Bitter Sweet

By esteruu_

327 47 206

Y/N survived her chaotic, abusive and ignorant family as a kid but as soon as she turned 18 she decided to mo... More

Chapter 1: Arrival
Chapter 2: First Day
Chapter 3: Storage Room
Chapter 4: The gang
Chapter 5: New Hideout
Chapter 6: GSM
Chapter 7: The Devil
Chapter 8: Plans
Chapter 9: Sharing
Chapter 10: Secret Room
Chapter 11: Party Prep
Chapter 12: Party pt.1
Chapter 13: Party pt.2
Chapter 14: The Car Ride
Chapter 15: The Chef
Chapter 16: Family
Chapter 17: HELL WEEK?
Chapter 18: The Deal
Chapter 19: Babysitter
Chapter 20: Uncle Jake
Chapter 21: Confession (JK)
Chapter 22: Parks
Chapter 23: Stalker #2
Chapter 24: Confused
Chapter 25: He is my brother
Chapter 26: Lawyers
Chapter 27: Catch UP
Chapter 28: House Warming
Chapter 30: The 5 friends
Chapter 31: D-day!!!!
Chapter 32: Kim Brothers Company
Chapter 33: Chubbs
Chapter 34: Friends?
Chapter 35: Saved #1
Chapter 36: Fake Love
Chapter 37: Saved #2 and #3
Chapter 38: Aftermath
Chapter 39: Life goes on...
Chapter 40: Grown up
Chapter 41: Ceremony
Chapter 42: Beach/Bitch
Chapter 43: The Show
Chapter 44: Birthday
Chapter 45: leaving
i am leaving

Chapter 29: Companion

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By esteruu_

The rest of the week Y/N spent time by herself. She couldn't go to school because her father told her to skip school for a week to let the news die down.

Veronica was transferred to an overseas school and Parks continued to invite Y/N for their events. But Y/N kindly said she couldn't make it. She felt bad for Mrs Park and didn't want to make things worse.

Jimin visited. Suga visited. Jin brought some food over once in a while. Y/N didn't hear back from Mr Admirer. Jungkook kept disturbing Y/N.

Y/N did her research on the company. She did a thorough research about the company. The Chairman has a son also from their school. The food the president likes to eat. What he does during his free time. What he likes.

~y/n pov~

Soon it was Saturday. Jin picked Uncle and me at the house and we headed to the orphanage. I know that Uncle likes children cause he told me that joined the job because he loves kids.

Jin didn't mind Uncle tagging along.

Anyways, Uncle has been watching tv for days. I asked him to go out and maybe hook up buy no... so this was the only solution.

He is so lonely all the time and I feel bad.

Once we reached the orphanage I left Uncle in Jin's hands and made my way to the nursery. I misses Jun Ki a lot cause the last time I came he got adopted.

When I entered the nursery, I was surprised to find Jun Ki rolling around and entertaining himself. He is so adorable.

I carried him out and walked him around the orphanage. I couldn't but giggle at his cute expressions from time to time.

I eventually joined Uncle and Jin. Uncle was helping some kids with their homework. Jin was sitting down enjoying the smiles on everyone's face so Jun Ki and I joined him.

"Say hello to chubbs!!!" I said to Jin.

"Hello chubbs" he said pinching Jun Ki's cheeks.

Oh my my my how can...!!!!(fangirlmoment!!!)

"I thought Jun Ki just got adopted, why is he here?" he asked.

"I don't know but I missed him so much" I said and blew onto his cheeks to receive chuckles from him. Jin face from upset turned into his handsome smile.

~jin pov~

How can someone be so cute!!!!

Jun Ki too but more to Y/N. She usually doesn't smile this much.

After a while of playing with Jun Ki and Y/N I made my way to the kitchen to prepare lunch. Y/N came running and joined me empty handed.

"Where's Jun Ki?" I asked.

"Oh chubbs, he is with Uncle but you have me" Y/N said doing a flower with her face.

Ahhhhh my hear-tuuuu😍

I sighed trying to recollect myself and continued walking. In response, Y/N pushed me to the side jokingly. I shifted slightly.

"Hopefully you can help" I said sacartically.

Once lunch was ready, we joined Uncle Jake and Jun Ki. They seemed to be getting along so well.

~y/n pov~

Jun Ki and Uncle look so alike. Also Uncle looks really happy. Maybe we should adopt Jun Ki. But I am scared that Jun Ki might feel neglected if he is alone too. Here he has people around.

Ahhhhh I don't know!!!!

We played with the kids, had dinner and headed back home. Jin was staying over so he didn't have to come and pick us up again tomorrow morning.

At home, we all sat in the living room. Uncle was watching tv and both me and Jin were on our phones.

But Jun Ki's issue was bothering me so I went up to the tv and turned it off.

Uncle was glaring at me. Jin also slowly looked up from his phone.

"Uncle we need to talk!" I said.

"Can it wait. Sheila is going to cheat on that sweet pumpkin now!!!" he said now pleading.

"No, Uncle it is very important" I said firmly. Uncle nodded. Jin also sat up listening in.

"Fine go ahead" Uncle replied.

"Uncle you mean the world to me. Do you know that?" I said. He nodded in response.

"And I want you to be happy. So can we adopt Jun Ki" I said. I didn't like beating around the bush. hehehe😅

"Y/N is this for your happiness or my happiness cause raising a child is not a easy job" he replied.

"I've been thinking about it all through the car trip and I think it will be good for you and Jun Ki.

Jun Ki needs a loving parent who can give him all attention and you need someone to give your attention too" I said. Uncle still looked unconvinced.

"Comeon, you love kids. Also that kid has been through a lot and I don't want him to get hurt even more" I said taking a seat beside Uncle. Jin got up from the floor and made his way to his room as if he was intruding.

"Adopting a child is a huge responsibility and decision" Uncle said now hugging me. I just nodded unable to say anything as I was slightly affected to see Jun Ki the way he is.

"I know how much you love the kid. I do too. But this concerns his future. I don't want to destroy his future with one rash decision" he said

"You'll be giving him a future" I said now hugging Uncle tightly as tears fall from my eyes.

"He didn't do anything wrong to deserve such treatment. I just don't know how to help him" I said.

"We'll continue this conversation tomorrow honey. Its getting late and its time for you to go to bed" he said. I nodded and released myself from him and made my way to my room.

The next day, I woke up got dressed and messaged Mandy to tell her that I was coming back latee in the night.

Then I headed for the breakfast. Uncle and Jin were already down and they were having a conversation.

"Morning" I said happy still thinking events of yesterday. Both of them replied. I sat next to Jin facing Uncle and started eating. Today breakfast was a burger but it looked healthy. I got a bite and immediately I knew it was made by Jin.

"Thanks for brekky Jin" I said stuffing my face and smiling.

"Dear don't shallow and chew your food" Uncle said, handing me milo to drink. I nodded my head and continue enjoying my food.

"Y/N, I have some things to do so I'll meet Jin and you at the orphanage. I told Jin already and he doesn't mind" Uncle said.

"I don't mind too. Just stay safe Uncle" I said worried that he needed time.

"Okies then. You'll better start leaving if not the children will be disappointed" Uncle said.

We made our way to the orphanage.

"Is Uncle alright?" I asked Jin as they had quite a chat.

"He is fine but you. Your eyes are all puffy" he said.

"Oh I'm fine. I guess I got too emotional yesterday" I said.

"Y/N-ah it's not wrong to cry but try to understand why" he said patting my head. I just looked straight at the road ahead.

At the orphanage, Jin made me teach music. He told me that he heard from Uncle that I can play many instruments. I told him not to tell Yoongi cause I had lied to him heheh.

Uncle eventually joined us but he was spent a lot of time talking to Sister Bo Young.

Jin said he had somethings to do so he'll meet me in the house and send me home. Then he left.

I was busy teaching and playing that I didn't have time to visit Jun Ki. During dinner which Jin had bought, I saw Uncle carrying Jun Ki around.

Something is definitely happening but I can't out my finger on it!!!!

It was time to head home. I waited for Uncle in the car. There was a baby seat in the car.

No heck way!!!!

Uncle and Sister Bo Young appeared with Jun Ki. I came out of the car to bid her farewell. Uncle buckled Jun Ki in and we left.

At home, the house looked so different. It was baby proofed in such a short time. Jin joined us and we explored the house.

The nursery was near my room. Jin carried Jun Ki to Uncle's room and placed him on the bumper bed that was next to Uncle's bed.

Everyone was tired and it was getting late so I packed my bag. Jin and I made our way back to the dorms.


This was a long chapter!!!!

What is bighit feeding him!!?

He looks so young, I cannot!!!!

Armies happy festa!!! Enjoy and stay safe!!!!

FYI, Cherry Kookie is fatal!!!!


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