a relationship with any one."
Huri chuckled.
"You Need to get don't need to..."
Type slammed the door to shake his head.
The taxi then pulled out.
Type walked to his place to go inside to sit down at his desk.
He peered his eyes down.
For the last year  type became celibate. He did not want to be with anyone else.
Mr. Xiao made type fall in love and he did not want to Ever feel that again for any other.
Bending, he reached down to the 3rd drawer to get a whiskey bottle and a cup.
Memories of his past started to come back, especially mr. Xiao.
Drinking 3 shots ,someone knocked to his door. Hiding the glass and his liquor.
He got up to open the door.
"Mr. Tyme?"
They nodded.
"Mr. Lamon?"
Type nodded.
Moving to the side he let the gentleman in.
They both then sat.
"Well mr tyme? First things did you come to find me?"
"By mr. Rhytine."
Type nodded.
"Okay proceed. I know that gentlemen well."
"I need to hire you for my firm. We have found out a bunch of money has been stolen and we acquire you to find out who.they are and take pictures for us to publicly discredited them."
Type nodded.
"What firm do you work for?"
"Its new. Its the locktun firm. We are day traders."
Type gritted his teeth remembering one in particular.
"Mmm how much money has been stolen?"
"145, 000 baht. We think it is someone on the inside."
Type nodded.
"I will need 500 non refundable then to be paid 1400."
The man nodded keeping his eyes to him has type got a contract out.
The man leaned forward to sign. Type kept his eyes to him has he then stood to write him a check.
"Mr. Lamon?"
Type stood to grab the check from the man too look to him.
"I have two friends who would like to meet you. I trust it is not them. Can you come by tomorrow?"
"Are you sure it is not them?"
"Positive. We have 15 to 20 other day traders, i think it to be one of them. Will you come tomorrow to meet with them?"
Type made a face, something seemed off but he nodded.
The next day, type woke early to take a shower then ate a filling breakfest. Has he sat in the Taxi his gut feeling was over whelming him. Something seemed off.
Type researched into the company, there was no pictures of the day traders on there website, or at least not yet. This company was very much new but he couldn't understand how this much money had gone missing when this said company was only 1 month old.
Out, he looked up at the sign to take a deep inhale.
Walking in, he rode the elevator to the highest floor. The secretary pointed him in the right direction.
Going inside, he saw his client and another then an.empty chair.
The client got up to walk to type.
"We are waiting for one more."
Peering his eyes from type he looked around to see them to smile.
Type slowly turned to widen his eyes.
You have got to be fucking kidding me?!

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