Magicians Pet (🔞Hisoka Smut�...

By Clown4Hisoka

2M 71.5K 32.4K

*THIS IS NOT A Y/N STORY* From being a slave to a egotistical father to becoming a Magicians plaything, we fo... More

The Magicians Exam
The Magicains Exam part2
Trick Tower
Zevil Island part 1
Zevil Island part 2
Hunting- for applicants??
Hunter or Hunted?
Hisoka's Pinhead
Who are you calling a kid?!
Bungee Gum??
Heavens Arena
Big ole' Blue Eyes
Cat Fight
Killing is-bad?
The Reaper who takes days off
Festival Fun
Oh Daddy
Good Girl
Girl problems
Talk dirty to me
Clown Fight
Lust or Bloodlust?
You're an ass- but I like you
Girls have needs too
Unripe Fruit
Psycho Cutie 
It still hurts
Drinking Game
Stupid Emotions
Finally, a Teacher
You can't escape me
To York New
Guess who?
Round 2
Play with me
Hisoka's Prey
New Games
Caught Red Handed
Lights Out
Troublesome girl
Catch me if you can
Murderous Demons
Old Flames
Perfect Toy
Its just sex
Greed Island
Game play
Angels and Demons
Come Home
Blossoming Fruit
Growing Pains
Growing Pains pt.2
A Game of Consent
Good Boy
Innocent Eyes 
Clever Bastard
Magicians Secrets
Magic Tricks
Axis & Allies
Glam Gas Land
Pretty Kitty
Three's a Crowd
Little Toy
Need Vs Desire
Snow Day
So Close
Identity Crisis
Bisky Bootcamp
Teacher Kink
This is Love?
Game Over?
Bone Pointing
Vine Ripened
Stay with me
Breaking Point
A Match Made in Hell
My Amour
Her Magician
Dear Brothers
Turning Tides
Christmas Special
Pinky Promise
Freindly Fire
Soft Spot
Memory Lane 
Bungee Extension
Whiskey Confessions 
Queen of Hearts
Her Magician
Lost Kitten
Unexpected Guests
Find Her
Broken Reaper
Repaired Scythe
Death's Lover
Bastards Entrance
Kitten's Return
Remnants of Death
Magicians Adoration
Death Scythe
Stubborn Aries
Blood Brother
Sit Mike
Revenge is Best Served Cold
All is fair in Love and War
Revenge is Empty
Forbidden Fruit
Friend or Foe?
Troublesome Assassin
Unbreakable Bonds
Oddly Familiar
Old "Friends"  
Her Beloved
Subconscious Memory
Magicians Charm
Memory Puzzle
Heavens Deadline
Première étreinte
Beloved Pet
Eccentric's Debut
New Plaything
Leap of Faith
Naissance d'un Monstre
His Protector
Earned Strength
The Past Echoes
Assassins Heartbreaker
Beach Side Cottage
Entertainment Delivered
His Addiction 
Sois a moi
The Past Never Dies
Love -Struck


18.2K 535 87
By Clown4Hisoka

"What the hell is his problem?" Kinta muttered as she walked to the reception desk, the receptionist handed here a towel so she wouldn't get the registration forms bloody.
She didn't register for a fight right away but she was given a key to her new room. Kinta thought the last room was luxury, this room was insane. The restroom alone was as big as her last room. The bed took up half the room, you could easily fit four Kinta-sized people on it. It even had a mini kitchen instead of a fridge and microwave like the last room.
But Kinta was too tired to admire the space much, the massive jacuzzi style tub was calling her name. She dropped her backpack in the middle of the bedroom and headed straight for the restroom, stripping her bloody clothes off as she walked. When she finally reached  the massive mirror, Kinta suddenly understood why Hisoka didn't want to fight.
She had a dark bruise on the left side of her face, somehow managed to lose even more weight in only two days and had deep, dark circles under her eyes. Her ribs and hip bones had started to protrude outwards. Even though Kinta didn't feel it, she looked like she would drop at any given moment.
"Jesus, the bastard has a point-" She muttered as she touched her fingers to her protruding cheek bone. There was still blood splattered across her face. "I wouldn't stand a chance against him like this."
Kinta sighed as she turned and started to fill the tub. "He's so odd-" Kinta was talking to herself as she watched the tub fill. "He could have fought me now,  he could have destroyed me with ease. But he'd rather wait until I'm stronger? Why? How is that more fun for him?"
Kinta slowly slid into the tub, groaning appreciatively at the warm water on her sore muscles. The water immediately turned pink as the blood washed off her knees and soaked out of her hair. She watched the water swirl around her, thinking about her fight with Kuwabara, he'd called her a monster too. But then again, she'd enjoyed defeating him. No, not just defeating him, she'd enjoyed destroying him. The sound of his skull cracking against the stone, his hot blood splattering over her, his once taut muscles turning to jello in her hands. Kinta's hand traced lazy circles on her stomach, drifting lower the more she thought about the fight.  Her fingers finding the sweet spot between her legs as she imagined doing the same thing to Hisoka. She groaned and arched into her hand as she imagined him crumbling before her, his blood on her hands, defeat written over his face.
"Monster-" Kinta murmured to herself, closing her eyes and resting her head on the lip of the tub as she slipped a finger inside of herself. The images of her victims' defeat flashing through her head as she stroked. "Yes- I am." She moaned as she moved her freehand to cup her breasts, pumping her fingers faster. Her release finally took her, Kinta bit her lip to stifle her moan as she tightened around her own fingers, her hips bucked under the water casing some to splash out.
She lay there for a moment, slowly opening her eyes and staring at the ceiling as she came down. A smile slowly spread over her face, if they where going to call her a monster anyways then she'd become the biggest monster she could be. It seemed like more fun this way anyways.
Kinta spent the next two weeks doing her best to allow her body to recover from the abuse she'd put it through the last month. She'd done research online as to what her diet should look like if she wanted to build muscle, she'd rested for several days using zetsu before she began training again. Using the gym mostly to practice the moves Kai and Buru had taught her and going for a run every morning. Now she stood in front of the massive mirror again staring at her body. She'd put some weight back on, the color had come back to her skin, she looked much better than she had two weeks ago. She felt better too, she'd had a lot more energy these last couple days, her body didn't hurt as much and she'd even had less nightmares.
"Turns out I just needed to fuckin eat." Kinta chuckled to herself as she moved away from the mirror. "I think I'm ready to challenge Hisoka now."
But would he think she was ready? Would he even show up to the fight if she registered now? Kinta would have to contact him somehow, if they wanted to fight each other they'd have to register for the same day.
"How would I even go about finding him?" Kinta mused to herself as she got dressed for the day, the sun was just peaking over the horizon of the city. The sky was filled with hues of pink and yellow as the sun rose. She dressed in a pair of leather pants, a crimson red blouse that belled out around her wrists and a leather choker with a golden heart that sat just under her chin. "Will Hisoka accept my challenge? Damnit, I hate not knowing. But what else can I do to prepare?"
The only other thing Kinta could think to do was practice her Nen, she'd continued practicing the basic exercises but had no idea where to go from there.
"I guess I could try that water divination thing." Kinta sighed as she grabbed a glass of water and a leaf from the house plant like Hoseki had described. "Let's see-" Kinta murmured as she sat the glass down on the desk and sat down in front of it. "I'm supposed to apply my Nen to this, so I guess I just-" she put her hands on either side of the glass and used her aura.
Kinta waited for a long moment, but nothing happened. She furrowed her brow and concentrated, staring intently at the leaf floating on top of the water. But still, nothing happened. Kinta let out a frustrated breath and leaned back in the office chair, crossing her arms over her chest and glaring at the glass.
"Am I not doing it right?" Kinta sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. "I guess even if something had happened, I wouldn't know how to read the results anyways. How many different Nen categories did Kai say there where? Three? Enhancer, Manipulator and Conjurer right? No, that doesn't sound right." Kinta groaned. How the hell was she supposed to figure this out? Even as a licensed Hunter there was still very limited information about Nen. She needed another teacher, but after what had happened with Kai and Hoseki, Kinta wasn't exactly keen on the idea.
A knock at her door startled Kinta out of her thoughts, she pushed away from the desk and almost knocked over her glass of leaf water. She could sense an ominous yet familiar aura on the other side of the door. 'Don't tell me he just showed up at my room.' Kinta thought to herself as she unlocked the door. But sure enough, the magician filled her doorway. He leaned casually against the door frame, wearing his usual card suited attire and his signature cocky smirk.
"Ah, Hisoka. Why am I not surprised." Kinta sighed as she rocked her head back to look up at the tall man.
Hisoka's smile only broadened. "Aren't you going to invite me in~?"
Kinta glared at him for a moment before she finally relented, turning to the side and motioning for him to enter.
"I was starting to wonder when you'd contact me for our fight~" Hisoka strode into the room. "Ohh, it smells nice in here~."
Kinta almost laughed at him getting distracted, she'd just showered and the room still smelt like her lavender and orange scented shampoo. She was really enjoying simple pleasures, like scented soap.
"You could have left me a way to contact you." Kinta crossed her arms over her chest.
"I suppose you're right, but you look much better now~" he raked his gaze over her body, obviously admiring her leather pants. Then his eyes moved up to rest on the leather choker she wore. "How cute~" He murmured.
Kinta tried not to squirm under his gaze. "So-are we gonna fight now?"
"Hmm~?" Hisoka hummed, he'd gotten distracted again. His gaze falling on her glass of water on the desk. "What's this? You're trying the water devenation test? Don't you know your Nen type~?" He reached out and traced his finger slowly around the rim of the glass.
Kinta blinked. 'Crap, what should I do? If I tell him the truth, would he not want to fight anymore? Should I lie? I don't even remember all the different Nen categories!'
She watched him dip the tip of his slender finger in the water and bring it to his mouth, popping his finger in his mouth and slowly sliding it back out. Kinta swallowed dryly as she watched him, was he trying to get her riled up? Because it was working.
"Of course I do, I'm a conjurer." Kinta finally blurted.
Hisoka just cocked an eyebrow and slowly slid his gaze back to her. A quiet chuckle rumbling up from his chest. "I doubt that~"
Kinta rolled her eyes. "Then what type of Nen user are you?"
"Didn't you find a teacher?" Hisoka cocked his head, ignoring her question.
"Are you going to consent to me kicking your ass or not?" Kinta huffed, ignoring his question too.
Hisoka laughed at this. "You are going to get yourself into trouble with that mouth of yours~"
"Tell me something I don't know." Kinta crossed her arms over her chest, she still couldn't get the image of Hisoka sucking on his finger out of her head.
"Fine, we will fight tomorrow. If you impress me, I'll tell you my Nen type. You may even persuade me into telling you yours~"
"And how do you know my Nen type?"
Hisoka's creepy smile broadened as he motioned to the glass on the table. "You did apply your Ren to this did you not~?"
Kinta hesitated, unsure if she should be telling him this or not. "Well- yeah?"
The male just chuckled as he finally moved away from the desk and towards the door. "Don't disappoint me tomorrow~" Hisoka turned in the doorway to rake his gaze over her body one more time. "And don't forget our drink~" He winked at her before closing the door behind him.
"Only if I lose!" Kinta called to him, she heard a chuckle from the other side of the door as he moved away.
Kinta's hands trembled as she reached for the glass of water. Did he learn her Nen type from this? How? She dipped her finger in the water and tasted it, just like Hisoka did. She noted that the water did taste oddly sweet.
"But what the hell does that mean?!" Kinta exclaimed frustratedly, almost knocking over the water again. She took a deep breath before picking up the glass and dumping it into the kitchen sink. "Great, so I can make some really good sugar-free sweet tea. That's sure gonna come in handy." She grumbled sarcastically as she cleaned the glass, her hands still trembled slightly.
Kinta wasn't scared or the least bit nervous to fight Hisoka tomorrow, she was beyond excited. She practically wanted to jump up and down for joy, finally she'd get to fight someone stronger than she was. If everybody was only as strong as her competitors leading up to this floor, Hisoka could become her favorite playmate.
Images of Hisoka suddenly flashed through her head, his finger in his mouth, his amber eyes glowing by fire light on Zevil Island. The man was creepy and dangerous, Kinta already had a bad habit of being attracted to people like that. But then you add on the fact that the man is built like a god, more dirty images flashed through her head as she daydreamed about what his mouth could do.
"God damnit Kinta stop it." She shook her head and set the glass down roughly. "I need to get my mind off that creep."
Kinta had already decided to treat herself to something she'd never done before. After all of her wins here at Heavens arena, she had plenty of money to go on a shopping trip.

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