Intrigue ~l.t.~

By autumn1324

8.1K 426 1.2K

intrigue (noun) a mysterious or fascinating quality More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Author's Note
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 39

201 10 1
By autumn1324

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She said yes.

Granted she said yes, to hypothetically having children with me at some point down the line. This means that she has thought about our future, and that's all I need. That's the reassurance I needed to know that I wasn't crazy for feeling the way I do in such a short amount of time.

I love her.

I know, I've already told her this and had this realization, but now I know that Genevieve is my soulmate and that I am going to marry her. They say you know when you know, and now I know for a fact that I plan on marrying her, obviously sometime in the future.

However, I don't want to scare her away by throwing this realization out there, but I know that I can shake any doubts away. I know I have her, but there is a part of me that wonders if maybe I'm just temporary in her life. She and Niall have such a history, that I can't help but wonder if this is all in my head. I can't help but wonder if maybe they will end up together.

But I have faith in us, and I have faith that we will persevere. I believe that we are end game and that we will get through whatever life decides to through at us.

"Babe, have I told you how appreciative I am of you?" Genevieve asks breaking me from my thoughts. This girl always manages to make my heart skip a beat and bring a smile to my face.

"You've mentioned it," I say laughing lightly. I am incredibly proud of this girl.

"But I don't feel like there are enough words to describe my appreciation of you," she says smiling, laying her head on my shoulder.

"I appreciate it, babe," I say placing my hand on her leg as I begin to rub gentle circles.

Never did I think that at 23 I would be a father figure to a four-year-old and would have found the girl I'm going to marry, but it's funny how life works. Life likes to throw many curveballs and keep you on your toes. I know Genevieve and I are not actually together, yet, but they say you know when you know. I never understood that phrase until now. It's hard explaining how you know you've found the person you want to spend the rest of your life with, except that you know when you know.

The feeling I get when I'm around her. She makes me feel happy even when I'm not with her. I'm always lost in thought about her and wonder what she's up to when we aren't together, and I want nothing more than to be around her at all times.

"Louis, what year do you graduate again?" she says breaking my train of thought.

"Well technically I could graduate this spring, but I was really late in figuring out what I wanted to do with myself, so I'm set to graduate in the fall," I say. Technically I am a senior, based on the amounts of credits I have earned, but since I'm graduating late, I tell everyone I'm a Junior to avoid any confusion, even though in the fall I will be a part-time student. After next semester I will have only 3 classes to take and I will be moving into my apartment.

"But in the fall, I will be part-time, only being enrolled in 3 classes I'll be forced to move off-campus since the school doesn't allow part-time students to live in on-campus housing," I say, updating her on my current academic situation.

"What's the difference between full time and part-time?" She asks.

"Well you're considered full time if you are enrolled in at least 12 credit, and part-time if you're in less than that," I say explaining this to her. "That is why academic counselors and financial aid advise that you are taking at least 12 credits, otherwise your financial aid is different," I say shrugging knowing that I will have to start looking for a job soon so I can pay for my final semester.

"How is that going to affect your scholarships," She says, knowing that I have been awarded enough scholarships and government grants that I don't have to take out any student loans.

"I won't have any," I say knowing she's going to start worrying about where I'm going to get the money. "But I'll figure it out, I have a lead on a few jobs and internships, so I'm hoping my advisor can set something up for me," I say smiling at her, calming her nerves. I look out the window for the first time since we've been in this cab, and I begin to recognize our surroundings which means we are entering Doncaster.

"Daddy – I mean Louis, how much longer?" Jonah says, and I ignore him calling me his father, knowing Jonah is sensitive about these things.

"Probably about twenty more minutes," I say knowing it depends on the traffic lights and traffic. However, Donny doesn't have the same level of traffic as the states do, because a lot of us carpool or walk everywhere.


We finally arrived at my childhood home after, as Jonah would say, what felt like forever. However, in reality, it was just another 30 minutes. There was a lot more traffic today in Donny than there normally is, so our three-hour drive was just under four hours.

"I promise, there usually isn't this much traffic in Donny, but it is the holidays, so it makes sense," I say pushing my door open, and stepping out of the cab. Once I have fully escaped the car I begin to stretch since I've been crammed in the back seat of a cab for almost four hours.

"Lou, I promise I don't mind. The drive was absolutely stunning, I swear it was straight out of a movie or something," Genevieve says following behind me, grabbing Jonah's travel bag, and his hand – to help him out of the car.

"That one thing I love about Donny is how beautiful it is out there, I swear I've never been anywhere in America that's even half as beautiful as Doncaster, no offense," I say bragging on my home town a little bit. What can I say? I'm a proud Doleite.

"Da- Louis, are please tell me we've made it," Jonah says looking exhausted. The poor lad tried taking a nap, but we were so close to arriving that Genevieve wouldn't let him nap.

"Yes champ, we made it," I say smiling. "Now let's help your mum get our bags out of the back," I say feeling so happy to be home. I walk to the back of the taxi, where Genevieve is struggling to carry some of the bags, and I lift it up helping her out.

"Louis, I can do it," She says trying to argue with me about how she is a strong independent woman, and I just roll my eyes.

"Just because you can, doesn't mean you should," I say shrugging as I lay the bags on the ground lining them up to make sure we have everything before walking off. "Jonah, here carry this one to the front door while I pay the driver," I say pulling my wallet out of my pocket, handing him my credit card.

The driver takes the card from my hands and runs it in the machine, and hands it back to me.

"American card?" He questions.

"Yes, that where I live now, but I requested it be an international card to prevent confusion," I say laughing, putting the card back in the wallet, and placing it back in my pocket. I turn around and see Genevieve trying to pick up more bags than she should.

"Babe stop, you take those two," I say pointing to the lightest bags. "I'll take these," I say taking the bags she's attempting to carry."

"But those are my bags," She says trying to oppose, but I don't listen and just walk off carrying the bags to the door. Genevieve and I finally met Jonah at the door, who is anxiously moving.

"Can I go in now? I really have to pee," Jonah says beginning to dance.

"Yes baby, go," Genevieve says. Jonah opens the door and runs in, and drops his stuff by the door.

"Take a left and it's the first door to the right," I yell at Jonah so that he can use the restroom.

"Louis, baby!" Me mum yells from the kitchen.

"Louis!" my sister Emily yells and joins me in the family room.

"Is this Genevieve?" me mum asks as she joins us, wiping her hands on her apron.

"Hi Mrs. Tomlinson," Genevieve says letting her hand out so me mum can shake it.

"Oh sweetie, please call me Johannah. I stopped being Mrs. Tomlinson when Louis was 4. I'm a Deakin now," she says smiling.

"I'm so sorry Johannah, I didn't realize," Genevieve says apologizing.

"Sweetie, don't stress it," she says smiling. "And I would hug you guys, but I'm cooking and have been working around the house all day, so I'll hold off until I'm done cooking and get a chance to clean up."

"Mum, you know I don't care," I say smiling, giving me mum a hug

Hi guys, I'm back!

What did you guys think?

What do you think will happen in the chapters to come?

I love you guys!

- Autumn<3

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