Ask Sollux And Eridan

By erisolshipper

329K 8.3K 1.8K

Hey me and fii2hdiick are bored 2o we decided two an2wer 2ome que2tiion2 and 2tuff liike that. I'm so bored... More

Ask Sollux And Eridan
#12 ?
#224 and Thanksgiving Dinner!
#228 amd Merry Christmas!
#231 Happy New Year
# 240
#243 is a good number for a perfect end.


409 17 18
By erisolshipper


hi Sollux how is eridan and the whole 5 year old thing going along? and here Eridan a big cookie for you and here sollux here is a big cookie for you as well * hands them big cookies *

"Cookie!!!" *Eridan giggles and noms onto the cookie as Solluc laughs*
"Thank2.. And well... II won't deny that he ii2 adorable.."

my friend Fang has two questions the first one is for Eridan and it is how did you get so handsome ? and the second one is for sollux and it is did people ever bully you about your lisp? and if so ignore them you're awesome

"Handsome?" *Eridan asks, tilting his head to the side. *
"Yeah. KK, ED, Dave, & Vrii2ka.. II know they were only jokiing though.. And thank2 for thiinkiing IIm awesome Amalia_Hakari "


Jinkoa: Ye"s. Happ"y Perigre"e.


"Okray!" *Little Eridan runs to the kitchen, looking for the sodas to mix together. *

"ED, what are you doiing?"

"Uh.... Nofin!" *He quickly gets the sodas, mixing them together. Once he finishes, little Eridan ours it into a giant bowl, and drinks from it. *

"ED! Ugh! He2 goiing two bee hyper now!!"

Aww, little five year old Eridan! Is Sollux treating you like the adorable little prince you are?

*Eridam giggles.*
"Yes!" *He holds his arms up to Sollux, wanting to be picked up. *

"You're lucky you're adorable.." *Sollux sighs, picking him up. *

*admin wakes up from fainting*
What happened?

"You faiinted."

*looks at Eridan*
What happened to him?

"Long 2tory..."

I'm disappointed in you three for the last few one. It was a song reference

Hey, I didn't even say anything, they're the ones who answered.
"Wow admiin.."

And eridan is adorable! *nuzzles him* Don't question me.

*Eridan giggles happily. *

Aww how cute Eridan a five year old he's so cute *gives him a stuff seahourse* here go you little cutie and anyways Sollux how do you feel about this?

"Yay!!" *Eridan quickly takes the seahorse, hugging it to his chest. *
"I wwuvv seahorses!"

"IIt2 Fiine II gue22... He2 really adorable... But II kiinda want my mate2priit back.."

Eridan...can you say I wuv sol....hehe and sollux. Have you ever seen(starts dryheving) Dora? Turns it on and runs.

*Sollux looks at the tv.*
"What the heck II2 thii2?"

Oh god.... No...

"Uh..." *Eridan walks up to Sollux, tugging lightly on his shirt. Sollux looks down at him*
"I.... I wwuvv you.."

*Sollux blushes and picks up Eridan, rubbing his cheek against his.*
"You are 2o adorable!!"

I think Sollux is Fanboying...

Gives little eridAn gummy octopi and Sollux a cute little seahorse outfit for five year old ERidan that will grow with him when he turns back so he can still wear it*

"Thank you!" *Eridan says happily, eating the gummy*

"Oh my Gog, thii2 ii2 adorable.."
*Sollux puts it on Eridan*
"Yup, ab2olutely adorable..."

Jade: "Heya guys!"

Jane: "We wanted to know if you've heard the song Dear Agony by Breaking Benjamin."

Jade: "Hehe, because we think it might give Admin feels."

"Breakiing Benjamiin? II thiink-"

Breaking benjamin?!?!?! *jumps up and down*

"Ye2... They want two iif IIve heard the 2ong 'Dear Agony' and they thiink iit Wiill giive you.. 'Feel2' "

Dear agony....oh, I've heard of it. But I've never listened to it. I always listen to 'I Will Not Bow'

"Hm... Let2 2ee.." *finds it online, and plays it*

-song ends-

*laying on the floor; crying and singing*
Love pull me down
Hate lift me up...
Just turn around
There's nothing left...
Somewhere far beyond this world
I feel nothing anymore....

"Admiin, get off the floor.."

I feel nothing anymore...

"Admiin, 2top cryiing..." *sighs*

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