Chapter 44

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You rushed to the hospital. You reached the hospital at the exact moment the body was brought to the hospital. You heart stopped at the sight. His body was covered with blood and even his face was covered with blood. They started rushing him to the ER.

You ran to him and tried calling out to him but he didn't answer. His body lay lifeless on the stretcher. You held his hand but it was cold and your fingers slid through his as you let go of his hand because you couldn't go any further. Your hands were covered in blood as they took him into the ER. You stood outside praying. Your mind went blank and all you could think about was him.

People rushed in and out of the ER while you started hyperventilating. You tried to calm yourself down which didn't help but you ignored it. You sat there for hours. Your face had blood on it since you wiped your tears with your bloody hands. Your body was drained due to all of that crying. Finally after hours you saw the doctor coming out of the ER towards you.

Y/N: Doctor, how is he? Will he ... live?

Doctor: His condition is critical for the next 24 hours but we will keep him under surveillience. If he wakes up before 24 hours we can declare him safe. We're moving him to the ICU. You can see him there.

Y/N: Thank you so much doctor.

You rushed to the room where they shifted him. You slowly entered and the sight in front of you broke your heart. There he laid unconscious, with all types of machines attached to him.

Y/N: Hey, can you hear me? Please be okay. Please don't give up. I'll be here with you all the time. Wake up, please.

You stood there holding his hand when a nurse told you that you couldn't stay there longer. You walked outside and sat there waiting for him to wake up. You were close to dozing off but you tried to stay awake until he wakes up. Suddenly you jerked up due to the monitor in the ICU beeping. You watched terrified as the doctors rushed to the ICU where he was kept. There was a lot of commotion inside as you prayed that he would wake up. After some time the doctor came out. You ran up to him.

Y/N: Did he wake up? Doctor what happened? Is he okay? Please tell me he is okay.

You begged him joining your hands. He took a while before meeting your gaze. Your hopeful eyes made his heart ache for what he was about to tell you.

Doctor: I'm sorry, we tried our best but we couldn't....

Y/N: No....NO!

You rushed inside the ICU and started tapping his cheeks lightly.

Y/N: Wake up, please. Please wake up!

You looked at the monitor showing a flat line but you didn't want to believe it. You took his hand in yours.

Y/N: Please wake up, please don't leave me! Please stay, please! Please stay!


You broke down looking at his pale skin and holding his cold hand.

Y/N: Please wake up, don't leave me. Please don't leave me alone, please. You can't do this to me. You have to stay, you can't leave me alone. What am I supposed to do without you? Please don't leave me alone. Just wake up!


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