[34] The Footsteps That Were Left Behind at the Shore (2/2)

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"Can we have some time to think about moving?" Gu Xiao asked.

Their dad raised their brows, and even Luo was surprised by his words. 

Maybe a part of his father thought the two would firmly refuse on the spot, since this family never had a stable relationship. 

And if he were to just suddenly stab in the information that they were moving somewhere far away after providing them with nothing but torment, it would all seem like an absurd situation. 

So, he wouldn't blame them nor get upset if the two refused.

"Yes. Take as much time as you need, but I need to confirm my job placement within a month."

"If you agree, you all can come to visit our house in the UK Kingdom before then. I'm sure my son will be glad to meet you both," Luo gleamed.

"Then what about school?" Gu Heiyu asked.

"Ah, I will have both the uniform and enrolment sorted out!"

"She's prepared," she mumbled.

"I'm sure you must not want to part with your friends."

While Gu Xiao appeared calm on the outside, Gu Heiyu wasn't.

"I'm sorry. I can't act like this is all fine. You want us to abandon our life here just to go to the UK and pretend like nothing is wrong?"

Gu Xiao, their father, and Luo all looked at Gu Heiyu with a shock spread over their eyes. Even so, Gu Xiao didn't say anything.

"I understand that you two like each other, and we said we were fine. But it looks like you don't really care about what we feel at all."


"You said you will have everything sorted out in the UK for us with such optimism, but what made you think we would also be in an optimistic mood to hear that we will now move to a different country with a person we've only met for less than a day? I know you may see us as just children who know nothing, but... this is hard for me to accept."

Luo nodded, "I understand... I'm sorry for meeting you two so late and bombarding so much information."

"No, it's my fault. I should have told them," their father said.

While Gu Heiyu was explaining her opinions, Gu Xiao felt like he was sitting in a room with nothing and no one. It was just him and his thoughts.

Even though he said he still needed time to think about it, he had already come to an answer. There was no possibility that he would interfere with their father's happiness because of his feelings. 

Watching the two adults talk and smile, they indeed appeared happy that he couldn't help but let a solemn smile appear on his lips. 

Just watching his father look so lifted, and the woman who was the reason for his joy, he couldn't refuse anything.


After finishing eating, Gu Heiyu went to wash the dishes, and Miss Luo also followed to help. 

The two started talking, though Gu Xiao didn't know what they were talking about. Gu Heiyu had calmed down slightly, but she was still conflicted about this entire situation.

Now, only a pair of father and son sat at the table alone.

"Gu Xiao..."

Gu Xiao leaned back and gulped down the glass of water.

"I'm sorry," their father said.

"Why are you apologising?"

He didn't respond, but he had a vague idea of the purpose of his apology.

 They had only stayed in Beijing for almost only two years, while the rest was in Shanghai. 

Now, they had to move all the way to the UK. But he wasn't bothered by it. That was what he kept telling himself. He kept hammering it into his head that he wasn't bothered by it.

His school years were ending soon, with only less than two months left until the university entrance exams. Everyone would split ways after. 

He would miss seeing Zhang Yongyin every day, playing games with him, taking people's meal cards. If only he had treasured those times more, but it was too late.

He had told Lan Yuning that he would wait for his response no matter how long it took, but he was not afraid of his answer. He was afraid of how he should tell Lan Yuning to forget about it.

Letting out a deep exhale, Gu Xiao watched the wind charm jingle and sway amongst the cool breeze. On that cold and rainy afternoon, a quietness descended upon them, and the wind washed their thoughts away, leaving nothing but emptiness.

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