Soldiers and Serpents //Scorb...

By Lucifurteeth

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Scorpius Malfoy thought he'd ride out the rest of his schooling at Hogwarts easily. That was until Albus Pott... More

Author's Note
1 Missy
2 Confrontation
3 A Long Day
4 Inebriated
5 Social Food Chain
6 Corruption
7 Time Out
8 Secrets
9 Bloodletting
10 Friends
11 Illness
12 The Test
13 Surprise
14 Just Words
15 Teeth
16 Twins
17 Outcast ⚠️
18 Formal
19 Family Ties
20 Saunder
21 Resolve
22 Chaos
23 In a Day's Work
24 Settlement
25 Desperation ⚠️
26 Casual Deatheater
28 Truth or Dare
29 Tension
30 Can You Hear Me?
31 Potions
32 Birthday
33 Faster
34 Albus
35 Inquiries
36 History
37 Sixteen
38 Terror
39 The Flood
40 Into the Fire
41 Empty
42 It's Nothing ⚠️
43 Breathe
44 Deceit
45 London
46 Hook
47 Quidditch
48 Labyrinth
49 Black
Character Log
50 Ancestry
51 Unity
52 Subservient
53 Drift
54 Confidence
55 Scorn
56 He Who Wears The Crown
57 Casualties
58 Vengeance
59 Distraction
60 Pity
61 Forgiveness ⚠️
62 Encounter
63 Obscene ⚠️
64 Hunter ⚠️
65 Stranger
66 Switch
67 Beginning
68 The Dead
69 Imperio
70 Thank You
71 Anticipation
72 Mania
73 Darkness
74 Albus
75 Raven
76 Salazar

27 Soft Touches

314 12 26
By Lucifurteeth

Sunday night the twins returned to Hogwarts, immediately showering and retiring to their dorms for sleep. They'd be back to school the next morning. Scorpius was fidgeting in his bed, tossing and turning. The other students were asleep in their own bunks, but he was having trouble with insomnia. It shouldn't be that surprising, considering everything. When he finally did fall asleep, in the early hours of morning, he was swept into a memory he'd rather forget.

The Hogwarts hallway was empty as Scorpius left the Slytherin dungeons. His wand stuck out of his pocket, and his iPod and earbuds were in the other. He was looking for Raven, but the girls dormitories and the common room were empty. Everyone was in class. But his twin wasn't; so he knew something was up. Scorpius walked through the halls but paused when he heard a few different voices. He probably would've kept going had he not recognized Raven's distressed tone. "... your hands off me!"

Scorpius jogged around the corner, where voices snapped more into clarity. "Just want what you're giving everyone else." Daniel's sly and mischievous tone had Scorpius immediately angered. Rage soured through him, and he found the scene. Daniel and two of his friends had Raven cornered, and had clearly grabbed her. Her lipstick was smeared, her shirt unbuttoned. She was trying to push a guy away from touching and removing her bra. Raven's wand was on the floor, her books as well. Clearly they planned this.

"Get away from her!" Scorpius demanded, and watched as the three boys immediately looked up, having not seen or heard him approach. They seemed shocked, almost guilty that they were caught. But they weren't about to drop the act now.

"Mind your business, Deatheater." One of the friends snapped in his direction. Raven was crying, covering herself with her arms. Scorpius walked up to him without hesitation, kneeing him in the groin. The boy howled in pain, bending over. As Scorpius turned, he raised his wand. Daniel had mirrored his actions. Wands pointed at one another.

"What are you going to do?" Daniel taunted. His other uninjured friend grabbed Raven from behind, trapping her in his grasp. Scorpius didn't know what he was going to do. He was so fueled with anger he couldn't think, he could hardly see clearly. He was becoming blind with rage, literally. Raven cried for him to stop, not wanting her twin to get into trouble. Scorpius felt that he was mad enough to kill him, all of them.

"Crucio!" The Cruciatus curse came tumbling out of Scorpius's mouth, and a surge of power came with it. It was an icy cool feeling that went through him, making him feel on top of the world. But he wasn't. Using an unforgivable curse wasn't just forbidden, but it was straight up dark magic. And it took effect immediately. Daniel's wand fell out of his hand and clattered to the floor, he fell to his knees. The veins popping out across his forehead and neck in pain. The boy holding Raven immediately dropped her in shock, running over to Daniel. Scorpius didn't stop, though. The torture curse is what he deserved.

Tears streamed down Daniel's cheeks, and he gasped like he was being set on fire from the inside. Then he began to scream when he couldn't stay silent any longer. The pain was clearly so excruciating that it was breaking him. Scorpius could hear his friend shouting, and Raven was sobbing. But it was like the noises were muffled by a cloud, and only Scorpius existed in that moment; bringing payback to the person who touched his sister. "Scorpius!" Raven grabbed his arm, breaking his concentration. Scorpius snapped back into a reality, lowering his hand. Daniel gasped out, in relief and fear.

He was crying on the floor, curled up into himself. His friend knelt beside him, looking at Scorpius with wide and scared eyes. Clearly he thought that he was next. Scorpius turned to Raven, who hugged him and quietly composed herself.

"Hey. Wake up. You've missed breakfast." Raven yanks the blanket off of Scorpius's body. Immediately cold air hit him and he woke from the dream. His mind was spinning from the memory that he couldn't even register he slept through his alarm. Albus didn't even bother to wake him? Strange. All the other boys were gone by this time, waiting for classes. Scorpius blinked, rubbing his head. He was waking up with a headache. Wonder why. "Scorpius?"

"I know." He replies, feeling like her voice was jabbing into his ears painfully. "Migraine." He sat up slowly.

"Here, let me help." Raven offers, coming over to him. She pulls out her wand. Scorpius is about to reject her help but she already casts the spell. "Lenio." It was a rather simple pain relief spell, and it started to slowly work on Scorpius's head. Enough where he wasn't squinting to keep out the light from the window. "How's that?"

"You've been practicing." He muses, slowly getting up and looking for something to change into.

"Christine has been tutoring me and Ashton is good at magic so sometimes he shows me things. I pick up on them." Raven answers, waiting while her brother changes into his uniform. She busies herself looking out of the window between Scorpius's and Potter's bunks, watching as owls fly too and from the Great Hall. Scorpius didn't put his tie on, just pulling on his Slytherin sweater over the white collared button down and called it a day. He grabs his scarf, knowing it was bound to be cold in the castle. The boy leaves his sister waiting while he fixes his hair, brushes his teeth, etc.

"Okay. Ready." He comes back to the dorms, and Raven smiles, leading the way happily out to the Great Hall. Scorpius knew breakfast was well over, but he was going to at least grab a coffee before class. He was exhausted. Eyes droopy, legs dragging. Other students were already waiting outside classrooms for their professors. Raven falls into step beside him. She wasn't wearing the Slytherin skirt today, but had traded it out for black jeans. It was too cold for even Raven to dress fashionably. Her hair was done in braids, and then pinned up on her head. A few strands were pulled forward to frame her face. Makeup was on. No one had an inkling of knowledge that only a couple days ago she looked like a druggie.

"Why are you so quiet?" She asked as they walked. Scorpius shrugs. "Tell me."

"Had a dream about when Daniel and... when they cornered you." Scorpius let's out a shaky breath. They never mentioned the Cruciatus curse. Even Daniel never told anyone, and Scorpius often wondered if Daniel had obliterated that memory from his friend's mind. Scorpius wished he could obliterate it from his own mind. Raven clearly didn't want to have this deep of a conversation this early in the morning because she answered only with a short 'mmhmm.' "He's my brother. Isn't it weird that I tortured him?"

"Siblings torture eachother. It's not weird." Raven teases, clearly not referring to the same kind of torture that Scorpius was. "He deserved it."

"Yes, yes he did." Scorpius agreed, and that was the end of it. He still felt a twinge of guilt. Perhaps not over the actual pain it caused, but the power and rush he got from it. What kind of monster would like that? The one descended from the darkest wizard to ever exist, perhaps? Scorpius hated that he had to think that way, but he couldn't stop. Everything he did that people looked down on, thought was evil, was that because of his lineage? Was that more sinister than he thought?

Scorpius grabbed his coffee and headed towards class, trying to ignore the thoughts swirling through his mind.

Scorpius yawned at the lunch table, finishing everything on his plate as Raven and Ashton shamelessly flirted with eachother across from him. Luckily, they kept the snogging to a minimum. It was halfway through lunch hour when Albus finally joined them. "Where have you been?" Scorpius inquires, but his eyes caught the disheveled appearance of Lysander Scamander hurrying to the Hufflepuff table, and his question was answered. He clenched his jaw. Albus didn't tutor him until after classes- why were they now meeting at lunch? Jealousy burned in him like a flame.

"Helping Lysander with flash cards for his next class. There's a quiz." Albus explains. Raven greets the boy with a smile but quickly returns to her conversation with her boyfriend. Albus sits beside Scorpius, starting to fill his plate with food. Scorpius looked at him, but the boy looked perfectly groomed like always. Uniform was straight and smooth, tie on. Hair combed neatly. Still, it did nothing to appease his jealousy. Was Albus running his fingers through Lysander's messy white-tipped blonde curls? Scamander definitely had the appearance that he had been in a compromising position right before entering the Great Hall. "Oh, you're pissed." Albus finally looks up from his food to see Scorpius's face.

"Yeah, no shit I'm pissed. You could've told me you wouldn't be here until the end of lunch." Scorpius's tone was harsh, but he kept his voice low. Across the table Raven was smiling at Ashton, who was smiling wide enough for dimples to show back at her. They were talking about Valentine's Day, even though it was a month away. Something cheesy and romantic was being shared between them, while Scorpius seethed.

"It took longer than I expected." Albus replies between bites.

"Oh I got it. He lasted longer than you expected." Scorpius snapped, grabbing his notebook and getting up. Albus's eyes widened. Raven looked over as her brother stood. "I'll see you later." Scorpius tells her with a simple nod, not even giving Albus a look before he stomped- literally stomped- out of the room.

Scorpius walked down the hallways, pulling out his phone and dialing Oliver. His friend answered. "Hello?"

"Hi." Scorpius greeted lamely, swinging his notebook by his side. He walked towards the courtyard, where the tree was that he caught on fire. "Are you busy?"

"No. Just going through and packing some things." Oliver answers. "What's up? You sound upset."

"I'm not, I'm just being dumb." There's a pause. "My emotions are being dumb." Scorpius clarifies, still feeling angry. He sat on the bench under the tree, looking around at some stray students here and there. None were close to him. Snow crunches under his feet as he sits. There's some shuffling on the other end of the line.

"Emotions tend to do that. That's why they are emotions." Oliver answers. Scorpius is quiet, holding the phone up to his ear. "Are you at school?"

"Yes. It's lunch." Scorpius deadpans. "Albus was with Lysander for most of lunch." His voice was dry.

"Is that when he tutors?" Oliver asks, clearly have no idea how Hogwarts worked or how tutoring was factored into the day.

"No." Scorpius paused. "Not usually. Maybe their sleeping together." Oliver was silent, and then there was laughing.

"What? No. I don't think so. I already told you Albus is obsessed with you."

"I'm not daft. Usually I'm right about these things." Scorpius wasn't amused at all.

"Did you ask him?" Oliver wondered, trying to stifle his giggling.

"No. I don't want to sound..."

"Jealous?" Oliver guessed. Scorpius rolled his eyes. "You guys are best friends. It's not going to sound that way unless you ask in an attacking manner. Which is what you do, most of the time."

"Why should I care? He's going to think I'm being dramatic."

"You like him babe. You really like him. That's why you're upset. Do you think he'd lie to you?" Oliver's endearing pet name just made Scorpius grimace. Why does he call people things like that? Love, babe, hunny. That was new, Oliver never use to do that as a kid.

"He doesn't lie." Scorpius sighs. "Ugh." Scorpius spots Albus heading towards him across the lawn. Clearly he got up from the lunch table and nearly immediately followed after. "He's coming over."

"Don't overthink."

"That's easy for you to say." Scorpius ends the call right as Albus walked up. Potter crosses his arms over his chest, leaning most of his weight on one leg. His facial expression was unreadable. "What?" Scorpius asked, setting his phone down.

"Don't get defensive. I came to see what's wrong."

"Nothing." Scorpius dismisses it, looking up at the standing boy. "I just want to be alone."

"You think there's something going on between me and Lysander?" Albus pokes. Scorpius huffed. "There's not. I was seriously just helping him with flash cards."

"He looked... flustered." Scorpius knew how pathetic he sounded and immediately hated it. Regretted it all.

"So did you." Albus observes. Scorpius said nothing. "Why do you think I'd like him?"

"He's got no problems." Scorpius felt like someone was crushing him. He felt like crying, and he hated emotions. He was just having an off day. An emotional, tired, rough day. From the dream to the headache and now this.

"Maybe I like the ones with problems, and daddy issues. With dyed hair and a sensitive personality."

"Literally piss off." Scorpius looked away from him with attitude. Albus was amused. He sat down by Scorpius, close enough that their legs touched.

"Scorpius, the boy is straight." Albus murmured. "He has a muggle girlfriend." Scorpius felt his skin light on fire. Ah fuck. He was embarrassed, and raised a hand to cover his eyes. It didn't hide the blush up his neck and face. Albus bites his bottom lip, trying not to misinterpret this as jealousy. Maybe it was jealousy, but Albus wasn't the kind of person to poke the bear. "I gave him one of my Uncle George's new candies. They give you a fever to get out of class. He was having anxiety about the quiz so I figured I'd give it to him so that he can retake it another day." Albus explains.

"Fuck me." Scorpius muttered to himself, feeling foolish. Shame made his ears hot. He wanted to hide in a turtle shell and just live the rest of his life there.

"If you insist." Albus jokes, hearing his words. Scorpius blushed harder and used his sleeves to cover his face. "Now you're definitely flustered. Are you trying to get out of the quiz too?"

"Fuck off Albus." Scorpius replies but he laughs a little.

"Well, you hanging out with Aries makes me feel like this so. Consider it payback." Albus retorts. Scorpius pulls his sleeves away from his face, looking at him in surprise. "Don't look at me like that. I'm capable of being possessive." Potter got a little pink now. "It just manifests in different ways."

"And how do you feel better about it?" Scorpius asked curiously.

"Oh. Well I've never been like that with a bestfriend so I don't know how- how it works." Albus begins. "If we're being honest..." He trails off, rearranging his scarf for something to do. "Hickeys."

"What- What?" Scorpius clarifies.

"Like I said, I never had the problem with a best friend. Only Luke." Albus bit his lip. "And hickeys kind of claimed Luke. So I felt better about him hanging out with people."

"I imagined having this kind of conversation under very different circumstances." Scorpius gave a laugh, looking around at the courtyard.

"Do tell."

"I'll leave it to your imagination."

"You don't want to know what kind of circumstances my imagination comes up with, Scorpius."

"Don't leave me in suspense, Al."


"Don't like it?" Scorpius rose an eyebrow, meeting his gaze. The pink on his cheeks was now from the cold instead of the blush.

"I think I can get use to it." Albus decides. "Lunch is over." He stood up, and Scorpius did as well.

"What circumstances or situations are we talking about, here?" Scorpius asks.

"Maybe I'll show you sometime." Albus walks off towards the hallways, not looking back. Scorpius's face was warm again.

Scorpius slid under the blanket at the end of the day, watching as the other Slytherin boys did the same. When all the lights were off he pulled his phone out and sent Albus a text.

Come lay next to me.

A few feet away Albus's phone chirps, and he curses and silences it. When he reads the message he looks up and over at Scorpius, and then replies over text. Scorpius's phone buzzes in his hand.

Albus: No, boys are awake. What about Daniel?

Scorpius frowned at the message, looking around the room. Most of the boys were closing their eyes, already focused on sleep. And on the other side of Scorpius's bed, Daniel had his back facing them.

You act like we're going to be loud.

Scorpius sent the text, looking over at Albus as he reads it. There's a small smile on his face that's illuminated from the light on his screen.

Albus: I'm usually loud in bed.

When Scorpius reads the text he has to cover his mouth to keep from laughing. He wheezes, sucking in oxygen. Albus smirked from a few feet away. Scorpius sat up, and was silent for a moment. Looking to see if any of the boys stirred. They didn't. He threw the blankets off him and walked a few feet over to Albus's bunk. Potter gives him a you've got to be kidding me look, and then makes room. As much room as possible, at least. These beds were certainly not as comfortable as Scorpius's at the Malfoy Manor. Scorpius climbed under the blankets beside him, facing him when he laid down.

Albus readjusted so that they both fit well and were comfortable, a blanket covering most of their bodies. Scorpius leaned forward so that he could whisper ever so softly. "I didn't think you'd be the loud type." Albus grinned, and then leaned in to whisper in Scorpius's ear.

"So you've thought about how I'd be in bed?" Albus's witty remark had Scorpius blushing. He was thankful the lights were off and it was hard to see anything, much less a blush. Scorpius just shook his head in amusement, not replying. Albus raises his arms out of the blanket, moving his hands to touch Scorpius's face in the dark. His hand softly caresses his neck and then up to his face, thumb running across his skin. Scorpius didn't bother stopping him, just pulled Albus closer by the waist, gently pressing his fingers into Potter's skin. It was like Albus was trying to remember Scorpius's features by touch.

Scorpius didn't know why exactly he wanted to trace thumbs over closed eyes and cheekbones. But he didn't ask, knowing it would risk one of the boys waking up. Albus didn't seem to feel the need to explain. He just took the initiative and did it. Familiarizing himself with Scorpius by his sense of touch. Going over his lips, Albus expected chapped and dry. But it was the opposite. Soft and dewy. He wondered how long it had been since the boy smoked. Smoking made lips dry, so Albus was focused a little too much on remembering when he smelled cigarette smoke last.

Scorpius on the other hand, was rather flushed from the soft touches, his mind racing. His heart pounding in his ears. Albus's thumb on his lip created the desire to kiss the brunette. It was there before, but now it was only a few inches away. Scorpius couldn't though. He knew it would mess with Albus's feelings. He knew that they way he felt now, might change on a whim. Maybe he'd close up suddenly about this. Then where would Albus be? Hurt? No, Scorpius couldn't loose his resolve. He masked his feelings with a joke. "You're actually quite gentle in bed." The whisper was barely audible.

But Scorpius knew Albus heard it because immediately the brunette tugged his fingers in Scorpius's hair as though to say otherwise. He gasped a little at the feeling, a tingle shooting all the way down to his groin. His arms and legs getting goosebumps and not from the cold. Scorpius dug his fingers into Albus's sides, and Potter made a small amused sound. Scorpius breathes a little heavier, and closes his eyes to try and relax. It was a little hard to do that with Albus's hands caressing him. "You're making it hard to be straight." Scorpius whispered.

"Yes, I am making it hard." Albus responds, voice sounding a little uneven. Scorpius squirmed a little at the innuendo. "You should give me a hickey." Albus adds in a soft voice. Scorpius felt butterflies in his stomach at the idea. "Maybe it will help when I'm tutoring Lysander." Really, it was an excuse to feel Scorpius's lips on his skin. Scorpius kind of knew this, but he agreed anyways. He pulls up on Albus's big tee shirt. One he knew use to be James's. He pushed the shirt up to Albus's armpits, and then completely off. Scorpius tried not to focus on the fact he was undressing this boy. Or that he had a growing hard-on in his sweatpants. Which is probably exactly what Albus was trying to achieve. The bastard.

Scorpius leaned down a little, the blanket sliding over his head. Albus's hands were in his hair, loosely running his fingers through it. Scorpius brushes his nose against Albus's stomach, above the waistband of his sweats. Then moves up a little, lightly trialing his lips against his torso. Albus somewhat hadn't expected Scorpius to agree, and was now suffering the teasing. Scorpius started to place open-mouthed kisses up his chest, until he finally settled on a place just around Albus's collar bone. He knew he'd probably regret this entire thing tomorrow but honestly, right now he didn't care. Cause it was just him, and Potter, and the dark. He wanted to stay here forever.

Scorpius sucked a bruise into Albus's skin. And it was clearly painful because Potter clenched his fingers into Scorpius's white hair. When he was done, Scorpius grabbed the tee shirt for Albus to put back on. They both sat up so that Potter could pull the clothing on. He looked at Scorpius in the dark. Their eyes had adjusted a little so that they could see each others faces a bit more clearly. "You're not straight." Albus's whisper wasn't a question. It was a statement. A fact.

"Just sleep." Scorpius tells him, laying back down. Albus lays down too. Scorpius pulls him close. "I'm bisexual." He whispered, and Albus showed no sign that he heard him. But he did.


"Goodmorning." Scorpius greeted, sliding onto the bench beside Raven at the Slytherin table. She looked up at him. He set his shoulder bag beside him, having to bring more than just his normal notebook today.

"Goodmorning. Sleep well? You seem better than yesterday." She observes the light hearted facial expression. He nods, looking across the table at Ashton with a small smile of recognition.

"I am." He pours himself some coffee. His eyes find an approaching Rose Weasley, who takes a seat beside Ashton and across from Scorpius.

"Hey, how's it going with James?" Raven asked the Griffindor girl. Rose shrugs, starting to eat breakfast. Scorpius figured they were talking about the Potter-Weasley family drama. According to Albus, even the cousins were feeling the strain on their friendships due to their parent's sins. "Where's Albus?" Raven asks no one in particular.

"I saw him in the hallway earlier. He was slowly on his way to the Great Hall. I think he was with a friend." Ashton responds, chowing on scrambled eggs and toast. Scorpius just sticks with the toast and coffee.

"Probably Lysander." Scorpius speaks up.

"The Hufflepuff Squib?" Ashton mused, seeming intrigued. "Can he really not do magic?"

"According to Potter, no. Albus is trying to tutor him." Scorpius explains. Ashton snickers.

"That's counterintuitive." The hufflepuff boy grimaces.

"Yep. That's what I said." Scorpius agreed. Christine comes up and sits next to Scorpius, chiming in and grabbing some breakfast.

"What did you say?" Christine wondered.

"Albus is tutoring the Squib Scamander." Ashton fills her in. Scorpius looked around at the group, wishing that things could go back to the beginning of the year where Raven mostly hung out with Slytherin girls and people wouldn't dare come up and sit beside him like they were bro's. Here he was, suddenly finding himself in a group with friends. Since when did the Malfoy's become this?

"Lysander is nice. He's really sweet with his younger brother. I saw him saying goodbye to Lorcan on the platform." Christine puts in her two cents on the matter.

"Personality doesn't matter. He's as good as a muggle if he can't do magic. It's a wonder why Hogwarts lets squibs in anyway." Raven points out. Ashton thinks about it a moment before responding.

"He's a Scamander. That's like not allowing the Malfoy's in if they were squibs." The hufflepuff boy offered.

"That's different." Raven and Scorpius echoed at the same time. They shared a side glance with one another and then Raven continued. "The Malfoys are one of the few remaining pure blood families, and are one of the Sacred Twenty-Eight." Here we go. Scorpius looked at Christine who made a face like she was already bored. Scorpius stifled a chuckle as his sister continued. "Our lineage dates back all the way to King William the first, which is whom Armand Malfoy obtained his land from."

"My sister is only interested in history if it pertains to the Malfoy's, just bear with it." Scorpius jokes, and Ashton and Rose chuckle. Christine had already heard it all, having been around the twins more often than the others. Raven gives Scorpius a sharp glare, flicking her blonde hair over her shoulder with sass.

"Vast wealth allows my family to support candidates in Ministry elections. Our money is relied upon by the Ministry, we're one of their top patrons." Raven goes on. It was clear that Rose was getting annoyed with the lecture because she interrupted.

"Ah yes. The Malfoy family is so pure blood, they couldn't possibly be related to the Tonks. Who had notable muggle ancestry and werewolves." Her voice was joking but also clearly aimed to silence Raven's words. It didn't. It just inflamed her. Scorpius could feel that this was going to escalate between the two girls, and sipped on his coffee. Should he stop it?

"Septimus Malfoy made it clear when he was owner of the manor that distant marriages to mudbloods weren't to be recognized by the family. Black sheep weren't going to be honored at the manor or as a Malfoy." Raven's voice was stern. Ashton looked between them, biting his lip in concern. At the word mudblood Rose was seething. Christine gave a nervous laugh, willing the Weasley girl to back down. She didn't.

"Septimus Malfoy controlled the Minister of Magic under the Imperius curse!" Rose stood up, angered. Raven stood as well.

"Allegedly! Those who hated the Malfoy's because they refused to inbreed to keep bloodlines pure concocted these ridiculously cruel accusations without any evidence." Raven was like a striking snake with her clever words and narrowed eyes. Rose on the other hand, looked like she was about to leap across the table.

"Rose, just walk away." Scorpius finally speaks up. The Weasley looked like she wanted to say more, turning her eyes onto him and then back to Raven. She huffed in annoyance, passive aggressively grabbing her books and leaving. Raven sat back down when she was gone, plastering a smile onto her face.

"So, have you thought about hanging out this weekend?" She asked Scorpius, voice devoid of any anger or sternness as it had only a few seconds ago. Scorpius didn't reply right away, letting Christine and Ashton get over the initial surprise of the confrontation.

"I haven't. I'll bring it up to Albus again, I'm sure-"

"Bring what up to me?" Albus Potter asks, taking Rose Weasley's place by Ashton now. Scorpius looked up and gave him a smile, which he returned.

"We're having a hangout at Ashton's off campus this weekend." Raven says.

"To celebrate your birthdays?" Christine asks, immediately remembering January 13 was the twins sweet sixteenth. "Still don't want to celebrate?" She sees their facial expressions.

"Your birthday is this weekend?" Ashton clarifies.

"No. It's next Friday." Raven corrects her boyfriend. "But we don't really celebrate."

"Why not? You'll only be sixteen once." Ashton beams.

"Actually, we'll be sixteen for a good 365 days." Scorpius's voice was clipped. Raven nods in agreement.

"No matter how much you beg, they won't budge. I've already tried last year." Christine tells Albus and Ashton.

"Actually, you gave me a nice gift last year." Scorpius jokes, and Christine blushed softly, nudging him as though to say shut up. Albus frowns at the exchange, giving a look to Scorpius from across the table. The Malfoy boy immediately drops the grin and takes a drink of his coffee.

"Anyways. Are you down to come this weekend?" Raven asked Albus. He shrugs, looking at her and away from Scorpius and Christine. "Come on, say you'll come or Scorpius probably won't." She begs, sticking out her lip in a pout. The Potter gives a smile, probably liking the fact that Scorpius going depended on his own interest. It meant the blonde boy wouldn't even bother himself with this kind of social gathering if it weren't for him. Christine looked between them all, eyes studying the sheepish way that Scorpius was drinking his coffee. Like he wasn't paying attention, but in reality he was hanging on their every word.

"Yeah. I'll go." He agrees as the first bell tongs. They all begin to stand up, grabbing their things. The students all headed down the table to meet at the end. Christine gave the four of them a little departing wave. Ashton planted a kiss on Raven's cheek, which Scorpius mockingly gagged at behind their back. The action had Albus grinning.

Ashton left the three of them as they started down opposite hallways. Scorpius caught sight of Aries and Daniel standing with a couple other Slytherin students as they walked. Daniel sent him a glance, but said nothing. Aries gave a smirk. "It's wack that Daniel is your brother." Raven sees the exchange and can't help but comment on it.

"It's not that weird, they both have a magnetic attraction that draws people in." Albus overhears.

"Well, I think Aries has a thing for you." Raven begins, raising her eyebrows suggestively. "Even if she's a psychotic bitch, she's still worthy wanking material-"

"One, disgusting. Two, she's not the person I'm interested in like that." Scorpius replies, looking down at her pointedly. But he realized he messed up as soon as he finished talking because Raven jumped on it.

"Oh, so you're interested in someone?" His sister was immediately set in motion, an excited pep in her step. Scorpius runs his fingers through his hair nonchalantly, readjusting his shoulder strap to cross his body, not bothering replying. "You're not going to tell me? Don't tell me you like Christine again?"

"Gross, no. She's just a friend." Scorpius assures her, glancing over at Albus who looked up a bit at him as they walked. He took that as a queue to interrupt.

"He's in love with Lysander Scamander but I told him that the boy is straight. Poor Scorpius is heartbroken." Potter's words had Raven giggling and Scorpius groaning. Albus laughs. "Seriously, what does it matter? Relationships in school rarely pan out in the long run."

"Your parent's say otherwise." Raven points out.

"Yeah, and look where they are at now." Scorpius was insensitive, but Albus didn't seem to mind. "Is that why you haven't dated?" He asked Albus, his eyes meeting the emerald ones he'd grown to recognize. They were safety, and beauty.

"No. I just don't see why I'd bother dating until I find someone who I see a future with. Otherwise, why waste time in a relationship that will mean nothing in a couple years? Fun is fun. Sex is sex. I'm picky about who I actually love." He was honest. "Did you love Christine?"

"A part of me will always love Christine, that's what a relationship is." Scorpius responds, just as plainly and open. "But there's reasons why we wouldn't work out forever, or even now. And that's fine. We still get on well, and there's no remaining feelings like that."

"I don't understand that at all. How could you love someone, but not want to be with them?" Albus rose an eyebrow.

"I love you, in a platonic way. I have no interest in dating you." Raven tells Albus, chiming in.

"We aren't compatible. You're clearly dominant in a relationship and the bedroom. Not to mention the fact I have no interest in girls of any kind." Potter offered, and Raven nodded.

"Are you saying you're a top, then?" Raven asked Albus boldly. Scorpius looked around, hoping students weren't paying attention in the halls. It didn't look like they were.

"That's not the kind of information-" Scorpius begins.

"Usually, yeah. But I'm adjustable too." Albus answers like Scorpius never started talking at all. "And you, Scorpius?"

"Oh- I'm- I don't think I should-"

"Christine says she was the dominant in physical-" Raven begins.

"Merlins beard, Raven. Maybe I don't want that shared-"

"Oh, so you're okay with Albus knowing about being the grandson of Voldemort, but not about your sexual preferences? Sorry, it's hard to keep up on what's acceptable." Raven's sarcasm was matched with a smirk, tilt of her head, and flick of her hair.

"It's okay, I already know Scorpius is submissive as fuck in the bedroom." Albus laughs, and Scorpius feels his face start to warm. These two were getting really good at embarrassing him.

"I'll see you guys later." Scorpius says softly, turning to head towards his own first hour. Raven and Albus watch him go, and then share amused glances.
5.7k words

Next couple chapters are focusing on pushing Albus and Scorpius's relationship forward. There's a lot of embarrassing moments as well as emotional and sincere moments. They are teenage boys, which makes them hormonal and dramatic. That coupled with their obvious confusing feelings will bring about a lot of small scenes and events of intense passion as well as impulsive behavior.
Teens do some shit, no?

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