Chapter 51

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Namjoon: But MODS can kill a person!

Yoongi: Is that why he left?

Y/N: Yes.

Jimin: He left because he's dying?

Y/N: In Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome any organ can start to dysfunction. He didn't tell me a word but I'm quick to catch on stuff so I know he was having heart problems. He's going to get a transplant and that's why he left but he's not sure if he will survive or not. So he didn't tell me where he's going and just left hoping it would hurt me less if I didn't know about his death. He knew I would've done something reckless if he was here so he left. But he won't die.

Namjoon: Even if he survives he won't live longer than 10 years.

They looked at you as you avoided their eyes knowing very well what Namjoon said was true.

Yoongi: How do you know all of this? He didn't tell you anything before leaving.

Y/N: He left me a letter which I was supposed to read 3 years later....

Yoongi: But you couldn't stop yourself so you read it anyways.




It's me, Jiho!

If you're reading this then 3 years must've passed without me or you're reading this before 3 years because you can't contain your curiosity. How are you? I hope you're happy. We both know why you're reading this letter so here are all the answers you want and the ones I left unanswered. You know about my condition. You must've also noticed my chest pain from time to time. You knew I was having heart problems but you brushed it off because I didn't tell you about it. I had planned all of this, months ahead as you already know. My heart was failing and I needed a transplant. You would've surely done something stupid if I had stayed in Korea. Plus I found a donor outside the country. I'll get a transplant and be recovering from it for a whiIe. I won't tell you where I am because I don't want you to worry about me and rush to where I am. You have done enough for me and I'm always thankful for it. It's time for you to stop taking care of me and start living a life of your own. Rest assured because the lung you have given me makes me able to breathe. I have to say this finally. If I don't return in 3 years then it means my time has arrived and I peacefully passed away. Remember my last words. BE HAPPY and JIHO LOVES YOU!



You saw the letter was crumpled at some areas and you could spot the dried tears on it. You couldn't stop your tears which melted with the ones of Jiho already dried on the letter. You whispered a small prayer.

Y/N: Please be fine...

*flashback ends*

Jin: Do you know where he is right now?

Y/N: No.

Hoseok: Do you know if he's alive?

Y/N: He has to be.

A lone tear escaped your eye.

Namjoon: Y/N, stop lying to yourself. You love Jiho and it's completely fine.

Y/N: I just see him as my best friend and brother.

Namjoon: Y/N, I hate people who lie.

Y/N: You are lying to yourself that I love Jiho.

Namjoon: It doesn't concern me whatever you do. I just don't want to be used. It hurts when people just use you for their benefits.

Y/N: Why did you always take care of me then? Wouldn't that be called using you? Why were you always there when I needed someone if it doesn't concern you?

Namjoon: I did it because of Jiho.

Y/N: What?


Namjoon: One thing Jiho clearly didn't tell you was that the car that hit him wasdriven by my uncle. I always felt guilty for that. If he wouldn't have survived that day I would've lived in guilt all my life. I always asked him how could I earn his forgiveness even though he said it wasn't my fault. So when he told me to take care of you I immediately agreed. And when I came to know you were the one who saved him, I felt even more guilty and obligated towards you.

All of this was too much for you to process. You were left speechless. But after a lot of effort you spoke up.

Y/N: S-So y-you did a-all of that because J-Jiho asked you t-to?

Namjoon: ...Yes. I didn't know why he asked me such a favor but now I know. He wanted to make sure that you were okay before he left. So he told me to take care of you.

Y/N: When? When did he tell you about me?

Namjoon: Before we met.

Y/N: So you knew about me even before we met.

Namjoon: I did what I had to.

Y/N: I see, you did it to get rid of your guilt. But don't worry, I'm not as fragile as Jiho thinks I am. From here on I can take care of myself so you don't need to worry about me. And don't feel guilty anymore, you took great care of me so it's all okay now.

You didn't wait to hear anyone and left quickly getting into your car and driving home.

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