me and my big mouth

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The next morning, with his eyes closed, type gulped with a dry throat.
Groaning a bit, there was a heavy and hot mass on top of him.
Bringing up his arms that had laid to the sides, he grabbed at something squishy then it moved.
"Mmm don't...."
Types eyes opened wide, to look down to see black.
They darted.
Mr. Xiao was laying on top of him, asleep.
Type breathed heavily, Heart raced.
Darting his eyes faster, the previous night was a blur...the last thing he could remember was drinking the bottle near his bedroom door then, nothing.
Gritting his teeth, type took his hands to mr. Xiao's shoulders to start trying to push him off. He was heavy and type was thirsty and needed to relieve himself quite badly.
Mr. Xiao held on.
"Mmm stop....I'm....tired."
Type brought up his hand to look at his watch, it was 5 in the morning.
Type signed.
Mr. Xiao opened his eyes slowly to turn his head, chin onto types chest to raise an eye brow.
" you recall of last night?"
Tharn let go of type calling him mr. Xiao, for now.
Type signed.
" off!"
Type pushed him a bit with strength, to sit up, to bring a hand to his forehead.
The room spun.
He closed his eyes to take deep breathes.
Mr. Xiao gritted is teeth a bit in anger and frustration.
Sighing, he got up to retrieve his boxers to put them back on, he went to the bathroom for asprins then the kitchen for a cup of water.
Has he did that, type couldn't stop but get up stumbling, legs wobbling, to walk to the bathroom to relieve himself.
Turning he stumbled to the sink to wash his hands, head hung. He winced at the headache.
Peering his eyes to the side, mr. Xiao held out a cup of water. Type took it, with a slight nod to turn his back to the sink to consume. He was very thirsty.
Mr. Xiao cleared his throat.
Type peered his eyes too the side at his open palm that had two asprins.
Type looked to him a bit confused. He kept his eyes down.
Shrugging, type took the pills to then turn to gather more water.
He drank 5 cups of water to qunish his thirst.
Both arms to the edge, he moaned.
Mr. Xiao stood there in the doorway, unmoving, eyes to the floor. Type had no clothes on, he was trying his best not to look.
Type took a deep breathe in.
"What....other then the obvious....happened last night? Why....are you here?"
Mr. Xiao gritted his teeth.
" really not remember anything?"
"Sadly no."
Mr. Xiao let out a aggravated sign to turn, going back to the bedroom to retrieve his clothes.
Type turned his head to look where he was.
What.... happened last night?
Gulping, type wobbly went to the bedroom, to lean his body to the door frame to see mr. Xiao with his pants on, to then button up his shirt, keeping his eye down.
Type frowned to sign. He could tell mr. Xiao was pissed.
Stepping towards him, type placed his hands over mr.xiao's to stop him.
He looked up. There eyes darted.
Mr. Xiao let out a sigh.
Gritting his teeth, type didn't know why but he felt bad. He had no clue what occurred a few hours ago but oddly he had a sense it was because of him.
Bringing up his hand, he placed it to mr. Xiao's face.
He signed, his deamnor softened.
"Let's....go back to bed."
Mr. Xiao raised an eye brow.
Type looked down to move mr. Xiaos hands away to unbutton his shirt to take it off then went down to take off his pants then boxers. Grabbing his hand, he lead him into his bed.
Under the covers the two laid to there sides, intertwining there hands.
Type closed his eyes, the hang over was making his stomach hurt, didn't help that he didn't eat prior before he consumed the bottle.
" really not remember anything from last night?"
Type shook his head.
Mr.xiao darted his eyes. Should....i tell him what he had said? Should i just keep this to myself? If i do bring it up, could i lose type again?
Mr. Xiao gritted his teeth to hug him tighter, type groaned.
" don't want me to throw up....lessen your grip....mmm"
Mr. Xiao slightly smirked to comply.
"What.....did happen last night? Why....or how did you...."
Mr. Xiao gritted his teeth. He did not want to lose type.
"You....texted me. It was all jumbled, i came straight over."
"Mmm.....did i....say anything else?"
Don't tell me i told suspicion.
Mr. Xiao moved his body down, to rub his forehead on his back.
"No....just jumbled."
Type gulped.
"Mmm okay."
He let a relieved breathe out.
"You should sleep're really out of it."
Type nodded not opening his eyes.
Mr. Xiao, shuffled his head about feeling a piece of shit.
Your lying to him know this is not going to end well....he is a private investigator.
Tharm signed heavily has his forehead went up and down while type breathed
Moving his head back up he placed it on Types shoulder.
Knew i should not have slept with him, didn't...think he was this drunk....he handed himself so well.
Tharn grimanced.
Leaning his head up, he could tell type had fallen sleep. Tharn made a sullen face.
Moving them about, he placed types body onto his has he laid to his back.
Tharn looked to the ceiling, deep in thought.
This.... is not going to end well for you. He gritted his teeth to start letting his eyes drift a bit.
Closing them, he gripped types body a bit tighter, to take a deep inhale has he slowly went into un consciousness.
Tomorrow.....i need to be honest to what happened, i....just....hope....i....don't....lose you type...
Taking a deep breathe in, they both let themselves be over taken by sleep.

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