βœ“ πŠπˆπ‹π‹ 𝐌𝐘 π“πˆπŒπ„; JATP


229K 10.4K 19.3K

πŠπˆπ‹π‹ 𝐌𝐘 π“πˆπŒπ„, ─ julie and the phantoms. you're the only one that makes ... More

πŠπˆπ‹π‹ 𝐌𝐘 π“πˆπŒπ„
003. ALIVE
011. FLIRT
022. YOU AND I


10.9K 536 909


                    "Stop moving!"

"It's cold!" Reggie whines, flinching every other second as I tried to direct him on how to place the face mask on his skin. It was difficult considering I couldn't exactly touch him and he kept getting the pink goop on his shirt. It was the last jar I had, my mom was touchy on skin care of all things.

"It's not that bad," Alex snickers, softly blowing on his nails for the first coat to dry. They were a light blue color, he chose it specifically from my room earlier but I brought along options just in case. His hair was tied up with a hair tie in the front and the same face mask was on his skin, looking proper for a slumber party.

We figured out that they could pick up small items if they concentrated enough.

"It's cold," Reggie simply repeats before sticking his tongue out childishly.

"You guys started without us?" A new voice spoke up. Turning to the sound, Julie and Luke were walking into the garage. Julie was struggling to balance a spread of things in her arms, Luke holding one simple bag of chips compared to her.

"You guys were taking a while," Alex replies back innocently as I stand up.

Rushing over to help Julie before she dropped everything, she gives me a thankful smile. "Why did you guys bring so much food? The boys can't even eat,"

"Luke kept telling me to bring stuff," Julie huffs, placing down the things on the coffee table beside the couch. "I made Mac and Cheese because I figured we could share but then he went on a frenzy in my cupboard,"

A packet of oreos, bag of popcorn, skittles, two bags of chips, and soda and water bottles were placed down along with the container of Mac and Cheese. Looking up to Luke, he gives me an innocent smile but I know his hint was at the fact that he wanted me to eat properly, even if it was through junk food.

"Thank you," I tell Julie but send Luke a glance. He seems to get the message considering the way he nodded softly before tearing his gaze to Alex and Reggie.

"You guys look great," He teased through a laugh but Reggie holds up a hand.

"You're just jealous cause our skin is gonna look hot afterwards," He boasts before holding up Alex's hand. "And Alex is gonna look even prettier with his nails painted,"

This caused Alex to grin. I had a feeling he'd been wanting to do it for a while but never got around to it when he was alive. Different society norms and all, he looked giddy which was the main point.

"That's a nice color," Julie compliments, nodding toward the blue nail polish.

"Thanks! It's Indie's, she let me borrow it... Hey, we could match! As long as you're okay with that of course," Directing the latter half to me, Alex sends me a sheepish look.

"Go ahead, maybe I'll paint mine too," I smile before Julie sits down beside him.

"Indie is it supposed to feel like it's pulling my skin off?" Reggie interrupts, barely being able to move his lips with slight panic.

"Stop talking and it won't feel like that," I tease. Reggie lets out a muffled groan but nonetheless keeps his mouth shut.

"Hey Luke, are you ready to do the nail polish, hair braiding, and face thing-ies?" Alex snickers, quoting him from earlier in my apartment but Luke nods back without missing a beat.

"Always," He smiles causing Alex to raise a brow. "What? I told you guys that I would,"

"Didn't think you had it in you," I comment, walking past him to sit down but a hand reaches out before I could.

"Actually, I need to show you something," Luke mumbles. "We'll be back," He tells the other three but they seem uninterested. Alex and Julie were busy talking about their nails and Reggie just gave a wave considering he took what I said literally with the face mask.

"What's so important that you couldn't show me inside?" I snicker, my feet shuffling along as he pulled us out of the studio. Dragging us to the porch, he sits down on the steps and gestures for me to copy his actions.

"Sit," He verbalizes. The moon illuminated his features, a soft look on his face from the only source of light.

Deciding against questioning it, I simply do as he said but lean my back against the railing so I was sat at an angle. Draping my legs over his lap, I shuffled to get comfortable before looking over at Luke who was giving me a confused glance.

"I'm comfortable and you're getting the weird alive buzz. This benefits us both," I explain nonchalantly but he just laughs. Besides I like the warm feeling when we touch too I guess. "So? Why are we out here Lucas?"

"I managed to get this—" He pauses, his hand diving into his sweater pocket for a moment. The crumple of plastic was heard before he held a twinkie in front of me. "—from Julie's pantry. I remembered you said you liked them and haven't had one in a while so I just figured.. you know,"

"Dude, if you weren't a ghost I'd totally fall in love with you," I blurt without having a second thought. Luke laughs, his voice filling the air as his head tosses back, eyes squinted closed from the giggles that left his lips.

"I'm flattered," He teases through stifled laughs.

"You should be," I tease, bumping our shoulders together while he shakes his head. Tearing open the wrapper, I take a bite and shut my eyes. "Hey Luke?"

Humming back as a response, I feel his hands fall down to my shins, sitting there comfortably but I could feel his rings through my jeans. Looking up, I notice his pointer finger tracing small patterns along my knee.

"Do you think when we touch you'd be able to eat?" I ask curiously. The question causes him to pause. "I mean, theoretically it makes sense? You can interact with people and hold things when we're touching so eating and drinking should be apart of the whole almost-human-again thing right?"

"Technically... yes? I think," Luke nods before shrugging his shoulders. "I don't know, maybe the benefits of eating doesn't come with the package deal of you being my weird miracle in the afterlife,"

"Test it then," I tell him. Raising a brow, Luke sends me a confused glance before I gesture for him to take the twinkie. "Take a bite. See if it works. And you don't have to bite it from the opposite side unless you're a germaphobe but I promise I brush my teeth," I add but he rolls his eyes playfully.

Instead of taking the snack from me like I thought he would, Luke instead dips his head down toward my hand. Taking a bite from the twinkie as I held it, my eyes widen before he turns to me with the same look.

"Holy shit it worked," I laugh, Luke quickly swallowing the bite and giving me a cheeky smile.

"Dude, if I weren't a ghost I'd totally fall in love with you right now," Mimicking what I said before, Luke pokes at my side causing me to squirm. "We can't tell the guys. All of us have been complaining that the worst part of this is not being able to eat so they'll probably be whine-y if they notice,"

"Noted," I nod, a small laugh leaving my lips. Lifting the twinkie to my lips, I take another small bite. As soon as my hand fell back down to my lap. Luke held onto it to drag it up to his mouth. Nearly stuffing his face with the last bit I shove his shoulder. "Don't eat all of it you loser,"

Still holding onto my hand, Luke stops chewing mid bite. Looking between me and the last bit of twinkie in the wrapper, he quickly takes the rest into his mouth before I could move.

"I take back my love confession for that," I huff, crumbling up the plastic and tossing it at him. The wrapping hitting his chest but Luke begins to laugh. Placing a hand on my knee, he gives it a small squeeze.

"I'll get you another one later Inds,"

.   .   .   .   .

"Okay so where's your class?" I ask, staying in step beside Julie as we walked down the halls. It was empty for the most part but I wouldn't know the difference considering I was never in this wing of school. I was a junior and plus, I wasn't apart of the preforming arts program so I never came to this side of campus.

"Shouldn't you be in class?" Julie asks, a small smile on her lips while I shrug.

"I have A's, I can skip a few days and be fine," I reply back. "Besides I'm not missing you smash your performance and get back into the music program,"

She lets out a laugh at this before we turn the corner of the hall. Straight ahead, the double doors were opened that led into the music room. Discordant trumpet sounds were heard from Flynn who sat in one chair and her feet on another. Sharing a look with Julie, she shakes her head at her best friend who was butchering the trumpet.

I'm not one to talk though. I would probably sound worse.

"What are you doing? And where is everyone?" Julie asks as we step into the room. Pulling her attention away from the instrument, Flynn let's out a small sigh.

"Spirit assembly," She explains. "I was kind of blowing it off 'cause I wasn't feeling very spirity," It was Julie's turn to sigh at this. Her plans of making a comeback performance were ruined along with being the cause of Flynn not feeling, well, spirity. "You okay? And.. who's this? Sorry we haven't met, I'm Flynn,"

"I'm Indigo, Indie," I reply back with a smile, attempting at making a good impression. Please don't make this be awkward.

"She's the transfer. We met yesterday and became friends," Julie tells her, further informing Flynn on why I was standing beside her. "But not really. I had this new plan to play for Mrs. Harrison, hoping that she'd let me back in, but... I guess I missed my chance,"

"No," Flynn grins, standing up from her spot. "You didn't,"

"What are you talking about?"

"Go into the assembly and play for them Julie, don't give up now after you worked all night on the song," I encourage earning a confused glance from Flynn but she decided against asking and chose to agree with me.

"I have an idea, let's go,"

.   .   .   .   .

                I stood next to Flynn and Julie. We were in the gym, bright flashing lights illuminating the room while a group of girls were in the middle of it. The bleachers were filled with students cheering on the girls as they sung. Each one having a certain shade of pastel colors, covered head to toe but the one in pink was obviously the leader.

"Look who spent all her daddy's money on costumes and Katy Perry's choreographer," Flynn scoffs, folding her arms against her chest.

"Well, it paid off," Julie mumbles, entranced by the extravagant dancing going on.

"Wait that's the famous guys daughter right? Claire or something?" I ask, pointing over to her as she began to rap out lyrics.

"Carrie, she's Trevor Wilson's daughter," Julie answers for me, pulling my hand down quickly.

"She told me that I was in her sink spot in the bathroom the first week I was here," I scoff, gaining both the girls attention. "So I threw water on her before I left. She screamed about her mascara running and like four girls ran in to help her. Talk about a trust fund baby,"

"Yeah... if I could snatch her pink wig I would," Flynn agrees, eyes squinting at Carrie with a glare settled on her features. Glad we agree on that.

"What are you guys doing here?" I hear Julie whisper. Turning to my left, my eyes widen noticing Luke, Alex, and Reggie who randomly popped up beside us.

Noticing how Luke was reaching out to wrap an arm around my shoulder, I quickly move back. A hurt puppy dog look came over his face.

"People will see you," I explain quietly, gesturing around the room. "You're not supposed to be here," Trust me I'd hug you if I could.

Giving me a small nod back, Luke flickers his attention to Julie. "We wanna see you stick it to the man," He tells her, a smile playing at his lips. "Isn't that right, boys?"

"Man, I miss high school," Reggie breathes out, eyes focused on Carrie and her group who were still preforming. Practically drooling at the sight, I roll my eyes at Reggie before noticing how Alex was attempting to copy their moves.

Julie sent him a pointed look while I coughed to cover up my laughter. Luke nudged his shoulder, Alex stopping mid dance and awkwardly standing still as he faced Julie.

Hearing the music come to a halt, I turn back to the middle of the gym. Loud claps and a series of cheers were heard for the girl group.

"Thank you," Carrie smiles sweetly, standing in front of the line and the only one visible. "Thank you,"

"We love you, Carrie!" A random voice calls out causing her grin to widen.

"Oh, I love you too!" Carrie waves, giving a small bow and blowing a kiss. "Make sure to check out my new YouTube video!" Keeping her voice in the same high pitched sound, I wince. "Oh, go Bobcats," She adds with a small giggle.

With the crowd still cheering, she leads the group out of the gym.

"Talk about an ego boost," I snicker,

"Thank you, Dirty Candy," The principal greets the crowd, stepping into the spotlight. Dirty Candy? That's their name?

"Now's your chance. Go talk to her," Flynn encourages Julie. "See you in music class," She adds before walking away. Gesturing for me to follow, I shake my head.

"I'll be there in a minute," I call out as she nods back. Leaving me alone with Julie and the guys, Julie gives me a nervous look.

"That was sweet," Principal Lessa grins but the crowd falls to an awkward silence. Mrs. Harrison clears her throat uncomfortably. "Okay then. Before we let you go, we have a few more announcements..."

"What are you waiting for? This is your time!" Reggie tells Julie, gesturing to the stage.

"Yeah. I mean, you look really nervous. Like yack in a bowl nervous," Alex adds causing me to face palm.

"Dude," I mumble, shaking my head but Julie shrugs him off.

"I just don't think I had enough time to work on the song," She explains, her voice softer than before.

"I wouldn't have given you the song if I didn't think you weren't gonna rock it," Luke tells her confidently. "Now, there's a piano on that stage with your name on it," Pointing over to the stage, Julie takes a second before walking around him and exiting through the gym doors.

"Julie!" I call out after her but she doesn't give me a second glance. Letting out a sigh, I look to the boys for help but they were still focused on the stage.

Turning around, I see a shadowy figure step into the middle. Squinting at the sight, Julie gets illuminated stepping toward the piano that had a mic conveniently set up with it.

The crowd had gone still, even Principal Lessa had stopped talking. I could see the confusion on everyone's faces as Julie sat down at the bench, the stage production manager glancing over his clipboard to check if he missed any other performances.

With people beginning to make their way off the bleachers and out of the gym, Flynn stayed in her spot. Giving Julie a nod of encouragement, Julie took a deep breath before playing the first note.

Stopping right after, she looks to us.

"You got this!" Luke tells her, the other boys smiling and nodding along.

"You can do it," I add, my voice quieter than Luke's but I think she got the hint. Taking another deep breath, Julie picks up where she left off.

The familiar melody that they played all last night filled the room. People continued to leave but Julie didn't stop. Looking over to the production manager, he seems to give up on the clipboard because he turns on the stage lights, illuminating Julie who began to sing.

" Sometimes I think
I'm falling down
I wanna cry
I'm callin' out
For one more try
To feel alive

The flow of students came to a stop. Julie's voice seemingly captivating everyone. Reggie whipped around quickly, a bright smile on his lips as he looked to the boys.

" And when I feel lost and alone
I know that I can make it home
Fight through the dark
And find the spark

Noticing how everyone was looking at one another, waiting for someone to make a move, I walked up to the stage. Sending an encouraging smile to Julie, she returns the look as she continues to play.

" Life is a risk, but I will take it
Close my eyes and jump
Together I think that we can make it
Come on, let's run

All of a sudden the boys appeared on stage next to her. Nearly causing me to scream, I jump in surprise. All their instruments were attached to them and Alex set off the beat with his drums. Julie's eyes widened, just as confused as I was but the crowd seemed to love it as they began to cheer and flood near the stage.

" And rise through the night
You and I
We will fight to shine together
Bright Forever

Julie stood up from the piano, standing in the middle of the stage and singing the lyrics. Luke was grinning, strumming his guitar, while him and Reggie faced Alex who was smiling just as much.

" And rise through the night
You and I
We will fight to shine together

Once Luke and Reggie turned around, they seemed to notice the looks of confusion and amazement from the crowd. They could see them.

" Bright forever...

Julie belted the lyrics beautifully. Sparing a glance at Luke who stood beside her now. She moved closer next to him, whispering something I couldn't hear but Luke shakes her off, his smile never fading.

Stepping over to his own mic, Luke began to sing.

" In time that I doubted myself

The cheering only seemed to get louder. And I nearly fainted. I knew he could sing but seeing him on stage, happier than ever, it was a different sight. I felt the warm feeling I'd get whenever we touch, it was the same feeling but intensified.

" I felt like I needed some help
Stuck in my head

Luke held the last lyric, his eyes scanning over the crowd for a moment before they landed on me. His smile seemed to grow before he sent me a wink. Opening his mouth, his eyes didn't leave mine as he sang the next lyrics.

" With nothing left
I feel something around me now
So unclear, lifting me out
I found the ground
I'm marching on

Luke's cheeky grin hadn't lessened one bit, eyes still holding mine. It wasn't until Reggie came over to him did he turn, the two sharing his mic.

" Life is a risk, but we will take it
Close my eyes and jump
Together I think that we can make it
Come on, let's run

If I shared a mic with someone and sang directly in their eyes I would simply fall in love. There's no question to it. Luke and Reggie are in love now.

" And rise through the night
You and I
We will fight to shine together
Bright forever

Julie joined Luke, their voices meshing together perfectly in a beautiful harmony. The crowd was fully into the music by now, dancing and cheering them on.

Luke was shining, his passion for music showing. He was made for this. So was Julie. They were born to sing with Reggie and Alex too. And the universe seemed to think so too because right now, a dead ghost band was singing to a crowd of people who all loved it.

"I think he has a thing for you," Flinching at the sound of a new voice, I turn to see Flynn beside me. Confused by her words, she rolls her eyes and nods up to the stage. "Pretty boy with the beanie won't stop looking at you,"

Looking up once again, the first thing I see is Luke. He was, in fact, already staring back at me but instead of looking away he held the eye contact.

" And rise through the night
You and I
We will fight to shine together
Bright forever

Julie and him held the high note at the end, but Luke hadn't looked away. I will seriously faint if he doesn't chill out. Finishing her note, Julie looked over to him but followed his gaze on me, a smile forming on her lips causing me to raise a brow.

"Definitely has a thing for you," Flynn sing-songs, a suggestive look being thrown at him but I shake my head.

Holding up her mic, Julie gestures to Luke, almost as if she was asking for permission. Nodding immediately back, I begin to clap for them as she walks over. Luke took the hint, dipping his head down to sing into her mic.

" In times that I doubted myself
I felt like I needed some help
Stuck in my head
With nothing left

Looking to Alex, he was taking a breath and adjusting his own mic. Sending me a giddy smile, he nods to Julie and Luke while I nod back. They quite literally fit together perfectly, their voices almost made for each other.

" And when I feel lost and alone
I know that I can make it home
Fight though the dark
And find the spark

My eyes widened as Julie walked through Luke. The crowd ate it up completely and cheered louder. They're gonna give me a heart attack from stressing out. Luke walked back to his own mic, almost skipping as he met my eyes again.

All four of them began to sing, Julie holding out notes with the boys harmonizing the vocals.

" And rise through the night
You and I
We will fight to shine together
Shine together
Bright forever
Bright forever
And rise through the night
You and I
We will fight to shine together
Bright forever

Finishing up the song, Alex ended it with the drums and the crowd continued to cheer. Quickly moving around his mic stand, Luke made sure I was looking at him. Leaning close to the edge of the stage, he kissed his guitar pick and held it up, tossing it toward me.

Catching it in my hands, I take the small red chip and hold it up for him to see that I got it. Deciding to match him in return, I kiss it back which causes him to laugh.

No one around seemed to notice the encounter, too hyped up on the performance. No one expect Flynn who gave me yet another suggestive look.

"Right, I think that proves that he's practically in love with you,"

edited ( 22 july 2021 )
[ pre edited a/n below ]

on the bright side i figured out
most of the plot completely and
how luke and indie are able to
touch fr fr now so 😌😏

anyways thank you for 5k??
i love you tbh ok goodnight

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