Miraculous | Book 2(Old Versi...

By ChanelPradaGirl

130K 3.3K 1.6K


The Collector
Meeting Master Fu
Despair Bear
Despair Bear (Part 2)
Prime Queen
Love Speller
Robostus (Part 2)
Envious Kagami
Birthday Girl
The Dark Owl
More Amazing Pictures Of My OC!
Glaciator (Part 2)
Unexpected Visit
Sapotis (Part 2)
Meteor Shower
Captain Hardrock
Important Note
Cordonia (Part 2)
It Happened Again...
On Hold
Santa Claws (A Christmas Special)
Strike (Part 2)
Strike (Part 3)
Imposter (An Among Us X MLB Crossover)
Anansi (Part 2)
Frozer (Part 2)
Of Barcelona & Couples' Class
Style Queen (Queen's Battle- Part 1)
Queen Wasp (Queen's Battle- Part 2)
Liar's Threat
Catalyst (Heroes Day- Part 1)
Mayura (Heroes Day- Part 2)
Happy Anniversary

Hey Ronnie!

2.2K 73 18
By ChanelPradaGirl

It was another day in Paris and Kalianna, Nino, Marinette, and Alya were all hanging out in the school's courtyard, class had finished a while ago.

"I'm thinking of having a party. What theme do you guys think it should be?" Kalianna asked.

Before either of her friends could answer, someone covered Kali's eyes.

"Guess who?" A voice that was covering the noirette's eyes said. It sounded like a boy.

"Who are you?" Kalianna heard Nino question.

"Shhh, let her guess" The boy replied.

His voice sounded familiar to Kal. She removed the boy's hands from her eyes and turned around to face him, her eyes widened and she grinned. "Ronnie? Ronnie Asva?!"

"In the flesh!" Ronnie grinned. He was wearing a red, yellow, and white sweatshirt that had a paw print on it along with the word that said, "Berry" above it, and he had on a black shirt along with black pants. His hair was blonde with streaks of green, and it was in a mohawk style. His eyes were a light green and he had on high-top red sneakers.

Kalianna squealed and hugged him tightly. "I'm so happy your here!!!"

"Me too!" Ronnie cheered as he briefly twirled the flawless skinned girl around.

"Kalianna, who's this?"

Anna turned and saw Adrien looking between her and Ronnie with pursed lips.

"Oh, uh, this is Ronnie Asva, an old friend that I knew back in California when I had to move there shortly for one of my parents business trip" Kalianna explained.

"Nice to meet you dude" Ronnie flashed a smile and stuck out his hand.

"Nice to meet you too. I'm Adrien Agreste" Adrien forced a smile and shook the light-green eyed boy's hand.

"Oh I know you! Your that famous model!" Ronnie smiled again.

Adrien just nodded.

"Ronnie, these are my friends. Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Alya Césaire, and Nino Lahiffe" Kalianna introduced, pointing at each of her friends, who waved at Ronnie, he waved back.

"So why are you here Ronnie? You a new student?" Nino inquired.

"Yeah, so it looks like I'm here to stay" Ronnie responded.

"Awesome! You'll love it in Paris" Kalianna nudged his shoulder and smiled.

Ronnie chuckled and nudged her back.

Adrien crossed his arms and looked away, feeling a pang of jealousy.

"So how are Mr. and Ms. Asva doing?" Kal asked.

"Pretty good! My dad's car business is booming back in California but he's planning on moving it here, and my mom's now a real estate agent, she decided acting wasn't for her"

"That's good!"

"Hey, you guys wanna go check out my car? Its up front"

"Sure" Marinette replied, speaking for herself and her friends.

"Cool, come on" Ronnie began guiding Alya, Marinette, and Kalianna out of the school, chatting with them.

Before Nino could follow, Adrien pulled him back.

"Nino, do you notice something off about him?" The green-eyed boy questioned.

"What? No. He seems like a pretty chill guy. Plus, he knows Kalianna" Nino walked away in the direction where his friends had gone.

"Why does something feel so off about this Ronnie guy? He seems like he was close to Kalianna back then, too close" Adrien muttered, cupping his chin.

"Ooooh! Someone's jealous!" Plagg snickered from Adrien jacket.

"I'm not jealous! I just feel like there's something off about him"

"There's nothing off about him, your just jealous!"

Adrien rolled his eyes and walked out the entrace of the school, only to see his friends and his girlfriend fawning over Ronnie's car while the said boy leaned on the vehicle.

"Is this a Verratti Le Mans Sport car?!" Kalianna looked at Ronnie with amazement.

"Yep" The boy responded. "And its the latest model"

"Really?! Cool!"

"Kalianna, I didn't know you knew about cars" Adrien said.

"I actually thought her all about them when she was in California" Ronnie uttered.

"And that I'm grateful for" Kalianna spoke before chuckling.

"Can Nino and I take a picture with it?" Alya asked, smiling. "It looks so cool!"

"Sure" Ronnie divulged, holding his hand out.

Alya gave him her phone and posed with Nino in front of the car just as Ronnie took the picture.

"All done" Ronnie handed Alya back her phone so she, Nino, Marinette, and Kalianna could look at the photo.

"Aw, you guys look so cute!" Kali praised.

"Thanks" Alya rendered.

"Hey Kalianna, you wanna go for a spin?" Ronnie asked, gesturing to his car.

The silky black-haired girl's eyes widened. "M-me?" She pointed at herself.

"Yeah" The light-green eyed boy nodded.

"Uh...well" Kalianna looked at her friends and saw them looking back at her with huge grins.

The only person who wasn't happy was Adrien. 'Say no, say no, say no. Say. No' He thought, burning a hole into the back of his girlfriend's head.

"Yes!" Kalianna chirped.

'No!' Adrien thought with wide eyes.

"Get in then! Your gonna show me the way to the park!" Ronnie flashed her a smile and got into the driver's seat of his car while Kalianna got into the passenger's seat.

"I'll see you guys at school tomorrow! Bye Adrien!" The amber-eyed girl waved at her friends and boyfriend while Ronnie plugged his keys into the ignition. He revved the engine up before speeding away.

Nino, Marinette, and Alya cheered while Adrien ran out into the street and gaped after the retreating car.

"Adrien get outta the road!" Nino exclaimed as he pulled his best friend out of the street.

"Were do you think they're going? What do you think they're gonna do?" Adrien questioned frantically.

"Relax, Kali can take care of herself" Alya said casually.

"Dude, you don't have to worry" Nino put a hand on Adrien's shoulder. "Ronnie's a cool guy! And if Kalianna thinks he's nice, then I think he's nice too. I'll see you tomorrow" With that, he walked away, heading home.

Meanwhile, Chloé and Sabrina had seen everything that went down.

"Urgh! Seriously?! How did Little Miss Perfect manage to catch the attention of the Ronnie Asva? The most hottest racer!" Chloé yelled.

"Maybe he's not interested in her, maybe he was just giving her a ride home" Sabrina said. "You've totally got a chance with him Chloé!"

The blonde brat smirked. "Your right, once he lays his eyes on me, he'll be blown away!"

Back with Marinette, Alya, and Adrien, they had overheard Chloé and Sabrina's conversation.

"Most hottest racer? What?" Marinette raised an eyebrow.

Alya tapped her chin, pondering for a few seconds, then she gasped. "No wonder why his name sounded so familiar!" She looked up the name, "Ronnie Asva" on her phone. "Check this out"

Marinette and Adrien huddled around Alya to see Ronnie's information on her screen, their eyes widened.

"He's a famous car racer in California!" Adrien exclaimed.

"And apparently the hottest to Chloé" Marinette rolled her eyes.

"And many other girls" Alya added, scrolling down. "It says here he's won multiple races. Whoa, that's a lotta metals"

On Alya's phone screen, there was a picture of a smiling Ronnie wearing several medals around his neck, along with a golden trophy in his hand, he also appeared to be wearing a red auto racing suit.

"You think he has a chance with Kalianna?" Marinette inquired.

"Definitely!" Alya grinned.

Adrien jumped back with wide eyes. "What?! Why would you guys say that?!"

"Becuase Adrien, have you seen how Ronnie looks?" Alya questioned. "He's totally in Kalianna's league!" She giggled. "Come on Marinette" She wrapped an arm around the bluenette and began walking away with her.

"Adrien tomorrow! I mean-see tomorrow Adrien! I mean-see you t-tomorrow!" Marinette grinned sheepishly and waved.

Adrien waved back, once the two were out of sight, his expression turned frantic. "I've got to follow Kalianna and Ronnie!"

"Um, you don't even know where they're going!" Plagg protested.

"Well, they did say they were going to the park" Adrien smirked and ran to a secluded spot.

"Oh no, your not gonna do what I think your gonna do!" Plagg exclaimed.


"Adrien don't-!"

"Claws out!"


Kalianna and Ronnie were eating macaroons on a bench. Ronnie was telling her about his car racing career and how much medals he won. His car was parked outside the park.

"Wow, your parents must be so proud of you!" Kalianna cheered.

"Oh yeah, they are" Ronnie grinned and tossed a macaroon in his mouth. "What about your parents? How're they doing? They cleared up all the business of you being royalty right?"

"Yeah, they did! You know everyone actually found out I was royalty because of Chloé" Kalianna cringed at saying the blonde brat's name.

"Chloé? As in Chloé Bourgeois?" Ronnie raised an eyebrow. "The mayor's daughter? I heard she was a spoiled brat"

"Oh she is" Kali clarified, rolling her eyes.

"And she revealed your secret about being royalty? Deliberately? Or accidentally?"


"Jeez, so she's a spoiled brat and she's cruel!"

"You got that right"

Kalianna began telling Ronnie about the heroes of Paris, Leopardess, Ladybug, and Cat Noir. He was amazed by the things she was telling him.

Meanwhile, Cat Noir had landed on a rooftop from afar, he was watching Ronnie and Kal talk.

"I wonder what they're talking about" He muttered under his breath. He continued spying on the two, waiting for Ronnie to make some kind of move.

...But he didn't. Instead, he continued chatting with Kalianna, having no intention of making a move what so ever.


"Class, this is Ronnie Asva, he will be attending this school for some time. Please treat him well" Miss Bustier said, Ronnie was standing right next to her, gripping the strap of his Gucci bag.

Suddenly, Alix stood up. "Hey, I know who you are. Your that famous racer from California!"

Everyone turned to Alix with wide eyes.

"For real?" Kim asked.

"Yeah! Don't you guys recognize him?"

"She's right, your the car racer Ronnie Asva, correct?" Max pushed up his glasses.

"You guessed it!" Ronnie chirped.

Just as he said that, students began surrounding him and snapping pictures. Miss Bustier rubbed her temple and chuckled with closed eyes.

"Can I take a picture with you?" Juleka muttered quietly.

Luckily, Ronnie heard her and grinned. "Sure! What's your name?"

Juleka's cheeks tinted pink. "Juleka-"

Chloé shoved Juleka out of the way and gave Ronnie a "charming smile". "Hi Ronnie! I'm Chloé Bourgeois, the mayor's daughter, but you probably already knew that"

"Uh...yeah!" Ronnie smiled awkwardly and scratched the back of his head. "You...want an autograph?"

"Of course not silly! I want a picture!" Chloé wrapped her arm around the light-green eyed boy's shoulder, pressed her cheek against his, and took a picture with her phone. "I'm so posting this on social media. All the girls are gonna be jealous"

"Looks like your gonna fit in just right Ronnie Asva" Kalianna smirked at him.

Ronnie grinned at her.

Meanwhile, Adrien was looking at Ronnie with narrowed eyes. "I don't trust him"

"Your just saying that because your jealous" Nino teased.

"Of him?! No way!"

"Uh-huh, whatever you say"

Meanwhile, Marinette and Alya were looking at Ronnie and Kalianna in the crowd of students.

"Are you sure he's in Kalianna's league?" Marinette asked.

"Duh! A popular racer with a royal model? Okay, maybe Kalianna's a little above his league" Alya spoke.


Chloé was currently flirting with Ronnie and rubbing circles around his chest. Ronnie was not liking it at all.

Kalianna, Marinette, and Alya were all glaring at the blonde brat from afar.

"Just look at her being all over Ronnie!" Alya shook her head.

"I'm sure he's uncomfortable. Doesn't Chloé know about personal space?" Kalianna snarled.

"Personal space doesn't mean anything to a girl like her" Marinette frowned and crossed her arms.

"Ronnie can take care of Chloé, he probably just doesn't wanna be rude" Nino said.

Kalianna huffed and began walking over to Ronnie and Chloé, but Adrien stopped her.

"Where are you going?" The blond-haired boy asked.

"To save Ronnie" Kal replied.

"He'll be fine, don't worry" Adrien reassured.

Kali folded her arms and sighed.

'The first person that walks by...I'm immediately asking them for a tour' Ronnie thought, cringing when Chloé pushed up against him.

Luckily, Juleka walked by. Ronnie grinned. "Juleka!" He cried, slyly pushing Chloé off of him and walking over to Juleka. "Hey, can you give me a tour of the school?"

"Me? Y-you want me to give you a t-tour?" Juleka blushed.

"Yeah, if you don't mind" Ronnie wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

"Uh...sure" Juleka mumbled shyly, ushering Ronnie away.

"Her?! Are you kidding me?! That Juleka nobody?! URGH!" Chloé screamed in rage and stormed off.

Kalianna, Marinette, and Alya burst out laughing.

"I don't know what she expected anyway" Alya pronounced between giggles.

"Looks like Juleka just bagged the hottest racer in California!" Kalianna pumped her fist into the air.

"You think he's the hottest racer?" Adrien queried, feeling a wave of jealousy.

Kalianna pulled the green-eyed boy out of earshot. "It was just a compliment, stop being so jealous!"

"I'm not being jealous!" Adrien fired back.

"Look, you're being obvious" Anna said softly. "And I really don't wanna have our first argument about you being jealous okay? My heart belongs to you"

Adrien sighed. "Okay, your right. I'm sorry"

"Come here" Kalianna embraced the boy tightly. "You know I love you"

"I love you too" Adrien buried his face in his girlfriend's neck.

"What are they talking about over there?" Alya divulged, looking at the two lovers.

"He's jealous of Ronnie" Nino smirked.

"Why?" Marinette asked.

"Because he's getting close to Kalianna" Nino responded. "And for some reason he doesn't like that, he says he doesn't trust him. But Ronnie's a good guy, so I think Adrien's just jealous, or maybe a bit overprotective"

Marinette felt a wave of envy. 'Maybe TOO overprotective'

Word Count: 2,370

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