2AM Feels

By SupIAmMark

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Life has been a rollercoaster for a boy like Martin. He always had a bubbly personality, openly bisexual and... More

Season 1
Episode 1 : The Man With Attitude
Episode 2 : The Photo Bomber
Episode 3 : Bad Night Comes A Bad Day
Episode 4 : A Part Of A Friendship
Episode 5 : Sweet Talks
Episode 6 : Fun's Not Fun Anymore
Episode 7 : Can't Be Seen
Episode 8 : Planned Date
Episode 9 : Invitation
Episode 10 : Spilled The Hate
Episode 11 : The Big Party Mess
Episode 12 : The Nightmare From Last Night
Episode 13 : The Unfortunate
Episode 14 : What's Behind
Episode 15 : Reconciliation Conversation
Episode 16 : A Little Braver
Episode 17 : The Agreements
Episode 18 : Sex Teasing
Episode 19 : Official Candidates
Season 2
Episode 21 : Still Secrets
Episode 22 : Surprise Attack
Episode 23 : The Messy Boy
Episode 24 : Still Active
Episode 25 : Late By What?
Episode 26 : Desperate Promotion, Desperate Attention
Episode 27 : Depressing Arguments
Episode 28 : Plan Gone Out Sad
Episode 29 : Victims Becomes Bullies
Episode 30 : The Sudden Apologetic Visitor
Episode 31 : Caught Love Making
Episode 32 : Wanted Or Unwanted Guest?
Episode 33 : Lovers Demoted To Cousins
Episode 34 : United For The First Time
Episode 35 : A Pissedful Morning
Episode 36 : To Rely On
Episode 37 : The Sweet Escape?
Episode 38 : Spying The Undefined
Episode 39 : Love Accepted, Love Rejected
Episode 40 : Another Problem In Progress
Season 3
Episode 41 : Hopeful
Episode 42 : Help Gone Wrong
Episode 43 : Not Showing Up
Episode 44 : Hitting Up
Episode 45 : Gifts
Episode 46 :What's Inside The Anger?
Episode 47 : A Bigger Party
Episode 48 : Cheers To 2Gether
Episode 49 : Valid Feelings
Episode 50 : Carelessly Scandalous
Episode 51 : Breaking The Confidence
Episode 52 : Mess Creator
Episode 53 : Highly Exposed
Episode 54 : Bet The Position
Episode 55 : Recipe For Disaster
Episode 56 : Car Stops, Car Crashes
Episode 57 : Valid Hurting Feelings
Episode 58 : Important Love
Episode 59 : Peace Is The Cure
Episode 60 : Back To 2AM
Author's Note

Episode 20 : Man On A Mission

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By SupIAmMark

While Martin was on the way to the exit of the school, Uno approached him.....

Martin: (looks at his phone) (in his mind) so we are eating on Pizza Hut......
Uno: (sees Martin) (walks to Martin) hmm..... I can confirm that you have made it official.... you are finally my rival again.....
Martin: (looks angrily at Uno) what is your problem to me?? and what do you mean by again???
Uno: (shrugs) someday.... you will know......
Martin: (rolls his eyes) I rather not know... (walks away) its not my business.....
Uno: (holds Martin's arm) I am not done with you.... (looks angrily) (pulls Martin)
Martin: what is your fucking problem!?? I wanna leave school.....
Uno: I just wanna tell you this Martin..... if you think you will win this competition easy because you have a lot of support from different people, then you are getting wrong..... after the stupidity you did with Caliber, do you think people would love have you as the president??
Martin: (shrugs) who knows Uno??? just because I was embarrassed does not mean that I got the hate... people only laughed......
Uno: you just do not know yet who loves you and supports you and I will gonna assure you this time, you popularity won't save you......
Martin: sure thing..... who are you anyway??? (about to leave)
Uno: I am not finish!! (pulls Martin)
Martin: (screams) (pulls his arm away from Uno) I do not give a fuck! (left)
Uno: (stares angrily at Martin) (in his mind) not again Martin.... not again......

At the Pizza Hut, Tori and Cedrick was there waiting for the others....

Tori: (looks at her watch) those guys are really so slow....
Cedrick: are you sure Tori about me being here??? Caliber is here right??
Tori: Cedrick... you are here to help Martin..... this is not about me and you cause there is no such thing as that right? nor about you and Caliber.....
Cedrick: fine... (rolls his eyes) you have a point.... (looks at his laptop) I am just going to list all the people who would support Martin instead.....
*Reese, Trenton, Jayson and Cleo enters the restaurant*
Jayson: (points Tori) oh... they are already here.....
Trenton: damn... Martin isn't yet here.......
*Jayson, Trenton, Reese and Cleo sits with Cedrick and Tori*
Cleo: should it be your responsibility Jayson?? to be with Martin??
Jayson: well, Martin wanted me to go straight here.... he will catch up..... he just brought some books back to his home......
Reese: such a bookworm type of boy......
Tori: (looks at her watch) I think we should just order..... so that as Martin arrives.... he can eat straight.....
Trenton: do not forget about Caliber??
Tori: oh hahaha... (nods slightly) yeah.... him.....
Jayson: wait... what if Caliber is messing with Martin again??
Tori: (smiles at Jayson) Jay... do not worry too much.... me and Cal might have broken up but I am sure he cannot do anything bad to Martin again.....
Jayson: I still do not want him near Martin....
Reese: that would be hard Jayson.... we are in a small area......

Outside the restaurant........

Martin: (types something on his phone) (about to enter the restaurant)
Caliber: (heads for the restaurant) (bumps to Martin)
Martin: (slams to the door) what the fuck ouch!!! (drops his phone)
Caliber: oh my God... (looks at Martin)
Martin: (picks up his phone) it is okay.... it is my.... (looks at Caliber) (angry) what the fuck!! it is not okay!!
Caliber: I didn't mean to... I promise.....
Martin: (rolls his eyes) whatever....
*Caliber and Martin are about to enter the restaurant*
Martin: stop getting in my way... (looks at Caliber)
Caliber: fine..... cute boys first!!!!
Martin: (enters the restaurant) (in his mind) cute boys?!
Caliber: hahahaha.... (enters the restaurant)

Inside the restaurant.....

Martin: (approaches Jayson) hi babe.....
Jayson: hi baby!! (kisses Martin on the cheek)
Tori: OMG cute lovebirds!
Martin: (sits besides Jayson) so.... was I long?
Reese: um... ye....
Trenton: (elbows Reese) no... it was really fine..... we just came too.....
Caliber: hi guys... (approaches everyone) ugh..... where can I sit???
Martin: (looks around) ugh... there are no seats left.....
Cleo: (taps Martin) (points an empty seat) you have no choice but to sit here.....
Martin: (looks at an empty seat besides him)
Caliber: oh hahaha.... sure, why not.... (smiles) (sits next to Martin) hi Martin...
Jayson: do not dare to talk to him Caliber....... I am not done with you.... (glares at Caliber)
Caliber: (shrugs) (looks away)

As soon as the orders were served, everyone started eating..... after minutes of eating and planning about the campaign..... they started gossiping about random stuffs......

Prescott: (enters the restaurant) (sees Caliber and Cedrick) oh God... my two boys are here at the restaurant..... smells like a plan for elections.....
Cedrick: well... Martin and Jayson are running for president and vice president.......
Reese: oh Cedrick... do not forget about the 10th grade representative.... me!
Prescott: you are the 10th grade rep?!
Reese: yes... why?? (rolls her eyes at Prescott)
Prescott: so you have to face me first before....
Everyone: you are running for 10th grade representative???
Prescott: (looks at everyone) ugh... I do not know if that sounds like an insult..... but... (smiles at Reese) I can surrender if I get your number..... (pulls a chair) (sits near Reese) or kiss me instead...
Reese: (screams) eww! would you go away.... I do not want you here..... go away.....
*everyone laughs*
Jayson: (hugging Martin) (sleeps besides Martin)
Martin: (kisses Jayson's forehead)
Cleo: so Caliber.... how would you promote Martin and Jayson for the elections???
Martin: to be honest... we do not need duchebags for promotions......
Caliber: (laughs down) hahahhaha.....
Cedrick: that hurts Martin.... did I do something to you??
Martin: excluding you Cedrick.....
Caliber: (slightly glares at Cedrick)
Prescott: how about me??
Reese: nah... you are really a douchebag Prescott......
Caliber: call it what you want Martin but I will win you......
Tori: excuse me???
Trenton: (eyes widens at Caliber)
Martin: (eyes widens at Caliber) what the fuck are you talking about?
Caliber: ugh... I will bring you guys to victory...... even your boyfriend who hates me so much like a dog......
Martin: (looks at Jayson) what the fuck.... do not say anything bad to him or else you would face me......
Caliber: fine king.... your wish is my command.... but for real Martin.... you really need my help..... I have a huge platform....
Martin: I also once had a huge platform Caliber but its your fault why I lost some of them.....
Trenton: (laughs a little) hahaha.....
Caliber: Martin..... what could I do to make up to you???
Martin: I do not give second chances Caliber......
Caliber: I don't think so..... I think I deserve one.....
Martin: once again Cal.... no, I do not wanna give you a second chance.... and besides.... (hugs Jayson) I have a boyfriend...
*everyone looks at Martin*
Trenton: Martin... I think you got carried away.....
Caliber: why did the boyfriend thing enter the topic? I am making up to you as a friend.....
Martin: (blushes) (feels embarrassed) ugh.... (shakes his head) whatever!
Caliber: (looks sadly at Martin) so our friendship is really gonna end in sadness? I am here trying hard to gain your trust... (puppy faces to Martin)
Martin: (looks at Tori)
Tori: (shrugs) (smiles slightly)
Martin: (looks at Caliber) why the fuck are you puppy facing me?
Caliber: to make it look more convincing....
Martin: (rolls his eyes) whatever... fine..... I will think about making up to you....
Caliber: what would I do?? (smiles)
Martin: find me a frog with fur....
*everyone laughs*
Caliber: Martin...... that is impossible.... (scratches his head) I am serious here....
Martin: and your favor seems to be impossible too......
Caliber: (looks down sadly)
Martin: if you want things to be okay.... (looks around) locate the person who took the video of me at your party.... take the video down and make sure....  (looks at Caliber)
Caliber: what???
Martin: make sure nobody has the copy of the video..... (taps Jayson) (looks at Jayson)
Jayson: (wakes up) (yawns)
Martin: (kisses Jayson's lips) lets rest in my house babe?
Jayson: (smiles) (nods) (keeps yawning) sure..... (stands up) I will just go to the bathroom.... I'll drive.... (left)
Martin: sure babe.... (smiles) (looks back at Caliber)
Caliber: is that all???
Martin: (clenches his jaws) do not talk so confident there.... it is not as easy as you think it is.... like how its not easy to appear to people after being embarrassed..... (left)
Trenton: he seems still filthy angry......
Reese: what seems? he cannot accept the idea of embarrassment... and he have rights to be unapologetic.....
Cleo: (giggles a little)
Tori: (looks sadly at Caliber)
Caliber: (feels sad) (opens his phone) (contacts and calls somebody) hey dude.... do you have any idea how to track a specific file on anybody's phone..... I really need help..... it is a must.... (feels sad)
Tori: (looks at Caliber) (in her mind) I can see in you Caliber that you want Martin back...... keep it up...... I am rooting for you.....
Caliber: (looks down sadly)

OMG! what do you think of the last episode of season 1...... I am rooting for what comes next... tune in guys...... tune in for "THY LEGAL HEIRS"

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