Always || Tom Riddle

By AliceBarnes

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He said always, she believed him... It's 1938 when the young Clara Pevensie meets the soon to be the darkest... More

A word of warning...
Always ~ Chapter one
A visitor ~ Chapter two
School trip ~ Chapter three
Girl to girl ~ Chapter four
King's cross station ~ Chapter five
The sorting hat ~ Chapter six
A whole new life ~ Chapter seven
You can't ~ Chapter eight
You knew? ~ Chapter nine
Our little secret
A dark future
Mudblood scum
Foreign visitors
A blind attack
Your worst fear
You wouldnt
Fighting a dragon
The golden egg
Only the beginning
Near to death experience
Dance practice
Picking a dress
Love,heartbreak and lies
The attacks grow
The yule ball
A black eye out of jealousy and spite
Detention with Trelawney
The third and final task
New gamekeeper
Secrets divulged
An eventful lesson
You wouldn't dare!
You haven't even said sorry and you expect an apology!
Christmas trio
Dangerous games
I miss you I need you
You will pay!
Reunited once more
Breaking free
A flight with a hippogriff
Yes I have changed pain does that to people...
You mean to say he didn't return?
New found friendship
Broken promises
I had given up on you
My lord
A horcrux
Never again
If you will have me
Severe consequences
Warnings from the future
The spring ball
Forever is a long time
Pride and prejudice
Talk of the school
I don't know
Not bad,brilliant!
The restricted section
Truth serum
A killers plan
Slughorns party
Too late
A plan
Tales of terror
Unexpected sorrows
Done for
Losing him
Death eaters
A visit from Dumbledore
A war declared
Sometimes you just need something to kick
A break
Too close
Odd meetings
The old you
The devil himself
Time will tell
The letter
James Potter
Good news and a birth
What have I done?
Wedding Preparations
The wedding
A way
The tall, bald, pale no one
The soon to be death of an arch enemy
Any last words?
I was always there
Lockwood safe house
Eleven years later
Lord Voldemort
You will be back
The best place to hide is in plain sight
A new member of the Order of the Pheonix
Saving Harry Potter
12 Grimmauld Place
The Cave and Inferi
"Welcome home"
Far from over
The Department of Ministries
"He's back!"
Christmas at the Burrow
There is always hope, even in the darkest of times
Lord Voldemort's confession
His promise
Meeting Ollivander
The best day in a long time
"Whose side are you on?"
Clara Jean Riddle's son and heir
Leaving Cornwall
The truth
The second wizarding war
For the greater good
The killing of the Basilisk
Time travelling sickness
Returning to 1998
The after effects
Visiting Azkaban ~ Chapter 149
The Pensieve ~ Chapter 150
Tom Riddle's trial
The great escape
Epilogue ~ Always

New problems

7.1K 214 11
By AliceBarnes

"Eavesdropping are we?"Victoria asked with a smug smirk on her lips while twiddling her long blonde hair around her finger.

"No actually I was just coming to-" I looked to see what was behind me to find the daily prophet newspaper stacked up neatly "See if there were any newspapers left but I see there is quite a few" Victoria huffed and spun around walking off as the train had stopped giggling with her friends.

"Come along Weasley we wouldn't want to be late now would we?"Victoria called out to the Weasley boy behind her who was carrying her bags for her along with all her friends.The boy looked at me and smiled it was obvious that he had a crush on Victoria otherwise he wouldn't be carrying her bags for her.

"Oh there you are Clara!"Penelope came out from the carriage behind me and I smiled as she handed me my bag which she has been generous to get while I got held up with Victoria.I looked behind her for some sort of sign for Tom only to find non and have Fran rush past to catch a carriage.

"Come on Clara lets go or we will have to walk all the way,Tom will catch up"Penelope muttered while walking off the train,I huffed and followed after her.

"How on earth did you know?"I asked when I caught back up to her.

"I can see it in your eyes,you may be good at hiding your emoticons on your face but not your eyes..."She trailed off as we saw the last carriage leave.

"Well I guess we will be walking then"I commented as we watched the carriage disappear.

"This is your fault!"Penelope replied and I laughed shaking my head and beginning to walk until I couldn't hear her footsteps...or heavy breathing behind me and so looked over my shoulder.Penelope was stood with her arms crossed over her chest staring at me.

"Whats your problem don't want the exercise?"I questioned and I could see a smile which she was obviously trying to hide from me appear on her face.

"Nooo,its not that I just...well this was the last spot I saw James in..."Tears appeared in her eyes and I felt bad for her I couldn't imagine what it would be like losing Tom like that.

"Hey you can love more than once you know,you still have a chance of being happy"I said softly trying to comfort her while stroking her arm.

"Come on lets get walking or we will never get there"This time Penelope walked beside me and we actually managed to make it in before they closed the gates.

"Ah there you both are! I have been looking all over for you!"Professor Gambley our old flying teacher exclaimed frowning. I saw the prefects,head boys and girls come back from looking for us.

"Well done Pevensie,Fudge!We have had quite a night of walking thanks to you two!"Victoria hissed sounding out of breath as they passed us.

"Its a good job we don't care then"I replied she spun round glaring and was about to say something to me before the teacher intervened.

"Girls please!Your what now 17-18 you should be treating each other with respect by now and not squabbling like little children!"Professor Gambley scowled at each of us,opening up the register.


"Oh come on professor you have known us for 6 years now"I frowned at the teacher who I was quite a bit taller than as she raised her eyebrows.

"No answering back...Pevensie was it?"She asked and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.I nodded in reply and she ticked my name off.

"You can go now,have a nice dinner"Professor Gambley grumbled and I rolled my eyes walking off while Penelope had her name ticked off and ran after me.

"You must be hungry Clara you are doing quite a good pace!"Penelope called out from behind me while she struggled for breath.

"Yeah I must be if your lagging behind"I replied and smirked at my friend who had stopped and had her hands on her knees.

"Well I am sure glad that's over!"Penelope exclaimed as we ran up the steps towards the great hall only to have the caretaker stood at the double doors leading into the school.

"Late are we?"The caretaker tutted and we tried to get past only to have his walking stick put in the way.

"You didn't answer my question."The caretaker looked me up and down smiling and I scowled at him.

"Yes and we are going to be even more later if you don't let us through!"

"S-sorry?"It was obvious now that he was purposefully trying to make us miss dinner so that we got in trouble.

"Let them through!"Tom stood behind us and the caretaker scowled at him but lowered his walking stick.

"Whats his problem?"Penelope asked as we walked up the steps.

"I have no idea"I muttered back slowing down to walk side by side with Tom.

"I heard about what happened on the train,is Victoria giving you a hard time?"He asked and I nodded.

"Unfortunately"I replied as we let Penelope go on ahead to the table.

"Just ignore her then shes jealous"I smiled and Tom gave me a quick kiss before walking towards the Slytherin table,as I watched his retreating figure I knew that this year wasn't going to be so bad with him by my side.

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