Royalty? [HIATUS]

By _anime_koibito

342K 7.4K 5.7K

[HIATUS: unclear when it ends] Izuku Midoriya was peacefully living with his mother, Inko Midoriya, in Japan... More

CHAPTER 1 - The Letter
CHAPTER 2 - Big Sis
CHAPTER 3 - Girlfriend?
CHAPTER 4 - Permission
CHAPTER 5 - Vacation
CHAPTER 6 - Reunion
CHAPTER 7 - The Academy
CHAPTER 8 - Bonding
CHAPTER 9 - The Last Day
CHAPTER 10 - Returning Home
CHAPTER 11 - Green Hurricane
CHAPTER 12 - Studying
CHAPTER 13 - The Date
CHAPTER 14 - Boyfriend And Girlfriend
CHAPTER 15 - Revealing Secrets
CHAPTER 17 - Finals
CHAPTER 18 - Recovery Girl's Office
CHAPTER 19 - Travels
CHAPTER 20 - His Family
CHAPTER 21 - The Red Book
CHAPTER 22 - Haircut
CHAPTER 23 - Prince Izuku
CHAPTER 24 - Class 2A
CHAPTER 25 - Hero Blaze
CHAPTER 26 - Amelia's first lesson
CHAPTER 27 - Let The Sports Festival Begin!
CHAPTER 28 - The First Day
CHAPTER 29 - Sports Fest (1)
CHAPTER 30 - Sports Fest (2)
CHAPTER 31 - Sports Fest (3)
CHAPTER 32 - Girl Talk with Amelia
CHAPTER 33 - The Wedding
CHAPTER 34 - Rumors
CHAPTER 35 - Surprise
CHAPTER 36 - Sandwiches

CHAPTER 16 - Her Family

10.6K 234 295
By _anime_koibito

"Hi mom." Ochako greeted her mother through the phone call.

"Hi sweetie. I'm glad you called. How are you?" An older woman's voice was heard.

"I'm good mom. But I actually called to ask you something." The girl nervously told her mother. She was currently in her dorm room with her boyfriend who was nervously sitting on her bed.

The couple was pretty nervous, mostly because Ochako was going to ask if she could bring Izuku to her parents house. It was a very spontaneous decision, seeing as though Izuku needed to convince Ochako's parents about bringing her to England before their finals. Next week, the studying would be done almost everyday since the finals would be coming soon, which means they would barely have any time to meet Ochako's parents.

Ochako had told Izuku how overprotective her dad was and that he was very stubborn. Convincing him to let Ochako travel to England with Izuku was going to be hard and it was definitely going to take some time.

"What is it?"

"I was wondering if I could bring someone home tomorrow." Ochako finally said. But you could immediately tell that she regretted it. Not because she couldn't back away anymore, but because she wasn't able to tell the truth right away.

"Yes, of course sweetie. Is it one of your classmates?" Her mother asked. Izuku could hear everything because Ochako was talking with her speaker on. If Izuku were to be honest, he had never seen Ochako this nervous, besides the time during the sports fest before her fight with Kacchan. But isn't that, like, way scarier?

He could see her take a deep breath and proceed to speak. "Actually mom... I've been dating someone for a while now and I want to bring him home to meet you guys." She exhaled in relief.

"Oh my God! You have a boyfriend?! I can't wait to meet him!" Her mother squealed making the couple almost go deaf. Yes, Izuku also almost went deaf, even if he was much farther away from the phone than Ochako.

"Um, yeah. He's actually with me right now."

"OH MY GOD! DEAR!" they heard her mother yell.

"Mom? What happened?"

"Your dad fainted honey. It seems that it won't be easy to convince him to let you have a boyfriend, but I'll talk to him, so don't worry. Bring your boyfriend home tomorrow and we'll all talk. Bye hun, see ya tomorrow!" She said and hung up before Ochako even had the chance to say bye.

The brunette sighed and took a seat beside Izuku. He put his arm around her shoulders and slowly rubbed her forearm. Then he started talking. "Don't worry Ochako. I'm sure everything is going to turn out well."

* * *

"Where are you two going?" Their pink-haired classmate asked the couple just as they were going to head out.

It was the next day and Izuku and Ochako were going to the house of the brunette's parents. But the pair could obviously not tell that to their very curious classmate.

"You two have been disappearing a lot lately, ribbit." Their frog-quirked friend stated. Sweat started running down both their spines. What could they possibly tell their friends?

"I'll explain everything later girls. Me and Izuku have to go now or else we'll be late for... well for... for stuff! Bye!" Ochako said as she pushed Izuku out the door and closed it behind them.

The two girls who were left behind turned to each other and smirked knowingly. Izuku, huh? We definitely need to interrogate her about that later.

* * *

"Turn over there lzuku!" Ochako yelled, trying to overpower the noise coming from Green Hurricane. They pulled up at Ochako's parents' driveway and the sound coming from the motor came to a stop.

It was a pretty long drive, but for the nervous greenette it felt like he only drove for five minutes. The boy had planned to calm down during the long drive, but not everything always goes as planned.

Izuku took a deep breath. "I'm so nervous." he said as they walked up to the door. Ochako nodded and squeezed his hand before letting go and ringing the doorbell. Soon enough, two adults opened the door.

"Welcome!" The woman exclaimed while the man just gave Izuku a nasty glare. Izuku could clearly see who his girlfriend had gotten her looks and personality from, which made him internally smirk.

"E-Excuse my intrusion." Izuku said as he stepped in with his girlfriend. The boy watched as Ochako hugged her parents. While Mr. Uraraka continued to glare daggers onto Izuku. I'm going to be fine, right? The nomus I've faced were waaay deadlier...right?

Mrs. Uraraka realized what her husband was doing and sweat dropped. "Maybe we should talk in the living room." she said and showed the way to the not so big living room.

Ochako and Izuku sat on one sofa while her parents took a seat on another one in front of them.

After a short and awkward pause, Mrs. Uraraka was the first one to speak. "We kind of rushed inside so we never got to ask your name. Do you mind introducing yourself, dear?" she asked as she looked at the teenaged boy.

Izuku quickly inhaled and started talking. "My name is Izuku Midoriya Windsor II and I'm the uh... prince of Great Britain." Mrs. Uraraka just stared at him, trying to process everything. While Mr. Uraraka burst out laughing shocking the other three.

"At least you chose someone with a sense of humor, Ochako." Mr. Uraraka said after laughing.

"I'm not joking sir. I am the prince of Great Britain." Izuku said with a stern voice. "If you don't believe me, you could search my name on the internet. Or we could call my father who is currently ruling Great Britain?"

"He isn't lying dad." Ochako said with her most serious face on, which Izuku thought was so cute. "I didn't know when we first started dating. I just found out yesterday."

Ochako's parents didn't say anything for a while, which made the awkward silence come back.

"YOU GOT YOURSELF A PRINCE?!" Mrs. Uraraka suddenly squealed.

"I don't care if you're a prince. It doesn't mean that I can entrust my daughter to you. If you want me to accept you, you need to prove yourself." Mr. Uraraka said crossing his arms like a toddler.

Izuku knew that it wasn't going to be easy to earn Mr. Urarata's trust, but he would try his best. "I can assure you sir, me and Ochako's relationship isn't just a game to me. I take it very seriously. I love her very much and would never do anything to harm her or break her heart. I came here today to get your permission to date your daughter."

Ochako smiled and looked lovingly at her boyfriend. Izuku was quick to smile back and squeeze her soft hand.

Mr. Uraraka who saw this beautiful scene sighed and started talking. "Fine." He said making the teens look his way with bright eyes. "I'll let you date Ochako. But if you even dare to harm her, I will cut your dick off personally!"

Izuku shivered at the thought. "Yes sir!"

"Now that that matter is solved," Mrs. Uraraka started speaking. "why don't you two stay over for lunch?"

The teens nodded yes.

* * *

They were now sitting at the dining table and having lunch.

"So how does it feel like to be royalty?" Mrs. Uraraka asked the green-haired boy. It made his girlfriend look at him since she had not asked that yet.

"I was actually living like a normal japanese teen until recently. So, I'm still not used to the luxury coming with being royalty. My mother, who is japanese, had been hiding that we're royalty, but I found out and we had a small fight, but everything is well now." Izuku explained to the three who were listening with interest. Yes, even Mr. Uraraka.

"Come to think of it, Izuku has something else he needs to convince you guys about, right Izuku?" Ochako said nudging her boyfriend's leg with her own.

"U-Uh, right." Mr. Uraraka looked at Izuku, suspicion visible in his eyes.
"I also came here today to ask your permission to take Ochako to
England during spring break." Izuku saw how his girlfriend's parents looked at each other and hesitated.

At this rate they would not let Ochako travel to England with Izuku. The green-haired teen really wanted his girlfriend to accompany him, so he would need to bring his best convincing game on. "I can assure you, Mr. and Mrs. Uraraka, that Ochako will be perfectly safe, both the way there and back and everyday we spend there."

"And how do I know that?" Mr. Uraraka said squinting his eyes at Izuku.

"We'll travel by one of my father's private jets and when we get there, we'll be followed around by my personal bodyguards. And if that is not enough, I can assign Ochako personal bodyguards as well." Izuku said with his best convincing face on.

"Well, I don't think we can say no to that, right dear?" Mrs. Uraraka said sternly and nudged the arm of her husband multiple times. This meant that she was not against the idea of the two traveling abroad together.

Mr. Uraraka sighed, which was a sign saying that he gave in. "Fine, I'll let Ochako travel with you." He said making the couple smile at each other. "But on one condition," he continued making the teens freeze.
"you are not sleeping in the same room! And that's final."

"Y-yes sir! I'll make sure the servants in the castle prepares a room for her before we arrive." Izuku had a small blush on his face. He hadn't even
thought about sleeping in the same room as his girlfriend!

Sure, he had imagined how it would be... But he never thought it'd happen that early in their relationship since the two had agreed to take everything as slow as possible.

"When are you leaving and how long are you staying?" Mrs. Uraraka asked with a wide smile.

"We're leaving the day spring break begins and return one day before school starts. So, we'll be there for eight days." Izuku answered, smiling back at her.

Mrs. Uraraka looked pretty happy while Mr. Uraraka looked a lot more displeased. And Izuku immediately figured out the reason. "I'm sorry for keeping Ochako for myself during our whole break. I know you probably wanted to spend time with her during the break." Izuku paused. "But I hope you understand that I almost never see my father and sister and that I want to stay with them for as long as possible."

Mrs. Uraraka put her hand on his shoulder. "I understand how hard it must be for you, dear. You don't need to worry. Besides, we'll be able to see Ochako as much as we want after she returns."

Mr. Uraraka looked at Izuku with a poker face, not showing any emotion. Well, at least he's not a bad kid... But that doesn't mean I'll accept him.

After the greenette talked a bit more with his girlfriend's parents, it was time for the couple to head back. They wanted to be back before dinner.

Ochako hugged both her parents goodbye and the two headed to Izuku's bike in silence.

Just when Izuku was about to unlock his bike, Ochako jumped on him, embracing him in a warm hug. Then the brunette kissed his cheek and made him blush at the sudden contact.

"You're the best boyfriend ever! Thank you for accepting to meet and talk to my mom and my stubborn dad. I love you so much and you make me realize that over and over again everyday." she said to her boyfriend before pausing and looking at him with a very serious face.

"And I'm not saying that because you're royalty. I don't love you because you're a prince, I love you because you're you Izuku. But you being a prince has its advantages..." she said the last part looking away.

Izuku who was still hugging his girlfriend, slowly put his head on her shoulder. "I love you too Ochako." then he became red again and turned to face her. "C-can I kiss you...? Like o-on the lips?"

Ochako also became a blushing mess and nodded.

The two slowly and nervously leaned in. Izuku brushed off a strand of hair from his girlfriend's face and gave her a quick peck on the lips.

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