drunken haze

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Type didn't know who he was kissing but it felt so good. This all didn't feel real though. He kept his eyes shut since when they opened the room started to spin. Type had overly drank, has he stared at those pictures.
They fueled his drunken state.
Taking his hands down he found the top of the persons pants to try and unbutton but the person above grabbed them to pin them to the sides of his head Parting there kiss.
Type groaned.
"Mmm i....want to.....fuck!" He made a pouty face.
The person above chuckled to place there lips to the side of types cheek to kiss.
Type turned his head trying to seek.those lips onto his. The person leaned back.
"Ssstop.....teasing....i....want you....mmm"
Moving his head to the other side he was starting to fall asleep.
The person leaned there lips to the other cheek to smile.
"Sleep type..... Sleep..."
Parting his lips, type blacked out.
The next morning, type awoke on his stomach, arm laid over the edge almost touching the floor.
Slowly he drifted his eyes opened to groan. His head was killing him. Re closing his eyes, he shuffled his head about to turn it to the side to re open them to widen.
He leaned his head up, to gulp.
Mr. Xiao was there asleep, on his back, undressed.
Types eyes darted.
What the fuck did i do?
Forgetting his hang over he moved about, taking a blanket down with him to fall to the floor.
Mr. Xiao jolted awake to lean his body over to burst in laughter.
Type was on.his ass, hand to his lower back and a hand to his forehead rubbing.
My ass hurts! Then his eyes widen. He looked to mr. Xiao getting up.
There eyes darted.
"What the hell tharn! Why are we naked! Why are you here! Its not 3 months yet! What did we do!"
Tharn raised an eye brow then looked to type.
He followed his gaze to see himself in boxers. Peering his eyes up he removed the blanket from him to reveal tharn was in boxers has well. Type looked to him in confusion.
Tharn lightly chuckled to grab type to have them.be in a close embrace. He placed his arm around his torso, the other to his head rubbing. There backs were too the wall. Type brought up his hands to tharns arm.
"What the hell! Let go!"
Tharn signed.
"You need to calm down. Can not be good for your hang over."
Type groaned, his head did hurt and tharn rubbing his head did feel good.
"Uuuum....why are you here?"
Tharn smiled.
"Well, the story goes like this, has i got home i started to work on some memos then i received weird texts from you, i tried to call and got zip. Concerned for you, i came back. I knocked for awhile to no avail. I was about to leave til you opened the door to pull me in. You would not keep your hands to yourself. We went to different spots here in your apartment kissing. To the bed you were trying to have sex with me. I wouldn't allow it then you blacked out."
Types eyes darted feeling humiliated.
"Why.....didn't you leave?"
Tharn shook his head.
"I couldn't leave you like that. You drank quite a bit, i was worried for your well being type."
Type breathed in deeply.
"Mmm thank you."
"No problem."
Type gritted his teeth to bring up a hand to his forehead to rub.
Tharn moved his head about to look.at type.
"Where is your aspirin?"
"In my bathroom behind the mirror."
Tharn nodded to shuffle them about so he could retrieve them and some water for him.
Has he left to get them, type sat criss cross to hang his head, placing it into his hands.
Oh my fucking god type! What the hell is wrong with you! Why would you text him!
Coming back, tharn cleared his throat.
Type looked up feeling embarrassed to lean forward to retrieve.
Tharn smiled has he took them.
"You stay here to let those work and get dress. Ill make you something to eat."
Tharn turned to bend over to retrieve his clothes to put them on to then walk to the kitchen.
Type signed heavily.
After, 15 minutes his headache started to drift away, he got up to get dressed then the bathroom to puke and relieve himself to then brush his teeth to then wash his hands.
This has to be a lie. I never text anyone when I'm drunk.
Once done, he went.to the side table to see his phone, unlocking his eyes widen. There were 5 messages to tharn all jumbled messages, did not make any sense. He groaned.
Turning he went to the kitchen, passing his desk he saw an opened bottle and the pictures scattered all over the floor. He gritted his teeth to look forward to walk to.the kitchen. Vaguely he remembered, being.carried by tharn to the desk, kissing widly for them to move those pictures that now laid to the floor.
Mmm shit!
To the kitchen table, he sat looking up to tharn hoping he didn't see them.
Making an egg sandwich he placed it in front of type to step back leaning his back to the counter looking down.
Type kept his eyes to the sandwich then picked it up to eat slowly.
When he peered his eyes up, tharn was looking to his office, eyes to the floor to the pictures.
Type grimanced then looked to the food.
"So....are those why you drank so heavily?"
Type signed.
"Type......you know i only did that because i knew i was being followed. I don't normally do that. I was trying to make you feel uncomfortable to leave me alone. I never contacted them again, never kissed them nor had sex with them. This was before we really knew each other."
Types brows furrowed.
"I..... know mr. Xiao.....i watched from beginning to end."
Type gritted his teeth.
Mr. Xiao signed heavily.
"So.......your going to act like this. We didn't even know each other type."
Types eyes darted.
"You need to leave mr. Xiao."
Mr. Xiao's lips parted.
Moving his body away from.the counter he went to the chair before his desk to grab his coat to part slamming the door.
Type moved the food away to hang his head to place it in.his hands.

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