standing up for my mistake

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Type stood before there parents, eyes darted to take a deep breathe. Tharn and rae looked up to him, yeo turned his head to look to the side, irratated.
"Mrs. Xian, my real name is type rentuno. I am a low profile private investigator. Misunderstanding and a lack of communication, caused your son and i to part. I do not come from a great family, i wish to keep it behind me for now. It is my business, your son knows all about it. I am deeply apologetic for what i left behind for you and your other son too see. Tharn told me how he was after i have no idea how sorry i am. Because of me...."
Type looked to rae who then looked to yeo to then look back to type with a sullen expression.
He looked back between the mother and father.
"Well, yeo and rae here need to tell you more."
"You do not have the right to call me by my first name you prick!"
Rae looked to yeo to elbow him.
They looked to another, yeo signed to look to the side once more. Tharn looked between them to types back once more.
"Mmm mr. Wuix and rae will need to explain further it is not my place but...."
Type then hung his head, to slowly kneel to his knees.
They all looked to him wide eyed.
"I am so very sorry for the pain and agony i have caused your family. I am very much in love with your son and hope to stay with him."
Tharn smiled wide. Yeo's eyes narrowed. Rae smiled has well.
"You are such an manipulative sack of...."
His father walked to him to hit him over the head.
Yeo brought up his hands to rub the back of his head to look to his father. They all turned to look.
Yeo growled then got up, eyeing everyone.
"No! He broke my brothers heart. I had to see him everyday in hurt and despair! This asshole made me break up with...."
Tharn instantly got up to look to yeo.
"Don't you dare! That is not types fault! No one asked you to do that! You are the asshole, i am surprised rae is here and...."
Rae stood in front of yeo to look at tharn in anger.
"Don't tharn! Just don't! I'm sorry to say but in essance it is types fault.....mainly yeo's but he did it for you. Show him some respect! He was hurting pain too!"
Rae stepped back to intertwined there hands to look angerly between tharn and type.
They then looked to the mother who, signed heavily. Bending she picked type up to look him in the eyes.
"Listen to me.......i do not like the fact you lied to me about who you were and your name however, if your pass is troublesome i can understand, also for you to do what you are doing, speaks volumes to me. Do you really love my Son?"
Type nodded.
She looked to tharn.
"Can't live without him......can you?"
Tharn shook his head.
She took a deep breathe in.
"I.....can't Give you my blessings type......not have put trive in my family for that we will just have wait and see. Till then...."
She brought up her hand to motion for tharn. He stepped towards her for her to make them hold hands. There eyes darted.
"Then be together. Now you two need to leave...."
She looked to yeo and rae.
"You two i need to talk to."
Yeo and rae hung there heads.
Tharn stepped too her to kiss her on the cheek to then pull type along.
They stopped for a mintue for type to look to yeo and rae.
"Mr. Wuix, Rae?"
They both looked to him.
"I am truly sorry. You have no idea how happy i am to See you together again."
Rae smiled to put his head on yeos shoulder.
Yeo rolled his eyes.
Tharn then pulled type along to depart to go home.
Yeo's mom went to them to push them both to the couch, to wrap her arms around her chest eyeing them.
"Now you two.....explain...."
They looked to another with wide eyes to then look to her.
"Well, i met rae taminda here when i was 23. Dated for 3 years. I...."
He looked to rae sullenly to take a deep breathe.
"When i hurt tharn was after type broke up with him......i....broke up with rae here. On our 3rd anniversary. I was planning to introduce him to you on that day and ask for his hand then but...."
Yeo reached over to take rae's left hand to show his parents.
There eyes darted.
Raes did has well.
"I asked him now. I want no other then him. I'm deeply in love with him mom and dad."
Rae looked to yeo to smile wide.
Taking her arms down she bent to grab raes left hand to bring him up, eyes to the ring.
"Oh my god! For you to take back my son for doing such a must really love him! Oh you have to let me plan the wedding....mmm have you two set a date?"
Yeo stood to look a bit awkward to rae.
" rae hasent..."
"I haven't even told my parents And mrs. Xian and..."
Raes eyes widen.
Yeo's mom wrapped her arms around to give him a big hug. His father stepped too him.
"No last us mom and dad.....I'm so happy....."
She leaned back to eye the two.
"I was becoming worried my son wouldn't be with anyone, he has never introduced any one to us. I don't know how it happened or why you took back this idiot but I'm glad you did. Now come, let's go to the kitchen.....we have to start planning."
She grabbed raes hand to pull him to the kitchen he looked back to yeo who shrugged.
His father looked him up and down.
"You need to let up on type son. Now let's go plan this wedding."
He took his arm around yeo's shoulder to pull him along.
To tharns house, he stayed by the door to close while type went a bit into the house.
"Tharn.....I'm so sorry i...."
Walking to type, tharn grabbed his hand to turn him around to make him jump up, wrapping his legs around his waist. Type wrapped his arms around tharns neck. There eyes darted.
"What you did back they're type.....for me.....for you....for us......was such a big deal for shows hoa much you care for me. I love you type.....with every fiber of my being....i am so sorry my brother....."
Type shook his head.
"I deserve worse.....tharn......"
He brought his hands up to twist his fingers in tharns hair.
"I love you......I'm not going to run away anymore. I am here for you, with you."
Bending down they placed there lips to another to kiss deeply, senually and passionately.
"Mmm tharn....take me to our bed.....i wish for us to make love all night long."
Type said between kisses.
The lips of tharns pulled up to them take them both to the bedroom. Where indeed, they made passionate love for hours.

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