Chapter 36

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Namjoon looked you up and down taking in every detail of your body.

Y/N: Happy Birthday!

You tried to sound as cheerful as you can to hide the fact that you were nervous.

Namjoon: Thanks but you didn't answer me. Why are you dressed like this?

Y/N: Dressed like what?

Namjoon: Like a red pepper/chilli?

You burst out laughing.

Y/N: Just because I'm dressed in red doesn't mean I dressed like a red pepper/chilli.

Namjoon: No, I meant hot and spicy.

You froze on your place. This was the complete opposite of what you had imagined. You thought he wouldn't like your outfit and makeup, but here he was flirting with you. Someone coughed from the back of the room gaining both of your attentions.

Jimin: She is our gift to you. Do you like the gift?

Namjoon: Why would you gift me a girl?

Hoseok: You know why. So do you like it or not?

Namjoon: *cough cough* What?!

Jungkook: Do you like the gift?

Namjoon struggled to find words due to the sudden confrontation. The members should've asked it when you would not be present, but some of them were oblivious to the fact that Namjoon might not be able to make a clear confession to you yet.

Jiho: Let's go to the dining room guys. Y/N, help Jin and Yoongi to set the dinner.

You nodded your head and followed Jin and Yoongi to the kitchen.

Jin: Y/N, watch this pot and don't let it boil too much. We will set the other things and be back.

Y/N: Okay!

You stood there silently watching the pot as Jin and Yoongi left to the dining room.

At the dining room:

Jiho: You idiots! How can you ask that in front of her?

Jungkook: Well, she was in the plan from the beginning so why would this question be weird?

Jimin: Yeah, she knows she is his birthday gift.

Jin: Yeah but you don't need to ask that question directly and embarrass both of them. Your question might make her feel that we gifted her as an object.

Yoongi: Right! While we are gifting her as a person Namjoon likes.

Jiho: So, did you like the outfit and the makeup?

Namjoon: *mumbled* I loved it.

Hoseok: We heard you. Okay let's eat dinner.

Namjoon was a blushing mess ass he kept replaying you in his mind. You arrived at the table and looked around to find an empty seat. There were three seats on the right and four seats on the left side of the table while two chairs were adjusted at the end at the center of the table. You were about to sit on one of the empty seats when Jin intervened and took that seat.

Jin: That's my seat.

Y/N: Oh okay!

Yoongi: And this is my seat!

Y/N: okay...

Y/N: Don't tell me I'm supposed to sit at the center...

Jiho: You got it right!

You groaned in annoyance and settled in the chair at the end, in the center of the table.

Y/N: Where's Namjoon?

Namjoon: Looking for me? Calm down you have all the time you want.

You blushed at his comment as he smirked at your flustered state.

Namjoon: Wait, where am I supposed to sit? All the seats are full.

They all pointed towards the chair beside you. You panicked internally. There was no way you would be able to act normal with him that close to you. But Namjoon was panicking too, because it was hard for him to stop himself from taking you in his arms and kissing you. But nonetheless he settled in the seat beside you and everyone started eating. The food was so good you forgot all the nervousness and started eating happily. Meanwhile Namjoon's gaze fell on your exposed thighs due to the not-so-really-long dress you were wearing. Your seats were too close and you were sitting on his left so it was really difficult for him to know where he should put his hand.

If he kept his hand on the table, it would touch your right hand all the time as you were eating. And if he placed his hand down on his seat it would brush your right thigh which was exposed due to the dress, which in his opinion was more dangerous and he didn't want you to feel uncomfortable. So he just decided to keep it on the table. The accidental skin contact you had from time to time was making you feel jitters in your body. Soon everyone finished eating and you all moved to the living room. They started pouring out different drinks while you watched them.

Jimin: Here, take it. You'll like this flavor.

Y/N: Thanks but I don't drink.

Taehyung: Hey, even I'm drinking today. And don't worry about being our caretaker, we were just kidding.

Jin: Yeah I won't drink too much, I'll take care of them.

Y/N: No, I'm fine. I have IBS so I can't risk getting an upset stomach.

( IBS - Irritable Bowel Syndrome. It is a chronic condition that needs to be managed for a long term. Some people can control their symptoms by managing diet, lifestyle and stress. Others will need medication and counselling.)

Hoseok: But that will only happen if you drink too much.

Y/N: I won't stop if I start drinking.

Jungkook: Oh okay I'll get you some banana milk from the fridge.

You were sipping on your banana milk while the others were slowly getting drunk but were still alert. Jimin suggested a fun activity.

Jimin: Guys, let's play truth and dare.

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