Magicians Pet (๐Ÿ”žHisoka Smut๏ฟฝ...

By Clown4Hisoka

2M 71.5K 32.4K

*THIS IS NOT A Y/N STORY* From being a slave to a egotistical father to becoming a Magicians plaything, we fo... More

The Magicians Exam
The Magicains Exam part2
Trick Tower
Zevil Island part 1
Zevil Island part 2
Hunting- for applicants??
Hisoka's Pinhead
Who are you calling a kid?!
Bungee Gum??
Heavens Arena
Big ole' Blue Eyes
Cat Fight
๏ฟผKilling is-bad?
The Reaper who takes days off
Festival Fun
Oh Daddy
Good Girl
Girl problems
Talk dirty to me
Clown Fight
Lust or Bloodlust?
You're an ass- but I like you
Girls have needs too
Unripe Fruit
Psycho Cutie ๏ฟผ
It still hurts
Drinking Game
Stupid Emotions
Finally, a Teacher
You can't escape me
To York New
Guess who?
Round 2
Play with me
Hisoka's Prey
New Games
Caught Red Handed
Lights Out
Troublesome girl
Catch me if you can
Murderous Demons
Old Flames
Perfect Toy
Upgrade? ๏ฟผ
Its just sex
Greed Island
Game play
Angels and Demons
Come Home
Blossoming Fruit
Growing Pains
Growing Pains pt.2
A Game of Consent
Good Boy
Innocent Eyes ๏ฟผ
Clever Bastard
Possesion ๏ฟผ
Magicians Secrets
Magic Tricks
Axis & Allies
Glam Gas Land
Pretty Kitty
Three's a Crowd
Little Toy
Need Vs Desire
Snow Day
So Close
Identity Crisis
Bisky Bootcamp
Teacher Kink
This is Love?
Game Over?
Bone Pointing
Betrayal? ๏ฟผ
Vine Ripened๏ฟผ
Stay with me
Breaking Point
A Match Made in Hell
My Amour
Her Magician
Dear Brothers
Turning Tides
Christmas Special
Pinky Promise
Freindly Fire
Soft Spot
Memory Lane ๏ฟผ
Bungee Extension๏ฟผ
Whiskey Confessions ๏ฟผ
Queen of Hearts
Her Magician
Lost Kitten
Unexpected Guests
Find Her
Broken Reaper
Repaired Scythe
Death's Lover
Bastards Entrance
Kitten's Return
Remnants of Death
Magicians Adoration
Death Scythe๏ฟผ
Stubborn Aries
Blood Brother
Sit Mike
Revenge is Best Served Cold
All is fair in Love and War
Revenge is Empty
Forbidden Fruit
Friend or Foe?
Troublesome Assassin
Unbreakable Bonds
Oddly Familiar
Old "Friends" ๏ฟผ ๏ฟผ
Her Beloved
Subconscious Memory
Magicians Charm
Memory Puzzle
Heavens Deadline
Premiรจre รฉtreinte
Beloved Pet
Eccentric's Debut
New Plaything
Leap of Faith
Naissance d'un Monstre
His Protector
Earned Strength
The Past Echoes
Assassins Heartbreaker
Beach Side Cottage
Entertainment Delivered
His Addiction ๏ฟผ
Sois a moi
The Past Never Dies
Love -Struck

Hunter or Hunted?

23.2K 688 344
By Clown4Hisoka


Kinta awoke to the sound of birds chirping softly in the trees over head, and the sound of Hisoka's heart beat against her ear. She froze when she realized she had curled up to him in her sleep, her head now laid on his chest. She listened for a moment and decided that based on his deep-rhythmic breathing that he was probably asleep. The sun was just cracking over the horizon and the sky was just starting to light up with hues of pink and blue. Kinta started to peel herself away from Hisoka, causing him to stir.

"Uhh- Good Morning?" Kinta said sheepishly, brushing her hair out of her face.

Hisoka blinked and a look of surprise crossed his face. Was he surprised that he had fallen asleep?

"Morning." He mumbled, his voice still husky from sleeping. He brushed a single hair that had come loose back and Kinta found herself wondering what he looked like with his hair down. And how much product it took to get his hair to stay up like that.

Kinta stood and stretched her hands towards the sky, yawning as she did so. "This is the last day for the exam, we should probably start heading back to the beach." She mused as she placed her hands on her hips. When Hisoka did not stir or say anything Kinta looked back at him.

He wasn't paying attention, her pants had ridden up slightly as was showing off her very curvy bum. That she had been trying to hide by wearing loose-fitting pants. He was staring at her ass with an appreciative gaze.

Kinta turned around and crossed her arms over her chest. "Pervert." She grumbled.

He smiled but finally stood up. "You think we should head towards the beach? Then lead the way~."

"Alright." Kinta sighed as she started to turn back around. "I'm pretty sure it's this wa-HEY!"

 Kinta whipped back around. "You just want me to lead the way so you can stare at my butt!"

Hisoka chuckled. "Guilty~" He hummed as he brushed past her and Kinta fell into stride next to him.

They had been walking for quite a while, Kinta enjoyed messing with the blood-sucking butterflies that were attracted to Hisoka's wound.

"Aren't you worried about those becoming infected?" She pointed out.

"I told you I'll be fine." Hisoka rolled his eyes.

"Fine, but don't come crying to me when you can't use that arm."

"I don't cry." He grumbled, obviously becoming annoyed.

"Is that why you paint a tear on your face?"

Hisoka glared at her from the corner of his eye and Kinta smiled at him. Not sure why she liked poking this bear.

"And you say I'm strange~" Hisoka muttered.

A glint of light caught her attention and she turned around while Hisoka kept walking. She squinted into the distance, trying to figure out where the light had come from.

'Shit!' She spun out of the way as a throwing star wizzed by her head. But she was too slow to evade the one that embedded itself in her thigh. Kinta wasn't phased much by pain, she felt her bloodlust about to boil over and got ready to launch into an attack when an arm snaked out around her waist and pulled her behind a tree.

"What are you doing?!"" She exclaimed, angry that Hisoka had stopped her.

"You're injured~" He started.

"I'm fine! I don't need you to baby me." She shoved herself away from Hisoka and ducked behind another tree as another throwing star wizzed by her cheek, leaving a line of blood.

"Coward." Kinta grumbled as she ripped the throwing star out of her thigh. Hisoka is still watching her from behind the tree.

"Trying to attack me from the shadows instead of having the balls to face me head on is so BORING!" She yelled as she threw the star toward the glint of light. There was the sound of tearing flesh and a soft cry.

Kinta whipped around from behind her tree, her bloodlust spilling over as she approached her hunter.

There was a blood trail leading deeper into the bushes. "So you're still alive." She mused out loud. "Good, I haven't had my fun with you yet." She began following the blood trail into the bushes.

She could hear Hisoka following her, his bloodlust feeding off of hers. But she was more interested in finding her target, she knew he wasn't far. She could hear him crawling away.

"So when your attack doesn't work, you're just going to give up and crawl away like a coward?" She was seething now. "And you want to call yourself a Hunter?!"

They came into a small clearing, the man was just getting to his feet. "Get away from me!" he cried, throwing another star.

Kinta caught this one just inches from her chest. She felt a blast of bloodlust come from behind her and she turned her cold glare to Hisoka who had his cards out, ready to attack. His gaze was just as bloodthirsty and cold as hers.

"If you interfere," Kinta ground out. "You'll be dead before you hit the ground." Hisoka smirked at her but didn't drop his bloodlust as she turned back to her target.

The man gasped and turned to run, gripping his stomach where her first star had landed. Kinta threw the star that was in her hand, embedding it in the back of the man's knee. He cried out in pain as he crumpled to the ground.

"You can't run away from me now." Kinta purred. "Come on, be a man and fight me, don't bore me and I'll let you live. Maybe."

The man cried out as he lunged for her awkwardly, attempting stab her with a knife he'd produced. Kinta dogged his attacks easily, toying with him as he tried over and over to land a hit on her. She finally got bored and when the man lunged again she grabbed his wrist and twisted, easily flipping the man who was twice her height to the ground. He was on his belly, with his arm twisted around behind him. Kinta brought her elbow down on his, there was a loud crack as his arm broke. Bone protruding from the joint.

The man screamed and began begging for help to anybody who might hear him. "Nobodys gonna bother helping somebody as weak as you." Kinta said coldly as she drove her hunting knife through the back of his skull.

Kinta stood and turned back towards Hisoka, her bloodlust still not completely quelled and his crashing into her even though they were several feet apart. He was stalk-still as she sauntered over to him, his eyes almost red with blood lust. Kinta loved the feeling of his bloodlust on her skin, the pins and needles across her body excited her.

"Did you enjoy the show?" Kinta purred. "Hiso-"

He grabbed her and forced her against a tree, his hands slamming down on either side of her body hard enough to send splinters of wood flying. He placed a rough kiss on her lips and Kinta couldn't stop the moan that escaped. Gone was the in control trickster- this man was fueled by carnal desire and Kinta reveled in it.

"I never expected you to be so blood thirsty~" Hisoka murmured as he raked his gaze over her. "Perhaps I underestimated you~"

His thigh rested between her legs as he pinned her against the tree with his body. Kinta's heart was pounding in her ears, her face growing redder by the second.

Hisoka brought a hand up, gently tracing her jawline and down her neck with the points of his nails. He shifted his leg and Kinta almost groaned, she had to restrain herself from rubbing against his leg like a horny cat.

But lust wasn't the only thing building, being pinned under him like this was bringing back horrible memories from her past, causing her stomach to roll with unease as she felt frozen in place. The feeling of panic growing with every passing second.

Hisoka seemed to pick up on her discomfort and he cocked his head at her. "What's wrong? Don't you want this~?" He purred in her ear and tightened his grip on her.

'Oh I do, I really do.' Kinta thought to herself but her mind wouldn't stop flashing images of the boy who'd tried to force himself on her many years ago. The blood started to drain from her face.

 "I-I, Um- it's just- well-" She wanted to slap herself for stumbling over her words so badly but the feeling of panic was becoming unbearable.

Hisoka loosened his grip on her and pulled back a little ways, making Kinta feel a little less trapped. "I won't force myself on you Kinta~" he chuckled softly before finally releasing her.
His expression was unreadable. He didn't look angry, but he didn't exactly look happy either. He looked at her for a long moment, before he reached out. Kinta tensed, unsure if she should get ready to fight. But he simply wiped the blood away from the scrape on her cheek and smirked at her.

"Let's get to the beach." He said bluntly as he turned away.

"R-right, coming." Kinta stuttered as she jogged after him.


Kinta and Hisoka walked back to the beach in silence. She still couldn't read him, he still didn't seem very happy about their encounter. But if he was upset about it he didn't seem to be directing it towards her.

'Damnit.' Kinta thought to herself, staring at the ground as she walked. 'I thought I was over what happened. I can't believe I froze up like that. She sighed and rubbed her temples.
Hisoka gave her a sideways glance but didn't say anything.

'Maybe it's just the way he grabbed me so suddenly, I haven't frozen up like that with somebody for several years now-'

"Kinta!" Gon and his friends waved to her as they finally arrived at the beach.

Kinta was relieved to be saved from the awkward silence as she walked over to them.
"You're injured!" Leorio exclaimed as he popped open his briefcase.

Kinta shrugged. "It's just a scratch." She said as she brushed the now dried blood from her cheek.

"No Kinta, your leg." Kurapica pointed out while Leorio dug through his case.

"Oh-" Kinta had almost forgotten. She looked down to see the blood had soaked through her pant leg all the way down to her ankle. She hadn't even felt it during her and Hisoka's time together. "I'll be fine." She started to say but Leorio was already trying to bandage her up.
Kinta laughed and stepped away, really not wanting to be touched right now. "Seriously guys I'm fine, look." She pulled the ripped fabric away to show that the wound had already stopped bleeding. New, pink skin is already starting to form at the edges of the wound.

"But that blood is fresh-" Kurapika stated. "How are you healing so fast?"

Kinta shrugged, "I've always healed fast, since I was a kid."

"That's so cool!" Gon chimed in. "I wish I healed that fast!."

Kinta chuckled. "Honestly, it's not always as great as it sounds. Like if I break a bone, if I don't set it immediately I will have to re-break it so it can heal correctly. Otherwise it tries to heal in whatever position it's in."

"Fascinating." Leorio mumbled while adjusting his glasses.

"Kinta-" Kurapica stepped towards her and lowered his voice. "I've noticed you've been spending time around Hisoka."

A blush spread across Kinta's cheeks, 'More than just spending time with him..' She thought to herself. "Yeah, what of it?"

"Do you have any idea how dangerous he is?" Kurapika questioned. "He almost killed an examiner last year, and he threatened Gon."

"That doesn't surprise me." Kinta said bluntly, folding her arms behind her head. "You did take his badge Gon."

Gon laughed nervously and scratched the back of his head.

"He's manipulative." Kurapika pressed. "He will probably try to kill you. Maybe not now, but eventually when he thinks you're worthy of killing."

"I know." Kinta smiled. "That's what makes it fun!"

Kurapika, Gon and Leorio gave her a stunned look.

"He'll treat you like a toy-" Kurapica started.

"I'd like to play." Kinta interrupted him.

"Don't you understand Kinta?!" He exclaimed, starting to lose his patience. "He's dangerous!"
Kinta unfolded her arms and grinned at the three of them. "So am I."


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