
By malec_endgame

7.5K 360 13

Magnus Bane is an agent of the warlocks, who despise the Shadowhunters, agents of the Clave. But when Magnus... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 6

248 16 0
By malec_endgame

Mission 4: Breaking and Entering


Magnus stood beside Catarina in a large group of people. Agent Fell had called a meeting at the agency. They hadn't had one since they lost the necklace, and Magnus assumed this meeting would be related to it.

"Alright, now that everyone's here, let's get right down to business. As you all may or may not know, the Shadowhunters have had agents going missing as of late. And while that might be bad news to them, it's great for us because it opens the prime opportunity to get the necklace back."

"Now, they have almost all their agents working trying to find the missing agents, so that leaves their agency nearly empty. I need a team to go into the Institute and get the necklace. I've got intel on where they are keeping it, so all you have to do is get in and get out. I want Raphael to head it alongside Magnus and Lorenzo."

You've got to be kidding me.

Ragnor knew Magnus didn't like, no, hated Lorenzo. He had never liked Magnus, and Magnus wasn't really sure why. He had never done anything to him. But, nevertheless, he had had it out for Magnus since the beginning, when he training to become an agent.

And Ragnor knew this, so why would he put them on such an important mission together? Once Ragnor dismissed the agents, Magnus made his way to him.

"Can I talk to you..privately?" Magnus asked.

Ragnor nodded and gestured towards his office. Magnus took this as a sign to follow him, so he did so.

Once they were in Fell's office, Magnus shut the door behind him and sat down comfortably in one of the chairs.

"You want to know why I put Lorenzo on the mission." Ragnor said.

"Like hell I do. You know how I feel about Lorenzo."

"Yes, I do. And I also know that you can be professional and not let personal issues get in the way, right?"

"Right." Magnus said, with a hint of sarcasm. Ragnor noticed it, but didn't address it.

"Look, like it or not, I want Lorenzo on this mission. He will be a valuable asset to you and Raphael, I assure you."

"And how is that? By boasting about how talented he is instead of actually doing anything?"

"No. Lorenzo is one of our best trackers. And you might have known that if you didn't only focus on his flaws."

"Well, it's hard to miss when there's so many of them."

Ragnor is quiet for a moment. "Have you gotten all your snarky comments out of your system? I don't want to hear one word about you two not getting along."

"I'm good." Magnus said.

"Good. Now, if that's all..?"

"Yes, that's all." Magnus said.

"You are dismissed." Ragnor said, and immediately busied himself with some paperwork.

Magnus left Ragnor's office deflated. He had hoped to change Ragnor's mind about Lorenzo, but he seemed suprisingly stubborn about it. Maybe there was more to Lorenzo than he first thought..

As if, Magnus thought with a chuckle. Magnus rounded a corner and ran into the one and only. Literally. He bumped into him as he went around.

"Watch where you're going, Mr. Bane," Lorenzo said, with anger in his tone.

"What a pleasure bumping into you, Mr. Rey. I'm looking forward to working with you," Magnus said with heavy sarcasm.

Lorenzo gave him a fake smile. "So, I'm assuming you were just whining about me to Agent Fell, right?"

Magnus returned a fake smile. "No, I was discussing some other business. Why would I complain about working with an agent as great as yourself? Unless, you're not all you're cracked up to be.."

"Good day, Mr. Bane. I will see you on our mission." And with that, Lorenzo strode off, looking as confident and smug as ever.

Working with Lorenzo might be harder than the mission itself.


Magnus met up with his fellow agents a couple blocks from the Institute. He had been so distracted by the fact that Lorenzo was on the mission with him that he hadn't even thought about the fact that they were breaking into his potential boyfriend's agency.

He didn't want to hurt his feelings, but if he found out, he would understand it was just business, right?

"So, there are two guards in the back. Magnus and I will take them out while Lorenzo goes in to look for the necklace. Todos entienden?" Raphael said, and looked at the two of us.

I can't argue, I can't argue...

"Yeah, I got it." Magnus said.

"Wow, no argument from Mr. Bane? That must be the surprise of the century." Lorenzo said.

"I know how to act professionally, Mr. Rey. We have a mission to complete." Magnus replied.

He walked towards where Raphael said the guards were, and saw one with his back turned. Magnus quickly pulled out his tranquilizer gun and shot him. He fell the ground with a thump and the other guard quickly looked in Magnus' direction and spotted him.

He pulled out his gun and aimed at him, but Raphael hit him before he had a chance to pull the trigger.

"Did Lorenzo get in?" Magnus asked.

"I believe so. Come on," Raphael said, and walked into the Institute. Magnus followed him. He has great tracking skills, he didn't see why Lorenzo was the one that was tracking the necklace. Magnus was sure he could find it in record time.

He followed Raphael into the Institute, going down hallway after hallway, and just when it seemed that they were lost, Raphael said "Lorenzo's down this hallway."

And there he was, holding the precious necklace in his hands. "Too easy," Lorenzo said, looking way too proud of himself.

"Did you run into any trouble?" Raphael asked.

"Nope. I just came in, and got the necklace."

"Um, doesn't all this seem to be a bit too easy to you guys?" Magnus asked. "Maybe we should examine it just to be sure.."

"You're just mad it's not you holding this necklace right now." Lorenzo said with a smirk.

Of course Lorenzo would take it that way. "You know what? Never mind. Let's just get out of here." Magnus said.

"Yes, we should leave. The Shadowhunters could return at any moment." Raphael said.

So we all quickly came out the way we left, stepped over the the still unconscious guards, and got the hell out of there. Once they were a couple blocks down, Lorenzo said "I'll take this to the agency. You both can go home."

And let Lorenzo take all the credit? Hell no.

"Actually, I think I'll go with you. The agency is closer than my apartment is, anyway. And Raphael was the head of the mission, so he should be there as well." Magnus said, and looked to Raphael for backup.

"Magnus is correct. It would be indecent of me to not show up to give a mission report, I would think." Raphael added.

Lorenzo shrugged. "Suit yourselves," he said.

Once we got to the agency, Lorenzo got the necklace out and looked at it again. "The necklace is back where it belongs," he said happily.

If only he knew the truth. Actually, he don't think it would matter. Magnus didn't think Lorenzo had a heart, so he wouldn't care.

They all walked to Agent Fell's office and Raphael stepped in front of Lorenzo to knock on the door. Magnus smiled. He was glad Raphael put him in his place. He opened the door and Ragnor looked at us with hope.

"Did you secure the necklace?" he asked.

Raphael begins to answer but Lorenzo cut him off. "Yes, I found the necklace and got it here safely. It's right here." He pulled it out to show Fell.

He made it seem like he did all the work. He's such an ass.

Ragnor took the necklace from Lorenzo and examined it. The smile on his face quickly turned to a frown and he looked up at Lorenzo.

"Rey, this is a fake."

"Sir, I don't know what you're talking about. How can it be a fake? I tracked it and.."

"You tracked a fake. Did you even stop to look at it once you found it?"

No, he was too busy gloating to let any of us look at it.

"Yes sir, I.." Lorenzo stammered. He looked at Raphael and I with pleading in his eyes, and I looked back at him blankly. He deserved every bit of this.

"..I guess I didn't look at it as throughly as I should have. I apologize." Lorenzo finished, and looked down in shame.

Ragnor looked at him with disappointment before looking at the other agents. "Go home. We'll discuss this tomorrow."

They all filed out of Agent Fell's office. Even though the mission was a fail, he had to admit, seeing Lorenzo get reprimanded was a small win in his book.

And as far as the necklace was concerned, he hoped Ragnor would give it up soon. It belonged to the Shadowhunters, and besides, the warlocks no longer had to show the Clave anything. They had proved themselves a long time ago. A silly necklace wasn't going to change that.

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