Chapter 1

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Here you were shuffling through the files to get your required documents which were supposed to be submitted in an hour.

Y/n: Ugh! Why am I always the one who has to handle the important papers?Ahh yes! It's because you're the most reliable and ingenious employee of the marketing department.

You said mimicking the voice of Mr. Byun, the head of the marketing department under whom you worked. Well, he wasn't wrong though. You always finished your work way before the deadlines and you were damn good at it. But maybe that wasn't the case today. You struggled to find the documents, but after a while you finally got them all and started organizing them.

Y/n: And........done!

You looked at the clock which showed you had exactly 5 minutes left until the deadline. You let out a breath of relief and started walking towards Mr. Byun's cabin to submit the papers. You knocked twice before hearing him say, "Come in".

Y/n: Sir here are the documents you requested.

You handed the papers to him as he went through them.

Mr. Byun: As expected from Ms. Min the work is done perfectly. Very good.

Y/n: Thank you sir.

Mr. Byun: And Ms. Min, can you submit these papers on the 15th floor because as you can see, my secretary is on a leave-

He was cut off by the phone ringing loudly as he picked it up. His face went from a relaxed state to a panicked one in an instant. He spoke really fast as he put the phone back.

Mr. Byun: Ms. Min, secretary Seo called me and told me Mr. Bang wants to see the business meet papers right now and is in a really bad mood. So please hurry and get to the 15th floor. He is in the Glass meeting room.

You've never seen the CEO but the thought of facing him is making you anxious. You ran out of the cabin towards the elevators and got into one pressing the number 15 frantically, since you were on the 23rd floor. The 15th floor was famous for its Glass meeting room which was completely made of mirrored glass. As soon as the doors opened, you moved your feet hurriedly to reach to the meeting room but...

You slipped and fell on your butt. And all the papers went flying in the air. Oops. Did I forget to mention you were clumsy? Yeah, you were hella clumsy. And this was a scenario you were quite familiar with except that this time all the documents were on the floor, which meant you had to organize them again and they were many.

For a while, you just sat in the position you fell in with a blank face. You looked around at the papers sprawled across the floor. And the next moment you started throwing a tantrum, flailing your legs and arms in the air. Yes people always told you how you acted like a child. You were beyond annoyed but you knew you had no other choice than redoing them. So you started picking up the papers and organizing them which turned out to be easier as you had already memorized the order but it still took a lot of time.

You finally reached the Glass meeting room and straightened your shirt before knocking and entering. As you got in you were met with 7 awfully familiar faces apart from the CEO, Mr. Bang and his secretaries.

Sitting right in front of you were the very people you had always dreamt of meeting but you expected it to be a fansign but here you were in you work clothes with the papers clutched in your hands in front of your favorite singers- BTS!

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