
Af malec_endgame

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Magnus Bane is an agent of the warlocks, who despise the Shadowhunters, agents of the Clave. But when Magnus... Mere

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 8

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Af malec_endgame

Mission 6: Track the missing agents


Alec walked to his dad's office. Robert had asked to see him for some private meeting. He didn't know what he wanted, but he knew it must be important. He walked to Robert's office door and let himself in.

"Good, you're here." Robert said. Izzy, Jace, and Clary were in the room as well. "If you hadn't already guessed, this is about Jessica and the rest of the missing agents."

"As you know, we here at the Institute have not been able to track any of the agents. So, we are sending the three of you to a warlock. As you know, their tracking is unmatched. If we can't find her, the warlock agents are our last hope."

The Shadowhunters and the Downworlders used to fight for supremacy over themselves, and wouldn't dare ask for help. But, since the formation of the Accords to attain peace between the agencies, asking for help was not uncommon.

"The warlock's name is Magnus Bane. You might be familiar with him, Alec, he was on mission to get the necklace back when you were working undercover for the vampires."

Alec shifted uncomfortably. "I..I don't remember.." he trailed off. Robert cocked an eye at him before continuing. "As I said, you will meet him today. Here is his address. The item he will track is in the lab. You can pick it up once you're ready." Robert handed a piece of paper to Alec with an address scrawled on it. Little did his dad know, he didn't need it.

Alec nodded and looked at his siblings. Jace spoke up first. "We should get going. Get this over with."

"Agreed. I told Meliorn I would go see him tonight." Izzy said in a whisper.

"Well then, you all should get going. I'll expect you right back here for a mission report." Robert looked down at the papers at his desk and busied himself with them.

Izzy walked out first, followed by Jace and Alec. "Let me see that paper," Izzy said. Alec gave her the paper. "I recognize this address," Izzy said. "Come with me."

She walked to her room and Alec and Jace followed her. She got to her room, opened the door, and motioned for them to come inside. They do so, and Izzy began looking around the room.

"Ah, here it is." She picked up a peice of paper and walked towards us. "There's a party at that address tonight. We can go to the party and ask him about the tracking then. And, we'll be going to one of the hottest parties of the year. Two birds, one stone if you ask me." Izzy smiled and Alec couldn't refuse her.

"When does the party start?" Alec asked.

Izzy looked down at the flyer. "Midnight."

"Well, looks like we still have some time on our hands," Jace said.

"What are we going to do while we wait?" Clary asked, and looked at Jace.

He shrugged. "I'm heading to my room. You can join me if you want." Jace said.

Before Clary could reply, Izzy spoke up. "Actually, Jace, I'd like to hang with Clary for a while." Izzy smiled at Clary, and Alec knew she was up to something. He figured it was harmless, and even if it wasn't, he didn't care.

Jace shrugged. "Okay. Well, I'll be in my room when you guys get done." He looked towards Clary before leaving. Alec followed him out the door and walked to his room. He sat down on the bed and looked at the time. He had no idea what he was going to do while they waited. He decided he'd just get some sleep. He set an alarm on his phone and got under the covers, trusting his alarm to wake him on time.


Beep beep beep

Alec's alarm went off at 11:55, as he had set it. He turned it off, and untangled himself from the covers. He looked at his himself in the mirror, and quickly brushed his hair that had gotten messy while he'd been sleeping.

He walked out the door and made his way towards Izzy's room. He saw Izzy on the way there. "Hey, I was just going to get you. We're leaving now," she said. She turned around and went the other way, and Alec followed her. He must admit, he was a bit curious about Magnus' infamous parties. He'd never been a partying person, like Izzy was. And honestly, he didn't know what to expect.

Clary and Jace were waiting outside the Institute. Jace smirked at Alec. "Took you long enough," he said.

"You've probably only been out here for two minutes, Jace." Alec said and rolled his eyes.

"You don't know that," Jace said.

Clary rolled her eyes. "We literally just got out here," she said, giving Jace an annoyed look.

"Just what I thought," Alec said, and returned the smirk Jace gave him earlier.

"Alright, guys, we need to get going." Izzy said.

She smoothed her dress out and began walking, leading the way. Alec walked along close to Izzy, so he could lead her in the right direction if he had to. But, they had no problem getting there and soon they were in front of the door Alec had been getting to know over the past few days.

Izzy knocked on the door and Alec stepped back. He didn't know what Magnus would say if Alec was the first face he saw. He opened the door and looked at Izzy. "I don't remember inviting Shadowhunters to this party." He looked at the rest of them and spotted Alec. His face went up in an almost smile, and he looked back at Izzy, who was shoving the flyer she received in his face.

"Hmm, I must've been drunk..well, welcome to the party." He gestured for them to come inside, and when Alec went by he gave him a lingering look before walking away. Alec wanted to follow him, but he didn't want to distract himself from the mission.

He turned to Jace. "You have what he needs to track, right." Jace nodded and held up the item in question. It was a Hawkblue family ring. 

"It holds great value to her and her family name. He should be able to track her with it." Jace said. He handed it to Alec. "You give it to him. I lost Clary in the crowd. I'm going to find her." He made his way through the crowd before Alec could reply.

Okay, I need to stay professional. I'm on a mission.

Alec scanned the crowd for Magnus and saw him talking to what he assumed was another warlock agent. Alec walked towards them and realized that the other warlock's skin

He walked up to Magnus and smiled. "Hey, Magnus."

Magnus looked at Alec and smiled wide. "Hey," he said. "This is Catarina, a fellow warlock agent and a great friend of mine."

Catarina smiled. "Nice to meet you," she said.

Magnus looked at Alec. "I'm sorry I didn't give you an invitation, I didn't think this was your type of scene."

"It's not, I actually came her to ask you about something. Could we go somewhere more..private?"

Magnus nodded. He led the way to his bedroom and shut the door behind Alec. "What is it? I don't think you're just trying to get alone with me, although if you were I'd be pleasantly surprised."

Alec shook his head and slightly blushed. "I actually came here on business. I'd like you to track this." He handed the ring to Magnus. He examined it for a moment. "This one will be tricky, I can already tell. Whoever owns this ring doesn't want to be found."

Or someone else doesn't want them to be found

"I will track it..." Magnus said, and Alec looked at him expectantly, "...tomorrow," Magnus finished. "Right now, I just want to spend time with you. Without worrying about spy business. Okay?"

Alec noddded. "Is that why you threw this party?"

"Partially. It's also Chairman Meow's birthday." Magnus said.

"Your cat?" Alec asked incredulously.

"Yes, my cat. What, do you not celebrate Church's birthday?" Magnus asked.

"No, he's a cat." Alec said.

Magnus huffed. "That has nothing to do with it. Cats have birthdays as well, and they should be celebrated."

"How long were you single before meeting me again?" Alec asked and Magnus laughed.

"That's the Alexander I like to see. Now, let's head back. A party awaits its host," Magnus said. He opened the door and took Alec's hand as he led him through the crowd. He knew he was only doing it so they wouldn't lose each other, but he was glad he was doing it anyway.

Magnus stopped at the bar and asked the bartender for a drink. He handed it to Alec. Alec eyed him suspiciously. "Are you trying to get me drunk?" he questioned.

"Noo," Magnus said. Alec smiled. "I'll pretend I don't know you're lying." Alec said and drank some of his drink.

Magnus smiled. "I think that would be best," he said. He smiled at Alec, and that's when Alec really looked at Magnus and realized...he was beautiful. It took over his thoughts and suddenly Alec wanted nothing more than to kiss him. He had never shared a kiss before with anyone, but he knew he wanted to share that with Magnus.

Alec hardly realized he had gotten closer to Magnus until he was only inches away from his face. Magnus looked at him with anticipation gleaming in his eye.

He was almost there, about to kiss him, when he saw Jace out of the corner of his eye, walking toward him. He jerked back, and Magnus looked to see what Alec was looking at, and frowned at him.

"What is it, blondie?" Magnus asked.

Jace ignored Magnus and turned to Alec. "Did he track it?"

"Excuse me, but I'm right here. You could just ask me." Magnus said.

"Alright, warlock, did you track it?" Jace asked.

"No, I didn't." Magnus said.

"And why the hell not?"

"Because I don't know if you noticed, but this is a party. And I am the host. And as much as I love doing spy work, I'm not doing it now. But, rest assured, I will get on it first thing tomorrow. Now, if you're not here to enjoy my party I suggest you leave."

Jace turned and walked away. Once he was out of earshot, Magnus looked and Alec and asked, "Is he always like that?"

"He just takes his spy work seriously," Alec said.

"I think that's a bit of and understatement." Magnus said.

Alec chuckled and picked up his drink. He downed the rest of it, and looked around. "I haven't seen Izzy."

"I'm sure she's fine," Magnus said.

Alec nodded and turned to Magnus. He had two more drinks in his hand. He offered one to Alec. He took it and drank it. And then he drank another. And another.


"Where is Izzy?"

Magnus laughed. "I told you, she's fine."

"I'm going to look for her."

"Noo, you're staying here. You're not leaving me yet."



"You know your warlock friend?" 

"I have a lot of warlock friends."

"The one with blue skin."



"What about her?"

"Why is her skin blue?"

"It's a rare disease. So far, it hasn't harmed her in any way, but the doctors are worried it could make her susceptible to skin cancers."

Alec frowned. "That's so saad. I'm sorry." He tried to hug Magnus, but he basically just leaned into him and wrapped his arms around him. 

"It's okay, Alec."


"You know Magnus, this is a great party."

"I thought you didn't like parties."

Alec shook his head. "I like your parties. You're here, so I like them."

"What are you implying, Mr. Lightwood?"

Alec leaned in to whisper in Magnus' ear. "I like you."


Alec opened his eyes and looked around. He was on Magnus' couch in his apartment. Sunlight poured through the doors on the balcony.

What happened last night?

He got up and put himself in a sitting position on the couch. He rubbed his eyes and groaned. Just as he felt like he needed to puke, Magnus walked in. He pushed down the feeling and looked at Magnus. "Tea or coffee?" Magnus asked.

"Tea," Alec said, and he wished Magnus couldn't hear the tiredness in his voice.

Magnus walked to the kitchen, and busied himself with making the tea.

Alec wiped a hand across his face. He tried to remember the events of last night, and the last clear memory he had was of him talking to Jace early in the night. Everything after that was a blur.

Magnus came back with the tea and handed it to Alec. He took a sip and sighed with relief as the hot liquid went down his throat.

"That should help with your hangover. I used ginger, chlorella, and mint herbs."

Alec nodded and took another sip. "So, I was thinking later on today you could bring all your agents over and I could track your ring."

"Yeah, that sounds good." Alec set his tea down. He felt better already, and he'd only taken a few sips. Today was Sunday, which meant they normally didn't do much at the Institute. Training was optional, and very rarely were people sent on missions. It would have to be an emergency. This meant he could stay with Magnus a bit longer than he normally could.

"So, how are you feeling? Did the tea help any?" Magnus asked.

"Yes, it did. Thank you."

"If you're wondering, nothing happened between us last night. You passed out on the couch after everyone left." Magnus said.

Alec nodded. "I know. I don't know why, but I trust you. I always have."

Magnus nodded. "I trust you too, Alec."



After some small talk and another cup of tea, Alec left Magnus' apartment to make his way back to the Institute. Magnus didn't want him to leave, but then again, he never did. Last night had been one of the best parties he'd ever thrown, because Alec had been there.

"I loove this song."

"Really? Where have you heard this song?"

"Uhm...maybe Izzy?"

"Izzy was playing it?"

Alec shrugged. "I think so?"

"I didn't see Izzy as an Ariana Grande type girl."

"I knooow, right?"

Magnus shook his head. "Well, do you know what I love?"


"I love being here with you at this party."

"Me tooo." 

Alec was the cutest drunk. He had admitted to Magnus last night that he liked him, and Magnus couldn't have been happier. Sadly, Alec probably doesn't remember this, but he would get Alec to confess his feelings sober one day.


Magnus picked up the ring Alec had gave him and examined it. It was a Shadowhunter ring, so it should hold enough value to the wearer to track them with it. He prepped the living room for the tracking, and texted Alec to let him know he was ready. He heard a knock on the door shortly after.

Magnus opened the door with a flourish. "Welcome, Shadowhunters. Everyone inside, please." He ushered everyone in and shut the door.

"Who's this?" Magnus pointed a finger to a nervous looking guy who looked horribly out of place.

"This is Simon, my best friend. He's working undercover at the vampire agency." Clary said, and put a hand on Simon's shoulder. Simon put up a hand awkwardly.

Magnus wasn't sure what Raphael saw in him.

"Alright then, well, let's begin." Magnus made his way over to the tracking device. This part of the tracking was simple. He would attach whatever he was tracking to the device, and the device would scan for the owner of whatever he was tracking. In this case, there was an anti-tracking device installed near the owner, but Magnus could still track what area they were in.

"This is the area they're in," Magnus said, pointing to the GPS on the device.

"Alright, then, we can search the area, and we'll be bound to find something, right?" Alec said.

"Right," Jace said, and looked at Magnus. "We'll be on our way, then," he said and turned toward the door to leave.

"Thank you, Magnus," Alec said. "You're more than welcome to join us, if you'd like."

"Nah, I'm getting the feeling I wouldn't be welcomed by some of your agents," Magnus said and looked directly at Jace. "Rain check?"

Alec nodded. "Of course."

"Be careful out there," Magnus said. He looked into Alec's eyes with sincerity, to let him know he meant it.

"I will, Magnus. I promise."

Magnus smiled and began packing up the tracking device.

"Okay, everyone, let's get moving." Jace said. He walked out the door first and everyone followed until the only person left was Alec. He looked at Magnus one final time before closing the door behind him.



The Shadowhunters (and Simon) made it to the area that Magnus had tracked. Everyone began looking around for clues of the agents being here, or anyone being here, and Izzy sidled up beside Alec.

" and Magnus?" Izzy said, with a grin.

"What are you talking about?" Alec said, and tried to look busy with searching.

"I'm not blind, Alec. There's something between the two of you. I saw you last night and I saw you today."

"I don't know what it is you're seeing, were just...acquaintances."

"Yeah, just like me and Meliorn are 'acquaintances'. Admit it, you have feelings for Magnus."

"Look, we're on a mission, okay? And a very important one at that, so, can we please focus on the task at hand?"

"Fine. But we'll talk about this later," Izzy said and walked away.

Alec tried to focus on the mission, but he couldn't help but think about what Izzy had said. Did he have feelings for Magnus? And if so, should he tell Magnus?

Clary interrupted his thoughts. "Guys, look at this!"

Everyone began to walk toward where Clary was. "A hidden door. It must lead to something, right?"

"Is it open?" Simon asked.

"No, but it will be," Clary said. She got a door picking gadget out of her pocket and began working it. After a minute or so, the door popped open.

Everyone walked through the doors and began looking around. They were in an abandoned storage unit, and it was huge. And well organized. Gadgets of all kinds laid tables, including...

"Steles." Jace said, and picked one up to examine it. "These are just like the fake we got at Lincoln Square."

"So were in the right place." Alec said, and looked around.

Izzy picked up another gadget and examined it. "This technology is very similar to ours. Almost as if whoever made them had been around our equipment."

Clary picked up a tranquilizer gun and examined it. "Guys, does this mean anything?" She held up the gun, and in place of the Shadowhunter symbol was...a circle.

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