Miraculous | Book 2(Old Versi...

By ChanelPradaGirl

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The Collector
Meeting Master Fu
Despair Bear
Despair Bear (Part 2)
Prime Queen
Love Speller
Robostus (Part 2)
Envious Kagami
Birthday Girl
The Dark Owl
More Amazing Pictures Of My OC!
Glaciator (Part 2)
Unexpected Visit
Sapotis (Part 2)
Meteor Shower
Hey Ronnie!
Captain Hardrock
Important Note
Cordonia (Part 2)
It Happened Again...
On Hold
Santa Claws (A Christmas Special)
Strike (Part 2)
Strike (Part 3)
Imposter (An Among Us X MLB Crossover)
Anansi (Part 2)
Frozer (Part 2)
Of Barcelona & Couples' Class
Style Queen (Queen's Battle- Part 1)
Queen Wasp (Queen's Battle- Part 2)
Liar's Threat
Catalyst (Heroes Day- Part 1)
Mayura (Heroes Day- Part 2)
Happy Anniversary


2.2K 67 37
By ChanelPradaGirl

"Why do I gotta take this ruby apple with me?" Kalianna asked her parents. Holding up the apple that she got on her birthday. 

The noirette was currently packing her things, she was going on a trip with all of her classmates to Cordonia. Regina insisted that they all go, saying that they'd love Cordonia. 


"M-Ms. Regina! I didn't think you would be back!" Miss Bustier said in surprise as Regina came walking into the classroom. "What brings you here?"

"I just came by to say that I want my granddaughter and all of her fellow classmates to come on a trip with me to my home Cordonia!" Regina chirped, fake smiling at everyone.

The class gasped and began muttering excitedly to one another.

"Well, I don't know, Cordonia seems pretty far" Miss Bustier said hesitantly

"Oh but I bet they'd love it there! Why don't you consider it?"

"Please Miss Bustier? I heard Cordonia has a prince, I wanna see him!" Rose exclaimed. 

"Yeah, please?" Marinette pleaded.

The students began to try and persuade Miss Bustier to accept Regina's offer. 

Kalianna crossed her arms. 'What's she up too?' She thought.

"Alright! Fine" Miss Bustier sighed.

The class cheered. 

"Wonderful! The trip is tomorrow, so start packing your stuff~!" Regina smirked at Kali and left the room. 


"SHE DID WHAT?!" Victoria screamed after Kalianna told her everything that happened. 

"You don't have to get so angry mom, I'm not going" Kal crossed her arms.

"You have too sweetheart. I'm sorry, but if you refuse to go, then Regina will go back to Cordonia and tell the prince what happened, it'd basically be disgraceful to decline an offer to visit Cordonia, especially since everyone knows your royalty" Darius explained. 

"What?! Seriously?! Urgh!" Kalianna sighed. "Guess I better start packing..."

~End of Flashback~

"Because you have to offer it as a gift to the prince, he'll be greeting you as soon as you and your friends step onto the grounds of the palace" Victoria uttered.

"I don't understand why you guys can't come with me" Kalianna spoke, stuffing some more clothing into her Louis Vuitton suitcase. 

"We can't. Regina told us we couldn't come. And she's a countess, so if we came along, she'd make our stay miserable there"

"Classic Regina" Kalianna placed the last bit of clothes in her suitcase. "Okay, that's about it. I'm gonna miss you guys and Madeline"

"Don't worry, the trip is just for a couple days" Victoria reassured.

Anna smiled and hugged her parents. "I love you"

"We love you too" Darius returned the hug.


Kalianna was now riding with Regina in the woman's limo.

"What are you planning?" The silky black haired girl suddenly inquired.

"Nothing. Can't I just take my granddaughter and her friends to see my home and the prince?" Regina rendered. 

"I know your up to something Regina. Don't play dumb with me"

Regina gritted her teeth, but she didn't respond. 

Scilence hung in the air, Kalianna nor Regina wanted to break it.

An hour later, they arrived at a private hanger, which had a golden jet in it.

"Hi guys!" Kalianna greeted all her friends. 

"Hey Kali!" Nino exclaimed. 

"You excited to go to Cordonia?" Adrien questioned. 


"I can't believe your grandmother actually offered for us to come to her home!" Alya squealed.

"I hope we get to see the prince!" Rose divulged.

"Wonder what he'll look like" Marinette interjected.

"Probably a rich spoiled brat. Like Chloé" Kalianna smirked at the blonde brat.

"Excuse me?! I'm not a spoiled brat! Everyone adores me!" Chloé flipped her ponytail.

'Uh-huh, you keep telling yourself that'

"This jet is made out of pure solid gold!" Max said to Kim, admiring the jet. 

"All right students! Please start boarding the plane calmly" Miss Bustier asserverated. 

Everyone began boarding the jet.

'Hmmm. What's she up too?' Kalianna thought, looking at Regina as she stepped onto the plane.


Kalianna's head landed on Adrien's shoulder. The girl had fallen asleep right next to the blonde-haired boy. 

Adrien looked down at his girlfriend and smiled, then he leaned back in his comfortable chair and closed his eyes.

Meanwhile, Marinette was watching the two lovers, she was sitting across from them with Alya. The bluenette felt a pang of jealousy rise in her chest. 

"Are we almost landing soon?" Regina asked the pilot once she entered the cockpit. 

"Yes countess" The pilot replied. 

"Good" Regina exited the cockpit and past by the students that were sitting in their seats. She gave Miss Buster a forced smile and she returned it. The woman's eyes narrowed when she saw Kalianna and Adrien sleeping, their heads were rested on top of each other's. 

Regina bit her tongue, not wanting to say anything rude, then she sat down on one of the chairs, waiting patiently for the jet to land.


"We're finally here!" Mylène breathed in the fresh air as she and Ivan got off the jet along with her friends. 

"Kalianna" Adrien gently shook the flawless skinned girl awake.

Kali eyes fluttered opened. "Are we here?"

"Yeah, come on" Adien helped her out of her seat and got their suitcases. 

"You kids are going to love your stay here in Cordonia!" Regina promised, smiling at all the students. 

Just then two limos showed up.

"Are those cars here to take us to the palace?!" Rose asked excitedly. 

"Yes" Regina clarified. 

Rose squealed. "Yay!"


Everyone admired the palace that was laying before their eyes. The servants came out and took their bags before going back inside.

"Whoa" Alix said in awe.

"That's...one huge castle" Ronnie commented. 

"Thank you!" Someone exclaimed. They had a British accent.

Everyone turned and saw a boy grinning at them. He had brown hair, blue-grey eyes, and he was wearing formal attire.

"Allow me to introduce you to Liam Rys, the prince of Cordonia" Regina said.

"Prince, you say?" Chloé strutted over to Liam and gave him a "charming" smile. "Hi your highness! I'm Chloé Bourgeois, the mayor's daughter of Paris, I'm sure you've heard of me"

"Oh I have, a lot actually. And frankly..." He leaned closer to the blonde brat's face. "I don't like you" He spat.

Chloé gasped while the rest of the class snickered.

Liam made eye contact with Kalianna and smirked before walking over to her. "I've also heard a lot about you, Kalianna De-Sinclair"

"Its an honor to meet you Prince Liam" Kalianna smiled.

"No formalities please, your royalty like me after all" 

Kali chuckled and handed him the ruby apple. "Like I said, its an honor to meet you Liam"

"Ah, the Cordonian apple, it symbolizes admiration and respect. Do you admire me already my lady?" Liam asked, staring into Kalianna's eyes all while handing Regina the apple. 

"Uh, yes! I mean no! I mean, my parents told me to give it to you, I completely forgot to ask what it symbolizes"

Liam laughed. "Its okay to forget"

Adrien looked between Kalianna and Liam. 'Stop being jealous, stop being jealous, stop being jealous! She loves you and you only. But how can I even begin to compete with him?! He's a prince!'

"I think Kalianna just scored herself a new admirer" Alya whispered to Marinette, who giggled. 

Adrien felt a pang of envy rise in his chest. 

Chloé glared at Kalianna with disgust. 'Stupid Little Miss Perfect!'

"I haven't even given you a proper greeting! How rude of me!" Liam held up Kalianna's hand and kissed the back of it.

His actions surprised Miss Bustier and the students. Regina didn't look surprised at all, she just smirked. 

Kalianna made brief eye contact with the woman. 'So this was her plan all along! To get me to Cordonia so the prince could fall in love with me! That witch!'

"Regina" Liam called.

"Yes your highness?"

"Give everyone a tour of the palace. When your done, show them to their rooms"

"Of course" Regina began guiding everyone away.

Kalianna was about to follow, but Liam gently grabbed her elbow. "Not you. I'm giving you a private tour" He smiled flirtatiously.

"Oh, okay" Kal grinned nervously and followed Liam in another direction. 

Adrien turned back and saw the two walking away. 'Where are they going? I have to follow them!' Making sure no one was looking back, the blonde-haired boy broke off from the group to follow Liam and Kalianna. 


"...And this is the Cordonian garden" Liam said, showing Kalianna the garden. 

"Wow! Its...its...beautiful!" Kali praised. 

"Not as beautiful as you" Liam purred.

Kalianna laughed and averted her eyes. 'Someone help me'

Meanwhile, Adrien was spying on them in some luscious green bushes nearby. 

"I can't believe you're stalking them!" Plagg shouted, revealing himself from the green-eyed boy's jacket. 

"I'm not stalking them!" Adrien denied. "I'm just...watching them"

"Yeah, like that makes much of a difference. You know you have to learn how to start trusting Kalianna, you and her have been dating for so long"

"I trust Kalianna 100 percent! Its Liam I don't trust, he might make a move on her!"

"Oh come on, he's a prince, surely he'll have more dignity than that, he doesn't even know her!"

Liam ushered Anna over to a white gazebo, Adrien shifted to another bush so he could get a better view since the trees by the gazebo was blocking his way.

"You know Kalianna, I have to admit this. I know I said it once but..your very beautiful" He flirted, tucking a strand of hair behind the amber-eyed girl's hair. 

Kalianna's eyes widened. "Um, thank you! I'm...flattered by your compliment"

"As you should be" Liam plucked a white rose from a rose bush, he snapped off the stem and put the rose in the flawless-skinned girl's hair. 

Kalianna giggled sheepishly. "Um, I have to make a call, if you don't mind"

"Of course not" 

Kalianna stepped out of Liam's earshot and called her father.

"Hey Kalianna, how's it in Cordonia? Regina isn't plotting anything is she?"

"Quite the opposite. I met the prince of Cordonia and he's flirting with me! Which is exactly what Regina wanted!"

"What?!" Kalianna heard her mother yell over the phone. 

"Yeah, this was her plan. Get me to Cordonia and meet the prince so he could possibly fall for me"

"Okay listen to me, your gonna be fine sweetie, just do whatever you have to do to survive!"

"Dad! You make it sound as if I'm in an apocalypse!" Kalianna chuckled.

"Love, is everything thing okay?" Liam questioned. 

Kalianna nearly dropped her phone while Adrien had to restrain himself from jumping out of the bushes.

'Love?! I'm/She's not your love!'

"Mom, Dad, I gotta go. Love you guys, tell Madeline I said hi!" Kalianna hung up and turned to Liam with a forced smile. "Now that the private tour's over, could you show me to my room?"

"Wow, you're that eager to get rid of me?" Liam asked jokingly. 

"No, no, no! Its just, the flight really took a lot of energy out of me"

"Hm, that's a shame. I was hoping to spend more time with you"

'Too bad' Adrien thought, smirking. He quickly snuck away so he wouldn't get caught. Unfortunately, he bumped into Regina.

"Adrien! I was looking for you. All of your friends are in their rooms getting cleaned up for dinner. Where have you been?" The grey-eyed woman asked sharply. 

"Uh, I was just...exploring!" Adrien lied, scratching the back of his neck. 

"Don't lie to me. You were following them weren't you?"

"W-what?! No! I told you I was-"

"Quiet! Now you listen here you little brat, I don't know what kind of feelings you have for Kalianna but you had better not interfere! Liam has clearly taken a liking to Kalianna, she could be the next queen for Cordonia if she plays her cards right"

"Next queen?! What are you talking about?!"

"Are you that dense? Liam is next in line for the throne, but he can't claim it unless he marries a girl. And that girl might be Kalianna, so I don't need you sticking your nose in places it doesn't belong!"

"Kalianna would never marry him!" Adrien yelled, glaring at Regina.

Regina closed her eyes and smirked. "We'll see about that. There's a ball tomorrow night, and at that ball, Liam will be meeting with royal ladies who's rooting for his attention. But it seems he knows who he already wants" Regina scowled at Adrien. "Now, let's get you to your room. I don't care if your a famous model, your nothing but a nosy brat!" Regina began pulling Adrien by the ear, dragging him to his room. 

"Ah! Let go!" Adrien exclaimed.

Regina flung open a door and pushed Adrien into the room. "Freshen up and go to the dining hall when your done" She slammed the door and walked away.

"Jeez, that lady is cruel! How is she even related to Kalianna?!" Plagg flew around the room. 

"I don't know, but she obviously wants Kalianna to marry Liam" Adrien clenched his fists. 

"Looks like you've got some competition"

"Not for long, after tomorrow night is over, we're all going back to Paris. Hopefully we never come back here..."

Word Count: 2,343

(A/N: Don't worry guys! Part 2 is coming soon! Please comment, vote, and follow me! Bye~!)

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