"Wolff Love" - (A Natenzie Fa...

By imarriednatwolff16

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Kenzie was just a typical teenaged fangirl. She was one of the most dedicated fans of Nat & Alex Wolff. She h... More

"Wolff Love"
Chapter 5 "I Won't Love You Any Less"
Chapter 6 "Sparks Flying"
Chapter 7 "Nat's Apartment"
Chapter 8 "Rumors"
Chapter 9 "Busted?"
Chapter 10 "The Show"
Chapter 11 "The Long Flight"
Chapter 12 "After The Date"
Chapter 13 "In The Studio"
Chapter 14 "Margaret's Revenge"
Chapter 15 "The E.R"
Chapter 16 "The Next Morning"
Chapter 17 "Hello New House!"
Chapter 18 "Daydreaming"
Chapter 19 "Dresses & Sex"
Chapter 20 "Baby Maybe?"
Chapter 21 "Thinking Of You"
Chapter 22 "The Wedding"
Chapter 23 "Honeymoons & Evil Plans"
Chapter 24 "Back in the E.R"
Chapter 25 "Sadness in the Air"
Chapter 26 "Are We... Ready?"
Chapter 27 "Telling Nat's Parents"
Chapter 28 "The Baby Shower"
Chapter 29 "Living in a Nightmare"
Chapter 30 "Oh My... Wolff!"
Chapter 31 "Kassie Returns,"
Chapter 32 "Welcome Home,"
Chapter 33 "Sleepless Nights"
Chapter 34 "Uncle Alex to the Rescue!"
Chapter 35 "Crying, Diaper Changing, & Napping"
Chapter 36 "The Triplet's First Doctor's Appointment"
Chapter 37 "Family Portrait"
Chapter 38 "Sickness Sucks"
Chapter 39 "Battle of the Bromances"
Chapter 40 "The Impatient Patient"
Chapter 41 "Potties & Meltdowns & Insanity, Oh My!"
Chapter 42 "Thunder & Lightning"
Chapter 43 "A Night to Remember?"
Chapter 44 "Leaving?"
Chapter 45 "Arriving in the U.K"
Chapter 46 "Accidents in London"
Chapter 47 "The Torture Chamber"
Chapter 48 "Why Did You Do It?"
Chapter 49 "Curious"
Chapter 50 "I'll Do Anything For You,"
Chapter 51 "It's Just... Love?"
Chapter 52 "Christmas Trees & Mistletoe"
Chapter 53 "Tenderly Love"
Chapter 54 "Proof Of My Love"
Chapter 55 "Christmas Morning Surprises"
Chapter 56 "Hospitals Suck"
Chapter 57 "Too Many Temper Tantrums"
Chapter 58 "Rules"
Chapter 59 "The Triplet's First Day of Preschool"
Chapter 61 "Bull Shit"
Chapter 62 "Sweet Memories"
Chapter 63 "Sunny Days"
Chapter 64 "That's How It Is"
Chapter 65 "The Sun Will Find Us All, Eventually"
Chapter 66 "Is It Nothing, But A Daydream?"
Chapter 67 "The Way It Seems"
Chapter 68 "Going to Court"
Chapter 69 "Courtroom Blues"
Chapter 70 "Faith, Trust, & A Little Bit Of Pixie Dust"
Chapter 71 "Everybody's Cried At Least Once"
Chapter 72 "Runaway Wolff"
Chapter 73 "Flashbacks"
Chapter 74 "Changing"
Chapter 75 "Broken Strings"
Chapter 76 "All I Needed"
Chapter 77 "You & I"
Chapter 78 "Party Pooper"
Chapter 79 "Say Something"
Chapter 80 "From This Moment"
Chapter 81 "The Circle of Life"
Chapter 82 "Unexpected Things"

Chapter 60 "Where I'm Goin'"

140 2 0
By imarriednatwolff16

*After Nat & Kenzie had heard the news about the triplets being kidnapped again by Margaret & Justin, they went out to search for them.*

                                                         *Nat's P.O.V.*

Oh God! The triplets were kidnapped for the second time by Margaret & Justin. What the fuck is wrong with those two assholes? They've been treating Kenzie & I's lives like shit for years. If they hurt or kill My children, they WILL pay for all the damage they've put them through!

Kenzie & I drove up into the parking lot of the kids' preschool & went inside the building. There were already five police cars outside the building before we went inside. As Kenzie & I walked into the kids' classroom, their teacher, Miss Liz told us exactly what had happened to them. Once she told us about Shane being rude to some of the other kids, I was really upset about it. I never knew that Shane would ever harm anyone, besides his brothers, Alex, Kenzie & me. This made me think. Have Kenzie or I's parenting skills never really worked? Were we bad parents? I wish I'd knew the answer to those questions. 

"Mr. & Mrs Wolff, my squad & I will find your children as soon as possible," said a police offficer named Bob.

"Thanks Officer," I said. "Please make sure that they aren't harmed, Margaret & Justin are very very vicious people."

"We will do the best we can," he said. 

I nodded. "Perhaps, My wife & I could come along with you?"

"I'm affraid not, Mr. Wolff," he said. "Margaret & Justin could have weapons, & they will kill you for sure. I think that it would be best if you two went home. If we are able to find them, I will give you a call.-"

"-Please, Officer?" asked Kenzie, trying to hold back her tears. "We'll be careful, I promise. Plus, my husband & I are trained in self defense, which can help us not get hurt in any way possible."

"Kenze, they have weapons, but we don't," I said. "I don't think that self defense stuff would work. We might as well just go home & stay there until they call us."

 "Babe, we've done this stuff before!" she said. "Even I was kidnapped when I was eight in a half months pregnant with them.-"

"-Yeah, but then after I found you, your water broke & you called me an idiot," I said. "Look, let's just listen to the police for now. They'll call us as soon as they find them, alright?"

Kenzie sighed. "Fine, let's go home."

I nodded again, then we both walked back to our car & drove back home.

The car ride home was silent for a long time. I knew that Kenzie was just as upset that I was. I also knew that she really wanted to go find our kids & bring them home, but every time that we've been through something like this, one of us ends up almost getting hurt or killed. 

I hated this awkward silence. The only things I could hear was myself breathing heavily & the car as I drove it. I noticed that Kenzie was looking through her window, then she glanced at me. Her eyes were full of tears.

"Nat," she sighed. "I'm really sorry."

"Sorry for what?" I asked. "You haven't done anything wrong."

"I'm talking about what happened years ago, back when you rescued me from being kidnapped & I was pregnant with the triplets," she said. "I'm sorry for calling you an idiot."

"It's fine Kenzie," I said. "You were just calling me an idiot because your water broke & I was brainless when it happened. It's okay."

Kenzie nodded, wiping the tears that were about to come out from her light blue eyes. "Alright, if you say so."

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Nat, our children are missing!" she began to cry a little bit. "Of course I'm not okay!"

I pulled over to the side of the road & looked at my wife. "Kenzie, everything will be okay. I'm sure that the police know what they're doing. Let's not worry about this so much right now, alright?"

Kenzie looked at me. "Okay."

I kissed her lips, then started driving ourselves back home again.

Once we arrived home, Kenzie & I just sat around at the house, waiting impatiently for the cops to call us back. At one point, we were watching t.v together in the living room. I had fallen asleep too quickly, but I didn't care as long as Kenzie was there. 

                                                      *Kenzie's P.O.V.*

As Nat slept peacefully on the couch, I covered him up with a blanket & sat down by his feet. It's been almost eight hours since the kids were kidnapped. I really wanted to help find them, but Nat doesn't want me to get hurt or killed. A part of me wants to go out to go look for the kids right now, but another part of me thinks that it's too dangerous. I also then realized that I'm a black belt in taekwondo, & I can totally beat Margaret & Justin. I know I might get hurt doing this, but if it's for saving my kids, it's worth every shot.

I looked back at Nat, still fast asleep next to me. Then I got up, trying not to make a sound, I grabbed my jacket, left Nat a note, & went to go look for the kids.

*As Kenzie drived around, she found an abandoned hotel that had Justin's car parked outside of it. She drove into the parking lot, & went inside.*

The hotel was quiet right as I walked in. Within seconds, I could hear my kids crying. I turned to see what was going on in what had looked to be part of the lobby. There were my scarred children, who were locked up in cages like they were wild animals or something. I would've gone out there right away, but Justin was out there, guarding them. Well, here goes nothing!

I walked in the middle of the doorway. "Stay away from my babies you asshole!"

"Well well well," said Justin. "Look who's come to rescue you guys. It's your mommy!"

"MOMMY SAVE US!" cried Jason.

"I'm coming!" I said. 

"Oh really?" said a female voice. "You're not going anywhere, whore!"

I turned around. It was Margaret, holding a gun straight at my face. "Give me back my children, you motherfucking bitch!"

"NO!" she yelled. "I won't do shit for you!"

"Margaret, you've been doing this bullshit for years. Can't you just let it go?" I asked. "Why do you give a fuck that Nat & I are happily married & have a family of our own?"


"What the fuck are you talking about?" I asked. "Nat would NEVER fuck a girl like you, let alone be in a relationship with! You're so bitchy all the time, according to him."

Margaret had just had enough of our conversation. She ran towards me & we tussled each other. I kicked her nonstop in her shins, punched her in the face, & pulled her hair. She was a tough one! I felt bad for the triplets because they were watching us fight. Once I had caught offguard seeing them witness this, Margaret pushed me hard & I fell uncauntious on the floor. 

"MOMMY!" screamed Nate. 

"Shut up kid!" said Justin.

"Justin, come!" said Margaret. "Take this bitch upstairs & lock her in a room."

"Yes ma'am," he said, then carried me upstairs.

*Meanwhile, back at Kenzie & Nat's house, Nat was still sleeping on the couch in the living room. His brother Alex came into the living room & noticed the note that Kenzie had left for him.*

                                                       *Nat's P.O.V.*

Alex ran toward me & shook me. "Nat, wake up!"

I snorted twice, then jolted myself up & yawned. "What's going on?"

"Nat, Kenzie is out looking for your kids right now!" he said, then gave me a note.

I read the note. 

"Dear Nat,

Please don't hate me for doing this, but I couldn't take it any longer. I've decided to go look for the kids, myself. I don't know when or if I ever come back to you, but I love you. I know I should've listened to you in the first place. I'm sorry, Nathaniel. I really, really am.

Love, Kenzie."

"Oh my God," I said. "I have to go save her, Alex!"

"I'll go with you bro," he said. "Just in case you need some backup."

"Let's go!" I said, then standed up.

Alex looked at me funny. "Nat, you're gonna wear a shirt, right?"

"Uh, I guess," I said, covering my chest.

*Nat put his shirt back on, then they left to go find Kenzie & the triplets. When they found Kenzie's car parked in the parking lot of the abandoned hotel, they went into the hotel to find Kenzie & the triplets.*

 I could hear footsteps in the lobby. The kids were crying. They were scared speachless. Alex & I walked by the entrance. I heard the footsteps come closer & closer. I looked up in the stairway & saw Justin walking down the stairs. 

"Alex, I'm going to distract Margaret & Justin while you go try to find Kenzie, alright?" I asked.

"Alright bro," he said. "Be careful."

"I will," I said.

Justin walked closer to Alex & I. "Who's in here?"

"ALEX, RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!" I yelled, then jumped out in front of Justin. 

"What the fuck are you doing here, pretty boy?" asked Justin.

"Pretty boy?" I asked. "You know why I'm here, you fucktard! You & Margaret kidnapped my sons again!"

Before I knew it, Justin had came up toward me, starting to beat me up. I kicked him in his groin multiple times, squeezed his man boobs, & slugged him right across his face. Suddenly, I heard someone loading a gun. Lo & behold. It was Margaret again.

"Alright Nat, let's settle this, once & for all!" she said.

"Margaret, you're fucking insane!" I said. "You've been treating Kenzie & I's lives this way for years. YOU NEED TO CALM THE FUCK DOWN & LEAVE US ALONE!"



Margaret ran toward me & then began to try to beat me up. I didn't want to hit a girl, but Margaret just pushed the line! 

After confronting both Margaret & Justin, I had become weak. My eyes were in a daze, I felt like my head was going to explode, & my stomach felt all gushy. I could hear sirens from police cars & ambulences coming from the outside of the hotel. Within seconds, policemen arrested Margaret & Justin again, & they helped the triplets get out of the cages they were in.  Then, I saw Alex running towards me. 

"Nat, I can't find Kenzie anywhere!" he cried. 

"What?" I asked in shock. "I'll go find her, don't you worry."

I slowly got up & ran upstairs. "Kenzie?" I asked. "Kenzie, where are you?"

I heard a small voice coming from one of the hotel rooms. I went into the one that had the small voice getting a little bit louder. Kenzie was there, laying down on the bed, half naked. Her wrists & ankles were covered in duct tape & her mouth was too. She was also covered in bruises where she had been beaten.

"K-Kenzie..." I began to cry. "Oh my God!"

Kenzie looked up at me with tears streaming down her face. She was bawling her eyes out.

I took the duct tape off her mouth. "K-Kenzie, I'm so sorry!"

"N-Nathaniel..." she whispered softly. "Are the babies... Okay?"

Before I could answer her, she passed out completely. I shook her a little, to try to wake her up. Nothing worked.

I carried Kenzie in my arms & ran out of the room she was in. Paramedics came within seconds. I rode in the ambulence with her, crying my eyes out.

*Kenzie was rushed into the emergency room. Dr. Jonas said that Margaret had hurt her a lot worse than she ever did. About two hours after Kenzie was admitted into the hospital, Nat went into her room to see her.*

According to Dr. Jonas, Kenzie's condition was really really bad. I can't believe this. I can't believe that Kenzie would just run off without me, trying to rescue the kids, but then in the end, getting herself really hurt. I'm also made at Shane. His first day of preschool he decided to be mean to other kids in his class! I really do wish that all this bullshit would end right now. I can't handle this anymore!

About an hour later, Kenzie woke up. 

"Hey Kenzie," I whispered. 

"What happened? Where am I?" she asked.

"You were uncauntious. You're in the ICU right now," I said. 

"Get. Me. Out. Of. Here." she said.

"I'm sorry babe," I said. "You'll have to stay here for a little while. At least until tomorrow morning."

Kenzie sighed. "Can you hand me my phone, please?"

"No," I said. 

"Give me my phone, Nat," she said.

"Kenzie, there's no time for checking your Instagram or Twitter!" I said. "You almost gotten yourself killed today, & all you want to do is go on your stupid phone?"

"Nat, what is the matter with you right now?" asked Kenzie. 

"You weren't supposed to go out there to find the kids!" I said. "You were supposed to stay at home with me until the fucking police called us!"

"Nat, I had to do something!" she said. "If I did stay home with you, then the kids would've been dead once the police found them."

I shook my head. "Whatever. Let's not talk about this for the rest of the night, alright?"

"Whatever," said Kenzie, as she crossed her arms & looked away from me.

"You should probably get some rest," I said.

"I'm not tired," she said, almost about to cry.

I looked at her. "Why are you crying?"

"It's nothing, Nat," she said.

"No It's not," I said. "Tell Me."

"Just leave me alone, Nat," she said. 

"I'm not doing anything!" I said. 

"Nat, please," she began to cry. "I don't wanna talk about anything right now. I just want to be miserable."

"No you don't," I said. "Trust me Kenzie, you don't EVER want to be in that position. I'm sorry that I'm being harsh on you right now. If you want me to leave, I'll leave. But if you want me to stay, then I'll stay. I'll try not to be an asshole anymore, I promise."

Kenzie looked at me. "I guess you can stay with me."

I smiled. "Thanks babe."

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