Miraculous | Book 2(Old Versi...

By ChanelPradaGirl

130K 3.3K 1.6K


The Collector
Meeting Master Fu
Despair Bear
Despair Bear (Part 2)
Prime Queen
Robostus (Part 2)
Envious Kagami
Birthday Girl
The Dark Owl
More Amazing Pictures Of My OC!
Glaciator (Part 2)
Unexpected Visit
Sapotis (Part 2)
Meteor Shower
Hey Ronnie!
Captain Hardrock
Important Note
Cordonia (Part 2)
It Happened Again...
On Hold
Santa Claws (A Christmas Special)
Strike (Part 2)
Strike (Part 3)
Imposter (An Among Us X MLB Crossover)
Anansi (Part 2)
Frozer (Part 2)
Of Barcelona & Couples' Class
Style Queen (Queen's Battle- Part 1)
Queen Wasp (Queen's Battle- Part 2)
Liar's Threat
Catalyst (Heroes Day- Part 1)
Mayura (Heroes Day- Part 2)
Happy Anniversary

Love Speller

2.9K 75 52
By ChanelPradaGirl

Logan sat in his room, pacing back and forth, thinking about Kalianna. It's been 2 days since he got expelled from school. The boy was still in Paris. Somehow, he had managed to convince his father, Javier Sánchez, to start living in the country.

"Urgh! I can't believe I got expelled from school! It's all Adrien's fault! Stupid Adrien Agreste, now I can't see Kalianna anymore!" Logan yelled, kicking a little recycling bin near his desk. 

Just then Javier came into his room. "Logan, I'm going to meet up with some old friends for brunch, you okay with staying home by yourself hijo? (son?)"

Logan sighed. "Yes dad"

Javier nodded and exited the room.

Logan looked out his window. The brown-haired boy's blood began boiling when he saw Adrien and Kalianna sitting on a bench eating ice-cream together. He scoffed. "So she favors him more than me huh?" He growled and picked up the recycling bin and threw it at the wall. "There's nothing special about him! Why does she like me more than him!? URGH!" 

Logan snapped his spark-plug necklace off of his neck and looked at it, his eyes began watering. Kalianna had given him that necklace when they were kids. "She didn't even notice I was still wearing it" He growled again and slammed his hand on the wall. "I swear to you Kalianna, I'll make you mine! Whether you like it or not. You will love me. And no one is gonna get in the way, not even that little blonde-haired shrimp!"

Hawk Moth's Lair

The window opens and the butterflies take flight.

"Hmmm, it seems like this boy has strong feelings for this girl. So strong that he'd be willing to destroy anyone in his path" Hawk Moth smirked and turned a pure white butterfly into an akuma. "Fly away, my little akuma, and evilize this possessive soul!"

The akuma flies out the window and out over Paris.

Logan's Room

The blue-eyed boy was now crying while gripping the spark-plug necklace in his hand. The akuma slips through Logan's window and akumatizes his necklace. Logan looks up with a scowl as a glowing purple butterfly outlines his face.

"Love Speller, I am Hawk Moth. I am giving you the power to make anyone fall in love with you, including the girl that you love. But in order to keep these powers, you must capture Leopardess, Ladybug, and Cat Noir's Miraculouses, and bring them to me. Do we have a deal?" Hawk Moth inquired.

Logan smirked and put on his spark-plug necklace. "Absolutely Hawk Moth, I'll get Kalianna to love me once and for all!" The boy was transformed into Love Speller. He was now wearing black pants, a black suit jacket adorned with roses along with a floral tie, a black mask, black shoes, and he was wearing a wrist dart gun.


"I think I like vanilla more than chocolate" Kalianna said just as she finished her vanilla ice cream.

"You know what vanilla means?" Adrien questioned.

"No, why?"

"It means-"

Suddenly, the two lovers heard people screaming in fear. They stood and saw Love Speller walking towards them, shooting darts filled with red liquid at anyone who ran away. 

The people that the villain shot darts at stopped. Their eyes turned pink and their irises formed into hearts.

"Oh he's so amazing!" One girl yelled out, fawning over Love Speller. 

More and more people began fawning over him. He smirked as he stopped in front of Adrien and Kalianna. "Hello my love~!" He purred.

"W-who are you?" Kalianna asked, backing away from him.

"Aw, you forgot me so soon? I thought you never would! After all, I did get expelled two days ago"

"Logan?" Adrien's eyes widened.

Love Speller frowned. "I'm not Logan! I'm Love Speller! And once I take Kalianna to the Arc de Triomphe to seal our love, no one will be able to stop me! Not even those so-called heroes in Paris!" He laughed evilly and grabbed Kalianna by the waist, then he jumped away.

"ADRIEN HELP ME!" Anna screamed.

Love Speller frown and turned to his brainwashed servants (the people he darted). "Servants, capture Adrien Agreste! I have...plans for him" He smirked and continued jumping away with a screaming Kalianna.

The servants rushed at Adrien and he began running away. 

"I gotta transform!" The green-eyed boy exclaimed. He turned a corner and bumped straight in Marinette.

"A-Adrien?!" The bluenette's eyes widened and she blushed.

"No time! Come on!" Adrien grabbed her arm and began running away with her.

"What's going o-AH!" Marinette screeched when she saw the minions running behind them. 

Adrien pushed the bluebell eyed girl into an alley and went in after her. Luckily, the servants ran past the alley.

Marinette sighed in relief. "Uh...what's on going-I mean-what's going on?"

"Okay, you know that boy that got expelled? Logan Sánchez?"

"Oh yeah, I remember him. He wouldn't leave Kalianna alone"

"Well, apparently, he got akumatized into a villain named Love Speller. He kidnapped Kalianna when we were in the park and said he was taking her to the Arc de Triomphe to seal their love" Adrien frowned.

Marinette groaned. "Seriously? Can't he take a hint? Why where those people chasing after us?"

"Love Speller darted them with some kind of red liquid. It made their eyes turn pink and their irises shape into hearts"

"And you say he's taking Kali to the Arc de Triomphe?"

"Yeah. Go home okay? Leopardess, Cat Noir, and Ladybug will take care of everything" With that, the blonde-haired boy ran out of the alley.

Marinette opened her purse and Tikki levitated out of it. "Kalianna's in trouble! Its time to transform. Tikki, spots on!"

Meanwhile, Adrien had found a secluded place, he quickly let Plagg out of his jacket. "Ugh. I'm starting to get tired of Logan now"

"Well look on the brightside, at least you didn't get him akumatized. He did that on his own" The kwami snickered. 

"It's still doesn't matter. He has my girlfriend. Plagg, claws out!"

Parisian Rooftops

"Logan put me down!" Kalianna demanded, struggling to get out of the villain's arms. "I don't wanna be with you!"

"You don't have a choice darling" Love Speller smirked and tightened his grip on Kal. 

"Why don't you just brainwash me like you did with the others?!" 

"Because, I want you to love me willingly" 

The amber-eyed girl scoffed. "That's never gonna happen"

"Don't say that" Love Speller growled.

Just then Cat Noir and Ladybug landed in front of him, blocking his path.

"It's true though, Kalianna would never love a villain willingly. Especially someone like you" Cat Noir spoke.

"Shut up you stupid cat! Kalianna will love me!" Love Speller fired back.

"Not a million years" Ladybug uttered, getting out her yo-yo.

The villain smirked. "Hmmm, I see two of you, aren't there supposed to be three?"

"We don't have a third partner!" Ladybug lied.

Love Speller scoffed. "You're a very bad liar. Where's Leopardess? Where's that pathetic excuse of a leopard?!"

Kalianna frowned. 

"Don't talk about Leopardess that way! She'll be here, she's just...running a late!" Cat Noir chuckled sheepishly.

"Yeah right" Love Speller put Kalianna down. "You stay right there my love, I'll deal with these pesky heroes" He charged at the duo and began fighting them in hand-to-hand combat while firing darts at them, which they nimbly dodged.

While they were battling, Kalianna snuck away to a chimney and hid behind it. Sunny revealed herself out of the girl's hair. "Well done Kali, it looks like you've got yourself a not so secret admirer" The kawmi giggled. 

Anna rolled her eyes. "Not funny, Sunshine, not funny at all. Sunny, speed up!"

Logan drop-kicked Ladybug, sending her landing flat on her back. He then grabbed Cat Noir's tail and punched him in the back.

Cat Noir winced as he landed next to the fallen bug hero.

"Heh, pathetic. And I thought you guys were supposed to be superheroes. Guess you're really not cut out for this job" Love Speller laughed wickedly, then he aimed his dart gun at them. "Say goodbye~!"

"Glitter Spray!" The heroes and the villain heard someone yell.

Love Speller turned around, only to be met with Leopardess, who sprayed glitter in his face. "Ow!" He shouted, furiously wiping his eyes.

"Guys, come on!" Leopardess swung away, Ladybug and Cat Noir followed after her.

Once Love Speller finished clearing the glitter out of his eyes, he looked around for Kalianna, but she was gone. "URGH! THOSE STUPID HEROES!" He was about to go find Kali, but a purple butterfly outlined his face.

"Love Speller, go after the heroes, they probably ran away with your true love and hid her from you!" Hawk Moth voiced.

Love Speller nodded and began chasing after the heroines. 

"Where have you been?" Ladybug asked when they stopped at the Arc de Triomphe.

"Sorry I was late, I had to hide Kalianna" Leopardess said.

"Where? Where did you hide her?" Cat Noir asked a fake frantic tone, he already knew Kalianna was in front of him.

"Can't tell you. But she's safe, trust me" Leopardess pronounced. 

Ladybug turned around and silently sighed in relief. 

"Ladybug! Leopardess! Cat Noir!" Love Speller roared as he landed in front of them. "Where did you hide Kalianna?!"

"They don't know" Leopardess stated, gesturing to her partners. "But I do, because I hid her, and I'm not gonna tell you where she is you obsessive creep!"

Love Speller growled, then smirked. "Looks like your about to change back"

Leopardess's eyes widened as her choker beeped, signaling she was down to three paw prints. 

"But I'm not gonna let you go before you tell me where Kalianna is!" Love Speller lunged at the trio and engaged in battle with them.


"Guys, I'm about to transform back!" Leopardess warned as her choker flashed, she was now down to two paw prints. The leopard hero avoided a blow from Love Speller. "Get him off my back!"

Ladybug hurled her yo-yo and it wrapped around the villain's arm.  She then pulled on the string, tugging him back.

"Go now!" Cat Noir ordered.

Leopardess quickly swung away.

"No!" Love Speller growled and fired a dart at Ladybug.

"Ah!" The bug hero dodged the dart, letting go of Love Speller in the process.

The villain then spun around and fired a dart at Cat Noir, fortunately, he eluded it.

"Whoa! Are you sure your name isn't Dart Boy instead of Love Speller?" Cat Noir jested.

"And are you sure your name isn't Kitty Noir instead of Cat Noir?" Love Speller smirked. 

The cat hero growled.

"Cat Noir don't-" Ladybug warned but Cat Noir was already lunging at Love Speller, blinded with rage.

Love Speller simply grabbed the black cat's arm and flipped him over his head, sending him crashing to the ground.

Cat Noir groaned and tried to get up but Love Speller aimed his wrist dart gun at him. "Say goodbye Cat Noir!" A purple butterfly outlined his face. 

"Take his Miraculous before you turn him into one of your servants!" Hawk Moth commanded.

Love Speller grinned and reached down to take Cat Noir's ring.

"Stop!" A voice yelled.

Ladybug, Love Speller, and Cat Noir looked and saw Kalianna standing there.

"Kalianna my love~!" Love Speller skipped over to her and grabbed her roughly by the waist. "I knew you'd come back to me"

"Let go of her!" Ladybug remarked angrily.

"Hehe, not a chance. Now back off!" Love Speller aimed his dart gun at the duo and they backed away.

"Please don't hurt them. I'll do anything!" Kalianna cried, putting up a pathetic act.

Love Speller smirked. "Anything~?"


"Okay then" The villain cupped the flawless skinned girl's chin. "Kiss me"

Kalianna's eyes widened. 'Maybe saying I'd do anything was the wrong call...'

"Don't do what he says Kalianna!" Cat Noir pleaded.

"Don't listen to him. Kiss me" Love Speller insisted. "Prove that you love me"

"If...if I do this" Anna looked away. "You won't hurt them right?"

"I won't. I promise" A purple butterfly outlined his face.

"What are you doing Love Speller? You can't make such promises!" 

"Don't worry Hawk Moth, I'll take care of everything" Love Speller smirked.

"Kalianna don't kiss him!" Ladybug begged.

"I have too. Its the only way to make sure you guys won't get hurt" Kalianna sighed and began leaning in to kiss him.

Love Speller smirked and began leaning in as well.

"Lucky Charm!" Ladybug yelled, she acquired a note in return. "Just let it happen?" What?"

"What does it mean by just let it happen?! She can't kiss him! Cataclysm!" Cat Noir shouted, activating his Cataclysm, he was about to charge at Kalianna and Love Speller, but Ladybug stopped him. 

"No, wait!" The bug hero used her lucky vision and spotted Kalianna, Love Speller's spark-plug necklace (which was now purple), and his foot. She smirked. "Kalianna! The akuma is in his necklace!"

"Huh?" Love Speller said, confused. 

Panicked, Kalianna grabbed the villain by the back of the head and kissed him. Love Speller's eyes widened, then they fluttered closed and he wrapped his arms around Kali's waist.

Cat Noir looked away sadly, even though Kalianna was just kissing him to distract him so she could get his necklace, it still hurt him to see her kissing someone else.

While kissing Love Speller, Kal snapped his spark-plug necklace off of his neck. Then she broke the kiss and stomped on his foot.

"OW! AH!" Love Speller continued to make noises while he held his foot.

Kalianna gagged and wiped her mouth. "Cat Noir, catch!" She threw the spark-plug necklace at the black cat, he caught it and destroyed it with his Cataclysm, freeing the akuma. 

"No more evildoing for you, little akuma. Time to de-evilize!" Ladybug captured the akuma with her yo-yo. "Gotcha!" She closes the yo-yo and purifies the akuma. "Bye bye, little butterfly" She said as she opened the yo-yo and lets the butterfly out. "Miraculous Ladybug!" She threw the note into the air.

Its energy fixes everything and converts Love Speller back to Logan. "What the...what happened?"

"Pound it!" Ladybug and Cat Noir cheered.

The bug hero sighed. "It still feels weird fist-bumping without Leopardess"

Cat Noir tapped her on the shoulder. "Hey, look" He and Ladybug looked over to see Kalianna walking over to Logan with his spark-plug necklace.

"...Hey" Kali handed him his necklace and he slowly took it.

"T-thanks" Logan stuttered, he scratched the back of his head. "I'm, uh, sorry for forcing myself on you that day"

Kalianna cleared her throat. "It's okay, I forgive you. But..." She put a hand on his shoulder and smiled. "You know your gonna have to apologize to my friends right?"

Logan gave her a small smile. "I know. I'll do it tomorrow, I promise"

Ladybug grinned. "Well, guess they made up"

Cat Noir crossed his arms, he was still skeptical of Logan, but he'd have to wait until he apologized tomorrow, if he apologized. "Yeah...I guess they did"


"I'm so sorry for being mean to you guys. I-I was wrong. I guess I was so blinded by my love for Kalianna that I didn't even realize I was hurting others. But that doesn't justify my actions, I'm sorry, and I hope you all can forgive me. I'm gonna turn over a new leaf, don't worry" Logan spoke, playing with his fingers.

"Thank you for that apology Logan" Miss Bustier said.

Suddenly, Marinette stood up. "I forgive you!"

Everyone looked at her with wide eyes.

"Marinette-!" Alya started.

"What? I forgive him. At least he has the guts to stand in front of the class and apologize for his mistakes. Unlike Chloé"

"Excuse me?! Don't compare me to him! He's nothing but a possessive weirdo! I mean, he's hot but his personality is trash" Chloé flipped her ponytail.

Logan looked down sadly.

"Miss Bourgeious, behave!" Miss Bustier ordered.

Kalianna stood up. "You've got some nerve Chloé! Talking about someone else's personality when you're no better!" 

"Yeah, what gives you the right to judge him?" Kim asked, frowning.

"He admitted he was wrong" Adrien rendered.

"That's something you obviously wouldn't do" Nino snapped at the blonde brat.

Chloé gasped. "How dare you!"

"We forgive you Logan" Alya said with a smile.

"Ah, thanks" Logan scratched the back of his head and flashed a smile at Kalianna.

All she did was smile back and give him a thumbs up. 'Well done Logan Sánchez, well done'

Word Count: 2,820

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Each chapter is a separate story (unless otherwise stated)! ✓ COVER BY: @SummerSnowQueen © 2015-2018 KʀʏᴘᴛɪCᴀᴛ Aʟʟ Rɪɢʜᴛs Rᴇsᴇʀᴠᴇᴅ