Soldiers and Serpents //Scorb...

By Lucifurteeth

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Scorpius Malfoy thought he'd ride out the rest of his schooling at Hogwarts easily. That was until Albus Pott... More

Author's Note
1 Missy
2 Confrontation
3 A Long Day
4 Inebriated
5 Social Food Chain
6 Corruption
7 Time Out
8 Secrets
9 Bloodletting
10 Friends
11 Illness
12 The Test
13 Surprise
14 Just Words
15 Teeth
16 Twins
17 Outcast ⚠️
19 Family Ties
20 Saunder
21 Resolve
22 Chaos
23 In a Day's Work
24 Settlement
25 Desperation ⚠️
26 Casual Deatheater
27 Soft Touches
28 Truth or Dare
29 Tension
30 Can You Hear Me?
31 Potions
32 Birthday
33 Faster
34 Albus
35 Inquiries
36 History
37 Sixteen
38 Terror
39 The Flood
40 Into the Fire
41 Empty
42 It's Nothing ⚠️
43 Breathe
44 Deceit
45 London
46 Hook
47 Quidditch
48 Labyrinth
49 Black
Character Log
50 Ancestry
51 Unity
52 Subservient
53 Drift
54 Confidence
55 Scorn
56 He Who Wears The Crown
57 Casualties
58 Vengeance
59 Distraction
60 Pity
61 Forgiveness ⚠️
62 Encounter
63 Obscene ⚠️
64 Hunter ⚠️
65 Stranger
66 Switch
67 Beginning
68 The Dead
69 Imperio
70 Thank You
71 Anticipation
72 Mania
73 Darkness
74 Albus
75 Raven
76 Salazar

18 Formal

270 12 2
By Lucifurteeth

Scorpius left the top unbuttoned of his white shirt, not liking how tight it felt around his neck when it was done up all the way. His hair was combed neater than usual. Term has officially ended. It was the day of the Winter Formal, Friday. After the dance everyone would go home to Christmas break and come back for the last term. After that, Scorpius would be sixth year. It seemed to have gone so quickly. This term went by in a flash, despite everything that had happened. Making a friend, learning about his father. Daniel disappearing.

His eyes looked at his reflection in the mirror. He finally decided it was good enough, and pulled on the black jacket. If Raven was here, and talking to him, she'd insist on a tie. Luckily, he could avoid that this time. Perhaps some space from her was helpful. As well as detrimental.

Neither Albus nor Scorpius had commented on that night where he had broke down. It was like it never happened. Not entirely, of course. They'd send one another small looks and nods in the classroom, like they were silently communicating. Nothing serious. It almost seemed like they were just making sure each other was still there. No one seemed to notice but Scorpius felt more relaxed with him now. He didn't scan his eyes in the Great Hall for Raven- he was now looking for Albus. It was a small thing, but it was there. The way Potter didn't press him for details on what was wrong, or why he was upset. Of course, he had been witness to everything that Scorpius had went through this far. Maybe he didn't need to ask to know.

"This feels too tight. Are you sure that it's meant to look like this?" Albus shifts uncomfortably, buttoning the shirt.

"It's like that on me too. It's a fitted shirt. It's meant to be like that. Which is why when we ordered it you had to measure your shoulders and waist, and such." Scorpius explains, turning around in his nice shoes to look at Albus. Potter's hair was in curls. Scorpius smiles but decided not to comment on it. He finished with the buttons, grabbing his tie that James gave to him. It looked nice, actually. It was rather last minute. James learned Albus was attending the dance and insisted he wear one of his ties. The color was a pale blue. It was very winter-themed. However, the color choice seemed to clash with Albus's warm toned skin and green eyes. A Slytherin tie would look better- but it wasn't exactly dance worthy.

"Even the tie looks horrible. And I have bags under my eyes. Where's Luke's makeup when you need it?" Albus huffs one annoyance, straightening the tie and laying his collar flat over it.

"Stop, you look fine." Scorpius walked over. "Luke will be jealous."

"Of you. Not of me." Potter shrugs, pulling on the jacket with a look of distaste from Scorpius. "He told me he already is jealous of you. Everyone crushes on you, Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy." Albus explains. "Even more than Luke."

"Yeah, and why's that?" Scorpius wondered, entertaining this conversation though he had little interest in it. He looked at the jacket on Albus, thinking it would definitely look better off. It did nothing to flatter his torso like the white shirt underneath did.

"You're a bad boy. You flirt with danger and don't consort to social norms. But you're also smart, in a humble way. And to many people you're attractive." He explains. "Then again, everyone thinks you're naturally platinum. You'd be less interesting with brown hair, I'm sure." Albus jokes. Scorpius couldn't help but give a laugh.

"They all seem to forget I'm a dick." He muses, giving Missy a few pets as he waited for Albus to put on his shoes to go.

"They don't talk about you like that anymore. Not since you broke Daniel's nose for me." Albus finishes and puts his wand inside his jacket. Scorpius does that as well with his own. "Sure, they still call you names or gossip about why you and Raven aren't speaking. And you are still intimidating, but having me around makes you less so."

"Strange way to try and convince me to keep you on as a friend, Potter. Sounds like you're damaging my reputation."

"What makes you think I'm trying to convince you of anything? I reckon when you get tired of me, you'll drop me." Albus gestured. "You ready?"

"I don't drop people." Scorpius nodded, leading the way out of the dormitories. The shorter boy follows after him, through the halls towards the Great Hall where the Dance was taking place. They were already late, naturally. "Usually it's the other way around."

"Let's agree to disagree. You dropped your childhood friend Oliver, didn't you?"

"It wasn't like that." Scorpius retorts. Albus met his gaze and shrugged.

"Well, how would I know?" They walk towards the entrance where a seventh year student was accepting tickets. Albus passed the two of them over. As they walked inside where music was blaring, they still spoke.

"You want the entire story of a relationship that means nothing now?" Scorpius wondered, the question sounding provoking.

"Relationship?" Albus rose an eyebrow curiously.

"Friendship. Whatever you want to call it."

"Well, of course I want the full story. You don't let many people get close to you. I'd like to know why he was so special that he was allowed inside the circle of trust." Albus explains. "But only when you're ready to tell me."

"And if I'll never be ready to tell you?"

"Guess we'll see, won't we? If you don't drop people then you're stuck with me. Eventually I imagine I'll unravel all the backstory of you." Albus smiles brightly. Scorpius chuckles, rolling his eyes at the optimism. "Oh look, there's Raven and Ashton. I'm going to go say hi." Albus points across the room. Raven was done in a pretty navy blue dress with white shining snowflakes on it. In fact, if one looked closer it actually looked like the dress was spelled to look like snow was falling in the very fabric. It was beautiful. Ashton was dressed neatly as well, matching her in the dark blue and white. Scorpius watched as he put a white flower corsage on Raven's wrist. She was blushing at the action.

"I'll see what they're offering for drinks." Scorpius replies, knowing that going over there wouldn't bring a happy reunion with his twin. This wasn't the time or place to hash out all the details of the fact he was Cypress Black's son. Right now, the consolation that Draco had in fact, not disinherited him upon Raven's request was enough to reassure him that she still cared about Scorpius. Even if she was still coming to terms with the fact they weren't siblings. They were hardly even family members. Distant and removed, definitely.

Scorpius made his way towards the snack bar, asking the girl who was working it what were the drink options. He orders two of the fruity drinks she suggested, and turned to look around the room as he waited. The entire room was bathed in white and silver. Bright winter colors. The sky ceiling above them had soft snow drifting downwards. Of course, it wasn't real snow and therefore nothing actually touched the ground. A few professors were chaperoning, but they looked too busy talking and laughing amongst themselves to pay attention to the students.

"Scorpius. You look nice." Christine walks up to grab a cookie from a platter. She was in a dark pink dress, going down to her ankles. It was strapless but she had covered her arms with long gloves, probably to keep the chill off. "Where's your boy?" She wondered. Scorpius gestured to where Albus was talking with Ashton and Raven.

"Where's yours?" He wondered. Christine looks back at him from Albus at the question. She points over to a group of guys smiling and laughing.

"The one in all black." Scorpius spots him, but didn't recognize him. He'd seen his face around, but he wasn't particularly popular or anything. Not even on the Quidditch team, otherwise Scorpius would've recognized him. "He's a Ravenclaw. I'm his beard." Christine explains. Scorpius felt like he was slapped across the face.

"Wait what?" He seemed like she had started to speak in tongues. Christine smiles, taking a bite of her cookie.

"It's when a girl pretends to be a guy's girlfriend so that-"

"He hides being gay. I know what it is, I don't live under a rock. Why you would let him do that to you?" Scorpius was upset, thinking she was pushed into this. Christine sets a hand on his arm, and he resisted the urge to shove it off.

"It's not like that. He's a friend. I'm helping him out. He's got a major crush on Luke. Neither of us wanted to come alone, and since James Potter needed to know I was taken- and to back the hell off- I agreed to go with him. It's mutually beneficial." She explains. Scorpius frowned, looking at her with concerned eyes. "You don't need to worry, he's not using me or anything."

"I'm not-"

"I know that look, don't lie to me." She ordered, making him snap his teeth together in distaste. She looked amused. They stood there in silence for a moment, listening to the music seem to grow louder and louder.

"You look beautiful, by the way." Scorpius told her, deciding that she deserved a compliment, and was probably not going to get one from her gay date. Pink rose to her cheeks a little, and she muffled a soft 'thank you'. Scorpius grabbed both Albus and his drinks. "If we were still together, this would've been one of those fun nights, you know?" He joked, walking away, winking at her.

"You're a dirty mouthed git, Scorpius." She laughed. "Save me a dance, will you?" Scorpius gives her a little nod, heading towards Potter. Potter saw him coming and broke away from Raven and Ashton to meet him. Scorpius hands him a drink.

"What's new with those two?" Scorpius wonders.

"You were right, Ashton and Raven are now official. Like you suspected they'd be." Albus replies, taking a drink. Scorpius made a mental note to investigate the matter further, perhaps over break. "She's not mad at me, about the whole..." he lowers his voice. "Cypress thing." Albus looked at him with sincere green eyes. "I think she'll be coming around soon. Be more understanding about everything." Scorpius shrugged, taking a little drink. "You don't think so?"

"Raven is... different than I am. She's loyal to her family. The Malfoy's. I'm not one of them." He bites his lip, trying not to give away how concerned he was about the entire thing. "It's going to take time for it to return to how it was, if it ever does."

"I believe it will." Albus replies optimistically. "Oh, I brought something fun." Scorpius raised an eyebrow in interest. Potter looks around suspiciously, before pulling just the top of a silver flask out of the pocket of his pants. Scorpius chuckles.

"I didn't think you liked alcohol." He recalled, combing his hair over with his fingers. Scorpius couldn't remember Albus grabbing that, but figured he was probably distracted by everything else Potter was doing. The brunette nodded in agreement.

"I don't. But you seem on edge, and I know you hate socializing. So I figured some fireball would help." Albus told him innocently, blinking flirtatiously. Dark eyelashes shadowing the green sparks in his eyes.

"You trying to get me drunk, Potter?" Scorpius held his gaze, lowering his voice intentionally. Albus immediately flushed at the attention, going back to his drink. He held the glass with two hands, raising it to his lips. The blonde tried not to smirk, stepping closer and dipping his hand into Potter's pocket for the flask. Potter got more red, his tanned skin struggling to hide it. "Don't look at me, watch the Professors will you?" Scorpius teased lightly, and Albus quickly looks over to the chaperones. They didn't seem to care.

Scorpius turned from the crowd to pour the liquor into his drink, screwing the cap back and sliding it back to Potter. "You can hold-" Albus sees the action.

"Nope. This way, we're committing the crime together." Scorpius cuts him off, making sure it was hidden in Potter's pocket. He takes a sip of his drink, realizing he made it stronger than he meant to. The liquor definitely made it taste better.

"You're a bad influence on me Scorpius Malfoy." Albus tells him, finishing his drink in a final gulp. He seemed more jittery now, nervous probably. Scorpius took another small drink, feeling the soft burn on its way down his throat. "How much did you put in there?" Potter wondered, looking at the glass.

"Enough." Scorpius finished it, and Albus's eyes widen.

"How much, Scorpius?" He repeats. Scorpius giggles, feeling warm. "I'm going to regret this, aren't I?"

"Embrace the bad. You'll have a lot more fun when you stop worrying."

Four more alcohol laced drinks later, Scorpius found himself on the dance floor. The music was heavy dance, mixed with hip hop. Something he found he could shake his hips to. He wouldn't be caught dead doing this sober- but that's not was he was right now so who cares? Albus was off to the side, eating a cookie and watching. Christine comes off the dance floor, laughing and looking exhilarated. Albus didn't know the girl that well, just in passing. She was Scorpius's ex so everyone knew of her, and then she dated his brother James so he was familiar. He didn't really know her though, other than the few times she asked him where Scorpius was, he hadn't a real conversation with her just one on one. But it looked like that was about to change, because she walked over when she saw him.

As she walked, the girl fixed whatever fell out of her gorgeous hair updo when she was dancing. "Hey." She greets, coming to stand beside him. Albus smiles at her in greeting, seeming to quiet substantially. He didn't know what was really appropriate to say to your friend's ex. Especially when you have a crush on said friend. A crush that's obviously going to end up burning him in the end. It's Scorpius after all. After so many months he's learned one thing for sure; the boy isn't easy. Albus would have to approach this one like one might approach a lion. Slowly, like one wrong word might result in being mauled to death. "Why don't you join him?" Christine asks, following his gaze.

"Oh! Uhm. No. I'm not really coordinated for dancing. At least not to this music." Albus laughed awkwardly. Christine nodded in understanding.

"More of a slow dance kind of guy?" She wondered. Albus thought about it and then nodded. "How romantic."

"I know, it's embarrassing." He responded, struggling to come up with something to start conversation. "Who did you come with?"

"Xavier, from Ravenclaw." Christine answered, pointing. Albus followed her gaze, and he felt a tinge of anger as he saw him and who he was dancing with.

"The one dancing with Scorpius?" He clarified though his teeth. Christine bit her lip in amusement, not realizing the annoyance in Albus beside her. Scorpius had his arms on the guy's shoulders loosely. He was taller than the blonde, his hands around Scorpius's back. "He's a bit touchy, isn't he?"

"Jealous?" Christine asked, and Albus clamped his teeth together, giving her a sideways look. "He's drunk."

"Hardly." He muttered, figuring the boy could handle his alcohol better than she was giving him credit for. Albus was sure he'd have thrown up on thanksgiving, and then he wasn't even mixing it with anything. Scorpius didn't actually get sick then; so this was nothing in comparison.

"Why not join him?" Christine suggested boldly. Albus looked at her. She looked at him, seeing the movement from the corner of her eye. He realized that she wasn't actually saying to go out there- she was testing him to see what he'd tell her as an excuse. Albus highly considered telling her to piss off. Though that would get back around to Scorpius and then he'd ask- Potter huffed.

"Because if I make any move while he's under the influence, particularly in public, he'll hate me for it sober. The only reason he won't hate him," He points to Xavier. "Is because they don't know each other and therefore don't care."

"You've got him figured out then." Christine sounded impressed.

"He's not a puzzle." Albus responds quickly. She rose an eyebrow. "Or a project." He watches as Scorpius moves to dance in a throng of girls, who all giggle at his arrival. He can't help but smile a bit. "He's going through a lot. When he wants me as more than a friend, he'll say it." Albus added confidently.

"Scorpius may never want more. What happens then?" Christine was curious now. Albus didn't have to think of an answer, he already knew.

"Then we stay friends."

"You're okay with that?" She frowned.

"Ask me in a year." Albus offers. Scorpius walks over, wobbling slightly. He swings an arm across Albus's shoulders, and Potter has to balance again with the sudden weight.

"Come dance with me." He suggests, and Albus shakes his head no. Scorpius sticks out his bottom lip in a pout. "This party blows." Scorpius muttered, pulling his arm off the smaller boy when realizing he wasn't going to give in to his best drunk puppy dog face. Scorpius gave a smile to Christine, but she gave a soft shake of her head. She was answering his question before even being asked. "Well fine, my buzz is wearing off anyways. Want to dip?" He turned back to Albus questioningly. The brunette shrugged and nodded, having no idea where they were going to go. That's what was so exciting; Scorpius was unpredictable.

He figured it wouldn't be far, considering they were both going to be leaving Hogwarts tonight after the dance. Some students stayed the night to go home on break tomorrow, but everyone had the option of leaving directly after the dance- or before- if they wanted to. Many students elected to not go to dances anyways. Usually that had been Albus, but now it was different. This wasn't somewhere he'd be bullied anymore, it was a place to socialize, burn off steam. The boy had talked for what felt like an hour with his girlfriends who were there. During that time is when Scorpius increased his alcohol intake and took to the dance floor. Not long later, the girls did too. Potter could dance; just not in the dumb highschool way. He was more classical like that. He decided he liked these events, though.

Scorpius took a step over to Christine, pulling her hand up to give the top of it a kiss, like she was a princess. "Farewell, my lady." He dramatically bowed, and the ravenclaw girl rolled her eyes.

"Goodbye, Prince Malfoy." Sarcasm dripped off her words, and it made him grin. Scorpius turned and led the way out of the Hall, Albus sending a departing wave to Christine as he followed. The blonde had a bit of a happy pep to his step as he went down the stone halls, nearly skipping.

"Where are we going?" Potter finally asked, only partially expecting an answer.

"You'll see, Potter."

They ended up laying on their backs. Snow melting slowly underneath them. Green and Grey eyes looked up at the sky, but the vast dark black of night was obscured by dark grey clouds. No stars in sight. "This is rather uneventful." Albus joked, and Scorpius grabbed his wand from his cloak. "Don't do magic under the influ-"

"Sudum." Scorpius pointed it upwards. The Atmospheric charm acted instantly, clouds silently parted until they were completely dissipated above them. Exposing the stars. "It's simple magic. If there happens to be a dementor, feel free to do your own patronus. I think I'm still too slushy for something like that." He puts his wand away. "Are you cold?"

"Freezing." Potter pulls his own wand out. "Accio Sweatshirt." It took a few seconds, but then the boys could see the flying article of clothing. The summoning charm pulling the item through the air and to the caster, falling right beside Albus, who pulled it on. He felt better with another layer of clothing already. "Are you cold?"

"No, I've been drinking so I can't really feel it." He replies honestly, still moving over a bit on the ground closer to the boy. Potter tucked closer to Scorpius, enough that their sides were touching and he could leech off the body heat. They were on the slopes outside of the castle, usually green and full of grass. Now, they were barren. No one was there other than the dark. Lights from the castle provided little visibility, but mostly it was the moon that illuminated the landscape. Their breath left in vapor, warm air mixing with cold.

"You'll call right, over break?" Albus asked softly, his eyes picking out different constellations he had learned in Astronomy.

"I'll try to remember." Scorpius nodded. Snow crunching under the movement. "You'll call me, right?"

"I'll probably forget." Potter replies, and they both grin. There's silence for a few minutes before Albus speaks again. "Do you think we'd still have ended up friends if I was put into Gryffindor?"

"I don't believe in fate, if that's what you're asking."

"It's not."

"Then... yes." Scorpius decides after a pause. Albus looks at him, propping his arm up on his side. "It probably would've went differently though. We'd have had to learn alot of things about one another that we already knew because we're in Slytherin. Like, I know you make your bed every morning before class and you are very neat and tidy. I only know that because we have shared dorms for five years. If you were in Gryffindor, I wouldn't know."

"Are those really things friends tell eachother, though? How they live, how clean they are? Most boys our age don't care about things like that, do they?" Albus was actually curious. He couldn't imagine his brother sitting around with his bestfriend Yann Fredericks talking about their habits. Then again it's not a real comparison, considering they both were in the same house.

"I didn't say I cared about it. If you were a slob it wouldn't make a difference to me." He paused. "I'm glad you aren't though." Scorpius looked up at Albus. "Why do you ask?"

"Well, my dad told me that I could ask the sorting hat to be put into Gryffindor. Because that's what happened to him." The brunette explains. "But when I sat there, first year, in front of everyone, I didn't. You and Raven were sorted before me, since its alphabetized by last name now. Do you remember?"

"Yes. The Slytherin students were thrilled when we were both sorted. McGonagall looked concerned, I'll never forget her face." Scorpius snorted.

"Well, James was watching me, everyone was, really. I've always known I was different than my brother. I was constantly compared to him. I think I didn't ask because if I had been put into Gryffindor, I'd have been exactly like him. Maybe it's selfish, but I don't want to be anything like him." Albus bites the inside of his cheek. "No one has compared us really since then. Not like before."

"You guys are very different. It's not selfish to want to be your own person."

"I mean... to want to stand out."

"That's not selfish. You do stand out, you're a Potter." Scorpius points out. "Even before everyone gave a crap about you, they all still knew who you were. That's why you were picked out for bullying. You're different." He explains. "So am I. People expected me to act like Draco. Dumb mocking and cowardly insults. When they tried pushing me around, they learned it didn't work. We aren't our fathers. Hell, if we were then I'd be in Azkaban, wouldn't I?"

"And I'd be in Gryffindor." Albus muses in agreement.

"You know that you're unique, don't you? Not just because you are in Slytherin." Scorpius wonders. Albus shrugs. "Most people who are intimidated or frightened turn and run or cower. You don't. Not because you are Harry Potter's son; but because that's who you are. You do things you don't want to do in order to achieve what you do want. That's a kind of tolerance many people wish they had. You also know what you want, and go for it. Even at fifteen."

"It's not as simple as you are making it sound, Scorpius." Albus retorts.

"Yes it is. You don't give yourself enough credit." He signals an end to the conversation there. The boys chat about a few random things, watching the moon travel over the sky slowly. Finally, they stand up to gather their belongings and leave for break. They walk out of the castle together, a bit away from where James and Lilly was waiting for Albus. "Well, see you soon, I guess." Scorpius stops walking, turning towards his friend. Albus looks from his siblings to the boy. He leans forward on his tippy toes to pull him into a hug. Scorpius didn't react at first, but then raised his arms to squeeze around Albus's smaller waist.

"See you soon."


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