Chapter 56

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Since Yoongi's last visit you had tried to cook for yourself and eat properly but weren't really successful. You tried to go outside to the park but your anxiety made it worse. If you wanted to, you could go around the whole city by yourself as long as you knew where you were going. But instead you kept sleeping and laying in the bed all day. You were listening to songs and crying when the doorbell rang again. It couldn't be Yoongi since he was quite busy. Since when did you have these many people coming to your apartment because the last time you checked, you had no friends? Except those 6 dorks in Yoongi's words. You wiped your tears and went to open the door. There was an extremely handsome guy standing at your doorstep.

Y/N: Oh? Seokjin hyung?

Jin: Annyeong (hello) Y/N! Can I come in?

Y/N: Oh yeah!

He sat on the couch and you did the same.

Jin: How have you been?

Y/N: I'm fine.

Jin: Yoongi told me you weren't eating properly.

Y/N: I'm trying but I'm lazy to cook, plus the snacks are way more tempting.

Jin: But you need to be healthy too Y/N-ah.

Y/N: I know...*pout*

Jin: Ayehey! Don't make that face. I brought food for you.

Y/N: Oh! You didn't have to.

Jin: Shut up, it's sushi!

Y/N: Woah, thanks hyung!

You squealed as you both started eating.

Jin: If you eat this wasabi I'll buy you an expensive meal every weekend.

Y/N: I don't want to suffer like you did. I'll pass.

Jin: Aishh where's the fun if you play safe?

Y/N: Fun for you, torture for me.

Jin: Fine, answer this.

Jin: What did the police say about the boy who was abducted while he was sleeping?

Y/N: That he was Kid-napped.

Jin: Yah! That's not fair.

Y/N: Fine, answer this one.

Y/N: Which female physicist was named after a planet?

Jin: Marie-Curie(mercury), too easy. My turn.

Jin: What did the bee say after eating tasty food?

Y/N: Lmao, it's bee-licious(delicious).

*Jin windshield wiper laugh inserted.*

Y/N: My turn, my turn. What was the name of the chef who looked like a bunny?

Jin: Yah andwae, andwae(no), You can't do this.

He was dying of laughter.

Y/N: Cmon answer me.

You both paused for a while and started laughing again after his answer.

Jin: It's Jung-cook! (because jungkook is referred to as a bunny)

Jin: My turn. What was the name of the rude BTS member?

Y/N: JI-MEAN! (jimin)

Jin slapped his thigh while laughing.

Jin: Woah! You're good.

Y/N: Okay, which place in Seoul has the most gangsters?

Jin: Oh? I don't know this one. Wait, let me think.

Jin: I don't know, just tell me.

Y/N: Gang-nam! (a place in Seoul)

You both burst into laughter again.

Jin: This is a contest now!

Y/N: Bring it on!

Jin: Why is Korea the heart of K-pop?

Y/N: Because it has Seoul(soul)!

Y/N: What did your mom tell you when you were washing clothes?

Jin: If this has something to do with my name, I'm not bringing you food again.

Y/N: Soak the Jean! Hahahahahaha!

Jin: Yah you brat! You know why did highschool didn't get your application?

Y/N: Don't-

Jin: Because you were too short to reach it.

Y/N: Yah! I have a degree-

Jin: Arrasseo arrasseo( okay okay)! Let's stop here before we get too personal.

Y/N: Yeah, but it was fun.

Jin: Yeah, finally I found my best friend with whom I can have a joke battle like this.

You froze when he called you his best friend but after a while you smiled.

Y/N: Jin hyung, thanks! Thanks for bringing me food and coming to see me. I would love to be your best friend.

He nodded his head with a smile.

Jin: Tomorrow is Jimin's birthday.

Y/N: Ahh, wish him for me. I'll get him a gift later.

Jin: Actually we are going to have drinks together. Maybe you can come-

Y/N: I don't drink so there's no point in coming.

Jin: You can come just to be with us-

Y/N: Namjoon will be there and I don't know how to act fine when I'm hurt.

Jin: Sorry, the guys and I miss you so I thought maybe you can... But you're right and I shouldn't force you.

Y/N: It's okay. You probably want me to step out of the house, don't you?

Jin: How did you know?

Y/N: Yoongi hyung told you to tell me to step out of the house, didn't he?

Jin: Hmm he did. He also told us about our anxiety disorder.

Y/N: Us?

Jin: Yeah.

You chose to ignore that and divert the topic as you didn't want to talk about it.

Y/N: Fine, last one. Where does BTS handsomeness come from?

Jin: From their Jin(gene).

You laughed together as you cleaned up.

Jin: I'll leave after you are asleep.

Y/N: Why? I mean I don't have a problem with that but can I know the reason?

Jin: Ahh! I need to take care of my best friend so I won't leave until she sleeps because she might start crying like she was before I came here.

Y/N: H-how d-did you know?

Jin: It was obvious from your face. Now let's go, it's past your bedtime.

Y/N: I'm not a kid.

Jin: Sure, anything that helps you sleep.

You laid in your bed as he sat beside you on the bed. He kept talking to you and you told him about the time you asked Yoongi to sing for you.

Jin: The next time you ask him to sing better record it. We can use it to blackmail him later.

Y/N: Oh yeah! You're right, I will.

You guys kept talking and he told you some funny incidents about Bangtan. He was talking when he didn't receive a response so he looked at you to find you sleeping. He stayed for a while making sure you didn't wake up. He caressed your head and a small smile made its way to his handsome face. He patted your head and closed the door of your room as he left.

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