[4] Little Steps to You (3/3)

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Break came, and the dried leaves of the trees littered inside the gymnasium from the wind while the sunlight splashed in all directions.

The students crowded around the entrance of the gymnasium as the members of the martial arts club had their matches.

Dressed in black and white jiujutsu uniforms, Gu Xiao and Zhang Yongyin rolled and grappled each other. They would often attempt to underhook one another, trying to break each other's postures. Without letting Zhang Yongyin take control of his ankles or wrist, Gu Xiao drove his foot forwards to prevent him from getting to his underhook.

Little by little, the loudness of the chatters from the audience resonated across the school grounds that it caught the other students' ears to gather around too. While Zhang Yongyin was on top of him, Gu Xiao lifted his hips and pushed his friend's knee out.

The match went on for a while since neither of them got caught by the other. Keeping his head pinned on the mat beside Zhang Yongyin's head with the heavy pressure from his shoulder, Gu Xiao kept his friend flat on his back. When Zhang Yongyin had both arms fighting to recover his guard, he made the mistake of exposing his neck.

After extending his arm out to lock his friend's head, Zhang Yongyin tapped his friend to surrender, which concluded the casual training match. At that moment, the voices of the students on the side drowned the entire gymnasium with piercing cheers.

Sweat drenched Gu Xiao's entire body as he panted and helped Zhang Yongyin up, though he responded with a sour face.

"I hate this," Zhang Yongyin complained, wiping the sweat dripping from his forehead. "I should've just stuck to taekwondo only."

"Let's just say this is payback for the years of suffering you put me through in taekwondo."

Zhang Yongyin frowned, and they both walked to the side to let the other members use the space.

"Oh, right, I saw your father yesterday," Zhang Yongyin said. "He was with the lady again. Was it the one that you mentioned before? They were in front of an office building."

"I don't know. I just said it was a suspicion, but I'm not sure if they are really seeing each other. Well, it's my father's love life, so I'm not going to be nosy about it," Gu Xiao responded, but Zhang Yongyin noticed the dismissal tone of his voice, so the other didn't say anymore.

"Are you going to go play basketball after school?" Zhang Yongyin asked, changing the subject.

"Yeah. I need to leave earlier though since I have to buy Gu Heiyu dinner."

"Oh! She seems to be doing pretty well. I hope your sister doesn't end up burning someone's hair again. Or shoving someone's head in the toilet."

"Well, she said she's living a new life now. So, I hope not."

Gu Xiao's gaze wandered into the crowd as he looked around the gym.

The familiar short black hair, the thin figure, and the narrow back that tried to walk away from the swarm of students.

Gu Xiao's lips parted, as though a name was hanging by the tip of his tongue, but nothing left his throat.

He swallowed to ease his thirst and finally, he called, "Student President!"

Lan Yuning flinched, and he slowly turned around. When Gu Xiao saw Lan Yuning's blank face like he was caught being somewhere he shouldn't be, Gu Xiao chuckled, and a bright smile played over his lips.

Although Gu Xiao was surprised to see Lan Yuning there, he didn't think too much about it and waved at him. Yet, Lan Yuning simply darted his gaze left and right before rushing away clumsily.

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