Chapter 42

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You slid down to the floor and all the emotions you had buried in were streaming out of your eyes now. The tears kept flowing but the ache in your heart didn't go away. When you first came to Korea you had no one. Neither did you have anything that you would care for. You didn't care if you died the next day. All you cared about was getting paid and being able to live comfortably.

But then Jiho came in your life and suddenly everything looked different. He made your boring days interesting and soon he became your only friend, brother and family. All of that in just one person. He knew about your fears and guided you through them. He always had your back. And you wanted to do the same for him. You always wanted to be there for him and you tried your best to do so. But today it felt like you failed.

You couldn't be there for him when you didn't even know what he was dealing with. He was left alone to battle whatever had come his way. He wouldn't have left you if he was confident that you would be able to support him. You wanted to scream, and cry your lungs out but he wasn't here to stop you. You wanted to punch the wall, the bed, the mirror, but he wouldn't be here to stop you. And that broke you more. He pulled you out from the darkest phase of your life when you didn't even care about living.

And right now he was out there alone, going through unknown troubles and you weren't there to support him. You weren't with him to give him comfort and a shoulder to cry on if he wanted to. That struck you like lightning and you immediately stood up and grabbed your car keys heading to Jiho's house.

You wanted to stop him. You wanted to stop him from doing this alone. You didn't know what he was going through but you wanted to let him know that you were strong enough to have his back. You wanted him to know that for once he can let others take care of him. You wanted to tell him all of this. You wanted to tell him that you were there for him no matter what and that he didn't need to push you away. You stepped on the accelerator as you felt your heart growing heavy by every second that passed.

You rushed out of the car and ran to his door, ringing the doorbell frantically but all you received was silence. You took out the spare key he had given you and barged into the house and started calling out his name.


You kept searching for him everywhere as you kept yelling his name.



Y/N: You don't have to push me away. Let's go through this together. Please. P-Please l-listen to m-me.

No reply. You opened his cupboard. It was empty.

You knew this. You had expected this. You knew he always planned ahead which meant he must've prepared everything before telling you. You looked at the sheets which were untouched as you remembered how messy his bed would be. You sat on the bed as your tears started falling again. You knew he must've left the house even before you thought of coming here. But a part of you wished that he hadn't. A part of you wanted him to be home waiting for you to stop him. But... he left. Woo Jiho left. Woo Jiho left you.

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