Soldiers and Serpents //Scorb...

By Lucifurteeth

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Scorpius Malfoy thought he'd ride out the rest of his schooling at Hogwarts easily. That was until Albus Pott... More

Author's Note
1 Missy
2 Confrontation
3 A Long Day
4 Inebriated
5 Social Food Chain
6 Corruption
7 Time Out
8 Secrets
9 Bloodletting
10 Friends
11 Illness
12 The Test
13 Surprise
14 Just Words
15 Teeth
16 Twins
17 Outcast ⚠️
18 Formal
19 Family Ties
20 Saunder
21 Resolve
22 Chaos
23 In a Day's Work
24 Settlement
25 Desperation ⚠️
26 Casual Deatheater
27 Soft Touches
28 Truth or Dare
29 Tension
30 Can You Hear Me?
31 Potions
32 Birthday
33 Faster
34 Albus
35 Inquiries
36 History
37 Sixteen
38 Terror
39 The Flood
40 Into the Fire
41 Empty
42 It's Nothing ⚠️
43 Breathe
44 Deceit
45 London
46 Hook
47 Quidditch
48 Labyrinth
49 Black
Character Log
51 Unity
52 Subservient
53 Drift
54 Confidence
55 Scorn
56 He Who Wears The Crown
57 Casualties
58 Vengeance
59 Distraction
60 Pity
61 Forgiveness ⚠️
62 Encounter
63 Obscene ⚠️
64 Hunter ⚠️
65 Stranger
66 Switch
67 Beginning
68 The Dead
69 Imperio
70 Thank You
71 Anticipation
72 Mania
73 Darkness
74 Albus
75 Raven
76 Salazar

50 Ancestry

175 5 1
By Lucifurteeth

Orion looked up from his cellphone as Scorpius approached, and turned it off. "Scorpius." He greets with a cheeky grin.

"Orion." Scorpius responds, and looks back at the map he tilted towards his body and away from the Gryffindor's prying eyes. "What are you doing here? Why aren't you at the Gryffindor party?"

"I was going to meet someone, but I think they've stood me up." Orion reveals, giving a click of his tongue. "Oh well. What are you doing here? What's that?" He gestures towards the long parchment in Scorpius's bandaged right hand.

"I was just headed back to the Slytherin dungeons." Scorpius lies smoothly. Orion arched a black eyebrow, and gestured to the wall of the hallway they stood in.

"The dungeons are that way." He points out. Scorpius nods in agreement. Orion knew he was lying but didn't say anything about it, he just continued. "Well, I'm sorry by the way. About making Albus uncomfortable at lunch."

"You should apologize to him."

"I plan to." Orion nods. "I didn't mean anything the way he took it, you know."

"It seemed pretty clear to me." Scorpius said slowly, chewing on his bottom lip. How was he supposed to ask about Orion's last name without revealing the fact he had the Marauders Map?

"Did you want it to be flirting?" Orion catches him off guard. That's not where Scorpius wanted this conversation going. He snorts, shaking his head at the audacity of this boy.

"I know you like your ego stroked, but alas, I'm not the guy to do it. No, Orion." Scorpius replies. "You mentioned you had adopted sisters." He begins, easing into it. "Are you a half-blood or..." Orion looked him up and down, and Scorpius cleared his throat under the scrutiny. The boy smiled a bit.

"My mother adopted muggles. She's a half-blood. My father was in and out of her life, so Mum married a muggle after he left for good. Why you interested in my family, suddenly?" He asks, not regarding Scorpius suspiciously or with wariness- but simple curiosity. And he almost seemed... glad?

"Consider me curious." Scorpius shrugs nonchalantly. "So your last name Davis then...?" He trails off.

"Comes from my step-father. He legally adopted me when he married Mum, and she legally adopted his daughters from another wife before. So I took his name, more to appease my Mum than anyone else." Orion explains, leaning against the wall of the hallway as they spoke. Scorpius considered this, considering that maybe his last name was Black before. So he had his birth father's name? Scorpius burned with questions, so he finally just held up the map for Orion, extending it towards him. Orion takes it, and his eyes widen at first glance. "You have the Marauder's Map? How'd you get it?"

"Nicked it of course." Scorpius steps up, and points to Orion's name in the hallway. "Care to explain why it says your name is Black here?" Orion followed where he gestured, and then looked back up at Scorpius. Realizing the close proximity, Scorpius steps back to put distance between them again.

"My mother is Nymphadora Tonk's sister. But she... wasn't always a good one. So she took the name Black, finding it more pure than her father's muggle name." He says. Scorpius began to grow a headache. Nymphadora Tonks-Lupin had died in the war, and was the daughter of Andromeda Black and Ted Tonks (muggle). Andromeda was sisters with Bellatrix and Narcissa. And their father, Cygnus, was brother to Walburga- Scorpius's biological grandmother.

So Orion was his... second cousin removed? Scorpius knew he should've paid more attention to the family tree. "Who's your mother?"

"Her name is Marius." Orion tells him. "No one talks about her. She's not exactly liked by the family, if you know what I mean."

"Because she married a muggle?" Scorpius guesses.

"No. Her mother, Andromeda, did everything to raise her daughters without prejudice. But my Mum spent a lot of time with her aunt- Bellatrix." Orion explains, folding the map back up and handing it to Scorpius. He went to grab it, and felt his hand brush against Orion's. Scorpius quickly recoiled at the contact. "But after my father- who I can't really remember- left her for a pureblood, my Mum changed. Fell in love with a muggle- my step-dad."

"Why does the map show your name as Black?"

"Because my biological father was out of the picture when I was born, Mum gave me the name Black. She hadn't ever accepted the name Tonks because of its association with her father, a muggle. Even though I was adopted and my name was changed, I still prefer Black." Orion points at the map that Scorpius had retrieved. "That's why the map shows my name as Black."

"That's why it shows my name as Scorpius Malfoy." Scorpius realizes. Because it shows the name that people prefer to be called by. "Why weren't you ever around growing up then? You're my cousin."

"Yeah I am." Orion grins. "Like I said, my Mum isn't liked by the family. The pureblood family never accepted her because her father is a muggle, and even Nymphadora- her sister- never got on well with her because of my Mum's prejudices. So I grew up in the muggle world most of my childhood."

"If you're my cousin why the hell were you flirting with me?" Scorpius snickers, narrowing his eyes and watching as Orion goofily smiles- leaning back against the wall again.

"Ah, so you did want it to be flirting."

"That's disgusting." Scorpius said, but he didn't feel disgusted at the prospect of his cousin flirting with him. Even though he knew he should feel that way. And if Michael did- he'd definitely be disgusted. When really, Michael isn't his biological cousin. Instead, Orion was. This was so confusing.

"The Black Family married cousins together to keep bloodlines pure." Orion shrugs. Scorpius sent him a look, as though wondering if this boy was serious. But Orion started laughing. "Don't give me that face. I'm only kidding. It's true, but I'm not saying I uphold that particular value."

"Why are you barely telling me this now? And hanging out with Raven and I?"

"I never planned on telling you unless we ended up friends. When Raven invited me to the table I decided I'd give it a go. But it's clear I'm not welcome  so I backed off." Orion tells him. "I'm only telling you now because you were going to figure it out anyways."

"Only because of the map." Scorpius responds, not wanting Orion to get the wrong idea. It's not like he wanted to be friends or anything with this boy. Especially considering how Albus would react. Cousins or no. Guess that would explain the good looks though- beauty really does run in the family. Scorpius shook his head, what did he just think? "If you're a Black, how'd you end up in Gryffindor?" He jokes, trying to wrap his head around this whole thing.

"You're sorted based on values. I value bravery and chivalry more than anything else, though I'd say I have more personality traits you see more often in Slytherin." He explains. "My mother says that I remind her of Sirius. I'm named after Sirius's father, Orion."

"Walburga's husband." Scorpius realizes. The Gryffindor boy nods. "Every time I turn around I have a new family member." He muses, tapping his wand against the map. "Mischief Managed." Scorpius watches as the magic ink disappears. "Well, I guess I better go." He turns to head towards the Slytherin Dungeons.

"Will you tell Raven?" Orion asks. Scorpius pauses and turns back.

"She'd be creeped out to hear that her cousin has been flirting with her."

"Are you?" Orion prods, a smirk on his face that Scorpius would like to smack off.

"Am I what?"

"Creeped out that I've been flirting with you?"

"Oh. So you admit that you did mean it the way Albus interpreted it?" Scorpius threw his words back at him, and watched as Orion gave an easy laugh. "It's your choice to tell her or not. I try not to share other's secrets." He finally answers.

"Try not are the key words, aren't they?" Orion grins. "See you later, Malfoy."

"Probably not, Davis." Scorpius turns and doesn't look back.

The Slytherin common room was full of students as Scorpius returns. He only visits with Raven for a few minutes before dispersing to the dorms. After a shower, Scorpius found himself hesitating to put the bandage back on his arm, staring at the deep purple basilisk head on the back of his right hand. Those eyes and the scales detailed so perfectly around the forearm. Even though he was pissed to have this scar permanently engraved on his skin- he could at least admire the work. Despite how morbid that sounds. Scorpius left the bandage, and pulled on his hoodie over bare skin. The feeling of the scar brushing against the fabric made a chill run across his body.

When he returned to the dorms, Albus was sitting on his bed, typing on his phone. He wanted to tell Albus about Orion, and even the call from Aries. But the boy had been distant since the Labyrinth that morning, and whatever had happened- whatever Scorpius didn't know about- had clearly bothered him. "We haven't talked all day. You weren't at dinner." He sits on the edge of his bed, facing Albus's bed a few feet away.

"I'm not really in the mood." Albus tells him softly, shifting a glance in his direction.

"Did your parents say something when you called them for me?" Scorpius asked, worried about what was going on. Albus shook his head. "Tell me."

"It's nothing bad. I just need to think. I haven't pushed you about Aries. Please don't push me about this." Albus tells him. Scorpius nodded slowly.

"I'll be here. When you're ready."
It was Monday afternoon. Scorpius spent Sunday with Raven, who was growing increasingly annoyed with his hovering, especially since she and Ashton had made plans together and Scorpius invited himself. The protective part of Scorpius urged him to constantly go with Raven to classes- but that Monday she had ordered him to go back to his own classes and Scorpius only relented because he was afraid of what she might do if he didn't.

There had been no word on Polly's recovery but rumors about Raven being the one behind her mental breakdown were surfacing. Raven hadn't disputed it or owned up to the responsibility, yet. And the Nurses hadn't yet figured out what exact spell or curse had been used on Polly- or if she was simply mentally ill without the aid of magic. Scorpius knew there was no evidence remaining that tied him or his twin to the making of that potion- so he didn't let the rumors worry him.

Plus, Raven had been brought in for that memory charm and because there wasn't any proof she had done it, she got away with it. You'd think Polly would've learned not to cross paths with the girl the first time.

Orion took it upon himself to sit with them at lunch that day, but this time Albus didn't pay much attention to him. And Orion didn't interact with Scorpius at all through lunch; probably to avoid upsetting Potter. Scorpius had told the Gryffindor to keep his apology for later this week. He didn't explain that Albus seemed off- that he was going through something. But Scorpius had a feeling Orion already suspected something was going on.

Albus had thrown himself even more into studying for exams, even obsessively. It only worried Scorpius more. He'd slept only a few hours, but he did manage to keep more food down now than last week. He was still worried about an attack from Daniel- but the nightmares had lessened a little bit. Especially sleeping beside Albus.

Despite the distance and studying, Potter still made a point to keep them physically close. During meals he'd always initiate some physical contact whether it be a simply thigh brush or holding hands, and Scorpius knew Albus was paying attention to how much he was eating. Despite whatever Albus was sorting through- he didn't seem to be physically ill over it. Scorpius was relieved that they didn't deal with things the same way in that regard.

Whenever Albus managed family drama or whatever it was- he still was able to eat and sleep normally. Sure, he'd cry and be upset and really quiet around everyone, but his health didn't decline. Scorpius's trauma always showed in his appearance, even when he didn't want it to. His eyes would look a little foggy and dark if he hadn't slept for too long, and his collar bones were the biggest indicator of losing weight.

They found themselves in the dorms after Monday's classes.

Scorpius watched Albus writing. "Hey." He softly gets his boyfriend's attention. Albus finished his sentence before looking up. "The Ravenclaws are throwing their end of the year party this Friday. Christine invited the group. Interested in going?"

"Are you?" Albus responds, but his tone was somewhat off.

"It's been a couple days. Ready to tell me what's up?" Scorpius asks him softly, worry changing his tone of voice. Albus pulls the sticky note off the pad and sticks it on the page of the book he was reading. Scorpius read the title as he closed it. "Are you annotating The Hobbit?"

"I told you after the labyrinth. It has nothing to do with you." Albus didn't respond to his last question. Scorpius leans over, reaching up to caress his cheek. Albus's eyes fluttered at the contact. "Please." The blonde pulls his hand back at the word.

"Is it about your family?" Scorpius wonders, curiosity eating at him. "When you called your Mum?"

"You shouldn't have switched bodies with Michael."

"You said you understood." Scorpius's eyebrows furrowed. "This isn't about me. You're deflecting. Look at me." Those emerald eyes looked back at Scorpius, but all he saw was a wall up. Shutting him out. "Let me in." He felt his chest starting to cave.

"A couple more days." Albus promises. Scorpius shakes his head, not knowing if he could do two more days of worrying sick over him.

"Fine don't tell me. But come here." Scorpius opens his arms wide, gesturing for Albus to come close and hug him. The Potter boy sets the book aside, and shuffles close. Scorpius traps him in a tight hug. "I don't know why you won't tell me." He whispers softly into Albus's hair. "But I'm going to be here until you do." In his arms, the brunette trembled a little. Scorpius hugged him tighter.

"Honestly I'm scared." Albus says quietly. Scorpius pulled away to look into those tear filled green eyes.

"Scared of what Al?" Scorpius asks gently, holding the small of his back, pressing their chests together. Albus blinks, and the tears roll down his cheeks, so Scorpius uses a hand to wipe them away softly, feeling the boy's warm breath on his skin.

"Myself. How I feel." Albus's tone was so soft Scorpius knew he could only hear it because of how close they were.

"Tell me."

"I don't want to freak you out." Albus snorts, kind of like he thought it was ridiculous himself to feel that way. Scorpius just presses their foreheads together.

"It won't freak me out. Just tell me."

"How I feel about you. It's... I don't know. Feels foreign."

"You've never been in a relationship. We talked about this. How it's scary." Scorpius recognizes, and Albus shakes his head. "You're attached. So am I. It's normal."

"So you feel the same way about me that you did with Christine?" Albus asks. Scorpius opens his mouth but didn't know how to respond right away, then began slowly.


"So it's not normal."

"Well..." Scorpius bites his lip, contemplating how to reply. Albus pulls his hands up to cradle the blonde's face softly, resting on his neck. "With Christine it almost felt like a friendship that was being pushed into something more. With you it's like..." His fingers twist in Albus's shirt at the small of his back. "raw."

"That's how I feel." Albus agrees, rubbing his thumbs in soft circles on Scorpius's neck, just below his jaw. "I'm just scared. And when you switched bodies... I was terrified. That you were going to die. That kind of fear is new to me. Not that I couldn't live without you, but that I didn't want to." He explains, and more tears come down his cheeks. Scorpius leans forward, and kissed them as they fall.

"You're pushing me away because you're afraid that I'll leave. Either I'll die or..." He trailed off, intentionally not finishing it.

"I didn't think I had abandonment issues but here I am." Albus sniffs. Scorpius smiles softly. After his father, of course Albus had abandonment issues. Regardless of how recent that happened, clearly it's impacted his entire life.

"Usually love would explain our emotions." Scorpius pauses. "And it's so easy to use that word to explain it. But that seems so..."

"Superficial." Albus guesses.

"And this isn't superficial. Your passion caresses my loyalty." Their heart's rhythm fell into sync as they talked. Chests pressed tightly. "And the darkest parts of me understand the darkest parts of you."

"'Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.'"

"Albus please tell me you did not just quote Wuthering Heights." Scorpius groans. Albus instantly smiles. "This isn't funny." Albus laughs. "You ruined the moment."

"I didn't think you'd recognize the quote, honestly." Albus admits.

"Do you know who you're talking to?" Scorpius muses. "Whatever happened to the traditional magic with your parents?" He asks Albus gently.

"I think it worked to an extent. They're at least talking again, trying to work things out. But Aunt Mione is still with Dad. I know the spells work in ways that can't always be predicted, but I expected something more than that." Albus says honestly. Scorpius nodded, prompting him to continue if he wanted to. "I wanted to try again. But I don't think it will help anyways if it does work. James and Lily will still feel the same way about Dad. And Lily won't even look at him."

"Cheating aside, I've grown to like him." Scorpius reveals. "I'm not saying that means it's okay what he did. But otherwise he's actually a cool bloke."

"What makes you say that?" Albus asks.

"Well, he came to the manor to do a report on Daniel and everything. You remember?" Scorpius clarifies, Albus nods. "It's the way he talked to me. Like an adult. Not like a dumb kid who knew nothing. Even if he thinks that, in the moment he didn't treat me like that. I don't know. Feels like he gets me, somehow."

"It's his job. My Dad may suck at being a Dad or keeping his family together, but he's good at his job. And he's been through a lot. He knows what being in a tough position feels like, and how he would've wanted to be talked to in that situation. Despite everything, he is a people person. Generally speaking."

"If you want to try the spell again, then I'll help you." Scorpius offers softly. "I didn't support it before, and after this bond thing with Michael, it's hard for me to support any soul magic now- considering the consequences. But it's important to you. Honestly if I risk having a bond with anyone, it would be you."

"The sentiment is sweet, but I'm not doing it again. I already decided." Albus lays his head on Scorpius's shoulder. "Thank you."

"Of course." Scorpius murmurs, wanting to push to see if all that Albus told him was the extent of what was going on. At the same time, he didn't want to push him. Albus suddenly pulls back and takes Scorpius's hand in his own, turning it over. "What-"

"When did you stop wearing the bandage?"

"You barely noticed?" Scorpius joked, balling the ends of his sleeves in his palm so that Albus couldn't see the scar. "It feels sweaty and itchy."

"You don't have to justify it. I was simply curious." Potter met his gaze. "What made you decide to take it off?" Scorpius thought about it, recalled the way the scar felt against the cold air when he was in Michael's body with the same mark on his arm. The confidence Orion had in his voice when he spoke about his family. The pride. Scorpius shared that, he wanted to show it.

"Like I said, it was itchy." He decided to not share the why, to not bring up everything while Albus was in a more fragile mindset. Especially as it pertains to their relationship. This wasn't the time to bring up Orion or Michael.

He made a mental note to tell Albus soon.


Dinah whistles as she approaches Scorpius at his perch. "Goodmorning your majesty." She teases. He shook his head, fighting back a smile. "Where's your sister?" She nudges him, and Scorpius shrugs in response. "Probably off somewhere terrorizing someone."

"My sweet twin? You must have her confused with someone else." Scorpius counters her sarcasm with his own. Dinah snorts, leaning against the stone beside him and crossing her arms over her chest so casually it almost didn't fit her petite form. Honestly nothing fit it- she was a fiery girl with loud words and ran a drug ring at Hogwarts. No one would guess that at first glance. Perhaps that's worked to her advantage. "Did you try the Great Hall?"

"Yeppers. Normani and Raven are both not there. Normani is probably still doing her hair, though." Dinah rolled her eyes. "Knowing those two, their probably busy gossiping and dolling themselves up in the Slytherin dorms." Scorpius felt unease twist his stomach into a knot. Was Raven missing? Had he let down his guard just enough for her to be taken? He saw her only yesterday.

"Where's the party?" Orion asks as he walks up, and Dinah engages him in a handshake that Scorpius tried not to scoff at.

"It just arrived." Dinah replies to him, giving him a brotherly punch in the shoulder. They had a handshake now? Seriously? Orion does manage to make friends fast, doesn't he? Then again, so does Dinah, so maybe their friendship was expected. Scorpius looked between them, and wished Aries was still here. Bile rose in his throat at the thought. "Speaking of parties, you going to Ravenclaw's on Friday? Did you get an invite?"

"Of course I got an invite." Orion tells Dinah, who laughs lightly. He straightens his Gryffindor sweater, which looked to have been pulled over his white button up in a rush due to the fact neither were tucked in. Dinah on the other hand, looked rather organized with her uniform. And one may think she actually put in effort, if it wasn't for the fact her hair was in a messy bun on the top of her head. Whispies falling out of it in all sorts of directions.

"Are you going?"

"Yes Dinah, I wouldn't miss a chance to get drunk and hit on everyone who walks unless I was dead. Plus there's some seventh years that are gonna miss me." Orion winked at her, and Dinah shakes her head. "I assume someone of your... business would be going as well?"

"You assume correct, Orion of the stars." She tsked her tongue against her mouth. This time she turns to Scorpius, who was messing with the collar of his shirt and trying to situate it comfortably over his grey sweater. "Are you going?" She asks the blonde boy, who gives up on making the collar comfortable. Dinah's eyes drift to the purple scar barely visible on his hand below his sleeve, and then back to his grey eyes without commenting on it.

"Haven't decided yet. If I do it's only because Christine is saying goodbye to her seventh year friends." Scorpius tells her in response, having no plans on going unless Albus decided he wanted to. Otherwise he'd probably just stay in the Slytherin dorms and study with the Potter.

"You should go. It'll be fun." The black haired boy tells him, and then turns to Dinah. "What days are the other houses doing their parties?"

"Ravenclaw is doing Friday, Slytherin is doing Saturday, and Hufflepuff is doing Sunday." Dinah explains.

"Gryffindor is doing next week after exams." Orion pauses. "I don't know who decided that, but considering I need to cram, I'm relieved."

"If you cram at the last minute you won't absorb anything. The chemicals in your brain that induce stress block the memory-" Dinah stops talking as both boys look at her curiously. "What? A pretty face can't do everything in life."

"So far my pretty face has gotten me quite a ways." Orion tells her.

"You have good marks." Dinah protests.

"They are decent."

"Don't be modest. They're higher than mine for sure. If I tried for the Quidditch team- which I wouldn't, by the way- they'd laugh me off the field." Dinah says, like she was proud of that fact. "Of course no ones got higher marks than Scorpius." She turns to include him in the conversation. He shrugs, keeping his eyes open for his twin or Albus- someone to come and join the trio at the perch. "You're at the top of the class in Slytherin." Dinah tells him.

"School comes naturally to me." Scorpius tells her without looking in their direction. "I don't really have to stress or work hard for it."

"Lucky ass." Dinah mutters, then changes the subject. "Are you going to all the parties this weekend then, Orion?"

"I know I'm going to Ravenclaw and Slytherin since Raven threatened me to go. She doesn't seem like the type of girl who would actually castrate someone- but I'm not about to underestimate her." Orion muttered, Scorpius's mouth twitches in amusement. His sister was definitely the kind of girl to carry through with that threat. "Ashton doesn't seem to like me much so I doubt I'll be going to Hufflepuff."

Considering you flirt with his girlfriend, it's safe to assume he doesn't like you. Scorpius recalled the parasite comment from Ashton and struggled to hide his amusement. He tried to replace it with disgust, but he couldn't. Gryffindor boys were just as wack as the girls, seemed like. And even though he knew it should gross him out- that a distant cousin was being flirty- Scorpius couldn't muster up that emotion.

Presumably because he didn't grow up with him, so it didn't feel like a family member. Whatever the case, it didn't really matter because both he and Raven weren't interested and dating other people anyways.

"What's your ring?" Orion asks, and Scorpius turned away from the mass of students entering the hall to look at him, realizing he was speaking to him. Scorpius raised his left hand, as though to remind him what ring he wore.

"Oh it's a family ring." He replies.

"Which family?" Orion wonders, his voice neutral and without judgement. Scorpius absently spins the ring on his finger.

"Gaunt. Kind've." Scorpius wasn't about to say Riddle- a muggle name. Not that Orion would care anyways.

"I still think it's so damn cool you're the heir to Slytherin." Dinah claps her hands together. Scorpius just grins at her glee. "I'm friends with the heir to Slytherin."

"He may be the heir to Slytherin but we can whoop his ass on the Quidditch field." Orion jokes, his laugh putting dimples into his cheeks.

"Might want to keep that ego in check, Orion. Or I'll check it for you." Scorpius threatens, but his eyes twinkled with humor. Orion purses his lips, and looked him up and down like he was sizing him up.

"Maybe I like that in a man."

"Gross!" Dinah gives him a shove, and Orion laughs. Scorpius felt heat warm his cheeks, and willed the blush to go away. "You both are disgusting."

"Hey! I didn't say anything!" Scorpius protests. "I meant that I could beat his ass." He explains.

"I like that too." Orion laughs.

"Merlin save me." Scorpius mutters, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"OH!" Dinah starts busting up with Orion. "Oh shit you really went there." She wheezes. Scorpius looks back to scan the hall, where was his twin and Albus? He could use an escape from these two.

"Don't look so flustered Scorpius, I'm only kidding." Orion tells him, earning a dark look from the blonde. And it seemed like Scorpius's prayers were answered because Raven walked up with Normani and Ashton only a second later.

"Kidding about what?" His twin asks, only catching the end of Orion's words.

"Nothing." Orion turns to her, and as he does Scorpius notices the way in which Ashton casually tugs her closer to his side. If Orion wasn't careful with this he was going to start an all out war in their friend group. And considering how he's friends with Dinah- Scorpius wondered where her loyalty would lie if the Gryffindor ended up going too far. All Orion would have to do is come out with the truth of who his mother was- not that he was hiding it- but he certainly wasn't shouting it across the Great Hall. Perhaps no one bothered to ask so he didn't tell.

Marius didn't pick a side in the war, Scorpius recalled Narcissa telling him once. Saying that her decision had fractured her relationship completely with Nymphadora, leaving her isolated from all of her family.

"Shall we?" Dinah asks, gesturing in the direction of the Great Hall. Scorpius went to take a step and then stopped.

"You guys go on ahead. I'm going to wait for Albus." Scorpius says, primarily addressing his twin, who nods. He diverts his gaze from the rest of the group as they leave, and then watched as they made the way down the hall, students parting and weaving to get out of their way. When their out of sight Scorpius sighs heavily.

He readjusts the bag on his shoulder, and double checks that the Marauders Map and his wand were inside. The students start to disappear for breakfast, and Christine walks up to him. "Hey." She greets. "Waiting for Albus?"

"Yeah. He probably woke up late." Scorpius tells her. "Why aren't you at breakfast?"

"I ate earlier this morning. Wanted to avoid the group."

"Why?" He asks, folding his arms across his chest. Christine was in her uniform skirt and tights, her brunette hair laid flat over her shoulders and down her back. A book bag hung over her shoulder, similar to Scorpius's.

"It's become a bit loud with Dinah and Orion." She explains. "And Raven has been inviting Xavier over. I'm just trying to get through the school year, you know?" Scorpius nods in understanding.

"I told her not to get mixed up in Ravenclaw drama. But it probably only made her want to do it more." He reveals.

"Raven told me about what happened on Saturday. About how you had to switch bodies with Michael. Sounds... grueling." Christine prompts, doe eyes looking at him earnestly.

"No actually..." He thought about it a moment before continuing. "It felt right. Ever since I found out who I was, I've been torn between different families and names. But I don't have to pick, and being in those gardens showed me. I guess in that moment it became clear. I'll always be a Malfoy, and a Black. And a Gaunt." Scorpius raised his left hand and looked at the ring there with the engraved "R." "And a Riddle."

"How does it feel? To be related to him?" She didn't have to say his name for Scorpius to know who she was talking about.

"I couldn't process it at first. Because to me Voldemort had always been a story. A terrifying story and a dark wizard who had ruined the Malfoy's reputation. To the point where I couldn't walk down the halls without hearing the whispers. Deatheater." Scorpius muses, his tone almost serene as he spoke. "But Tom Riddle was smart when he went to Hogwarts. He was clever. But no one loved him, and so hatred and madness consumed him. It feels more sad than anything else, to admit I'm related to someone who allowed their light to be snuffed out." He recalled that darkness surrounding him on the grass, the pain that ripped through him. "Daniel is on the same path. They were both abandoned, unloved."

"I almost forgot about Daniel." Christine snorts.

"I try to." Scorpius confesses. "It's horrible to think that he actually believes the world would be better with more hatred."

"He grew up in the foster system, Scorpius. Neither of us can even imagine what that's like."

"It's not an excuse." Scorpius frowns. Christine nods quickly in agreement.

"I know it's not. I'm only saying that his experiences contributed to how he is now." She elaborates. "What about Selwyn?"

"He's a fanatic. He'll be caught sooner or later." Scorpius tells her simply. "The mighty Harry Potter himself is hunting him down. I'm sure he's got his tail between his legs." He didn't believe his own words. Selwyn may have disapparated when Harry appeared at the manor, but he had looked the Auror right in the eyes- fearless. The way he smoothly deflected the disarming spell. That wasn't the last they'd see of Selwyn.

"Here comes Albus. I'll leave you two love birds to it. See you later." Christine gestures to where Potter approaches, and departs.


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