Yandere La Squadra x Reader

By 01loveley

249K 4.9K 1K

βœ¨β€οΈβ€πŸ”₯✨Collection of headcanons and scenarios for La Squadra, Diavolo & Doppio, and Tiziano & Squalo {Mostly... More

Info & Rules
Risotto, Pesci, Sorbet & Gelato with oddly compliant s/o
Pesci & Illuso with a stubborn hostage
Formaggio, Ghiaccio, & Melone with an s/o that is shy about affection
Prosciutto, Sorbet & Gelato punish their darling {hostage}
Would You Rather: Risotto or Diavolo
General Yandere Melone Headcanons
Small Relationship Headcanons With Yandere Sorbet & Gelato
Yandere Pesci Headcanons
Sorbet & Gelato: Trial and Error
Who Would Use Cheating as Punishment?
Yandere Headcanons with Risotto
Risotto & Formaggio
Jealous Sorbet
Toxic Traits of La Squadra
Jealous Ghiaccio
Violent Melone
Melone, Ghiaccio, Prosciutto With A Fearful Darling
Type of Darling They Prefer
Sharing a Darling
Old Friends {Pesci}
Ghiaccio's Darling Constantly Attempting to Escape
Refusing to Return Darling While Sharing
Risotto's Crush Confessed, Will They Be Abducted?
Darling's Having A Baby! What Are They Doing?
Darling Hits Them
Pregnant With Quadruplets
Affectionate Yandere, Death of Lover
Darling Dies Giving Birth, Will They Love the Baby
You Save His Life
You Poison His Food
Broken Darling
Suicidal Darling
Cryptic Pregnancy
Save The Baby or Your Darling
Why Does Ghiaccio Abduct His Darling
Meeting Your Child's Father
They Accidentally Kill Their Lover
You Poison Him Pt. 2
Trying To Escape With Your Infant
Darling Is Abducted From Home
Is Negotiating An Option?
Reacting To Their Daughter Having A Lover
Prosciutto's Darling Hates Doing Chores
Broken Darling Pt. 2
Vampire Formaggio
Darling Walks Over Doppio
Their Darling Is A Yandere Too
Extremely Needy Darling
Pesci's Favorite Hobbies {With Darling}
Homebody Darling That Loves The Internet
Reacting To Darling Being A Siren (Mermaid) Darling
Prosciutto Reacting To Darling Being A Siren (Mermaid)
Darling Is A Sex Worker
Sorbet & Gelato's Darling Beats Them
Tokophobia & Vaginismus
Their Child Catches Them Abusing You
Pesci Helped Prosciutto's Darling Escape
How They Help Their Darling Adjust
Can You Cook?
Threatening To Take His Child
Darling Doesn't React During Their Punishment
You're Dating Their Teammate
Darling Returns After Going Missing
Darling Invites Them Inside
They Give You Amnesia
Needles & Babies
Darling Turns On Melone
You Tell Them You Love Them
Giving Prosciutto The Silent Treatment
Manipulative Darling
Smacking Ghiaccio's Glasses Off His Face
They Don't Love (Want) You Anymore
Darling Doesn't Care For The Baby
You Want Your Parents To Raise The Baby
Cheating On Prosciutto With Pesci
Thoughts on "Virgin" Blood (Vampire AU)
Do They Feel Bad About Leaving Scars, Bruises, Etc
Their Child Is Scared Of Them
Benefits Of Poly La Squadra
Darling Cheats On Them
You're Their Human Song Bird (Supernatural & Monster Au)
They Don't Love You But You Have A Child Together
Child Confronts Them
Least Favorite Punishment
Cioccolata Gets A Hold of Sorbet & Gelato's Darling
Illuso, Melone, Risotto (Deity Au)
Date Night?
Would They Want You Back?
Vampire Prosciutto [one-shot]
Interview - Illuso x Reader [Cult, Deity AU]
You're Sick
Old Friends Pt.2
Grocery Run [One-Shot]
Shopping Spree [One-Shot]
Whose doin' it? Cio Or Secco?
Prosciutto Is Yandere For Pesci's Spouse
Sleep, That's All That Matters
Is Melone Manipulative?
Can You See Your Family
What's The Room Like?
"What We Doin'?" - "Nothin"
Pervert [remaining charcters]
Is Melone Still Abusive?
You want to hit Risotto?
Haunted Mansion
Aichmophobia [Prosciutto]
No Dogs Allowed! Werewolves Only!
Vampire Ghiaccio
Pet Friendly
Would You Rather: Pesci or Sorbet & Gelato
What's Perfect [Cioccolata & Secco]
Admit It [Pesci]
With The Kid
Nasty Punishments [Prosciutto]
Chilled Melon
The Benefits - Cioccolata & Secco
Unbearable or Tolerable?
Wait You Said Love, or Objectification?- I can't tell
Playin' Favorites [Sorbet & Gelato]
Poly With Pesci
Common Interest
Oddly Compliant Darling Pt.2
Kiss The Cook
"You Like Rides?" - "Depends...Who's Drivin'?"
Oh-So Special Agent
Plan B [Melone]
Temper [Formaggio]

Expecting a Baby

3.9K 65 22
By 01loveley

Tw: afab reader, mentions of pregnancy, abortions, abduction, murder,forced pregnancy, child abuse, death of a child


Feels like he is on top of the world and will most likely cry a lot once you confirm that you are in fact pregnant. This is a dream come true. After years of wishing to have children and having a big family it's finally happening. By your side from start to finish waiting on you hand and foot, not even worried about his own health.

Melone overwhelms you with the talks of baby names, products, foods, etc even scaring you with fatal things like SIDS {Sudden Infant Death Syndrome}. Every writing surface is riddled with baby names he thought of at random times. Begs you to do a home birth so he can be more involved during labor, not that he's giving you a choice. Watches your diet and activity closely, cooks all your meals, and gives you a full body massage almost every night to help release tension and rod you of your worries.

If you don't want to have a baby he will find a way to force you into it. Melone's usually not one to get aggressive or forceful when it comes to your reproductive rights but he'd be damned if he lets you get an abortion and crush his dreams. Hate him all you want, you'll come around once you adjust to the new change. The child could be someone else's and Melone will act the same. Who cares if the actual parent wants to raise their child with you? You're his and any being coming out of your body is his as well. Won't give up the child and will raise them like his own.


Mixed emotions, happy to experience this with you and can't wait to see the baby but also scared the baby will hate him. Before he gets his hopes up or goes all out Pesci asks how you feel about the situation. As much as he loves the thought of raising a child with you, he is perfectly fine with you terminating the pregnancy. Understands that not everyone wants that kind of responsibility and some people just don't want kids.

If the child isn't his he raises the kids as his own. Making room for the baby, buying tons of cute clothes, and getting all the necessities the baby may need. Even goes as far as attending those soon to be parent classes to prepare. Waits patiently for you to say you're ready for another kid to have his own biological child.


On one hand he's happy because a child will leave you bound to him for life, on the other he's anxious about the changes he'll need to make and the responsibilities that come with a child. Ghiaccio's excitement isn't obvious until he pulls you in close and holds you for a while as he promises to take care of the both of you.

Stays up at night thinking of your future and what he'd do with that baby. Being the emotional man he is, Ghia may cry into your shoulder while you sleep because he still can't believe this is happening. Insists on naming the baby after him no matter the gender and shoots down your names to make sure it happens. Only buys baby clothes that'll make his style. Reminds you to take it easy and hovers over you the minute you start showing.

Pissed if he isn't the father. Constantly asks why you thought it'd be a good idea to have a kid with someone else. Uses this as a way to prove that he deserved to be the bio father from the start by raising them as his own. In either case the baby will be spoiled rotten. Ghiaccio's goal is to give the child an amazing childhood filled with pleasant memories. Won't hold genetics against you however, Ghia will hunt down the bio parent and kill them to make sure they don't fight for custody.


Conflicted. Sees the pregnancy as a blessing and can't wait to start a family with the love of his life. But he worries that the child could be put in danger. Being the capo of an assassination team can put quite the target on your back. Already works to protect you but you're also capable of evading danger on your own. A child is not.

Respects any decision you make and will be there for you. Races to find a nice but secluded area for you and the baby. Has to ask Melone important questions about taking care of babies since he can't go to your appointments. After all his appearance is too unique and identifiable, there's no way anyone is forgetting the site of a six foot goth with a bell hat and striped pants.

Always around to ease your mind when you're scared of going into labor and being ripped open since risotto was a chunky baby and his genes are strong. Curious about the craving you'll have and wants to know if they're as buzzard as the media portrays them. Puts a life sized teddy bear in the baby's nursery to watch over them when he isn't around. Loves the child even if it's not his and like Ghia, Risotto kills the parent but only to keep you from reconnecting with them and getting romantic feelings for them again.


Not ready for this at all, can't take care of a child. While he doesn't mind children and is pretty good and entertaining them, Formaggio can't see himself actually raising a kid. Newborns are the worst for him. They cry all day, need to be changed, get hurt too easily. He can't drop a baby and dust them off, they'd probably get sent to the ER or worse. Prays that you get rid of the baby.

If not he'll try to help you out and buy some stuff and isn't too elated until the kid is potty trained and can do things like bathe on their own, sleep on their own without having to worry about them suffocating or falling to their death, and can be taken to fun places and participate. If the kid isn't his your getting an abortion because he won't make an effort or alter his own life for a child that isn't his.


There have been times where he would talk about how nice you'd look carrying his child and getting you pregnant to show the world you were his, it was a spur of the moment kind of thing. He didn't really mean it. Illuso is terrified. What do people even do with kids? Are they there for the aesthetic or..? Not adamant on an abortion it's a big change in his lifestyle but he can try. Isn't too keen on changing diapers and bathing babies so don't expect him to do it. Loves the newfound power he has with using the baby as blackmail. You'd never deny him and risk your precious gem's safety would you?

Illuso becomes a completely different person if the child is not his. He takes it as a major insult that you had a baby with someone else. Should you manage to evade his attempts of forcing an abortion on you he doesn't help you out at all. Whenever you leave to take care of something Illuso has the baby sitting in a soiled diaper, doesn't feed them, won't answer to their cries, or even check up on them. Will ignore the child entirely and won't bat an eye when you cuss him out and threaten him for it and will tell you that he didn't want them in the first place.

Is extremely jealous of the baby hogging your attention and expects you to neglect them if he wants to spend time with you. Punishes you by keeping you from your baby and threatening to drown them in the bathtub. During one of Illuso's violent tantrums there's a high chance of him killing the baby and blaming you for it. Sleeps very well in his satin sheets as if it was a well deserved rest.

Sorbet & Gelato:

There's no way they'd have a kid. Yeah the thought of a little family is nice and warms up their cold bitter souls, but they don't want that kind of responsibility. After they've claimed you as theirs, if you're able to get pregnant they will keep track of your fertility window, have you take birth control, and use condoms. Might encourage you to get your tubes tied. Gelato's condom breaking, which isn't likely {Sorbet had a vasectomy}, or you were pregnant from your previous relationship before they decided to claim you.

So when Sorbet mentions your period being late and asks if you've been taking your birth control, Gelato is leaving to pick up some tests. it's positive. They drive you to the nearest clinic to schedule an abortion. As fun as your pregnant body may seem they can't afford to entertain the idea of a baby. Fight all you want, they know how upsetting and cruel it is to have a decision this big made for you. May take you to a doctor associated with passione who won't bat an eye at them violating your reproductive rights.

Then and only then will Sorbet & Gelato dedicate the next few weeks to helping you mourn the loss of your child. No degrading taunts, no punishments, they'll only be giving you love and support. Let you take your anger and pain out on them since they gave you no choice. It's still messed up but they try to be sensitive about it.


Not too surprised since he rarely uses condoms and was never concerned about you being on birth control. It was bound to happen sooner or later. Demands that the baby is a junior if you're having a boy. Other than that Prosciutto kind of goes along with whatever you do. Sits back and watches as you pick out nursery designs and hands you his credit card when you gush over cute baby products.

Puts together a baby shower with the team to show off his growing family. Nominated Pesci to be The Godfather since he's great with kids. Your kid will have a few designer outfits for no reason. Prosciutto also gets them a gold initial pendant.

Takes offense to your pregnancy if he isn't the father. While he loves you with all of his heart, Prosciutto will not be responsible for the child. Unlike Ghia & Ris, Prosciutto won't be killing the child's parent anytime soon. That'll only force him to take responsibility. Doesn't mind having the kid around or seeing them a few times, just don't expect him to be a father figure to another person's child.

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