Magicians Pet (🔞Hisoka Smut�...

By Clown4Hisoka

2M 71.5K 32.4K

*THIS IS NOT A Y/N STORY* From being a slave to a egotistical father to becoming a Magicians plaything, we fo... More

The Magicians Exam
The Magicains Exam part2
Trick Tower
Zevil Island part 1
Zevil Island part 2
Hunting- for applicants??
Hunter or Hunted?
Hisoka's Pinhead
Who are you calling a kid?!
Bungee Gum??
Heavens Arena
Big ole' Blue Eyes
Cat Fight
Killing is-bad?
The Reaper who takes days off
Festival Fun
Oh Daddy
Good Girl
Girl problems
Talk dirty to me
Clown Fight
Lust or Bloodlust?
You're an ass- but I like you
Girls have needs too
Unripe Fruit
Psycho Cutie 
It still hurts
Drinking Game
Stupid Emotions
You can't escape me
To York New
Guess who?
Round 2
Play with me
Hisoka's Prey
New Games
Caught Red Handed
Lights Out
Troublesome girl
Catch me if you can
Murderous Demons
Old Flames
Perfect Toy
Its just sex
Greed Island
Game play
Angels and Demons
Come Home
Blossoming Fruit
Growing Pains
Growing Pains pt.2
A Game of Consent
Good Boy
Innocent Eyes 
Clever Bastard
Magicians Secrets
Magic Tricks
Axis & Allies
Glam Gas Land
Pretty Kitty
Three's a Crowd
Little Toy
Need Vs Desire
Snow Day
So Close
Identity Crisis
Bisky Bootcamp
Teacher Kink
This is Love?
Game Over?
Bone Pointing
Vine Ripened
Stay with me
Breaking Point
A Match Made in Hell
My Amour
Her Magician
Dear Brothers
Turning Tides
Christmas Special
Pinky Promise
Freindly Fire
Soft Spot
Memory Lane 
Bungee Extension
Whiskey Confessions 
Queen of Hearts
Her Magician
Lost Kitten
Unexpected Guests
Find Her
Broken Reaper
Repaired Scythe
Death's Lover
Bastards Entrance
Kitten's Return
Remnants of Death
Magicians Adoration
Death Scythe
Stubborn Aries
Blood Brother
Sit Mike
Revenge is Best Served Cold
All is fair in Love and War
Revenge is Empty
Forbidden Fruit
Friend or Foe?
Troublesome Assassin
Unbreakable Bonds
Oddly Familiar
Old "Friends"  
Her Beloved
Subconscious Memory
Magicians Charm
Memory Puzzle
Heavens Deadline
Première étreinte
Beloved Pet
Eccentric's Debut
New Plaything
Leap of Faith
Naissance d'un Monstre
His Protector
Earned Strength
The Past Echoes
Assassins Heartbreaker
Beach Side Cottage
Entertainment Delivered
His Addiction 
Sois a moi
The Past Never Dies
Love -Struck

Finally, a Teacher

12.9K 485 126
By Clown4Hisoka

Kinta sighed as she hopped up on the bathroom counter and got ready to re-dress the bullet wound in her leg, hiking up the leg of her shorts to examine the wound. This one was taking the longest to heal, most of the other lacerations had closed up by now but Kinta had really done a number on this while she was digging the bullet out. She was probably going to have a new scar.
There was a knock at Kinta's door just as she was finishing up, she hopped off the counter and padded over to the door barefoot. When she opened it, Hisoka filled the doorframe.
"Hello~ and how are we feeling today?" He cocked his head at her. Raking his gaze over her body like she was a snack, even though Kinta had dressed plainly in a loose fitting light-blue hoodie and black shorts.
He wasn't dressed in his usual attire either, he sported black shirt and dark red sweatpants. His hair was loose around his face and he wasn't wearing his usual makeup anymore.
He almost looked like he actually cared. Kinta laughed. "How am I feeling? You're the one that got both of your arms ripped off. How are YOU feeling?"
He held out his arms and flexed his hands. "Good as new.~" He smirked.
"Oh wow! It's MAGIC!" Kinta exclaimed dramatically, her voice dripping with sarcasm.
Hisoka chuckled as he strode in the door. "What do you think it is~?"
Kinta examined his arms, resisting the urge to touch them. "I would think that you used Bungee Gum to reattach them, and then texture surprise to conceal the wounds. But, I dont think your Bungee Gum is finite enough to re-attach the nerves and muscles so that your fingers can move."
"Hmm~" Hisoka hummed happily as he leaned against the wall. "I do enjoy listening to you work through things~"
Kinta rolled her eyes. "My guess is you had help from somebody else, the obvious first guess would be a doctor. But that would require surgery, there's no way you would have recovered that quickly. So whoever helped you, must be using some form of Nen."
"Ah, I'm impressed. You are right on the money." Hisoka gave her a closed eyed smile. "Do you want me to tell you their ability? Or are you having fun guessing~?"
"What else could it be?" Kinta smiled, of course she was having fun figuring this out. "It's not like they could just glue your arms back together, that'd essentially be the same thing as your Bungee Gum. The only thing I can think of that finite enough to reconnect muscles and nerves would be stitches. So- they used Nen stitches right?"
Hisoka's smile broadened. "You're a smart one~"
"But does that mean your bones are still broken? As far as I'm aware, stitches can't reconnect bone."
"Why should I tell you? If I say yes, then you might use it to your advantage and try to attack me right~?"
Kinta blinked. "Wow, I'm actually a little offended that you think so little of me. Let's get one  thing through your thick skull-" Kinta stepped into him and jabbed a finger into his chest. Hisoka just watched her with an amused expression. "Yes, I am not above using under-handed tactics like that. But to do that, in a fight with you-" A cruel smile pulled at the corners of Kinta's lips. "Would be a waste."
Hisoka cocked his head as Kinta turned and walked away from him. "Do explain~"
"Not until you explain those Nen stitches." Kinta smiled and leaned against the adject wall.
"No~" Hisoka chuckled. "My bones are not broken, she can re-attach bone with her Nen stitches as well."
"She?" Kinta perked up.
"Oh~? Are you jealous?"
"Hardly." Kinta scoffed. "It's exciting to hear about other talented women, there seems to be a shortage of them around here."
"Ahh yes, you do seem to love other women. Tell me, which do you prefer? Men? Or women?"
"For your information, I like both equally." Kinta huffed before she cocked an eyebrow at him. "And what about you? I caught you checking out Illumi's ass during the hunter exam."
Hisoka just chuckled dryly. "Are you going to explain yourself now~?"
"Hisoka, when I fight you, it's because I want to. You are just kind enough to let me get stronger so I'll actually stand a chance against you."
He placed a hand on his chest, giving her a fake-sweet smile. "You give me to much credit, go on~"
"Ugh" Kinta rolled her eyes. "When I defeat you, it's not going to be because I had some unfair advantage over you. No-" She pushed herself off the wall, a determined look on her face and her bloodlust already building just from the thought of their fight. "I told you, I'm going to play your game. Which means that I want to see the look on your face, when you crumble in defeat and finally realize that, there is somebody stronger than you."
Hisoka's eyes widened slightly, his bloodlust seemed to respond to hers. A soft groan  escaped his lips as he spoke. "Your awfully certain you'll be able to kill me~"
"Kill? Oh honey, no." Kinta giggled as she moved towards the man, she loved the feeling of his bloodlust on her skin. The pins and needles all over her body sent shivers down her spine, adrenaline pumping through her veins and goosebumps on her skin. "Killing you, isn't really breaking you. Is it?"
Hisoka swallowed, his gaze growing heated as she sauntered towards him ever so slowly.
"If I want to break you, like you want to break me-" Kinta put a finger to her chin and looked up like she was thinking. "I'd have to defeat you. Incapacitate you, so you are absolutely unable to fight any longer. Maybe I'll have to remove all of your limbs." She giggled. "That would defeat you, but to break you- I'd let you live. I'd let you live with the humiliation of your defeat, knowing that there's somebody out there stronger than you are."
Kinta suddenly found herself slammed into the wall, Hisoka in her face, pinning her there with his body. Bloodlust and excitement gleamed in his eyes. "Why, do you insist on riling me up like this~?"
"Because it's fun."Kinta grinned at him, drunk off the sensation of their combined bloodlust. It was hard to tell right now if she wanted to fuck this man or rip his heart out. 
"Do you have a deathwish?" He growled, his hands so tight on her shoulders she was sure it was going to leave marks.
"I refuse to hide behind a facade anymore." Kinta's demeanor changed slightly, she still had a smile on her face but there was anger in her words. "And that's why, I'll beat you at your own game."
Hisoka visibly shivered. "So conniving~ bloodthirsty, determined~" A soft sigh escaped his lips as he released her shoulders. "Don't look at me like that. If you keep at it, I won't be able to control myself~"
"From what?" Kinta purred, carefully placing a hand in the middle of his chest and standing on her tiptoes. She'd love to whisper in his ear, but she was too damn short to reach. "Fighting me? Or, fucking me?"
A cold smile broke out over his face. "Probably both~"
Kinta giggled. "Probably. But, if you're too afraid of losing control-" She pushed him away from her and stepped away from the wall. "Then I can always find something-or somebody- else to satisfy my need."
Hisoka's demeanor shifted slightly. "Kastro told me that you'd accepted a dinner date with him."
"Did he now?" Kinta sighed. "Are you jealous?" She teased him.
"It doesn't matter, he can't take you out now that he's six feet under. Did I kill one of your toys~?"
Kinta rolled her eyes. "Sorry to burst your bubble, but I was never that impressed with Kastro. A dinner date with him would have been dreadfully boring, and I don't collect toys like you do."
"What about that purple-haired girl, Hoseki~?"
Kinta tensed. "What about her?"
"You let her live, after killing her master. And she swore to kill you someday, but you still let her live~" Hisoka cocked his head at her. "Don't you have enough people after you already?"
Kinta stared at him blankly. "You son of a bitch, you were there?!"
Hisoka shrugged. "I was curious as to what had you so agitated~"
Kinta sighed. "Fine, you got me. I see potential in that girl, so I let her live. I'm curious to see if she'll actually make good on her promise."
"So you do have a toy?" Hisoka's eyes lit up like a kid in a candy store.
"One." Kinta grumbled, holding her finger in the air. "One toy. I'm not like you that just collects a bunch and waits for them to get stronger, I'm not usually that patient. I'll admit the girl intrigued me."
"Are you sure?" Hisoka chuckled as he moved towards the table, sitting down in one of the chairs. "I wasn't terribly impressed with her, are you sure you don't just have feelings for her~?"
Kinta laughed bitterly. "If I did, they disappeared the moment she called me a monster." She moved and sat down heavily in the chair across from Hisoka.
He cocked an eyebrow at her. "She called you a monster too?"
"Didn't you hear her? She was screaming it at me." Kinta chuckled dryly. "A better question is who hasn't called me a monster. It's fine, I didn't leave home with the intent on becoming a monster. I left so that I could get strong, if that makes me a monster-" she shrugged. "Then so be it."
"I'd hardly call you a monster." Hisoka murmured, leveling his gaze with hers. "You remind me more of a wounded animal, lashing out at everything around it in an effort to protect itself~"
Kinta blinked, Hisoka- the murderous psycho- wouldn't call her a monster? And, was that pity in his eyes?
"Did you enjoy the fight~?" He suddenly changed the subject.
"Ah- yes I did actually. But I'm confused as to why nobody saw you setting traps with your Bungee Gum?"
"Ahh~" Hisoka smiled at her. "So you were smart enough to use Gyo."
Kinta cocked her head to the side and gave him a blank stare. "What's Gyo?"
Hisoka blinked and gave her a stunned look, a sweat drop forming on the back of his head. "How did you see my Bungee Gum then if you weren't using Gyo? I was using In to conceal it~"
Another confused look from Kinta. "What's In?"
Hisoka was silent for a long moment, giving her a long, confused stare. "How much do you really know of Nen~?"
"Just the basics." Kinta admitted sheepishly.
Hisoka's eyes narrowed. "Surely you know more than that."
"Ah- No." She shrugged. "Your aura looked kinda weird tho, it wasn't pink like it usually is. It was translucent, but I could still see it."
Kinta felt a strange aura coming off Hisoka, he looked excited and shocked at the same time.
he sighed. "You saw my concealed aura, without using Gyo. You~" he chuckled. "You are so full of surprises, it's never boring around you is it?" Then he sighed. "However, you are a lot farther from being ripe than I initially thought."
"Still~" He murmured. "The fact that you're able to fight with Nen with your limited knowledge is impressive~" He stared at her for a long moment. He seemed to be studying her, sizing her up.
Kinta wondered if she should be getting ready for a fight.
"And you're still struggling to find a teacher, correct~?"
"They're not exactly easy to find." Kinta sighed.
Hisoka sighed exasperatedly, pinching his nose between his fingers. "Then I guess it can't be helped, you've forced my hand."
Kinta didn't like the sound of that. "What are you getting at?"
"I suppose~" Hisoka motioned his hand towards her with a wave of his fingers. "I'll have to train you~"

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